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高中英语课堂必修5讲 unit 1学生版.docx

1、高中英语课堂必修5讲 unit 1学生版高二英语同步精品必修5 unit 1 Great scientists一、重点词汇考点1conclude vt. & vi.断定;推断;使结束,终止;达成;缔结【教材原句】Draw a conclusion. 得出结论。【例句研读】(1) )Finally, Id like to conclude _ recommending a few changes in packaging. 最后,我想对包装变更提出一些建议,并以此结束我的发言。 (2) We havent got sufficient information _. 我们还没有得到足够的信息来得出

2、结论。【归纳拓展】(1)conclude sth (from sth) (从某事)推断出某事concludewith/by doing 以(做)(来)结束(2)come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion 最后,总之【即时巩固】She concluded her speech _ a famous saying._ conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.Both sides present at the meeting arrived at

3、a _ (conclude) in the end.考点2defeat vt.战胜,打败;(使)受挫;n.失败;击败【教材原句】John Snow defeats “king cholera”.约翰.诺斯战胜了“霍乱王”。【例句研读】(1))I have never considered the possibility of_. 我从未考虑有失败 的可能性.(2)We all hope we can be defeated by any difficulty.我们都希望我们不被任何困难_。defeat/beat的宾语都是某个人或某个集体 ( sb/ a team/ a class/ a sch

4、ool/ an army )。而win表示在较强的竞争中取得了胜利,宾语多是game ,match, race, election ,prize.或者抽象名词respect,praise【即时巩固】没有困难可以打败这个勇敢的人因为他自信且有能力。No difficulty _ _this brave man since he is so confident and capable.Our team _ (赢得)the championship by _ (打败)all the other teams.考点3attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加【教材原句】John Snow was a f

5、amous doctor in Londonso expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.约翰斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生他的确医术精湛,因而成为维多利亚女王的私人医生。【例句研读】(1)By now paramedics(急救人员) had arrived, and were _the injured 到现在为止急救人员已经到达,正在救治受伤的人们。(2)The patient _by nurses day and night since the operation.【归纳拓展】(1)at

6、tend to处理;注意倾听;照料,照顾(2)attend a lecture/movie/meeting 听演讲/看电影/参加会议attend school上学attend church 做礼拜辨析:attend 仅仅表示“出席”, 自己并不起积极作用join 多指加入组织,成为其中的一员, join (sb) in指“某项活动”take part in 指参加活动或在活动中起积极作用,多为大型活动。【语境串记】I attend the meeting at which some Yong Pioneers were accepted to join the League , all of

7、whom made up their minds to take an active part in school activities.我参加了少先队员的入队宣誓大会。大家都决心积极参加各项活动。【即时巩固】He is busy these days because he has a lot of things to attend _.She was praised for having attended _ her sick motherinlaw for over thirty years.If you had told me beforehand, I _ your wedding.

8、你如果提前告诉我的话,我就会去参加你的婚礼了考点4exposevt. 暴露;揭露,使曝光【教材原句】But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但当他一想到帮助那些得了霍乱的普通百姓时,他就感到很振奋。【例句研读】(1) Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep _ _the language and culture. 因为我是中国人,我的丈夫和我希望孩子们能够接触中国的

9、语言和文化。 (2) A week later he came back from a business trip, only to find all his flowers _the sunlight, faded. 一周后他出差归来,结果发现他所有的花都暴露在阳光下,枯萎了。(3)Potatoes turn green when exposed to light.马铃薯 _ 会变绿。【归纳拓展】exposeto把暴露在下expose sb to sth 让某人接触到某物 be exposed to 暴露于;接触到 【即时巩固】The reporter was killed because

10、he tried _ a plot. 这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。Its very foolish of him _ (expose)himself _ unnecessary risks._ (expose) to the sunlight for too long will do harm to your skin.考点5cure n治愈;痊愈 vt.治愈;治疗【教材原句】Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,一步了解它的治疗方法。【例句研读】(1) Scientists have so far fai

11、led to provide a cure _the disease. 迄今为止,科学家尚未提供一种治疗这种疾病的药。 (2) Doctors are now able to cure people _many diseases which in former times would have killed them.现在,医生能够治愈过去的许多不治之症。(3) There is still no cure for AIDS.仍没有 _ 艾滋病的方法【归纳拓展】a cure for.针对的治疗(法)cure sb./a disease治疗好某人/治疗(治愈)某种疾病cure sb. of st

12、h.治愈某人的疾病/改掉某人的恶习等辨析 :cure: 强调“结果”,即“治愈”cure sb of sth treat 强调“过程”,即“治疗” treat sb for sthThe doctor treated her headache with a new medicine, but didnt cure her.医生用一种新药为她治头疼,但没有把她治好。【即时巩固】The doctor devoted himself to_ cancer. 这名医生把自己的一生都奉献于寻找癌症的治疗方法上。The doctor _ her of her cold.My friend _ me to

13、a film yesterday.考点6challenge n 挑战,具有挑战性的事物 vt. 向挑战【教材原句】John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. 约翰 斯诺想面对这个挑战, 解决这个问题。【例句研读】(1)When I said I ran faster than her, she _me to a race.当我说我比她跑得快时, 她要和我赛跑 (2)I challenged him his proof.我要他拿出证据。【归纳拓展】face the challenge 面临挑战accept/ tak

14、e up a challenge 接受挑战challenge sb to sth / to do sth 向某人挑战某事/ 做某事challenging adj. 具有挑战性的【即时巩固】(1)_(面对挑战),he decided to have a try.(2)I challenged him _(play) chess. (3)Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main _ (challenge) the government faces.(4)He left a note at the scene of the c

15、rime, challenging the police _ (catch) him.(5)Mike found a _ (challenge) job as a computer programmer.考点7absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;并入;并吞【教材原句】The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是人们在吃饭的时候把这种病毒吸入体内。【例句研读】(1) They _ a great deal of Roman culture.他们吸

16、收了大量罗马文化。(2)The person sat on the ground and was absorbed in reading the newspapers.那个人坐在地上_看报纸【归纳拓展】absorb ones attention吸引某人注意absorbed adj.聚精会神的;专心致志的,极感兴趣的be absorbed by/into 被吞并,被所吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于【即时巩固】Just now I saw him sitting under the tree, _ (absorb) in his video games.However, when so

17、mething did interest me, I could become _ (absorb)Yuan Longping _ _ _his research.袁隆平 专心于他的水稻研究。考点8suspect vt. 怀疑 n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯【教材原句】The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths.人们怀疑这种药物造成200多人死亡。【例句研读】I _him _ _a pickpocket.=I suspect that he is a pickpocket.我 怀疑他是个扒手。The police took that suspect

18、 to the police station.警察把那个 _ 逮到了警察局。【归纳拓展】suspect sb. of(doing) sth.怀疑某人(干)某事suspect sb. to be.猜想某人【即时巩固】He suspected his neighbour _ stealing his money.如果发现了看起来像嫌疑犯的人,我直接的反应将是告诉警察。If I find someone who looks like the _, my immediate reaction will be to tell the police.考点9blame vt.责备;谴责;归咎于 n过失;责备

19、【教材原句】It seemed that the water was to blame.看来(霍乱的流行)要归罪于水了。【例句研读】(2)The police _the accident_ dangerous driving.警方把事故 归咎于 危险驾驶。(2) Who will take the blame for it If that happens?如果发生那样的事,谁将 _ 。【归纳拓展】blame sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事而责备某人blame sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame (for.)该受责备(用主动形式表被动意义)acce

20、pt/bear/take the blame for.对某事负责;承担责任【即时巩固】It is human beings that are _ (blame) for the air pollution.Dont always blame your own failure _ others. He was not the one _(blame).考点10announce vt.宣布;通告;预告【教材原句】The bright flowers announced that spring was here.鲜艳的花朵显示春天已经来到。【例句研读】(1) They_ that a cold wa

21、ve would come soon.他们预告不久寒流就要来。(2)We expect_ _ details of the scheme later this week. 我们预期在本周晚些时候宣布计划的细节。【归纳拓展】nnounce (to sb.) sth./that.(向某人)宣布/发布某事announce that.宣布/发布It is announced that.据称;已宣布announcement n通告;宣告;宣布make an announcement下通知;宣布【即时巩固】The company proudly_(announce) the launch of its n

22、ew range of cars. We regret _ _(announce)the death of our chairman, Alfred Sidebottom. 考点11instruct vt.命令;指示;教导【教材原句】The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more.自来水公司接到指令,不能再让人们接触被污染的水了。instruct vt.命令;指示;教导【例句研读】(1) He _family members in nursing techniques.他教给

23、家人护理技巧。 (2)He instructed me to deliver it to a customer.他 _ 我把东西送给顾客【归纳拓展】instruct sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事instruction n. 指导;指示;其复数形式常常指“用法说明”。【即时巩固】She arrived at 10 as_( instruct).I plan to continue my studies and research in this field under the _ (instruct) of the firstclass professors.二、重点短语考点1put

24、 forward 提出(建议);推荐;将提前;将(钟表等)向前拨【教材原句】Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了关于黑洞的理论?【例句研读】(1) They _ _the date of their wedding by one week.他们将婚礼日期提前了一周。 (2) He put forward a constructive suggestion.他 _ 一条建设性的建议。【归纳拓展】put aside 节省;储蓄;储存;留出put away放好;积蓄put off延期;推迟put out扑灭;生产 put up举起;张贴;建立

25、;提供食宿put up with容忍;忍受put through接通电话;完成;使经受【即时巩固】The sports meeting was put _ owing to the heavy rain.My mother put _ a practical plan.The firemen put _ the fire in the end.He put _ some money for his sons future use.考点2make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通【教材原句】Only if you put the sun there did the movements of th

26、e other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。【例句研读】(1) This sentence_ _ _.这个句子完全讲不通。(2) He doesnt talk much, but what he says makes sense.他话不多,但言之 _ 。【归纳拓展】make sense of理解;明白make no sense没道理;没意义in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense决不(位于句首时用部分倒装)common sense常识There is no sense i

27、n doing sth.做某事没道理【即时巩固】I didnt make sense _ what he said at the meeting.There is no sense in _ (argue) with her.考点 将和连接/联系起来【教材原句】that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.与宽街爆发分霍乱有关【例句研读】(1)Fingerprints_ the suspect _ the crime.指纹证实了嫌疑犯的犯罪行为。(2) My own work is linked to the research yo

28、u are doing.我自己的工作与你现在从事的研究_。【归纳拓展】 be linked to 和有联系link up (with) 连接;结合;有联系link.with 用把连接起来;联系 把与连接/联合 把连接到connect.with 把与联系/连接起来be connected with 与有联系后面通常接名词或动词ing 形式。【即时巩固】 The alarm _ _ _the police station.这个防盗器与警局连接。This man is _ (link) with this accident.考点4apart from 除之外;此外【

29、教材原句】Apart from the construction mentioned above, you have also learned the following phrases.除了上面提到的结构, 你们还学过以下的一些短语。【例句研读】 (1) _ _a few faults, he is a respectable teacher.除几个缺点外,他是个值得尊敬的教师。 (2) quite apart from all the work, he had such financial problems._,他还有经济困难的问题。【归纳拓展】apart froma表示“除了之外”,既可意为包括在内,也可意为不包括在内。other than意为“除了”

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