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本文(高中英语 全套单词语法详解及高考题型单元专题练习含答案 BOOK 5 Module 3.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语 全套单词语法详解及高考题型单元专题练习含答案 BOOK 5 Module 3.docx

1、高中英语 全套单词语法详解及高考题型单元专题练习含答案 BOOK 5 Module 3.核心必记单词1solve vt.解决solution n解决办法2account n叙述;描写;报道;v.认为是;解释;(数量上、比例上)占3pour vi.(雨)倾盆而下4shelter n遮蔽物;栖身之地5lie vi.说谎;撒谎;躺;位于;n.谎言;谎话6curious adj.好奇的curiosity n好奇心7tie vt.(用绳、带等)绑,系,拴;n.领带8fright n恐惧;害怕frighten vt.使惊吓;吓唬frightening adj.令人恐惧的frightened adj.害怕的

2、;恐惧的9terrified adj.非常害怕的;极度恐慌的terrifying adj.令人害怕的terrify vt.使惊恐terror n惊恐,恐惧10disturb vt.打扰disturbing adj.令人不安的;引起烦恼的disturbed adj.不幸的;烦恼的,心烦意乱的11create vt.塑造;创作creation n创作(物);创造creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的creativity n创造力;创造性12warn vt.警告warning n警告13determined adj.坚决的;坚定的determine v决定;决心determination n

3、决心;果断14force vt.强迫;迫使;n.暴力,武力;力,力量15vivid adj.(描述)生动的;逼真的16establish vt.建立;确立;确定17reputation n名誉;名望;声望.阅读识记单词18detective n侦探19murderer n凶手;谋杀犯murder n& vt.谋杀20companion n同伴;伙伴21panic vt.(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措;n.惊恐panicked(过去式、过去分词)22rope n绳子23trunk n树干24outline n外形;轮廓25comedy n喜剧tragedy(反)n.悲剧26romantic adj.

4、浪漫的;关于爱情的romance n浪漫27fiction n虚构或幻想出来的事28review n(影视、音乐)评论29resemble vt.与相似30exception n例外except prep.除了31shallow adj.浅的32adolescent n青少年adolescence n青春期33pilot n领航员;飞行员语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1While I was exploring my curiosity(curious),my disease got worse.(2016北京)2The murderer(murder) was arrested by the

5、 police last night.3I still find it terrifying(terrify) to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses.4Graphs can seem frightening(fright),but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story.(2015浙江)5If a student has kept a cat in his room for a week since the warning(warn),he will face the Stu

6、dent Court.(2015天津)6With the exception(except) of using a small microwave oven(微波炉) to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.(2015天津)7His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity(create) would infect(感染) other students.(2016全国)8First

7、sort out and classify the problems,then try to find solutions(solve) to them.9However,now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence(adolescent),during which many of todays students are not shouldered with adult responsibilities.(2016北京)10We should overcome our weakness and fears with coura

8、ge and determination(determine)(2016天津)1“雨”词汇串联(1)pour vi.(雨)倾盆而下(2)rainfall n降雨量(3)storm n暴风雨(4)thunderstorm n雷雨;雷暴(5)acid rain n酸雨2“惊恐”一览(1)frighten vt.使害怕(2)terrify vt.使惊恐(3)panic vt.使恐慌(4)scare vt.惊吓(5)shock vt.使震惊3“发明创造”大全(1)invent vt.发明(2)create vt.创造(3)make vt.制造(4)manufacture vt.生产;制造(5)desi

9、gn vt.设计1have connection with与有联系/有关联2run away(秘密地)逃跑3. have enough of受够了4persuade do sth.说服某人做某事5play a trick on sb.捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧6make up编造(说法、解释等)7be/feel in the mood (for sth./to do sth.)有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情8set (a play,novel,etc.) in设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景9make ones fortune发财10set off出发;启程;引发语境活用选用上述黑体短语

10、的正确形式填空1The play set in the 19th century China attracted a lot of audience.2When I was 8 years old,I once decided to run away from home.3Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.4When asked why she was late,she made u

11、p an excuse to the teacher.5The doctor thought that his illness had connection with his diet.6The naughty boy likes playing a trick on others,which makes his mother angry and anxious.1“to onesn.”短语集结(1)to ones surprise/astonishment 令某人惊讶的是(2)to ones relief 令某人欣慰的是(3)to ones disappointment令某人失望的是(4)t

12、o ones regret令某人遗憾的是(5)to ones satisfaction 令某人满意的是2“同源宾语”构成的短语荟萃(1)live a.life过着的生活(2)die a.death 地死去(3)dream a.dream做了一个的梦(4)laugh a.laugh 地笑(5)breathe a.breath 地呼吸3“捉弄、取笑”短语一览(1)play a trick/tricks on 捉弄;取笑(2)play a joke/jokes on捉弄;取笑 (3)make fun of取笑(4)laugh at 嘲笑1as if/though引导的表语从句“It looks as

13、 if itll go under soon,” Jim said,after a couple of minutes.过了几分钟,吉姆说道:“它看起来好像很快就要下沉了。”2see.doing.看见正在做It was quite dark,but I could see a man lying on the floor,tied up with rope.四周都很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。3形容词短语作状语He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South Amer

14、ica.作为一个青少年,他早早地离开学校,决心在南美洲发财。4only to do.不定式作结果状语He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文来到新奥尔良时,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船了。句式仿写1他看起来有50岁了,但实际上他只有40岁。He looks as if/though he were 50,but in fact he is only 40.2我看到我的姐姐正在起居室里练习跳舞。I see

15、 my elder sister practising dancing in the sitting room.3既惊讶又好奇,小男孩走过去仔细地观看这个瓶子。Surprised and curious,the little boy came up to look at the bottle carefully.4Jack匆忙地赶到教室,结果却发现教室里空无一人。Jack hurried to the classroom,only to find that there was no one in it.account v认为;说明;总计有n叙述;描写;报道;账目;计算;理由拓展词:accoun

16、tant n会计员;会计师(1)account for说明;做出解释;占(比例)(2)on account of由于,因为on no account决不(置于句首时,句子部分倒装)take account oftake.into account/consideration考虑到,把考虑进去(1)The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account for the increase.新技术的应用和电影明星的广泛吸引力也可以说明增长的原因。(2017江苏)(2)They n

17、ow need to take account of/take into account the extent of firms data assets when assessing the impact of deals.现在,在评估交易的影响时,他们需要把公司数据资产的规模考虑进去。(2017江苏)句式升级(3)We should on no account give up the plan.(改为倒装句)On no account should we give up the plan.联想拓展表示“决不”的短语还有:in no case,at no time,in no sense,in

18、 no way,by no means,on no condition,under no circumstances,on no consideration,on no occasion。lie vi.说谎;躺;位于n谎言(1)lie to sb.对某人说谎lie down躺下lie in在于lie in wait for.埋伏,等待伏击(2)tell sb. a lie对某人说谎(1)The problem lies in deciding when to start.问题在于决定什么时候开始。熟词生义写出句子中黑体词的汉语意思(2)He lay in prison for seven ye

19、ars.处于(某种状态)词义辨析动词原形意义过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎liedliedlyinglie躺;卧;位于laylainlyinglay放置;产卵laidlaidlaying用lie,lay的正确形式填空(3)The boy lied to his mother that the white hen had laid a black egg and that he had laid it in the box which was lying under this bed. 拓展词:curiosity n好奇;好奇心(1)be curious about对感到好奇be curiou

20、s to do sth.极想做某事Its curious that.真奇怪(2)out of curiosity出于好奇with curiositycuriously好奇地meet/satisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心(1)Its curious that he left without saying goodbye.真奇怪,他不辞而别了。(2)Sally did not answer,but looked at her with curiosity/curiously.萨莉没回答,却好奇地看着她。句式升级(3)He was curious about Australi

21、an cities,so he read the book written by Dr Johnson.(用形容词短语作状语改写)Curious about Australian cities,he read the book written by Dr Johnson. 拓展词:terror n惊恐,恐惧terrify vt.使恐惧,使惊吓terrifying adj.令人恐惧的(1)be terrified of对感到惊恐be terrified at/by/with被吓了一跳(2)in terror惊慌地(3)terrify sb.into doing.吓唬某人做(1)People ra

22、n for the exits,screaming out in terror.人们惊恐万分,尖叫着奔向出口。(2)The gunmans threats terrified her into handing over her money.持枪歹徒的恐吓吓得她交出了钱。(3)After his terrifying(terror) adventure,Mac felt relieved when he reached home safe to his loving family.在可怕的冒险之后,当Mac安全地回到家,回到他亲爱的家人身边时,他松了口气。(2017浙江) 拓展词:warning

23、 n警告;警示(1)warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事warn sb.of/about sth.提醒/警告某人注意某事warn sb.against (doing) sth.警告某人不要(做)某事(2)without warning不预先通知;突然地(1)She has been warned of/about the danger of driving cars in the state.有人警告过她在这个州里开车的危险。(2)They warned him against swimming/not to swim in the lake. 他们警告他不要

24、在这个湖里游泳。(3)Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.Norton Sound地区覆盖着冰,这些冰有时会突然破裂。(2016北京)易错点拨warn一般不接双宾语,若要表示警告某人会有某情况,可用warn sb. of/about sth.结构。 拓展词:determine vi.& vt.决定;确定;(使)下定决心 determination n决心;坚定;果断(1)be determined to do.决心做(表示状态)(2)determine to do.决定

25、做(表示动作)determine on/upon决定(3)with determination坚决地;果断地(1)This made Hannah very sad,and even more determined(determine) to do something.这使汉娜很伤心,也更坚定了她要做点儿事情的决心。(2017北京)同义句改写(2)I have determined to spend my holiday at home.I have determined on/upon spending my holiday at home.句式升级(3)Johnny broke away

26、and ran outside and he was determined never to go to another dance.(用形容词短语作状语改写)Johnny broke away and ran outside,determined never to go to another dance.make up for弥补;补偿be made up of由组成构成be made of/from由制成be made into把制成be made out of由制成make it获得成功;约定时间写出下列句子中黑体词的汉语意思(1)North Africans make up the l

27、argest and poorest immigrant group in the country.组成;构成(2)I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him.编造(3)She spent too much time making herself up.化妆(4)Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?补上(5)They had a violent quarrel yesterday,but quickly made up again

28、.和好一句多译(6)我们班由56位同学组成。Our class is made up of 56 students.(be made up of)56 students make up our class.(make up)Our class consists of 56 students.(consist of)Our class is composed of 56 students.(compose of)易错点拨make up表示“组成,构成”时,其被动语态为be made up of,而不是be made up by。“It looks as if itll go under soon

29、,” Jim said,after a couple of minutes.过了几分钟,吉姆说道:“它看起来好像很快就要下沉了。”(1)as if/though可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去时;若表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去完成时;若表示与将来事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用“would/could动词原形”。(2)如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,则使用陈述语气。(3)as if/though引导的从句可用省略形式,后面直接跟名词、不定式、形容词、介词短语或分词。(1)The patient opened h

30、is mouth as if to say(say) something.(2)She treats the child as if he were(be) her own son.(3)It was John who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if I had done(do) it?He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文地来到新奥尔良时,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船了。only to do.不料,反而,结果却,是动词不定式作结果状语,表示“意料不到的结果”,且多为不愉快的结果,

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