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本文(美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3精选多篇.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3精选多篇美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3(精选多篇) 第一篇:美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3rankspeakertitle/textaudio1martin luther king, jr. “i have a dream”MP3 stream2john fitzgerald kennedyinaugural addressMP3 stream3franklin delano rooseveltfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream4franklin delano rooseveltpearl harbor ad

2、dress to the nationMP3 stream5barbara charline jordan1976 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream6richard milhous nixon”checkers”MP3 stream7malcolm x”the ballot or the bullet”MP3.1 MP3.28ronald wilson reaganshuttle challenger disaster addressMP3 stream9john fitzgerald kennedyhouston ministerial association sp

3、eechMP3 stream10lyndon baines johnson”we shall overcome”MP3 stream11mario mathew cuomo1984 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream12jesse louis jackson1984 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.2 MP3.313barbara charline jordanstatement on the articles of impeachmentMP3 stream14(general) douglas macarthurfarewell address to co

4、ngressMP3 stream15martin luther king, jr.“ive been to the mountaintop”MP3 stream16theodore roosevelt“the man with the muck-rake”17robert francis kennedyremarks on the assassination of mlkingMP3 stream18dwight david eisenhowerfarewell addressMP3 stream19woodrow thomas wilsonwar message20(general) dou

5、glas macarthur“duty, honor, country”MP3 stream21richard milhous nixon“the great silent majority”MP3 stream22john fitzgerald kennedy“ich bin ein berliner”MP3 stream23clarence seward darrow“mercy for leopold and loeb”24russell h. conwell“acres of diamonds”MP3 stream25ronald wilson reagan“a time for ch

6、oosing”MP3 streamw26huey pierce long”every man a king”27anna howard shaw”the fundamental principle of a republic”28franklin delano roosevelt“the arsenal of democracy”MP3 stream29ronald wilson reagan“the evil empire”MP3 stream30ronald wilson reaganfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream31franklin delano ro

7、oseveltfirst fireside chatMP3 stream32harry s. truman”the truman doctrine”MP3 stream33william cuthbert faulknernobel prize acceptance speechMP3 stream34eugene victor debs1918 statement to the court35hillary rodham clinton“womens rights are human rights”36dwight david eisenhower“atoms for peace”MP3 s

8、tream37john fitzgerald kennedyamerican university commencement addressMP338dorothy ann willis richards1988 dnc keynote addressMP339richard milhous nixonresignation speechMP340woodrow thomas wilson“the fourteen points”41margaret chase smith“declaration of conscience”42franklin delano roosevelt“the fo

9、ur freedoms”MP343martin luther king, jr.“a time to break silence”MP344mary church terrell“what it means to be colored in the.u.s.”45william jennings bryan“against imperialism”real audio stream46margaret higgins sanger“the morality of birth control”47barbara pierce bush1990 wellesley college commence

10、ment addressMP348john fitzgerald kennedycivil rights addressMP349john fitzgerald kennedycuban missile crisis addressMP350spiro theodore agnew“television news coverage”MP3w51jesse louis jackson1988 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.252mary fisher“a whisper of aids”MP353lyndon baines johnson”the great society”MP3

11、stream54george catlett marshall“the marshall plan”MP355edward moore kennedy“truth and tolerance in america”MP356adlai ewing stevensonpresidential nomination acceptance address57anna eleanor roosevelt“the struggle for human rights”58geraldine anne ferrarovice-presidential nomination acceptance speech

12、MP359robert marion la follette“free speech in wartime”60ronald wilson reagan40th anniversary of d-day addressMP361mario mathew cuomo“religious belief and public morality”62edward moore kennedy“chappaquiddick”MP363john llewellyn lewis“the rights of labor”64barry morris goldwaterpresidential nominatio

13、n acceptance addressMP365stokely carmichael“black power”66hubert horatio humphrey1948 dnc address67emma goldmanaddress to the jury68carrie chapman catt“the crisis”69newton norman minow“television and the public interest”real audio stream70edward moore kennedyeulogy for robert francis kennedyMP3 stre

14、am71anita faye hillstatement to the senate judiciary committeeMP372woodrow thomas wilsonleague of nations final address73henry louis (“lou”) gehrigfarewell to baseball addressMP374richard milhous nixoncambodian incursion addressMP375carriechapman cattaddress to the u.s. congresssw76edward moore kenn

15、edy1980 dnc addressMP377lyndon baines johnsonon vietnam and not seeking re-electionMP378franklin delano rooseveltcommonwealth club address79woodrow thomas wilsonfirst inaugural address80mario savio“an end to history”81elizabeth glaser1992 dnc addressMP382eugene victor debs“the issue”83margaret higgins sanger”the childrens era”84ursula le guin”a left-handed commencement address”85crystal eastman“now we can begin”86huey pierce long“share our wealth”87ger

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