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1、奔跑吧兄弟在联合国维也演讲中英文版奔跑吧兄弟在联合国英文演讲中英文版李晨、陈赫(经济实用的清洁能源)李晨 Hello everyone,good eveningIm Li Chen 大家晚上好,我是李晨陈赫 Im Chen HeGood evening 我是陈赫,晚上好李晨 Before we began our speech today ,we would like you to first watch this video在我们开始今天的演讲之前,我们希望你先看这个视频。This is Baffin Island CanadaA polar bear is walking to us这是加

2、拿大巴芬岛。一只北极熊正在向我们走来.Hes looking for food,but there is nothing for him except a dry bone他正在寻找食物,但是除了一块干骨头外,什么都没有The polar bear is helplessHe has no choice but to wait for death这只北极熊很无助,他别无选择,只能等待死亡。We stood there crying filming with tears rolling down our face 我们站在那里哭,每个人的脸上都是泪水陈赫 Climate change cause

3、d by human activities threatens all beings on earth andfuture of our planet人类活动引起的气候变化威胁着地球上所有的生物和我们的地球的未来。The clock is ticking!时间紧迫!The sustainable development goal number 13 Climate Action calls on everyone of us to take urgent action against climate change and its impacts可持续发展13号气候行动目标,就是为了呼吁我们每个

4、人都采取紧急行动,对抗气候变化及其影响。If we continue to leave it unrestrained,如果我们继续让它无限制地发展climate change will eventually threaten our own living conditions,气候变化最终会威胁到自己的生活条件including our food and water supplies包括我们的食物和水的供应Such may even lead to conflicts over resources one day等有一天甚至可能导致资源冲突。李晨 Now,we have learned ab

5、out the situation faced by polar bears现在,我们已经了解了北极熊面临的形势。Let us have a look at a Chinese pandaCan anyone guess what this is?让我们看看中国的熊猫。谁能猜出这是什么吗?观众 Panda熊猫。李晨 No不陈赫 Yes是李晨 Nonono,its not a really panda不不不,真不是熊猫。陈赫 This is in fact a solar power station in Datong Shanxi,这实际上是一个太阳能发电站在山西大同,designed in

6、the image of a panda他的设计借鉴了熊猫的形象Tonight,今晚,we are pleased to have the mother of this panda design here at our forum我们很高兴有这个熊猫设计之母,请到我们的论坛Please welcome from Hong Kong Miss Ada Li 请大家欢迎来自香港小姐Ada李。李恩童Thank youHi,everyoneIm really excited to be here谢谢,大家,很高兴来到这里One day,an idea lit up in my mind一天,有一个想法

7、在我的脑海冒出Why not bring the cute panda, a symbol of China and amessager of peace,together with solar panels to create a solar power station?为什么不把象征着中国的和平使者、可爱的熊猫和太阳能发电站结合在一起,去创建一个太阳能发电站?Reducing air pollution through the use of clean energy is one effective way of responding to climate change 通过使用清洁能源来

8、减少空气污染是影响气候行动的有效举措,陈赫 Thank you,AdaThank you谢谢,李童恩,谢谢!Small steps can make a big differenceif we all can action together举手之劳,也可以带来改变,如果我们都可以一起行动。晨&赫 We can change the world我们可以改变这个世界李晨 Thank you everybodyEnjoy tonight谢谢每一个人。享受今晚邓超、Angelababy(良好健康与福祉)邓超 Good evening,everyone 大家晚上好Angelababy Good even

9、ing 大家晚上好邓超 My name is Deng Chao我叫邓超Angelababy My name is Angelababy我叫Angelababy邓超 Whats this?Do you know? 这是什么,你们知道吗?观众 趾压板。邓超 ZhiYaBan?Oh,my GodYour English is goodOh,my God趾压板,哦,我的上帝。你的英语很好。哦,我的上帝Angelababy This is called acupressure mat,which is often seen out in our TV show这叫做趾压板,这是经常出现在我们的电视节目

10、邓超 Yes 是的Angelababy It can message the feetIt can increase the blood circulation of body它可以按摩你的的脚。它可以增加身体的血液循环。Wehave played a lot of games on this mat我们在这上面玩了很多的游戏邓超 Who wants to play? 谁想玩儿吗?Angelababy Raise hands! 举手邓超 Here 这里Angelababy Do you see this handsome(man)? 看到这位帅哥了吗?邓超 YouPlease come on

11、Nice to meet youWhats your name?你。请快点。很高兴见到你。你叫什么名字?Christoph Christoph邓超 YesTake off your shoesStand hereDo you like sports?Jump是的。脱下你的鞋子。站在这里。你喜欢运动吗?跳.Christoph OK 好邓超 Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Christoph How much? 多少个?邓超 How much?Maybeuumforever Cool!Are you ready? 多少个?可以,永远,酷!你准备好了吗?Christoph Ready 邓超

12、 Go!One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,nine,ten,elevenTwenty,twenty-one,twenty-twoHurt?开始,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,20,21,22,痛吗?Christoph A little bit 一点点Angelababy Youre very,very strong 你非常非常强壮邓超 Thank you,thank youThank you so muchPlease谢谢你,谢谢你。非常感谢你Angelababy We all know that sport is the best way

13、to stay healthy我们都知道,运动是保持健康的最好方法Under the DohaDeclaration UNODC has launched A global Youth Crime Prevention initiative,This program uses sport to help young people develop life skills improve social skills and stay away from violence crime and drugs while having fun. 为了实施“多哈宣言”里面的内容,联合国毒品和犯罪办公室,一项

14、全球青少年犯罪预防措施,用体育运动来帮助青少年培训养生活技能,提高社会融入,远离暴力,犯罪与毒品,拥有更好的生活。邓超 Yes,I agreeWe play sports on our show是的,我同意。我们曾在节目中做过运动We show people sport is good,我们向大家展示了做运动有多好like high jumping,basketball,football and jump rope像高跳,篮球、足球和跳绳。We have jumped the rope with many peopleGuess how many?What?Ten?No,more我们与许多人跳

15、绳子。你猜多少?什么?10个吗?不,更多。观众 Fifty 50邓超 More更多一些观众 Twenty-two 22观众 Seven hundred 700观众 Four hundred 400 Angelababy Thats too muchOkay,Seventy-three people in one time 那是太多了。好的,七十三人在同一时间邓超 Amazing!Unbelievable! 太神奇了,难以置信Angelababy As a mother,I really hope that my child and every child in the world willgr

16、ow up happy and healthy作为一个母亲,我真的希望我的孩子和世界上每一个孩子健康快乐的成长。But unfortunately,each year,more than six million children die before five years old但不幸的是,每年有超过六百万儿童在5岁之前死亡。Therefore,health is extremely important因此,健康是非常重要的。邓超 As a father,I believe every child can have education作为一个父亲,我认为,每个孩子都可以有教育。But many

17、,many children are out of school但是,很多孩子们失学Please,please,please help them请,请,请帮助他们。Angelababy Children are our futureSo please help themAngelababy 孩子是我们的未来。所以请帮助他们两人合 Thank you 谢谢!郑凯绿水青山就是金山银山Ladies and gentlemen.女士们先生们Good evening.晚上好Here is a question for you.请问各位What would you do with half bottle

18、of water left.喝不完的瓶装水你会怎么办?Option A:Throw it away.选项A:扔掉Option B:Keep it and drink later选项B:保存着Whats your choice?你怎么选择?B选项二Thats nice.很好It seems that all of you here today is Water resource activists.看来今天在座的各位都是水资源卫士.Im really happy to see that.我很高兴看到这样.Well done!真棒!Many people are not aware of this

19、 situation of water shortage.很多人没有认识到水资源短缺的状况.For example,lets have a look at this picture.举个例子,让我们一起来看看这张照片.According to the surveys,the total amount of bottled water wasted in one day globally can supply a million children for three days maybe even longer.据不完全统计全世界一天浪费的瓶装水就足够上百万缺水儿童使用三天甚至更久.So cle

20、an water and sanitation is the 6th goal on the 2030 sustainable development agenda.清洁饮水和卫生设施是联合国可持续发展议程中的第6号发展目标.China has a popular saying Water and land are our heritage and ultimate wealth.中国人常说绿水青山,就是金山银山It means that water and land are our heritage and ultimate wealth.意思为美好的环境是我们宝贵的财富.So I beli

21、eve.所以我相信We can all make a difference in this world starting with saving (half) bottle of water.我们从节约半瓶水开始每个人都能给世界带来不同.Thank you very much.谢谢你们.王祖蓝、鹿晗(产业、创新和基础设施)王祖蓝 Good evening,everyoneIm Zulan 大家,晚上好,我是鹿晗鹿晗 Good evening,everyoneIm Lu Han 大家,晚上好,我是祖蓝王祖蓝 Thank you,thank you,thank you谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。Bef

22、ore we began our speech,I would like to make a bet with you在我们开始演讲之前,我想和你打个赌I bet one hundred RMB Chinese money that everyone here thinks I am more handsome than him我打赌一百元中国的钱,这里的每个人都认为我比他更英俊。鹿晗 What? 什么?王祖蓝 OK? 可以吗?鹿晗 This is no way,OK?Okay,lets do it 那是不可能的,好吧,来吧王祖蓝 OKNow,please raise your handIf

23、you think I am more handsome than him,好的。现在,请举手。如果你认为我比他更英俊,please raise your handRaise your hand,raise your hand,raise your hand请举手。举手,举手,举手鹿晗 NononoNo!What?No! 不,不,不,为什么?王祖蓝 Thank youI love you allOKNow its your turn谢谢你。我爱你们,OK。现在轮到你了鹿晗 Yeah,its my turn,please是的,轮到我,请王祖蓝 Please,raise your handIf h

24、e is more handsome than me,now raise your hand请举起你的手。如果他比我更英俊,现在举手Ohyeah,yeah,yeah!I winI winOKCan you transfer your money to me?哦 是的,是的,是的!我赢了。我赢了 OK,你可以转帐给我了吗?鹿晗 No 不行,王祖蓝 Please 拜托鹿晗 Just kidding,OK? 刚才开个玩笑,Ok?王祖蓝 OKWe both got a wallet in our phonesSo,done? 我们现在都用手要钱包,所以,好了吗?鹿晗 Yeah,done好了王祖蓝 Lu

25、 Han,one hundred RMBThank you鹿晗转帐人民币100元,谢谢鹿晗 No thank youYoure welcome 不用谢What you just saw is mobile payment你刚刚看到的是移动支付It has recently become quite popular in China它最近在中国变得相当流行Mobile payment can make our lives so much easier移动支付可以让我们的生活更加容易In fact,I have not carried cash with me for a long time事实上

26、,我很长时间没有携带现金了王祖蓝 Well,me too 是的,我也一样In fact,most Chinese people are like that now事实上,现在大多数中国人都是这样Most Chinesepeople know that the compass,gunpowder,paper making and printing are the four great inventions of ancient China that steered our history大多数中国人都知道指南针、火药、造纸和印刷术是中国古代的四大发明,也正是他们改变了华夏民族的历史The cou

27、ntry has stepped into a new era,Another four great new inventions are improving the quality of life这个国家已经步入一个新时代,一个四大新发明是提高生活质量鹿晗 Id also like to share with you guys my own experience with the high-speedrail我还想和你们分享我自己与高速铁路的故事Actually,I am really,really,really afraid of travelling by air事实上,我真的,真的,真

28、的害怕乘飞机旅行。But often I have to give an interview in Beijing in the morning and fly to Hangzhou for filming in the same evening 但我常常上午在北京做采访,晚上还要赶回杭州录节目,The two cities are twelve hundred kilometers away from each other 这两个城市有一千二百公里远。This is the same distance as between Vienna and Paris这是维也纳和巴黎之间的距离一样。B

29、ut thanks to the high-speed rail,there is now a better option for me to travel long distance但由于高速铁路的出现,给我提供了更适合的我旅行方式 王祖蓝: Yeah Its so true, he is really really really afraid of aeroplanes,是的,这是真的,他真的真的很害怕飞机鹿晗: Yeah really, I believe that through cooperation with other countries, 是,真的,我相信在与各国的合作中, t

30、he new inventions of Modern China will also benefit the world,现代中国的新发明,将会惠及全世界Finally let us tell you about the Global Goal Seventeen.最后让我们来告诉大家全球17个目标王祖蓝: In 2015, World leaders adopted the “2030 sustainable development agenda”, 在2015年,世界各国领导人通过了2030年可持续发展议程that aims to end poverty. Reduce inequailities and combat climate change,旨在消除贫困,减少不平等,和防止气候变化, We must come together . Government civil Society scientists, academia and private sector must unit to achieve these global goals hand in hand.

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