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1、医学英语选择题doc第一单元:1. The correct spelling form for “血管紧张素原” is _-tensionogen?a. angle- b. angio- c. vaso- d. vessel 2. The Chinese meaning for the word “angiotensin” is _.a. 血管紧张素原 b. 血管成型c. 血管舒缩活动d. 血管紧张素3. The medical terms for “房室传导阻滞” is _ ventricular block. a. atrio- b. arterio- c. aorto- d. atret

2、o-4. The Chinese meaning for the word “arteriography” is _. a. 主动脉造影 b. 动脉造影 c. 静脉造影 d.血管造影5. The correct spelling form for “瓣膜炎” is _ -itis. a. valvulo b. valvul c. valve d. valveo6. Fill in the blank with the combining part for the “动脉石”_ -lith? a. artero; b. atrio c. arterio d. atriolo7. The corr

3、ect spelling form for “静脉造影”is _-graphy. a. veino- b.veno- c. vaso- d. phleo- 8. Fill in the blank with the combining form for the medical term“心音图”phono-_-gram a. heart b. cardi c. cardio d. cor9. Fill in the blank with the combining part for the medical term “瓣膜成形术”_-plasty a. valvulo b. valva c.

4、valvo d. valvula 10. The correct translation for“最强心尖搏动点”is point of maximal _. a. pulse b. pulsation c. impulse d. impulsation 11. The Chinese meaning for “interatrial”is _. a. 室间的 b. 心内的 c. 心房的 d.房间的12. Which is the correct translation for“circumventricular”? a. 室间的 b. 心室的 c.室周的 d. 室旁的 13. The Chi

5、nese explanation for“endoarteritis”is_. a. 动脉炎 b. 脉管炎 c. 动脉内膜炎 d. 主动脉炎 14. The combining form used mostly for the term“_graphy血管造影”is. a. aretere b. angio c. vaso d. veno15. The English equivalent for the word“血管炎”is_. a. phlebitis b. vessel inflammation c. vasculitis d. angitis脉管炎16. The Chinese ex

6、planation for“aortography”is_. a. 动脉造影 b. 小动脉造影 c. 中动脉造影 d. 主动脉造影 17. The correct word for“静脉炎”is_. a. phlebitis b. veinitis c. venitis d. venulitis 18. The Chinese meaning for “mesangiocapillary”is_. a. 肺毛细血管旁 b. 肾小球膜毛细血管的mesangiocapillary c. 毛细血管后 d. 毛细血管前19. The Chinese explanation for “arteriolo

7、sclerois”is_. a. 大动脉硬化 b. 中动脉硬化 c. 小动脉硬化 d. 动脉硬化20. There is one English expression not for“心肌病”and it is _. a. myocardium b. cardiomyopathy c. myocardiopathy d. myocardiosis (非炎性)心肌变性病21. Combine“arterio”and “plasty” and it means_. a.动脉成形术 b. 动脉造影 c. 动脉石 d. 动脉内膜炎 22. To make a word pertaining to th

8、e heart and blood vessels is_. a. cardioventricular b. cardioversion c. cardiovalvular d. cardiovascular 23. Which word in the following means inflammation of arteriole? a. metaarteriole b. arteriolitis c. arteriolosclerosis d. arteriolar 24. Which word in the following means inflammation of artery?

9、 a. atritis b. arteritis c. arthritis d. angitis 25. The inflammation with condition marked by infiltration of the coats of the vein and the formation of a thrombus is _. a. venitis b. phlebitis; c. thrombophlebitis d. veinitis 26. The word resembling a hair or the minute vessels to connect the arte

10、rioles小动脉and venules小静脉is_. a. capillary b. capilary c. capcular d. capcullar27. Which form in the following has nothing to do with“脉搏”? a. pulse b. impulse c. pulso- d. sphygmo-28. The instrument used to test the pulse is called as _. a. pulsoscopy b. pulsoscope c. sphygmoscopy d. sphygmoscope 29.

11、The correct order in Chinese for “arteriovenous, venoarterial, intravenous, atrioventricular” is _. a. 动静脉的-静动脉的-静脉内的-房室的 b. 静动脉的-静脉内的-房室的-动静脉的 c.静脉内的-动静脉的-静动脉的-房室的 d. 房室的-动静脉的-静动脉的-静脉内的30. Fill in the blank with the combining form for the medical term“心动脉博图”_-cardiogram. a. pulse b. pulso c. sphygm

12、o d. pulsed 第二单元:1. The correct spelling form for “支气管炎” is _?a. branchochitis b. bronchitis c. brancheitis d. bronchoeitis 2. The Chinese meaning for “pneumocystosis” is _.a. 肺尘埃沉着症b. 泡状棘球蚴病. 肺囊虫病d. 泡状棘球的3. The common word “windpipe” is related to _. a. trachy- b. trachelo- c. teacho- d. tracheo-4.

13、 The English term for “气管切开术” is _. a. tracheotomy b. tracheoectomy c. bronchiectomy d. bronchoectomy5. The Chinese meaning for “pneumothorax” is _.a. 气胸 b. 肺胸 c. 肺积气 d. 胸积气 6. In medical term, the combining form strictly related to “throat”is_ . a. laryngo-; b. larygo- c. pharyngo- d. pharygo-7. Wh

14、ich in the following has nothing to do with the Chinese meaning“鼻”? a. nose b. naso- c. rhino- d. -rrhea 8. Which in the following has nothing to do with “breath”? a. inspiration b. spirochaeta c. expiration d. respiration9. The correct medical term for“心肺的”is_ . a. heart pulmonary b. corpulmonary c

15、. cardiopulmonary d. core pulmonary 10. The correct Chinese explanation for“bronchioloalveolar”is _. a. 支气管肺泡的 b. 支气管牙槽的 c. 细支气管牙槽的 d. 细支气管肺泡的 11. The correct spelling form for “支气管扩张”is _. a. bronchioectasis b. branciectasis c. bronchiectasis d. bronchioloectasis12. Fill in the blank the combining

16、form for the medical term“鼻测压机” _-manometer a. naso b. rhino c. nose d. laryngo 13. The English explanation for“细支气管炎”is_. a. bronchitis b. peribronchiolitis c. tracheobranchitis d. bronchiolitis 14. The Chinese meaning for“tracheotomy”is_. a. 气管切开术 b. 支气管切开术 c. 细支气管切开术 d. 子宫切开术15. Which word in the

17、 following represents the abnormal respiration? a. pneumoperitonue b. orthopnea c. expiration d. pneumaturia 气尿16. The combining form“spiro-”is related to _. a. breath b. air c. lung d. chest 17. The word“胸腔穿刺术”means_ in English? a. pleuritis b. thoracentesis c. alveococcosis d. thoracoacromial18. T

18、he combining form only denoting relationship to“lung”is_. a. pleuro- b. pneumato- c. pneumono- d. alveo- 19. The synonym of the word “laryngo”is_. a. throat b. pharynx c. glottis声门 d. upper part of windpipe20. The common word“breath”is not related to _.a. pneumo-肺,空气 b. pneumato-呼吸,气体 c. pneumono-肺

19、d. -pnea 21. The word“glottic”means_ in English. a. tongue b. tongue, glottis c. glottis d. tongue, nomanclature 22. The English equivalent for the word “气管支气管炎”is_. a. bronchitis b. tracheobronchitis c. bronchiolitis d. peribronchiolitis23. The expression for lung function which is used most often

20、is_. a. pneumonofunction b. pneumofunction c. pulmonary function d. pulmofunction 24. The correct spelling form for “胸肩峰的” is_. a. thoracoacromial b. thoracacromial c. thoracocromial d. torachacromial 25. Fill in the blank the combining form for the medical term “电声门图” electro-_graphy. a. glottis- b

21、. glotto-; c. glottic- d. glotti- 26. The correct spelling form for “肺泡毛细血管的” is _. a. pulmonocapillary b. pneumonocapillary c. pneumatocapillary d. alveocapillary27. The correct order in English for “胸膜腹膜的,胸肩峰的,胸背的,胸膜心包的” is? a. thoracoacromial-thoracodorsal-pleuropericardial-pleuroperitoneal b. pl

22、europericardial-thoracodorsal- thoracoacromial-pleuroperitoneal c. pleuroperitoneal thoracoacromial thoracodorsal - pleuropericardiald. thoracodorsal- thoracoacromial- pleuroperitoneal - pleuropericardial28. The Chinese explanation of the English word “pneumoconiosis” is肺尘埃沉着症、尘肺病. a. right b. wrong

23、 c. its hard to say d. it depends 29. The English term for “支气管造影摄片” is_. a. tracheogram b. trachegram c. bronchogram d. bronchiologram30. Fill in the blank with the combining form for the medical term“气管食管的”_-esophageal. a. broncho- b. tracheo- c. windpiple d. trache- 第三单元1. The item pertaining to

24、or supplying both muscles and skin is called as _.a. musculocutaneous b. musculotendinous c. muscular d. muscle 2. Which of the following items refers to the oxygen-transporting pigment of muscle, a conjugated protein共轭蛋白质?a. myocardium b. myoglobin c. myotonia d. myosin肌球蛋白 3. The given morphemes a

25、re all combining forms of “bone” except _. a. os b. osseo- c. oscheo- d. osteo-4. Inflammation of joints is terms as _. a. arthrodesis b. arthroplasty c. arthritic d. arthritis5. A sheet or band of fibrous tissue which lies deep to the skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of th

26、e body is _. a. facies b. face c. facet小平面 d. fascia(拉)筋膜6. A bone, curved like the letter “f”, articulates (joints) with the sternum and scapula, forming either anterior half of the shoulder girdle is called as_ . a. sternum b. rib c. clavicle d. calcaneus7. The triangular-shaped bone formed usuall

27、y by five fused vertebrae that are wedged楔xi形的 dorsally between the two hip bones is _ . a. axis b. coccyx c. sacrum d. atlas 8. Pick out the one which aids cartilaginous activity and thus promote the growth of new cartilage. a. chondroblast b. synchondrosis c. perichondrium d. chondroma 9. The oper

28、ation to get rid of some diseased synovial is_ . a. synovectomy b. synovium c. synovitis d. synoviocyte 10. The equivalent to the Chinese word“髌骨”is _. a. ischium iskim b. patella c. skull d. atlas 11. The combining form for the word “joint” is _. a. axio- b. atlano- c. arthro- d. ligamento-12. The

29、medical apparatus used to invest patella is _ a. patellar b. patellapexy c. patellectomy d. patellometer 13. Identify the one which does not bear the meaning of pathologic changes or deformation.a. calcaneovalgocavus kl,keiniuvlgukeivs仰趾外翻足 b. calcaneodyniakl,keiniudini c. calcaneitis d. calcaneal 1

30、4. Choose the item which is of no relation to the bones running round the chest. a. costo- b. rib c. rachis d. costa 15. The word “cleidocranial” is the equivalent to _ . a. 颅骨锁骨的 b. 锁骨颅骨的 c. 锁骨肋骨的cleidocostal d. 肋骨锁骨的 16. Which of the following associates with blood vessels? a. vertebroarterial b.

31、prevertebral c. intervertebral d. vertebrae v:tibri:17.“坐骨直肠的” can be put in English as_? a. ischiorectal b. ischiocavernosus坐骨海绵体肌 c. ischium d. ischiofemoral 坐骨股骨的18. All the given items are adjectives pertaining to “枢椎” except_. a. axial b. axis c. axonal d. axoplasmic ,ksplzmik 轴(索)浆的19. The word or combining form which has no meaning of Chinese “韧带” is_. a. ligament b. syndesmo- c. band d. desmo-20. Any di

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