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中考英语教材一本通 八下 Unit 56.docx

1、中考英语教材一本通 八下 Unit 56八年级下册Units 56 类别 新课标要求 重点词汇拓展 (v.)reporter (n.) 记者 2.match (v.)matches (pl.) 火柴 3.sleep (v.)asleep (adj.)睡着的awake(反义词 adj.)醒着的 4.fall (v.)fell(过去式 v.)fallen(adj.)倒下的;落下的 5.kid (n.)kids(pl.) 孩子 6.recent (adj.)recently(adv.) 不久前;最近 7.true (adj.)truly(adv.)真正;确实truth(n.) 事实

2、;实情 8.weak (adj.)strong(反义词 adj.)强壮的 9.marry(v.)married(adj.)结婚的 10.begin(v.)beginning(n.)开始 11.heavily(adv.)heavy(adj.)重的 12.suddenly(adv.)sudden(adj.)突然的 13.strange(adj.)stranger(n.)陌生人 14.wood(n.)wooden(adj.)木制的冰冷的 pletely(adv.)complete(v.)完成 17.silence(n.)silent(adj.)沉寂的 18.s

3、hoot(v.)shot(过去式)shot(过去分词) 19.husband(n.)wife(n.对应词)妻子金子制的 重点短语记忆 1.go off (闹钟)发出响声 2.pick up 接电话 3.fall asleep 睡着;进入梦乡 4.die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 5.have a look 看一看 6.make ones way 前往;费力地前进 silence 沉默;无声 8.take down 拆除;往下拽;记录 first 首先;最初 10.instead of 代替;反而 11.turn.

4、 into 变成 12.fall in love 爱上;喜欢上 13.get married 结婚 busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 15.wake up 醒来 16.a little bit 有点儿;稍微 17.once upon a time 从前 e out 出版;开花 19.for the first time 第一次 重点句型整理 1.What were you doing at eight last night? 昨天晚上八点你正在做什么? 2.What was he doing when the rainstorm came? 当暴风雨来时他正在做什么? 3

5、.What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? 当琳达睡觉时珍妮在做什么? 4.How does the story begin? 故事是如何开始的? 5.What happened next? 接下来发生了什么? 6.While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.当琳达在睡觉时,詹妮正在帮玛丽做作业。 7.With no light outside,it felt_ like midnight.外面没有光亮,感觉像是半夜。 8.I had trouble_ t

6、hinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.我难以清楚地想起那以后的事因为我很害怕。 9.It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain.移山似乎是不太可能的。 10.You have different opinions about the story,and neither of you are wrong.对于这个故事,你们有不同的观点,并且你们两个人都是对的。 11.Did you hear our stepmother planning_ to kill us?你听到继母正计

7、划着杀死我们吗? 12.Unless we do,we wont find our way out.除非我们(这样)做,否则我们不会找到出路。 【常考词汇 1.pick uppick up the phone 接电话 【知识点睛】当 pick up 后接代词作宾语时,代词应位于 pick 与 up 之间。 pick up 为动副词型短语,意为“拿起,捡起;(开车)接人;(偶然)得到”;“恢复健康”、 “继续(讲故事、谈话、友谊等)”意思等。 I would have picked it up if I had noticed it. 如果我看见的话, 我早就把它捡起来了。 Tom picked

8、 up the phone and dialed the number.汤姆拿起电话,拨打了号码。 I will pick you up at five.我五点钟来接你。 Heres a tip I picked up from my mother.告诉你一个窍门,我是从我妈妈那里学来的。 【即时演练】1) When he saw a wallet on the ground,he _A_ at once. Apicked it up Bgave it up Cpicked up it Dgave up it 2)Do you _A_ your son after school? No.He

9、comes back home on the school bus. Apick up Blook after Cdrop in Dsend for 2.against 【知识点睛】against 介词,意为“倚;碰;撞”。还可意为“反对”,此时其反义词为 for(赞成),表示强烈反对一般用副词 strongly 来修饰。 He put the ladder against the wall.他把梯子靠在墙边上。 The rain beats against the car windscreen.雨打在汽车挡风玻璃上。 They are against the plan.他们反对这个计划。 【

10、即时演练】1)Im _A_ building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. Aagainst Bon Cin Dfor 3.remind 【知识点睛】remind 动词,意为“提醒;使想起”,后常接名词或代词作宾语,常用于以下结构中: remind sb.of sth.使某人回想起或意识到某物/事 remind do sth.提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that.提醒某人 The story reminds me of my happy childhood

11、.这个故事让我想起了我快乐的童年。 My parents often remind me to study hard.我父母常提醒我努力学习。 I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑之前回家。 【即时演练】1)昨晚的电视节目使我姐姐想起两年前在山村支教的经历。 The TV program last night _reminded_ my sister of her _experience_ as a volunteer teacher in the mountain village two years ago. 2)

12、The song Where did the time go_B_ the old days and the love of family. Sure. Its my favorite song. Ahelps us out Breminds us of Clets us down Dregards us as 4.go off (闹钟)发出响声 【知识点睛】 go off 除表示“发出响声”外,还可作以下意思讲: (1)(食物等)变坏。 (2)(电、自来水、煤气等)供源被切断、停止供应;(电灯等)熄灭。 Listen! The alarm clock is going off.听!闹铃响了。

13、 Meat goes off easily in hot weather.在热天, 肉很容易变坏。 Suddenly the lights went off. 灯突然熄灭了。 常考搭配:go after 追求;追捕 go ahead 走在前面;继续前进 go away 离去 go back 回去 go by 走过;过去 go over 复习;(仔细)检查 【常考句型 易错辨析】 1Tell us what happened yesterday morning. 告诉我们昨天上午发生了什么。(Unit 5) 【妙辨异同】 happen 与 take place happen 指偶然发生,具有不可

14、预测性,主语一般是某物/某事。表示“某人发生什么事”时用 sth.happen to sb.。happen 还可以表示“碰巧”,常用 sb.happento do sth.和 It happensthat 从句 take place 指事先计划好或预先布置而发生,指某种确定事件 What happened to him?他怎么了? I happened to know his brother.It happened that I knew his brother.我碰巧认识他弟弟。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了很大的

15、变化。温馨提示:happen 和 take place 都没有被动语态。 2What was he doing when the rainstorm came? 当暴风雨来时他正在做什么? He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.暴风雨来时他正在图书馆看书。 What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? 当琳达睡觉时珍妮在做什么?(Unit 5) 【知识点睛】was/were现在分词,为过去进行时态的结构。表示过去某一时间里正在发生的动作或存在的状态。 【妙辨异同】 when 与

16、 while 不 同点 when 意为“在时刻或时期”,它兼指“时间点”与“时间段”,引导从句的谓语动词既可以是终止性动词,又可以是持续性动词。从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。 while 只指“时间段”,不指“时间点”,从句的谓语动词只限于延续性动词。主句的动作发生在从句动作发生的过程中或主、从句两个动作同时发生;若从句与主句动作同时发生,主、从句都用进行时。 共同点 when 和 while 这两个词都有“当的时候”之意,都可以引导时间状语从句 when 和 while 还可作并列连词。when 表示“在那时”;while 表示“而;

17、却”,表示对照关系。 when 可用于表示“一就”的句型中,若主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。 When I came into the classroom,they were reading.我进教室时,他们正在读书。 When she was young,she liked playing tennis.她年轻时喜欢打网球。 While I was watching TV,she knocked at the door.我正在看电视时,她来敲门了。 while 与 when 在过去进行时中位置的转换: While John was playing the piano,Mary l

18、eft the house.约翰在弹钢琴时,玛丽离开了家。 John was playing the piano when Mary left the house.当玛丽离开家时,约翰在弹钢琴。 【归纳拓展】 while 作连词时,意为“然而”,表示转折关系;while 作名词时,表示“一会儿;一段时间”。 I like pears while my brother doesnt.我喜欢梨,弟弟却不喜欢。(连词) The rain will fall in no while.马上就要下雨了。(名词) 【即时演练】1)Amy was reading a book _A_ I came in. A

19、when Bwhile Cbecause Dthough 2)Turn off the water while you _C_ your teeth or washing your hands. Awere brushing Bbrush Care brushing Dbrushed 3But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains? 但是不把山移开,愚公还能做什么?(Unit 6) 【知识点睛】 instead of 是固定短语,意为“代替;反而”, 后跟名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。 She reads books in

20、stead of watching TV on weekends. 她在周末读书而不是看电视。 【妙辨异同】 instead 与 instead of (1)instead 意为“代替”,是副词。在句中作状语,通常位于句尾。位于句首时常用逗号与后面隔开,在顺接关系的句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折关系的句子中作“然而”讲。 (2)instead of 是短语介词,其后要接名词、代词、动词-ing 形式作宾语。用 instead of 时,of 后面的事情是不去做的。 He is too tired to go;let me go instead.他太累了,去不了,让我去吧。 We went the

21、re on foot instead of taking a bus.我们没乘公交车,而是步行去了那儿。温馨提示:有时二者可以进行转换。 She went swimming instead of playing tennis. She didnt play tennis. She went swimming instead.她去游泳了,而没有打网球。 4But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. 但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能把自己变成人。(Unit 6) 【知识点睛】 (1)unless

22、意思为“如果不;若非;除非”,引导条件状语从句,相当于 if. not。 I sleep with the window open unless its cold. 天气若不冷,我总开着窗户睡觉。 (2)turn.into. 固定短语,意为“(使某人/某物)变成”。 The sofa can turn into a bed. 这沙发可以变成一张床。 5Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. 因为它们是这么大,以至于走到另一面要花费很长时间。(Unit 6) 【知识点睛】so. th

23、at. 意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。句中的 so 是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词。 My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop. 我的双腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。 【归纳拓展】 以“so. that”引导的结果状语从句可以转换成不定式的简单句,即可转换为“.enough to.”或“”句型,但这种转换必须符合下列条件: (1)当主句和从句的主语一致,且 that 从句是肯定句时,可用“enough to do sth.”来转换。 The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy

24、 box. The man is strong enough to lift the heavy box. 这个人这么壮,能举起这个重箱子。 (2)当主句和从句的主语不一致,且 that 从句是肯定句时,可以用“enough for sb. to do sth.”来替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。 The question is so easy that I can work it out.The question is easy enough for me to work out. 对我来说这个问题这么简单,我能做出来。 (3)当主句和从句的主语一致,且 that 从句是否定句时,可以用“

25、”来替换。 The girl is so young that she cant dress herself.The girl is too young to dress herself. 这个女孩太小了,不能自己穿衣服。 (4)当主句和从句的主语不一致,且 that 从句是否定句时,如果要用“”替换“so.that.”,则用介词 for 引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,可以用“too.for sb. to do sth.”来替换,注意不定式的宾语要省略。 The bag is so heavy that she cant move it.The bag is too h

26、eavy for her to move.这个包对她来说太重了,她搬不动。 6The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop smiling when they got married.这对新人是这么幸福,他们结婚时不停地笑。(Unit 6) 【知识点睛】 (1)stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事。 Stop talking.Lets have a class.别讲话了,我们上课吧。 cant stop doing sth.意为“禁不住做某事”。 The children couldnt stop open

27、ing the presents.孩子们禁不住打开了礼物。 【归纳拓展】 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事(指停止手中的事去做另一件事);stop sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生,其同义短语是:keep sb./sth. from doing sth.或 prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.。 (2) marry v.嫁;娶;与结婚 marry 可作及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,意为“嫁给” “娶” “和结婚”,其后直接跟宾语,不能说 marry with sb,而要用 marry sb.。用作不及物

28、动词时,意为“结婚”,常用状语修饰。 John is going to marry Jane. 约翰将要和简结婚。 She married a man with a lot of money.她嫁给了一个很有钱的人。 He married very early. 他结婚很早。 Tom married that beautiful girl. 汤姆和那个美丽的女孩结婚了。 She married her daughter to a doctor.她把女儿嫁给了一位医生。 【妙辨异同】 get married 与 be married get married 意为“结婚”,表示动作,不能与 how

29、 long,for和since等表示一段时间的时间状语连用 相同点:二者都可以和介词 to连用,但不能接 with。即 be/get married to sb.与某人结婚。 be married 意为“结婚”,表示状态,用于指婚姻状况,能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用 When did she get married?她什么时候结婚的? They have been married for five years.他们结婚已经五年了。 【即时演练】1)When did you _A_ Mary? Last year. Amarry Bget married Cmarry with Dget ma

30、rried with 2)She _B_ for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter. Amarried Bhas been married Cgot married Dhas got married 7Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house. 然后他们听到从房间内传来一位老妇人的声音。(Unit 6) 【知识点睛】 voice 名词,意为“说话声;嗓音”。 I could hear voices in the next room. 我能听到隔壁说话的声音。 【妙辨异同

31、】 voice,sound 与 noise 都可以表示“声音”,区别如下: voice 用于人时,指说话、唱歌或发笑的声音。用于其他方面时,常表示悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声、乐器声等。 sound 作名词表示“声音”时,是自然界各种声音的总称 noise 专指“噪音”或“不悦耳的声音” I didnt recognize her voice on the telephone.在电话里,我没听出她的声音。 Sound travels slower than light.声音比光传播得慢。 There is so much noise in this restaurant. I can hardly hear you talking. 这个餐厅太吵了,我几乎听不到你说话。 温馨提示:

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