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1、TOEIC备考语法精炼870题附答案1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects. A B C D2. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is traveling through the water is important if the navigator A B Cneed to estimate the time of arrival. D 3. The earth is the only pl

2、anet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere. A B C D4. Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties. A B C Dcf) The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air almost always remain stable, but the amount of water A B Cvapor vary considerably. D5. Multicolored woodcut

3、s must be printed with as many blocks as _ colors in the composition. (A) there are (B) many (C) some of (D) it is6. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant wood has called Americas Painter of A B C Dthe Soil.7. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects, duri

4、ng the Renaissance the painting of A B Cstill life developed as an accepted art form. D8. The American frontiersman, politician, and soldier Davy crockett is one of the most popular of A B CAmerican hero. D 9. Three months after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched. A B C D10. Peas

5、require rich soil, constant moistures, and a cool growing season to develop well. A B C D 11. A dolphin locates underwater objects in its path by doing a series of clicking and whistling sounds. A B C D 12. The greater an objectss mass, the more difficult it is _ . (A)(A) to speed it up or slow it d

6、own (B) it speeds up or slows down(C) than speeding it up or slowing it down(D) than speeding up or slowing down13. A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain will come. A B C D14. One of the essential features of the modern skyscraper is being the elevator. A

7、 B C D15. A rabbit moves about by hopping on its hind legs, which are much longer and more strong than its A B C Dfront legs.1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D16. The snowy egret is about the size of large crow. A B C D17. The grape is the _ , juicy fruit of a woody vi

8、ne.(A) skin(B) which is smooth(C) smooth skin(D) smooth-skinned18. In the second half of the nineteenth century, textiles from the southwestern United state, particularly fabrics woven by the Navajo people, _ .(A) began to be used as rugs(B) rugs began to be used(C) as rugs began to be used(D) began

9、 to used them as rugs19. During adolescence many young people begin to question - held by their families.(A) the values(B) of the values(C) the values are(D) are the values20. During the Middle Ages, handwriting notices kept groups of nobles informed of important events. A B C D21. In her writing, E

10、limor Wylie often dealt with her own personality as it was, rather than _ .(A) as was defines by others (B) its definitions by others(C) others definition (D) as others defined it22. Congress chartered the first Bank of the United States in 1791 to engage in general commercial banking and _ as a fis

11、cal agent of the federal government.(A) to act (B) acting(C) that has acted (D) having acted23. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of _ reality.(A) what is conceived (B) what it is conceived(C) what is conceived to be (D) what is being conceived16.(D) 17.(D) 18.(A) 19.(A)

12、20.(B) 21.(D) 22.(A) 23.(C)24. Tenant farmers are those they either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the farm for the A B Cowner and receive payment. D 25. Slightly over half of the population of El Paso, Texas, says both English and spanish. A B C D26. Hickories are medium to large tr

13、ees common in eastern and the central areas of North America. A B C D27. Approximately one-third of all persons involved in adult education programs in 1970 were enrolled in A B C occupational education course. D28. Natural adhesives are primarily of animals or vegetable origin. A B C D29. As a glac

14、ier melts, rocks, boulders, trees, and tons of dirt deposit. A B C D30. The Suwannee River has been never important for transport and no significant hydropower potential. A B C D31. American manufacturers depend on ocean shipping for most of trade with other countries. A B C D32. The root of the chi

15、cory plant is often ground up and added to coffee to elimination its bitterness. A B C D33. Some nematodes are very tiny that it Is necessary to view them through a microscope. A B C D34. It is estimated that a scientific principle has a life expectancy of approximately a decade before it A B Cdrast

16、ically revised or replaced by newer information. D35. The more arid the continent, the less the amount of annual precipitation _ .(A) runs off that (B) runs it off (C) that runs it off (D) that runs off24.A 25.D 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.D 36. He really deserved the award becau

17、se he performed _ was expected of him.(A) much better from (B) more better than(C) much better as (D) much better than37. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wanted to congratulate him. A B C D38. As we have finished the first lesson, now we will read the second one. A B C D39. To take pr

18、ide in what deserves boasting is one thing, and to take good care of it is quite _ .(A) others (B) thing(C) another (D) the other40. The doctors records must be kept thorough and neatly, so as to insure good book-keeping. A B C D41. Why is a man in civil life perpetually slandering and backbiting hi

19、s fellow men, and is unable to see A B Cgood even in his friends? D42. Do you think that the labor bill will be passed? Oh, yes. Its _ that it will.(A) almost surely (B) very likely(C) near positive (D) quite certainly43. Like a synonym of speech, which is the general term, address implies some degr

20、ee of formality. A B C D44. Rabbits and hares look much like and are often mistaken for each other. A B C D 45. As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollars, in terms of A B C D the gold standard.46. The prime ministers conviction for improper campaign pr

21、actices is likely to result in increasing A B C pressure that she resigns. D 47. When the boulders are made of rock that is different from the bedrock which they or the soil of the A B Cfield rests, they are called erratics. D48. It would be difficult for a man of his political affiliation, _, to be

22、come a senator from the south.(A) though charming and capable is he (B) even with charm and so capable(C) charming and having capability (D) however charming and capable36.D 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.A 46.D 47.B 48.D49. Penicillin is perhaps the drug _ more lives than any other in t

23、he history of medicine.(A) what has saved(B) which saved(C) which has saved(D) who saves50. After his trips to the west between 1860 and 1872, Ralph Alber Bakelock would often painted A B CAmerican Indian encampments on brown-and-yellow-toned canvases. D51. The city of Boston was settled in 1630 on

24、a hilly, wooded peninsula where the charles River flows A B Cinto a natural harbors. D52. Artist Helen Frankenthaler returned home from college on 1949 to her native New York, the city A Bproducing the most art revolutionary of the day. C D53. Contralto Marian Anderson became a member permanent of t

25、he Metropolitan Opera Company in 1995. A B C D54. The fact that half of the known species is thought to inhabit the worlds rain forests does not seem A Bsurprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species. C D55. A politician can make a legislative proposal more

26、 _ by giving specific examples of what its effect will be.(A) to understand(B) understandably(C) understandable(D) when understood56. Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of the population that _ for each candidate.(A) are voted(B) vo

27、ting(C) to be voted(D) will vote57. The decimal numeral system is one of the _ ways of expressing numbers.(A) useful most worlds (B) worlds most useful(C) useful worlds most(D) most worlds useful58. Nebraska has floods in some years, _ .(A) in others droughts(B) droughts are others(C) while other dr

28、oughts(D) others in drought59. Many of the recording instruments used in vary branches of science are kymographs. A B C D60. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved for A B Cadvertising. D49.C 50.C 51.D 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.C 56.D 57.B 58.A 59.B 60.A61.

29、 The spontaneity of childrens artwork sets it apart from the regulated uniforming of much of what A B Cotherwise go on in traditional extraordinary classrooms. D62. Fossils of plant that have been extinct for fifty million years have been found in large deposits of A B Camber near the Baltic Sea. D6

30、3. The luxuriant hardwood timberland of the southern Appalachian Mountains is classed as a temperate A B C rain forests. D64. Bone and ivory needles found at archaeological sites indicate that clothes have been sewn for some A B C17,000 years ago. D 65. The sun seems to have been formed when the uni

31、verse was already 10 billion years. A B C D66. The satellites are frequently eclipsed by Jupiter and may be seen to transit Jupiter as dark shadows A B Cor passing behind the planet. D67. Though Artist Tatun was totally blind in one eye and had only slight vision in another, he became an A B C Dinternationally renowned jazz musician.

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