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新概念英语第一册Lesson 133134 练习题无答案.docx

1、新概念英语第一册Lesson 133134 练习题无答案Lesson 133 and Lesson 134一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空10分1. Miss Marsh has just m_ a new film.2. Miss Marsh has made up her mind to r_, because she doesnt want to make another film.3. Thats a piece of s_ news.4. Our r_ wrote this news for the TV station.5. Have you listened to the we

2、ather r_6. I w_ what happened to him just now.7. Miss Marsh was wearing a blue dress and a m_ coat.8. The aeroplane has just arrived at London a _.9. The mother looked w_ because her son hadnt come home.10. Sam wanted to know where he could t_ for his holiday.二 用所给词的适当形式填空10分1. The film _ (act) has

3、just made a new film.2. Lets read this _ (sensation) news.3. She told _ (report) that she felt very tired.4. What a _ (wonder) film it is!5. Martin and Gary have some problems _ (travel) out.6. The book is _ (interest) enough for me to read.7. To travel by sea may be _ (cheap) than by air.8. Let me

4、see your _ (drive) licence.9. The mechanics need to keep _ (work) on the car.10. Please ask him _ (sweep) the floor at once.三 把以下直接引语变成间接英语10分1. “Have you just made a new film the reporter asked Miss Marsh. The reporter _ Miss Marsh _she _ just made a new film.2. “Im going to retire. said Miss Marsh

5、. Miss Marsh _ _ she _ going to retire.3. “That policeman is waving to you. Ann said to Gary. Ann _ Gary _ that policeman _ waving to him.4. “Can you recognize that women Kate asked Liz. Kate asked Liz _ she _ recognize that woman.5. “Why did you shave it off Scott asked Mike. Scott asked Mike _ he

6、_ _ it off.6. “Which book did you buy the manager asked to customer. The manager asked the customer _ book he _ bought.7. “Dont be late. the teacher said to the students. The teacher _ the students not _ be late.8. “Will you be back soon the wife asked her husband. The wife asked her husband _ he _

7、be back soon.9. “How much does this model cost Mr. Firth asked the assistant. Mr. Firth _ the assistant _ _ that model _.10. “Have you made any mistakes Mother asked the son.Mother asked the son _ he _made any mistakes.四 选择填空15分( ) 1. Have you just _ a new film, Miss Marsh A. make B. made C. do D. d

8、one( ) 2. She asked me where _ during my stay in New York. A. I had gone B. had I stayed C. I had been D. did I have( ) 3. If you dont work hard, youll _ the maths exam. A. pass B. win C. fail D. lose( ) 4. Listen to this! “Karen Marsh: _ news! A. Exciting B. Interesting C. Sensational D. Surprising

9、( ) 5. When Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport, she _ a blue dress and a mink coat. A. wore B. had worn C. was wearing D. wear( ) 6. I wonder why _ to retire. A. did she want B. she did want C. she wanted D. did she wanted( ) 7. Here is the weather _ for some big cities. A. news B. report C. desc

10、ription D. saying( ) 8. She _ me that she was reading. A. said B. said to C. told D. told to( ) 9. - Where does he come from - Pardon - I asked where _. A. did he come from B. he came from C. he comes from D. does he come from( ) 10. Who is the girl _ just spoke to you A. that B. who C. whom D. whic

11、h( ) 11. They have made up their _ to do it well. A. mind B. minds C. idea D. ideas( ) 12. Ask her _ come with us. A. if she will B. if will she C. whether will she D. will she( ) 13. Do you know _ after school every day A. What does he go B. he does what C. what he does D. does he do what( ) 14. Co

12、uld you tell me _ A. when shall we start B. who are you waiting for C. where the bus station is D. why were you late( ) 15. Everyone wants to know _ last night. A. what was happened to him B. what happened about him C. what was happened about him D. what happened to him五 句型转换5分1. Lets buy a newspape

13、r.改为反意疑问句 Lets buy a newspaper, _ _2. Listen to this.改为反意疑问句 Listen to this, _ _3. “Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. said the reporter.变为间接引语 The reporter said _ Karen Marsh _ _ at London Airport _ day.4. “Are you going to make another film The reporter asked Karen Marsh.变为间接引语 The repor

14、ter asked Karen Marsh _ she _ going to make another film.5. Who will win the match We were not sure. 合并为一个句子 We were not sure who _ _ the match.六 根据所给汉语提示完成句子10分1. 记者问马什小姐是否刚拍完一部电影。 The _ asked Miss Marsh _ she had just _ a new film.2. 马什小姐说她打算退休。 Miss Marsh said _ she _ going to _.3. 咱们买份报纸吧。 _ buy

15、 a _.4. 这是一那么爆炸性的新闻。 This is a _ of _ news.5. 你读了那个比赛的报纸报道了吗?Did you read the _ _ of the _6. Liz想知道为什么马什小姐早就不想拍电影了。 Liz _ why Miss Marsh didnt want to _ another film _ a long time.7. 那个男孩对城里的所有高楼感到惊叹。 That boy _ _ all the high buildings in the city.8. 马什小姐在今天到达伦敦时,穿着一件蓝裙子与一件貂皮大衣 Miss Marsh _ _ a blu

16、e dress and a _ coat when she _ _ London Airport today.9. 她告诉记者们她感到非常累。 She _ _ that she felt very tired.10. 他跟我说他已经做完了家庭作业。 He told me that he _ _ his _.七 补全对话,每空一词10分Mary: Hi, Lucy. You look tired. Whats your _Lucy: I couldnt sleep _ all night these days.Mary: Have you ever seen the _Lucy: No. _ s

17、erious, I know.Mary: Then whats happenedLucy: Nothing has happened. Im just _ a very interesting book these days. So I went to bed too late.Mary: Oh, dont do that. Health is _ _ than books.Lucy: You are quite right. Im going to sleep _ tonight. By the way, where are you going nowMary: Im going to st

18、art taking exercise. Would you like to go with meLucy: _! Thats really a good way to _ healthy.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 6. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _八 完型填空10分 Men have been interested _ the stars ever _ they first looked up _ the sky. Some of these stars may have _ own planets. If that is so, we can kno

19、w that life exist_ one of them. The problem is _ the nearest star is four light years away. In _ words, light from it has been traveling _ four years before it finally reaches us. Maybe nobody _ earth will ever visit that star _ it will take a rocket a hundred thousand years to reachit.( ) 1. A. on

20、B. for C. into D. in( ) 2. A. for B. because C. since D. from( ) 3. A. in B. into C. on D. for( ) 4. A. its B. his C. their D. there( ) 5. A. into B. onto C. on D. from( ) 6. A. that B. because C. since D. for( ) 7. A. the B. some C. other D. our( ) 8. A. since B. from C. for D. in( ) 9. A. in B. fr

21、om C. on D. for( ) 10. A. because B. as if C. though D. why九 阅读理解10分 A gentleman once had a cat which he likes very much. At meal time the cat sat up at the tablewith him. The man ate with a knife and a fork, but the cat ate from her plate. Sometimes, when she had finished her dish, her master gave

22、her a bit of his food. He shared his meal with her. One day the cat was missing at meal time. “Ah! Wheres my cat asked the man. His wife said, “Cant you eat without her So the meal began without the cat. Before lunch was over, the cat rushed into the room and at once jumped onto the chair. She had t

23、wo fine mice in her mouth, and before could stop her, she dropped one into her own plate and the other into her masters plate. “Dear me! cried the woman. “A mouse is your plate! “Hush! said her husband. “This shows that she is a nice cat. She knows what friendship is. She wished me to share her dinn

24、er as Ihave often shared mine with her. A 根据短文内容选择答案( ) 1. The master loved his _ very much. A. wife B. cat C. table D. mouse( ) 2. The cat sat up at the table _ meal time. A. at B. before C. after D. for( ) 3. _ the gentleman gave his cat a little of his food when she ate up her food. A. Finally B.

25、 Often C. Sometimes D. Always( ) 4. One day the cat was _ for a while. A. there B. here C. absent D. last( ) 5. The cat came back with _ mice in her mouth. A. one B. two C. three D. fourB 判断正误,正确为T,错误为F。( ) 6. The cat only ate he masters food.( ) 7. The cat used a knife and a fork to eat, too.( ) 8.

26、 The cat knows what friendship is.( ) 9. The wife was surprised at what she had seen.( ) 10. The cat was a bad cat.十 短文改错10分在以下短文中,每行的错误不多于一处,如有错,请指出并改正,如没有错,请打。 It is not necessary to write send 1. _ messages. In the old days, if a people could 2. _not write, he used to sending messages to 3. _one

27、another with many different ways. 4. _The Indians used smoke for 5. _send messages. They made a fire and put wet 6. _grass above it. Then they covered a fire with 7. _a wet blanket. In a few moments, they took 8. _the blanket away. This made a cloud smoke. One 9. _cloud of smoke meaned “Danger. Two clouds were“Safety. Three clouds showed “Help! 10. _

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