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1、Robert超强的中考英语语法非谓语动词总结与真题练习课 题非谓语动词学习目标掌握不定式、分词、动名词在句子中的作用考点及考试要求掌握不定式、动名词作宾语,不定式和分词作宾补的惯用结构、时态形式教学内容【知识框架图】【知识点回顾】难度系数:D动词除了在句子中充当谓语外,还具有名词、形容词及副词的性质动词的非谓语形式,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语和状语等,称作非谓语动词,包括动词不定式、分词和动名词。考点要求:1、掌握不定式、分词、动名词在句子中的作用2、区分不定式、分词作定语和状语的异同3、掌握不定式、动名词作宾语,不定式和分词作宾补的惯用结构4、注意非谓语动词与句子谓语动词的时间关

2、系,以确定非谓语动词的时态形式5、弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,以确定非谓语动词的语态形式一、动词不定式动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,有时可以不带to。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语,但可以担任主语、表语、宾语、状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式仍保留动词的一些特点。(一)动词不定式的特征及用法1.动词不定式的构成及特征“to +动词原形”构成动词不定式,是一种非谓语形式,在句子中不能作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,它具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。2.动词不定式的用法动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语和状语。1. 作主语例如:T

3、o learn English well is not easy. 或 It is not easy to learn English well.动词不定式作主语时,往往用it作形式主语,这种句型可归纳为下面的句型:It is + adj.+ 动词不定式如果要说明不定式的动作执行者,可以用forIt is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.2. 作表语My wish is to become a teacher.3. 作宾语Most of us like to watch football matches.4. 作宾语补足语He told me to be here on t

4、ime.5. 作定语I have nothing to say about that thing.6. 作状语He stopped to have a look.3.动词不定式的否定形式动词不定式的否定形式not + to + 动词原形例如: He asked me not to make such a mistake.4.动词不定式与疑问词连用疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how, why等后面可以接动词不定式,构成动词不定式短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。例如:(1) He doesnt know how to use the ma

5、chine. (不定式作宾语) (2) How to use the machine is a question. (不定式作主语) (3) The question is when to go there. (不定式作表语)(二)动词不定式的时态和被动形式动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,由不定式符号(to)加动词原形构成。不定式的形式有五种:1 一般式to do例如:I like to read English.2 进行式to be doing例如:He seemed to be reading something at that time.3 完成式to have done例如:He see

6、med to have cleaned the room.4 被动式to be done例如:The work is to be done soon.5 完成被动式to have been done例如:The boy is said to have been sent to hospital yesterday.二、分词分词是动词非谓语形式的一种,包括现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表示:主动,动作正在进行。过去分词表示:被动,动作已经完成。(一)分词的作用分词在句中可以作定语、表语、状语和宾语补足语。例如:1作定语Do you know the boy standing at the gate

7、?Have you read the book written by Lu Xun?2作表语We are excited at the news.The news he told us is exciting.3作宾语补足语I heard him singing a song in the classroom.We found the ground covered with snow.4作状语While lying in bed, he listened to some music.Seen from the hill, the village looks move beautiful.分词作

8、状语时,它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,否则分词前面必须有自己的主语。(二)分词的时态现在分词分一般式和完成式,而过去分词则没有时态形式的变化。现在分词的一般式表示动作与谓语动词同时发生,或在谓语动词之前发生。例如:Knowing his uncle would come, he began to make some preparations.现在分词的完成时,表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。常用作状语。例如:Having finished his homework, he went to bed.(三)现在分词的被动式被动一般式 being done被动完成式 having been d

9、oneThis is one of the new supermarkets being built in our city. Having been told many times, he was able to operate the machine.(四)分词的否定形式分词的否定式,由not+分词构成,例如:Not having heard the news. I wrote to him again.Not knowing how to work out the maths problem, I went to the teacher for help.(五)分词独立主格结构当分词的逻

10、辑主语与主句的主语不同时,带逻辑主语的分词短语成为独立主格结构,在句法功能上起状语作用。例如:Weather permitting, they will go and visit the science museum. The meeting being over, they all left the room.三、动名词 动名词是动词非谓语形式的一种,由动词加ing构成。动名词既有动词特征,也有名词特征。 动名词在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语和定语。例如: Smoking does great harm to peoples health. (作主语) My job is looking af

11、ter children. (作表语) I have finished reading the novel. (作宾语) We have got a swimming pool in our school. (做定语) 动名词的否定形式由not +动名词构成。例如: He made me angry by not taking the medicine. 动名词的复合结构由名词所有格或物主代词加上动名词构成。例如: Would you mind my opening the door? 动名词的一般式,表示的动作可以与谓语动词同时发生或在前,或在后。例如: We all enjoy liste

12、ning to music.(同时发生) Do you remember meeting me there?(在谓语动词前发生) 动名词的完成式表示在谓语动词之前完成的动作。例如: I regret not having been taken to the Great Wall when I was a child. She attended the party without being invited.【课堂练习】一、选择题1.(2010潍坊中考)At least 300 million people are using QQ_ by Ma Huateng to chat on line.

13、A. create B. creates C. creating D. created【解析】选D2.(2010成都中考)Wheres your brother now, Bob? -I saw him _in the street a moment ago and I told him_.A. playing ; dont do so B. playing; not to so C. play; to do so【解析】选B3.(2010通化中考)The woman made his son_ finally after she told him some jokes.A. laughed

14、B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing【解析】选C4.(2010河南中考)Father often tells me too much time on computer games. A. dont spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending【解析】选C5.(2010黄冈中考)How would your family like to travel? -Its a problem in my family. Mother prefers to take a bus to travel, while father

15、 always sticks _to travel.A. to drive B. to driving C. driving D. drive【解析】选B6.(2010聊城中考)The teachers often tell their pubils _ across the road when the traffic light is red.A. not go B. not to go C. dont go D. didnt go【解析】选B7.(2010陕西中考)Dont forget _an umbrella _you.Its going to rain.A. to take; to B.taking;to take;with D.taking;with【解析】选C8.(2010梧州中考)English is very

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