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1、ieltswritingtaski客观性 objectivity 精确性 accuracy 详细性 thoroughness数据型图表pie chartbar graphline graphtable graphselect1. 必须描述的数据/词汇读图2. 必须会用的句型3. 基本的结构(文章)神话型1. 地图题2. 流程图3. 流程图X24. 功能图new words最值、同值、异值,增加,减少,趋势值、特殊值趋势型图表 上升、下降、稳定、波动、峰值、谷值、交叉How to write1.审题 横轴和纵轴上若没有出现度量衡单位,不用猜测单位;1. 确定要描述的值2. 确定段落:一个图:三段

2、 特殊:一图两(以上)线:四段两个图:四段纠结:开头段:介绍表格内容、主题(改写题目)主体段: 1+N 1:总述 N:数据结尾段:总结(总数,比较,趋势)改写:加词,减词,换词,细化paraphraseThe table below shows the proportion of different categories of graduates choosing jobs in Aus in 2003discussionReveal give data about/onindicate describe demonstrate illustratePercentage Kinds types

3、 Students who graduate from universitiesWhen they decided the future career/主体段1. 概括趋势或者本图涵盖了几种数据句型:由图可知:According to the As (is) shown in theAs can be seen from theIt can be seen from thethatWe can see from the statistics thatIt is clear/apparent/obvious from the figures thate.g.剑五 test2As can be s

4、een from the first graph, with the increase of age, a gradual decrease in study for the reason of career occurred, while study stemming from interest grows.第二句 写数据(To be more exact= more exactly speakingPrecise-precisely /specificspecifically)比较,对比,排名,倍数,。结尾段 总结(隐藏信息) We can conclude from thethat In

5、 short/brief In conclusion To conclude, it is apparent that From the, we can see that饼状图:Percentage proportion portionMake up occupyConstituteAccount forTake up A %A is divided into X parts, which are b with %, c with %, d with %respectively.A consumes the largest/smallest portion with the percentag

6、e of % which isThe percentage of aged people in Japan, which used to be 5% in 1940, had a slight change which declined by approximate 2% from 1940 to 1960. 了 到The percentage of A is slightly larger than B by差额%趋势动词:向上、上升Climb/increase/go up/take off/shoot up /soar/jump/rise/grow/rocket降Collapse/come

7、 down/ crash/fall/drop/decrease/decline/plunge/slide/slip/shrink稳定不变not Fluctuate/ not level off/hold/remain/stay at the same level/there is little/hardly/no any/no change/谷值Reach a lowest point, which is/bottom out at 数据/reach the bottom/峰值Reach a peak,which is /peak at数据/top out at数据/reach the hig

8、hest point/ summit at 20%交叉The lines crossed/corresponded in the year of数据们reached the same level, which is过去时,现在完成时名词:上升:There was a XXX rise/increase/growth/improvement/upward trend between and 下降:A XXX fall/decrease/decline/drop/downturn/downward trend occurred 形容词(ly)Abrupt/considerable/dramatic

9、/drastic/gradual/sudden/moderate/quick/rapid/sharp/significant/slight/slow/steady-steadilyThe horizontal/vertical axis stands for 。开头段第二句linebar剑六 P52高低顺序句型:On the top of the list is A, which accounts for % is 数据On the top of the list are A, B and C, which are XX, XXX, and XXX respectively.A ranked

10、the highest with the figure of 数据, followed by B at 数据 and C 数据 (表格)比较型句型1. A is almost/nearly/about/over/approximately a quarter/half/twice/one third/four times as many/much/原形 as B long largeA is four times as many as B.A是B的四倍。同一个数据的变化2. A has the exact/approximate/precise figure/number with/of BA

11、 has the exact 4 times figure of B. A是B的四倍。3. A 100 B 25A is four times as many as B.A is 3 times more than B. longer largerA比B多/长/大XX倍选择柱状图难度系数为四颗星,平均每年出现次数为12次。2008年柱状图bar chart考了 18 次,数量最大幅度上升,占全年考试次数的39%。表格table chart 难度系数为四颗星,平均每年出现次数为11次。2008年表格图出现9次,约占总数的19%。饼图pie chart 难度系数最低,为两颗星,平均每年出现次数为8

12、次。2008年考察次数为6 次,占 13% 。饼图一如往年,考查比例不高,但都是多个饼图一起出现。线形图line graph难度系数三颗星,平均每年出现次数为12次,但是2008年仅出现4 次(约占 9% )综合图表 4 次(约占 9% )各种综合。综合图表的考查每年都有,数量也比较稳定。图画题包括流程图flow chart和地图题map。平均出现次数为5次,难度系数最高,五颗星。2008年出现 5 次 (约占 11% )考题分类考试次数柱状图8线状图3饼图3表格2混合图4流程图1地图2日期柱线饼表混合图流程地2009.1.102009.1.152009.1.172009.2.72009.2.

13、12(线+表)2009.2.212009.2.282009.3.5(柱+饼)2009.3.72009.3.142009.3.212009.4.42009.4.182009.4.252009.4.30(柱+线)2009.5.9(柱+表)2009.5.162009.5.212009.5.302009.6.112009.6.132009.6.202009.6.27流程图:干什么目的,步骤,结果根据日常生活常识判断步骤不认识的词?看图说话,然后照抄加上必要的表示先后流程顺序的连词process/procedurestage/step一:现在时 基本全部 将来时 一点点二:定语从句 大量三:被动语态+非

14、谓语被动 = 客观 大量四:顺序词五:如何适当的总结(HC)功能图是什么,结构,原理Firstly/the first step is/the first step involves/first of all/to begin withSecondly/the next step is/in the next stage/in the following stage/subsequentlyFinally/the last stage isAt the same time/simultaneously Consequently 因此Before that After thisDuring/in

15、 the course ofIn order to/in order not to/so as to/so as not to 为了(不)结构原理The following diagram shows the structure ofIt mainly consists ofIt works as follows:它的原理如下It always involves the following 4 stepsThe whole procedure can be divided into stages流程图第一段:抄题(改写)+ ,的过程包括X个步骤steps/阶段stages。第二段:1 2 3 。(语法,顺序词)第三段:总结HC找联系,找对比*最论点论据exampleusuallyon averageapproximatelynormallybasicallyoften

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