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1、版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义必修话题素材粮食耕种话题词汇1waste n. & vt. 浪费2.worsen v. 恶化;使变得更坏3agriculture n. 农业 4.severe adj. 严峻的5decline vi. 减少;下滑 6.struggle for survival 求生7a_lack_of 缺少;短缺 8.rid . of . 使摆脱掉9be abundant in . 富含有 on/appeal to 号召/呼吁11be concerned about 关心12cut down trees 砍伐树木13be considered as .

2、被认为是14food_supply 食物供应15farming method 耕作方法经典佳句1As_far_as_Im_concerned,_it is a_good_virtue for us to “clear your plate”, especially when_having_dinner_with_our_friends.我个人认为,“清干净盘中的食物”对我们来说是一种美德,特别是与朋友聚餐的时候。2Lots of farmland has been lost due_to_the_rapid_development_of industry and urbanization.由于

3、工业化和城市化的迅速发展,许多农田已经大量流失。3All animals and plants are of_great_importance,_because each species contributes to the variety of life forms on the earth and plays_an_important_role_in maintaining life.所有动植物都是重要的,因为每一物种都有助于地球上生命形式的多样性,而且对维持生命起到了重要的作用。精美语篇Food shortageAs we all know, food shortage has hit

4、many countries and even caused social unrest in some areas. But what has caused the current world food crisis? Firstly, annual world grain output has declined because of climate change. Secondly, lots of farmland has given way to factories and buildings due to the rapid development of industry and u

5、rbanization. Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, some people use grain for biofuel, which has worsened the severe situation.How can we deal with the problem? On the one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology. On the other hand, strict measures should

6、be taken to protect farmland.If the whole world works together, more food will be produced and we can create a harmonious world.高频单词1struggle (vi.& n) 斗争;拼搏;努力2output (n.) 产量;输出input (n.) 投入;输入3hunger (n.) 饥饿;欲望 (vt.& vi.) (使)饥饿hungry (adj.) 饥饿的 4disturbing (adj.) 引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturb (vt.) 搅乱;弄乱;干扰5e

7、xpand (vt.& vi.) 使变大;伸展expansion (n.) 扩张;扩展6circulate (vt.& vi.) 循环;流传circulation (n.) 循环7freedom (n.) 自由;自主free (adj.) 自由的;自主的freely (adv.) 自由地;自主地8therefore (adv.) 因此;所以;因而9equip (vt.& vi.) 配备;装备equipment (n.) 装备;设备equipped (过去式/过去分词)10export (vt.& vi.) 输出;出口import (vt.& vi.) 输入;进口11occupation (n.

8、) 工作;职业;占领occupy (vt.) 占领;占据12confuse (vt.) 使迷惑;使为难confusion (n.) 困惑;迷惑confused (adj.) 感到迷惑的confusing (adj.) 令人迷惑的13regret (vt.) 遗憾;惋惜 (n.) 遗憾;懊悔regretted (过去式/过去分词)regretful (adj.) 后悔的;失望的;遗憾的14chemical (adj.) 化学的;关于化学的 (n.) 化学物质chemistry (n.) 化学15production (n.) 生产;制造produce (vt.) 生产;制造product (n.

9、) 产品producer (n.) 生产者;制片人16nutrition (n.) 营养;滋养;食物nutritious (adj.) 有营养的;营养丰富的17discovery (n.) 发现;发觉discover (vt.) 发现;发觉18focus (n.) 焦点;中心点 (vt.) 集中;聚焦19reduce (vt.) 减少;减缩reduction (n.) 减少;缩小20skim (vt.) 浏览;略读skimmed (过去式/过去分词)21underline (vt.) 画底线标出;强调22summary (n.) 总结;摘要;概要summarize (vt.) 总结;概括;概述

10、23comment (n.) 评论;议论 (vi.& vt.) 表达意见;作出评论重点短语1thanks_to幸亏;由于;因为2be_satisfied_with 对感到满意3would_rather 宁愿;宁可4make_a_difference 有关系;有影响5prefer . to . 喜欢胜过6get rid of 摆脱;除去7build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发8lead to 导致;造成(后果)9focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于10be rich in 盛产;富于11keep . free from/of 使免受(影响、伤害等);_使不含(有害物)热点句型1if so状

11、语从句的省略形式If_so (如果这样的话), what did you do to grow them? (教材P9)2the序数词名词动词不定式In 1973, he became the_first_agricultural_pioneer_in_the_world _to_grow_rice (世界上第一位种植水稻的农业先锋) that has a high output. (教材P10)3make itadj.动词不定式This special strain of rice makes_it_possible_to_produce (使生产成为可能) 20% more of the

12、crop in the same fields. (教材P10)4would rather do . “宁愿做”He would much rather (宁愿) keep time for his hobbies. (教材P10)5倍数as . as . Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice_as_ large_as_before (比以前多了一倍). (教材P10)同步训练在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1_he is one of Chinas most famous scientists

13、, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer.答案:Although2Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like _ of millions of Chinese farmers, _ whom he has struggled for the past five decades.答案:those; for3Now more than 60% of the rice _ (produce) in China each year is from thi

14、s hybrid strain.答案:produced4_(bear) in 1930, Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.答案:Born5Since then, finding ways to grow more rice _(be) his life goal.答案:has been6These _ (increase) harvests mean that 22% of the worlds people _ (feed) from just 7% of the farmland in the wo

15、rld.答案:increased; are fed7Spending money on himself or _ (lead) a comfortable life also _ (mean) very little to him.答案:leading; means8Over the past half century, _ (use) chemical fertilizers _ (become) very common in farming.答案:using; has become9They feel that this makes the soil in their fields_ (r

16、ich) in minerals and so more fertile.答案:richer10Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, _ (make) it ready for crops such as wheat or corn.答案:making1 strugglevi.努力;奋斗;同斗争;挣扎;奋力前进n竞争;努力;奋斗教材原句Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like t

17、hose of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.(P10)的确,他那被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身体,就跟其他数百万的中国农民一样,过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。struggle for 为而斗争struggle with/against 与作斗争;同搏斗struggle to do sth. 努力做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来Most animals have to struggle_for existe

18、nce in the dangerous world.大多数动物不得不为在这个充满危险的世界上生存而斗争。We have to struggle_with/against all kinds of difficulties.我们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。Because a college community differs from the family, many students will struggle_to_find a sense of belonging.因为大学群体不同于家庭,很多学生会努力寻找一种归属感。The soldier was badly wounded but he

19、 struggled_to_his_feet at last.这个战士受了重伤,但最后他还是挣扎着站了起来。2 equipvi.& vt. (equipped, equipped) 配备;装备教材原句He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.(P10)因此他拿出几百万元帮助其他人进行农业科学研究。(1)equip . with . 用装备be equipped with 配备着;装有be well/poorly equipped 设备精良的/简陋的(2)equipm

20、ent n. 装备;设备(不可数名词)a piece of equipment 一件设备We students should equip_ourselves_with_knowledge,_for the competition nowadays is very fierce.我们学生应该用知识武装我们自己,因为当今社会竞争非常的激烈。It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped_with the ability to speak.人们常说,人天生具有说话的能力。Equipped_with much experience i

21、n teaching, Mr Wang is a popular maths teacher.王老师具有丰富的教学经验,他是一个受欢迎的数学老师。My mother bought a_piece_of useful equipment for the kitchen yesterday.昨天,妈妈买了一件有用的厨房设备。3 regretvt.遗憾;惋惜n遗憾;懊悔教材原句His father says that he has never regretted sending his son to study abroad.(P13)他的父亲说,他从不后悔把儿子送到国外学习。(1)regret s

22、th. 后悔/遗憾某事regret that从句遗憾regret doing sth. regret having done sth. 后悔做过某事regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(事情还未做)(2)much to the regret of sb.much to ones regret 使某人非常遗憾的是with great/deep regret 很遗憾have no regrets 没有遗憾(3)regretful adj. 后悔的;失望的;遗憾的feel regretful for 为感到后悔I regret_that I have made such a silly

23、mistake.我真后悔犯了那样一个愚蠢的错误。I have always regretted_not_having_studied hard at school.我一直后悔在校期间没有努力学习。We regret_to_inform_you_that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。Much_to_our_regret,_we will not be able to visit you next year.让我们深感遗憾的是,我们明年不能去拜访你了。I have_no_regrets about leavi

24、ng Newcastle.我一点也不后悔离开纽卡斯尔。I saw a_regretful_look on her face when she left.她走时,我能看出她很失望。4 reducevt.减少;减缩;降低;使陷入某种更坏的状态(常用于被动语态)教材原句A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy.(P14)肥沃的土壤减少了病虫害并且有助于农作物的茁壮成长。(1)reduce . to . 减少到;使某物变为reduce by 减少了be reduced to . 沦落为;被迫(to为介词

25、)(2)reduce sb. to tears/silence 使某人流泪/沉默(3)reduction n. 缩小;减少Costs have_been_reduced_by 20% over the past year.过去一年,成本支出已经减少了20%。Due to a lack of food in the hard time, many people were_ reduced_to_eating grass and leaves.在困难时期由于缺少粮食,许多人被迫吃草和树叶。She was_reduced_to_tears by their criticism.他们的批评使她流下了眼

26、泪。There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。.单句语法填空1The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _ (hear)答案:to be heardstruggle to do sth. “努力做某事”。hear与其逻辑主语之间为被动关系,故填不定式的被动式to be heard。2With its focus divided, the lion became _ (confuse) and is unsure about what

27、 to do next.答案:confused系动词后跟形容词作表语,此处表示“感到困惑的”,故填confused。3All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or _ (national)答案:nationality介词of后列举的均为名词且由并列连词or可判断此处填名词形式。nationality 名词,意为“国籍”。4She was so _ (hunger) for success that shed do anything to achieve it.答案:hungry此处应用形容词作表语,b

28、e hungry for sth.“渴望某事物”。5_ news came that the Ebola Virus spread quickly, which made us rather _. (disturb)答案:Disturbing; disturbed第一空修饰news,表示“令人不安的”,用disturbing;第二空修饰us作宾补,描述人的心理状态,指“感到不安的”,故填disturbed。6She is old enough to have the _ (free) to do what she likes.答案:freedom此处表述“拥有自由”,定冠词the应修饰名词,且

29、设空处需填名词作have的宾语,故填freedom。.单句改错1I dont regret to telling her what I thought._答案:去掉to2Progress so far has been very good. Besides, we are sure that the project will be completed on time._答案:BesidesTherefore3She asked me how much extra equipments she had to purchase._答案:equipmentsequipment4The current

30、 death rate is reduced about 10% compared to that of last year._答案:aboutbybuild up 逐渐增强;建立;开发;增进教材原句These chemicals in the food supply build up in peoples bodies over time.(P14)随着时间的推移,食物中的这些化学成分会在人体中堆积。(1)build up a fame 建立名声build up ones health/body 增强体质(2)与副词up搭配的短语grow up 长大cut up 切碎put up 搭起;建起set up 建立speed up 加速give up 放弃add up 加起来;合计come up 上升;走近;发芽p

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