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1、上海高考英语翻译句型总结句型1. As is known ( to us all ), = It is known (to us all) that 2. It seems that sb./sth. =sb./sth. seems toIt appears (to sb) that =sb./sth. appears to3. It (so)happened that sb./sth.=sb./sth. happened to4. There is/are.There seems to beThere happened to be5. Sth occurred to sbIt (sudden

2、ly) occurred to sb that It never occurred to sb that = It didnt occur to sb that6. It is said / reported/believed that sb./sth. = sb / sth is said / reported to do7. It is no good / use doing They think / consider / feel it no use / good doing It is likely that sb./sth. = sb / sth is likely to doIt

3、is possible / probable that sb./sth.8. It is hard to imagine /say / believeIt is no wonder that9. It takes sb. some time to do sth.Sb. takes some time to do sth.Sb. spends time/money doing sth / on sth 10. When/Whenever it comes to sb./sth/doing sth, 11. It (still) remains a question whether = Wheth

4、er remains a question.Whether remains to be seen.Whether ( or not ) mainly depends on 12. It matters a lot / little whether/who/how It doesnt matter whether/who/howWhat (really) matters (to sb) is 13. You make it a rule to do / thatThey make it possible / clear (for sb) to do / that We find / feel /

5、 think / consider it +adj. / n. (for sb) to do / thatWe think / consider / feel it a great honor to do sth14. keep / bear sth in mind keep / bear in mind that15. take sth. for grantedtake it for granted that = It is taken for granted that16. see to sth.see to it that = make sure that 17. I would app

6、reciate it (very much) if you could do sth.I would be grateful/thankful (to sb.) if you could do sth.18. It wont be long before It will be beforeIt is / was the first / second time that (现在完成时 / 过去完成时)19. It is up to sb. to do sth.20. It was+强调部分+ that Sb. do / does / did +v.21. not until 直到才It is/w

7、as not until that Not until22. The first time +从句 = When for the first time,Every time / Each time = WheneverThe moment / The instant / Directly = As soon as 一 就23. no sooner than / hardly whenI had no sooner left than she called. =No sooner had I left than she called.24. n. / adj. / adv. + as / tho

8、ugh + S + V 虽然25. However / No matter how + adj. / adv. + S + V,whatever / wherever / whenever / whichever / whoever / whomever / whether26. The more the more 27. There is no / not much point in doing There is no need (for sb) to do There is no doubt that There is no possibility of doing / that Ther

9、e is no denying that 28. Chances are that 可能 29. since / now that 既然30. It is / has been some time since (过去式)It was some time since (过去完成时)31. Those who32. He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam. He is one of the students who have passed the exam.33. 倒装 全部倒装 部分倒装Only +状语(短语/从句)3

10、4. 祈使句,and / or +陈述句35. not but36. Word came that 37. The reason why / for was / is that .38. What impressed / struck us most was thatWhat matters (to sb.) is that39. With the development / improvement / rise / increase / advance / help of 40. Contrary to ones wish / expectation / what people (had)

11、expected / thought41. cannot /never too / cant enough - 怎样也不过分-42. not necessarily 未必-43. take into consideration / account1 直到回到家她才发现把自行车钥匙忘在了办公室里了。(not until)2 众所周知, 计算机在我们的日常生活和工作中起着重要的作用。( play )3 众所周知,成功属于那些勤奋工作的人。(It )4 我们发现很难赶上科技领域的迅速发展。(find it )5 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。 (find it)6 给我印象最深的是她的微笑。

12、(impress)7 只有到了那时,汤姆才承认自己的错误。(Only )8 正是怀特先生负责这个项目。( it is who )9 在电脑的帮助下,解这道题只需花你几秒钟的时间。(take)10 毫无疑问实行“五一”、“十一”长假有许多明显的优点。(there is no doubt)11 你熟悉的词越多,你越会发现比较容易理解一篇文章的内容和意义。(the more)12 他们答应无论发生什么,他们都会完成这项艰巨的任务。(whatever)13 我从来没想到你能干这种事。(occur)14 他们成功的原因在于他们能从错误中学到很多。 (the reason for)15 他体质差的原因是他

13、不太注意饮食和休息。 (the reason )16 她没有参加昨晚的聚会是因为没有人告诉她。 (why)17 快点,要不然我们就要错过火车了。 (or)18 跟她解释这事没用.,因为她太年轻,理解不了。 (no use )19 他一登上飞机就发现他的手表不见了。 (No sooner)20 那些不会操作电脑或不会讲英语的人是不能得到这份工作的。 (those )21 他开始做他的功课已两个小时了,可到现在还没完成他的所有作业。(since, so far)22 无论计算机如何普及,有些工作必须有人来做。 (no matter how)23 飞机飞得越高,我们越看不清楚。 (the more)

14、1 She didnt find she had left the key to the bicycle in her office until she went back home.2 Its well known that the computer plays an important part in our daily life and work.3 It is well known that success belongs to those who are hardworking.4 We find/found it difficult to keep up with the rapi

15、d development in the field of science and technology.5 I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinion.6 What impressed me most was her smile.7 Only then did Tom admit that he was wrong.8 It is Mr White who is responsible for this project.9 It will take only a few s

16、econds for you to solve this problem with the help of a computer.10. There is no doubt that there are many obvious advantages to have week long holidays on May Day and National Day.11. The more words you are familiar with, the easier you will find it to learn the content and meaning of an article.12

17、. They promise that whatever has happened, they will finish this difficult task.13. It never occurred to me that you could do such a thing.14. The reason for their success is that they can learn a lot from their mistakes15. The reason for his poor health was that he didnt pay enough attention to his

18、 diet and rest.16. The reason why she didnt attend the party last night was that nobody had told her about it.17. Hurry up, or we will miss the train.18. Its no use explaining this matter to her, for she is too young to understand it.19. No sooner had he boarded the plane than he found his watch mis

19、sing.20. Those who cant operate the compute or speak English are not able to obtain / get this job.21. It is two hours since he started to do his homework, but so far he hasnt finished all the homework yet.22. No matter how popular computers are, some work must be done by men.23. The higher the plan

20、e flies, the less clearly we can see.not until / Not until / It was not until that 1. 直到会议快要结束时他才露面。 (show up)2. 直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。 (prevent)3. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。 (considerate)4. 可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。5. 直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。 (relieve)The more the more.1 你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。 (feel it + adj.

21、 to do )2 人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。 ( it is generally believed that )3 问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4 问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。 (likely)5 我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。6 你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。 (do sb good)7 我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。8 相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。 (suffer from)No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。

22、 (complicated)2无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。 (pass on) 3无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of)5不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。 (put off)6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V1. 虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devoteto)2. 他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。 (work late i

23、nto)3. 虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。4. 虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire)Hardly / scarcely / barelywhen no sooner than1. 我刚到家,电话铃就响了。2. 他一到实验室,就开始做实验。 (set out)3. 这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。4. 他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(cant wait)1. Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up.2. Not until the beginning of the

24、 20th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from spreading.3. Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / understanding.4. its a pity that they didnt take any measures to prevent the accident until it happened.5. Not until we heard from you last w

25、eek were we relieved.1. The larger vocabulary you have, the easier youll feel it to write in English.2. It is generally / commonly believed that the more one uses his brain, the more active his mind will be.3. The earlier the problem is found, the more easily it can be solved.4. The more difficult t

26、he problems are, the more likely I am to be able to solve them.5. The more we learn, the better well be able to work for our country in the future.6. The more you practise speaking English, the more good it will do you.7. The topic we often discuss is whether the more money we have, the happier we w

27、ill be.8. Relatively speaking, the more children communicate with their parents, the less likely they will suffer from depression.1 No matter how complicated the new system is, well have to use it.2 However fast the society develops, this tradition should be passed on from generation to generation.3

28、 It seems that however hard he works, he can never learn physics well.4 However busy we are, we will certainly give a farewell party in honor of those retired workers next week.5 However late it is, he never puts off what must be done today till tomorrow.6 If you work with a strong will, we can over

29、come any difficulty, however great it is.1. Clever as he is, he is not willing to devote all his time to his study.2. Tired as he was, he still worked late into the midnight.3. Child as he is, he knows a lot about the world.4. Much as I admire him as a writer, I dont like him as a man.1. I had hardl

30、y reached home when the phone rang.2. No sooner had he got to the laboratory than he set out to do the experiment.3. Hardly had the boy turned on the computer when his father came home and asked him to do his lessons.4. He had hardly arrived home when he could not wait to tell his parents the good n

31、ews.where / wherever1. 我已下定决心去最需要我的地方。2. 那些大学生在毕业之后会去无论他们被需要的地方。3. 众所周知,药品不应该放在孩子们可以拿到的地方。(accessible)4. 我会把这本书放在你放的地方,并在我放它的地方做个记号。(make a mark)The first time = when for the first timeEvery time / each time = wheneverThe moment / the instant = as soon as 1. 史密斯先生第一次去杭州时,就被西湖的美所打动。(strike)2. 第一次坐飞机时,飞机起降时感到不舒服是很正常的。 (it is normal )3. 每次他妈妈叫他帮助做家务,他总是假装在看书。 4. 每次我看到这张照片,就让

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