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1、自学考试全国英语一考试试题2008年4月自学考试全国英语(一)考试试题 I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. It is said that the newly-built gymnasium is three miles _ from here. A. away far B. far away C. far D. away 2. I _ my talk with Tony. Lets go out for a walk. A. have finished B. had finis

2、hed C. finish D. finished 3. I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _. A. to be put off B. be put off C. should put off D. was put off 4. You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city. A. advertise B. to be advertised C. advertised D. advertising 5. Jack often compl

3、ains _ able to communicate with his parents. A. of being not B. of not being C. being not D. not being 6. We expected many club members would come to the tea party, _ turned up. A. only a few B. very few C. but a few D. but few 7. The reason _ the little boy died was lack of medical care. A. why B.

4、because C. for D. as 8. _ the drill is, it is very useful in improving your oral English. A. Simple you consider B. You consider simple C. Simple as you consider D. As simple you consider 9. Only when I got there _ how badly the crops had been damaged. A. did I realize B. I realized C. then I realiz

5、ed D. then did I realize 10. _ that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers. A. In 2003 B. The year of 2003 C. It was 2003 D. It was in 2003 11. Smoking hurts not only the smokers, but also the people around them _ second-hand smoke. A. because B. because of C. as D. as of 12. To her

6、 disappointment, her best friend did not _ at her birthday party. A. turn over B. turn around C. turn up D. turn in 13. How I wish I could bring _my children in an environment close to nature! A. about B. in C. out D. up 14. When the fever eventually _, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a whil

7、e. A. dies down B. dies out C. loses D. leaves 15. She had to _ after the first round because she sprained her wrist. A. run out B. drop out C. draw out D. come out 16. It was Allen who _ with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake. A. went up B. came along C. went along D. came up 17. Hum

8、or is a most _, yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. A. affirmative B. affectionate C. efficient D. effective 18. Hardly had he arrived at the airport _ he was told that the flight had been cancelled. A. than B. when C. before D. then 19. The decision _ h

9、ow much money should go to education is of vital importance. A. due to B. owing to C. as to D. so as to 20. I know she didnt pass the qualifying exam, but really she is _ but stupid. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. none II.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共1

10、0小题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 A mile or so before they reached Oxford, they stopped the car on top of a hill from which they could see the whole of the city spread out before them. The spires and the domes, the college walls and towers looked as peaceful as when they were first built, hundreds of years

11、ago. When they drove down, over the River Thames and into the city centre, they found it was not so peaceful after all! The main streets were packed with traffic: cars, lorries, coaches full of tourists and the bicycles which the students use to get about. But as soon as they had managed to park the

12、 car and get away from the roaring traffic, they discovered a completely different world. Narrow cobbled streets which had hardly changed since the Middle Ages ran between the high college walls of grey or yellow stone. Inside the great double gates of each college they found quiet squares of grass,

13、 surrounded by the chapel, the library, the dining-hall and the rooms where the students and teachers live. Many colleges had the most beautiful gardens where one could sit and read, talk, work or dream. Most of the students, or undergraduates, wore informal clothes: sports coats, or pullovers, and

14、slacks. But some of them were wearing their black gowns. George explained that they had to wear these when going to lectures or to their weekly meeting with their tutor, or teacher. Tom and Anne were very surprised to see a few young men dressed in formal black suits, with ties, gowns and scholars c

15、aps. Anne asked whatever they were doing, wearing evening dress in the morning! George laughed and said that this was the official dress for taking examinations, many of which were held in June. In one college, they visited the dining-hall. It was enormous with a high roof held up by great wooden beams with windows of stained glass as in a church, and long heavy tables and benches. At one end was the “High Table”, which is usually reserved for the Head of the college and the teachers. It really was high, raised on a wooden platfor

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