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1、英语期末复习题型一promote summarize make up for investigate performance notin the least initial on occasionemerge critical phenomenon insertattach in retrospect await in due course1)To use the machine, first insert the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button2)Professor Smith transl

2、ated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish.3)Food chemists will investigate the health food on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed.4)In retrospect, it was the wrong time to open a new data process center in this city.5)My initial reaction to the news was

3、 relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.6)A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomenon.7)Make sure the label is firmly attached to the parcel before you mail it.8)My boyfriend bought me dinner to make up for being late the da

4、y before.9)The committee is awaiting a decision from the head office before it takes any action.10)The little girl did not seem to be in the least frightened of being left by herself in the house.11)The WTO is intended to promote trade among its member states.12)When the moon emerged from behind the

5、 clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.Bless consequence curiosity sentimentDated emotional genuine primarilySeemingly abrupt nothing more than wear and tearConfusion deny tickle in contrast to1)Prof. Williams says that my composition is good except for the ending which seems too abrupt.

6、2)Suffering from insomnia(失眠) for several days, Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more emotional than physical.3)The organizer of the charity concert said, “I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will bless those who have given so generously for the poor and needy

7、.4)The insurance policy does not cover damage to the goods caused by normal wear and tear.5)The old economic beliefs are widely regarded as too dated to be useful in solving the problems now emerging in our economy.6)You are free to say what you think, but as a responsible individual you should also

8、 be prepared to face the consequences of what you say.7)Prices are going down. However this seemingly welcome change may bring about other problems in the economy.8)Johns view on the train crash stands in contrast to those of almost all of his colleagues.9)Curiosity is the most powerful driving forc

9、e in ones pursuit of knowledge.10)After teaching grade school for a year or so, she felt a genuine love for the pupils.11)Donations from alumni(校友) are an important source of universitys income. But research funds come primarily from the government.12)Should judges consider popular sentiments before

10、 deciding cases?dumb come over junior at any ratescheme constant typical hand downfrank narrow down fade dreadwelfare glorious interference community1)The view that you should never spend more than you earn is fairly typical of people of their generation.2)The artists stood before the paintings almo

11、st dumb with astonishment at their beauty.3)In 1963, after his junior year in high school , Clinton was elected into a government study program for young people in Washington, D.C.4)William Byrd composed many pieces if music, but his Latin church music is considered his most glorious work.5)Governme

12、nts establish welfare systems to provide a safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects of poverty.6)You quit that respectable, well-paid job for this unpromising one? What came over you?7)Many animals face extinction(灭绝) as the result of human interference.8)Her hope of her husbands retu

13、rn is fading as years go by.9)Having worked for three years, Roger decided to enrol on an MBA program and narrowed down his choice to three famous universities on the East Coast.10)A frank reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush(转弯抹角).11)Harold is always coming up these dumb schem

14、es for making money that just get us into trouble.12)Call me, write to me, email me; at any rate, lets keep in touch.take in angle arrange converselydata edit stretch internetspit but then symptom tone at times in sight abuse appointment1)He would have preferred his wife not to work, but conversely

15、he was also proud of what she did.2)Things are much cheaper here than in New York, but then, our average salary is much smaller.3)His forgetfulness may be a symptom of brain trouble.4)The small boy started spitting blood and his mother panicked(惊慌失措)5)These laws are intended to prevent government of

16、ficials from abusing their power.6)“Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, the nurse told the children in a commanding tone.7)Marry, a Harvard law School graduate, was a very capable(能干的) lawyer and our firm took her in as a partner.8)The article is interesting, but it needs some editing before it

17、can be published.9)To my knowledge, they have arranged to meet next Friday morning in the managers office.10)When we say that we see light at the end of the tunnel, we mean that victory is in sight.11)He promised to repay me in three days. But the days stretched into months and I never got a cent ba

18、ck from him.12)Before we can draw conclusions, we must collect enough data and analyze them scientifically.vain stretch out grace groanmere ashamed recur sweat motion emotion in ones minds eye coincide withtension anxiety on one occasion startle1)He was startled by the sound of the back door opening

19、 in the dead of night2)There is nothing serious about the damage; it is a mere scratch on the door of the car.3)Mom was singing a lullaby to my baby sister while rocking the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.4)Tense and hot, we were really sweating as we waited for them to announce

20、the result.5)He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched straight in front of him.6)Shes one of those habitually vain people who keep glancing at themselves in the mirror when they think no ones looking.7)Mike is an extremely careless man. On one occasion, it was not until he

21、 got to an ATM that it occurred to him he had left his card at home.8)Young children often feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at home.9)Stan tends to be driven by his emotions he rarely considers the consequences of his actions.10)She ought to be thoroughly ashamed herself for talking to he

22、r guests in such a rude way.11)In my minds eye, she remains a little girl of six although shes actually a grown woman now.12)He had tried to put the unpleasant scene out of his mind, but it kept on recurring to him, especially in dreams.题型二Is there a contrast (1) between learning styles in China and

23、 the West? While we should be careful to avoid exaggerating (2) the differences, they do appear to exist. In China, for example, greater priority (3) is given to developing skills at an early age. The Americans, on the other hand (4), place more emphasis on promoting (5) creativity in young children

24、, leaving them to pick up (6) skills later. American parents tend to avoid rushing in to assist (7) their children as they try to accomplish (8) a task, thinking it better that children should learn to solve problems by themselves. Such an approach can, on occasion (9), be mistaken for neglecting (1

25、0) ones parental duties by those more used to “teaching by holding the hand. Both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well be worthwhile (11) to search for a superior (12) method that would combine the best of both worlds.If you visited Karl Green, you might not at

26、first sight think he was well-off/ affluent (1). Most of what he owns is rather dated (2) and he will readily admit to falling into (3) the bottom income bracket (4). Yet he would deny (5) that he is poor, for he feels that his life is full of less tangible (6) riches. Rather than devoting himself t

27、o the pursuit (7) of money before all else, he cherishes (8) the pleasures of friendship. His lack of interest possessions does, however, sometimes make him feel out of place(9) in todays materialistic society and he still clearly feels hurt when he remembers the abrupt (10) departure of a girlfrien

28、d who did not share his views. Yet there are many who admire him, particularly for his focus (11) on helping the poor through collecting donations (12) each Christmas. Our dad is typical (1) of the older generation. You can certainly say he gives our welfare (2) his constant (3) attention. Sometimes

29、, however, we wish he wouldnt try quite so hard. To be frank (4), he seems to have a talent (5) for embarrassing us by making dumb (6) remark. He should know better than that (7), but he never seems to learn and just goes on making the same old mistakes repeatedly (8). The result is that we live in

30、constant dread (9) of his well-intentioned interference (10) in our affairs. Mom is no help, as you can bet (11) she will always see things from his point of view rather than from ours. Overall, though, hes a wonderful dad and I assure (12) you I wouldnt trade him for anyone in the world.With the in

31、ternet (1) we can escape into another world at the click (2) of a button. For many this virtual (3) world is a dream come true. They find they can do away with the daily routines (4) and say inside for weeks and arrange (5) everything from home. Others, however, may find the virtual world a nightmar

32、e (6). It is especially annoying (7) when the Internet connection (8) is slow and everything crawls (9) at a snails place. The computer does not take in (10) your messages nor does it spit (11) out data (12). Still others, who get sucked into (13) the virtual world, may find communicating face-to-face too emotional and unbearable. At times (14) they feel this so strongly that they have to flee (15) from real human contact, hurrying to get back on line (16) to the comfort and safety of a l

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