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本文(K12推荐学习河北省秦皇岛海港区学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

K12推荐学习河北省秦皇岛海港区学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版.docx

1、K12推荐学习河北省秦皇岛海港区学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版河北省秦皇岛海港区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期末试题听力部分.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分)1.A. clever B. climber C. collector2.A. look after B. run after C. take after3.A. in the face of B. at the end of C. in the front of4.A. He was too nervous to speak. B. He was very nervous, but he could spea

2、k.C. He cant speak if he is nervous.5.A. Julia is taller than her teacher. B. Julia is the tallest student in her class.C. Julia is the tallest girl in her class.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分)6.A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Why not lie down and have a good rest.C. I disagree with you.7.A. About 6,300 kilometers

3、 long B. For many years.C. About 5,200 meters away from here.8.A. Yes, he has B. Yes, please. C. Not yet.9.A. I think its exciting. B. I think so. C. Im afraid I cant.10.A. Thats all right. B. OK, I will. C. I think so.听第一段对话和问题,回答1113题,听第二段对话和问题,回答1415题(5分)11.What does David like now?A. Sports bett

4、er than music. B. Neither sports nor music. C. Both sports and music. 12.How long has David been interested in Music?A. Since two days ago. B. For two weeks. C. For two months.13. What made David miss his family?A. The sports. B. The radio. C. The song14.What did Mike buy in Toronto?A. Nice clothes.

5、 B. Delicious pies. C. Nice bags.15.What happened to Mike when he was in Toronto?A. He got lost B. He had a cold. C. He caught a thief.笔试部分.选择填空(15分)16.- I dont like playing soccer.- Me _.A. too B. either C. neither D. not17.Come to me _ you need me.A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. whether18.Th

6、e Smiths have two children. One is a son, _ is a daughter.A. the other B. another C. other D. others19.Alice has _ everywhere but she still cant find her watch.A. competed B. progressed C. searched D. succeeded20.She used to _ to work, but now she is used to _ to work on foot.A. drive; go B. driving

7、; going C. driving; go D. drive; going21.Smoking is bad for our health. Try to_, please.A. give up it B. give it up C. give away it D. give it away22.-I called you just now, but nobody answered.-Oh, I _ a shower when the bell rang.A. am taking B. took C. was taking D. have taken23.-When will you ret

8、urn the book to me? -Ill give it back to you _ I finish reading it.A. although B. unless C. until D. as soon as24.-May I speak to Mr. Smith?-Sorry, he _ Hong Kong. But he will be back in a few days.A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been D. has gone25._ you work, _ progress you will make.A. The ha

9、rd; the great B. Harder; greater C. The harder; the greater D. The hardest; the greatest26.- _. I have to look after my little sister at home. A. Sorry, I cant. B. Sure, I can. C. Of course, I could. D. No, I couldnt.27.Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago . A. were B. have

10、been C. have become D. have made 28.About _ of the population here _ farmers.A. two fifth; is B. two fifth; are C. two fifths; is D. two fifths; are29.During her second day Sally looked_ more tired than on her first day.A. Much B. very C. too D. a lot of30.He cant remember _ at this time yesterday.A

11、. what is he doing B. what was he doing C. What he did D. what he was doing.完形填空(10分)My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. Hes (1) it for years. As he is very careful with it, it still looks (2) a new one. I asked my uncle whether he bought it or someone sent him as a gift. He shook his head. “The

12、n how did you get it?” I asked“Well, ” he answered, “it is a strange but true story about the umbrellaAbout ten years ago I was walking along a quiet London street one evening (3) it rained suddenlyI had no raincoat or umbrellaNo buses ran through that street and there were no taxis in sight. And th

13、e people in the streets were (4) As I was on my way to a party, I was afraid to get wet. So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop. By and by it grew quite dark. What was (5) there wasnt a person around, and still it rained and rainedAt last a young man came to the place where I was st

14、anding. He held a large umbrella over his headAs I hoped he would allow me to walk to the next street corner with him (6) get a taxi. I stepped out of the dark doorway where I had been standing. I asked him (7) he was going with that umbrella. As I suddenly appeared before him, the young man was so

15、(8) that he dropped the umbrella. He ran away and disappeared into the darkness. I (9) the umbrella and continued my walkI knew it would be hopeless in this big city to find the owner, so Ive kept it (10) .”31.A. borrowed B. bought C. had D. seen32.A. better than B. as good as C. so good as D. worse

16、 than33.A. when B. because C. though D. while34. A. more and more B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. busier and busier35.A. less important B. more important C. better D. worse36.A. so that B. in order that C. in order to D. instead of37.A. where B. why C. when D. whether38.A. moved B. excited C.

17、 angry D. shocked39.A. part with B. pick up C. set up D. give away40.A. ever since B. for a while C. since D. forever.阅读理解I am Wilson. My sister and I spent our summer holidays with our uncle this year. He was a geologist and loved to collect stones.One day, he bought us two backpacks and asked us t

18、o go to the mountain with him. We walked the whole day. Every now and then he put stones in our backpacks. To our surprise, he also took some stones out from them. But we thought he had just found better stones.When we returned to the house, we were very tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we fe

19、lt great relief when we took them off. Yet our uncles backpack was half empty.“Why did you give us so many stones?” We asked. “I didnt. You did,” he said. “You didnt know it, but I gave you a little attitude(态度)test today. I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining(抱怨),I added

20、a stone to your backpacks. Whenever you talked about something with positive(积极的) thinking,I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks.” Our backpacks were full of stones. “Your negative(消极的) thoughts are just like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in your backpacks.

21、The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be,” said our uncle. With great love, our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in lifethe power of the attitude.41.Where did Wilsons uncle ask Wilson and his sister to go?A. To the mountain. B. To the seaside.C. To the coun

22、tryside. D. To the forest.42.What did Wilson think when his uncle took out some stones from his backpack?A. He thought he said too many words on the way.B. He thought his uncle had found better stones. C. He thought his uncle wanted him to feel relaxed.D. He thought he had talked about something pos

23、itive.43.What does the underlined word “them” in the last paragraph mean?A. The stones. B. The backpacks. C. The positive thoughts. D. The negative thoughts.44. What can we know from the passage?A. Wilson and his sister complained too much on the way.B. Wilson and his sister did a great job for thei

24、r uncle.C. Wilson and his sister enjoyed collecting stones very much.D. Wilson and his sister chose wrong backpacks to carry the stones.45.What does the story mainly tells us?A. The more positive thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be.B. Young kids should carry heavy backpacks.C. We should

25、 have a positive attitude towards lifeD. When we take backpacks off, we will feel great relief. Do you worry about your health? Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then stop? If you answer yes, you should try a new type of exercise: aquatic(水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is a kind of exe

26、rcise you do in a swimming pool. For example, you can run, walk, or even do a mind-body practice, such as yoga. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise. In the United States, the number has grown by 25% in recent years.Aquatic exercise has many benefits(益处). First of all, it feels easier th

27、an exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is also better for your knees than running or walking.Aquatic exercise feels easy, but you still burn calories (卡路里). Water is 1,000 times thicker and heavier than air. In the same amount of time, you can burn more calories in the

28、pool than in the gym. Thats because it takes more energy to move in the water.Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesnt require any special skills. For most kinds of aquatic exercise, you dont even need to know how to swim.In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. The

29、y stop thinking about the things that make them anxious. The cool and quiet environment makes them exercise more.Aquatic exercise is suitable for everyone. You can do it at any age. It can even help people who have been hurt in accidents. With aquatic exercise, they can move in ways they cant on lan

30、d.So are you looking for a fun new way to improve your health? Try joining the millions of people who are burning calories while keeping cool in the pool.:46.Where do people do aquatic exercise?A. In a lake. B. In a swimming pool. C. In the sea. D. In a river near their home.47.Why do people burn mo

31、re calories while doing aquatic exercise?A. Because it takes more energy. B. Because it feels easy.C. Because it is safe and easy. D. Because it can even help injured people.48.Who is aquatic exercise suitable for?A. Women. B. Men. C. Children. D. Everyone.49.According to passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Aquatic exercise feels easier because you weigh less in water.B. Aquatic exercise makes people feel relaxed in the water.C. Aquatic exercise requires special skills.

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