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1、教育专用学年高中英语Unit5Travellingabroad检测新人教版选修7Unit 5Travelling abroad【导语】人们终于可以摆脱提着行李箱旅游的辛苦了。外出旅游时,你不仅不用提着重重的行李箱,它反而会载着你四处旅游!Travelling by suitcaseCHANGSHA,June 20 (Xinhua)Tired of lugging your suitcase to airports and hotels?A Chinese inventor has come up with a solution. Drive it.After more than 10 year

2、s of experiments on hundreds of suitcases,61yearold inventor He Liangcai finally created a suitcase that can be driven.The batterypowered multifunctional case can carry two adults and belongings and travel at a speed of 20 km (12.4 miles) per hour, faster than most cycles.The suitcase has been reinf

3、orced to carry extra weight, with three wheels attached and a handlebar (手把) connected. He has a range of drivable pieces of baggage weighing from 7 to 10 kg depending on size.A custommade lithium battery (锂电池) can power a case for up to three hours.“The battery is light and small but of high capaci

4、ty,” said He, a manager at a vehicle repair plant in the 1980s. He decided to turn his hand to inventions and ever since has been on a long journey.Frustrated by long trips with heavy luggage, He eventually had an epiphany (灵感). People shouldnt be carrying suitcases, he thought, it should be the oth

5、er way around.He now owns the patent for the multifunctional suitcase. The inventor plans to make improvements at his workshop in Changsha, capital of central Chinas Hunan Province, firstly by making the cases lighter. He then plans to make a suitcase with an electronic motor, GPS and LED lights.Its

6、 unknown whether driving such a vehicle requires a license.【词海拾贝】1solution n解决办法;溶解;溶液;答案2belongings n财物3reinforce vt.加固;强化4power vt.驱动,推动(机器或车辆)5capacity n容量;性能6frustrated adj.沮丧的,懊恼的7patent n专利证书;专利权8license n许可证;执照【问题思考】1How long did it take him to create the suitcase that can be driven?Why did h

7、e invent such a case?_答案:After more than 10 years of experiments on hundreds of suitcases;Frustrated by long trips with heavy luggage.He eventually had an epiphany(灵感)2In what aspects will the case be improved?_答案:Making the cases lighter,planning to make a suitcase with an electronic light,GPS and

8、LED lights.将单词与其正确释义连线1queueA代理人;经纪人2lecture B常规;日常事务3qualification C道歉;谢罪4preparation D习语;成语5academic E准备;预备6idiom F演讲,讲座7requirement G队列;行列8apology H资格;资历9routine I学校的;学术的10optional J需要;要求11agent K目的地12destination L可选择的;随意的答案:1G2F3H4E5I6D7J8C9B10L11A12K.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ vt.推荐;建议2_ n舒适;安慰 vt.安慰3_ n代替

9、者;代用品 vt.用代替4_ n草稿;草案 vt.草拟;起草5_ vt.承认;确认;答谢6_ vt.反驳;驳斥7_ vt.占用;占领;占据8_ adj.丰富的;充裕的9_ vt. & vi.统治;支配;管理答案:1.recommendfort3.substitute4.draft5acknowledge6.contradict7.occupy8.abundant9govern.根据英语释义写出单词1_:make sb feel better;sb/sth that brings relief or help2_:take possession of a place in war;hold th

10、e post of3_:the country in which you or your ancestors were born4_:an ability or quality of experience that makes a person suitable for a particular job5_:demand or need6_:the act or process of preparing7_:deny the words of a person;be opposite in nature to sth8_:to tell sb that sth is good or usefu

11、l;advise9_:accept or admit that sth exists or is true10_:a person who acts for other people11_:(of two or more lines) having the same distance between each other at every point12_:existing or available in large quantities13_:control and direct the affairs of a country, city, etc. and its people, usi

12、ng political power14_:a place to which sb/sth is going or being sent15_:a large grave,especially one built of stone above or below the ground答案:fort2.occupy3.motherland4qualification5.requirement6.preparation7contradict8.recommend9.acknowledge10.agent11.parallel12.abundant13.govern14.destination15.t

13、omb.选用短语的适当形式填空adjust to;keep it up;fit in;as far as one is concerned;be occupied with;be numb with;in comfort;substitute.for.;make preparations for;(be) acknowledged as1He doesnt care about examinations and never _ them.答案:makes preparations for2The boys hands _ cold after an hour outside on such a

14、 cold day.答案:were numb with3If only he could _,he would break the world record.答案:keep it up4I dont care what you think._,what they did is wrong.答案:As far as I am concerned5The children find it difficult _ the new school.答案:to adjust to6Her family is similar to mine. As a result, I find it really ea

15、sy _答案:to fit in7. Im dying to see all the children live _答案:in comfort8Who is widely _ the best football player in the world?答案:acknowledged as9In some factories, cheaper materials are often _ the better, more expensive kind.答案:substituted for10At present Mary _ the translation of an English novel.

16、答案:is occupied with.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1It_was_the_first time she had ever left her motherland.It is/was the first/second.time (that.句式)_答案:那是她第一次离开祖国。2Its not just study thats difficult.It is/was.that/who.强调句型_答案:困难不只在学习方面。3Besides,as_far_as_he_was_concerned,what other people thought was not the most imp

17、ortant far as one is concerned就而言_答案:此外,他还认为,别人的想法并不是最重要的。4But I was also very nervous as I didnt know what to expect特殊疑问词/whether不定式_答案:但是我也非常紧张,我也不知道期待什么。5In_the_high_plains_area_is_Lake_Titicaca,_the highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.地点状语置于句首时句子完全倒装_答案:在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上

18、海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。课文表层理解.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1It was the first time that Xie Lei had left her home country.(T)2She has come to the England University to complete a literature qualification.(F)3Most foreign students must complete the preparation course before entering a course.(T)4Xie Lei lives in students a

19、partments with her classmates.(F)5Now,Xie Lei doesnt feel much more at home in England.(F).根据课文内容回答问题1Whats the main idea of the text?_答案:It talks about the Chinese student Xie Leis experience in the UK.2According to Paragraph 3,what are some of difficulties she faced when she first came to England?

20、_答案:Learning how to do everyday things like using a phone,paying on a bus,finding her way and understanding in real life.3What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is?_答案:Excellent,diligent,brave,strongminded,firm,hardworking.4List the types of people who have helped Xie Lei most since she came to En

21、gland?_答案:Tutors,A host family.5Where do you think this article might have been published?_答案:It may have been published in a student newspaper/magazine or in a small local newspaper.根据课文内容完成下列表格BenefitsDoing a preparation courseTo learn how to fulfill Western academic 1._To get used to a new 2._Liv

22、ing with a host familyTo learn more about everyday life and 3._To have people explain things 4._Having a tutorTo explain about why you cannot use other peoples work without 5._ it To 6._ you to express your own ideasDifficultiesAt the universityLearning to read widely and 7._ the texts8._ ones own o

23、pinion with reasonsA new way of lifeFinding a balance between study and a 9._Making new 10._答案:1. requirements2. way of life3. customs4. not understood5. acknowledging6. encourage7. analyze8Expressing9. social life10. friends课文深层理解.根据课文内容匹配段落及其大意Para 1AXie Lei is now getting along well and is living

24、 an active life.Para 2 BThe advantages that Xie Lei gains while living with a host family.Para 3 CThe newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions.Para 4 DThe general introduction to Xie Lei and her study.Para 5 EXie Lei,a Chinese girl,is studying in a foreign cityLondon.Para 6 FXie Lei

25、 is getting used to the western universitys way of learning.Para 7 GThe difficulties that Xie Lei met while living in London.答案:Para 1EPara 2DPara 3GPara 4BPara 5FPara 6APara 7C.根据课文内容选择最佳选项1Who has helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?AHer classmates and her tutor.BHer tutor and her family

26、.CHer host family and her family.DHer tutor and her host family.答案:D2Xie Leis tutor seemed dissatisfied with her first essay because _Athere were too many mistakes in itBher opinions were quite different from her tutorsCshe didnt give her own opinions at allDher tutor couldnt understand the essay答案:

27、C3What will Xie Lei try to do to adjust to the new life in England?AShe will try to please her tutor.BShe will try to join in a few university clubs to enjoy more social activities and meet some people she has much in common with.CShe will try to put her heart into her preparation course.DShe will try to protect herself from the strange environment and do nothing to make herself familiar with the culture.答案:B4According to the text,we can know that _A. idioms are not so difficult to understand

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