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1、时代中心四季开闭店广播稿大全时代中心四季开闭店广播稿大全 时代中心(Times Center) 春季开店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:早上好!欢迎光临时代中心,一年之际在于春,一天之际在于晨,告别了寒冷的冬季,很高兴能与您在春意盎然的早晨相聚在时代中心,我们将为您提供一个舒适的购物环境以及时尚的购物氛围,您可以带着愉悦的心情在时代中心享受到我们春天般温暖的贴心服务。我们将为您营造的是更多快乐的购物超值体验。在此,时代中心全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:购物愉快!Good morning dear costumers,Welcome to Times Center. After the chilly wi

2、nter, we are deeply honored to be with you here at this spring morning. We will provide a comfortable and fashion shopping environment for you. You can enjoy our good services with a bright heart. We will create more happy shopping valuable service for you. Have a nice shopping time in our center.时代

3、中心春季闭店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:晚上好!伴随着春天夜幕的降临,我们的营业时间即将结束。感谢您对时代中心的支持,希望您在这里挑选的每一款商品、享受的每一项服务都能为您带来一天的好心情,为您的生活增添更多的欢乐。在这个春天略显微凉的夜晚希望您能感受到我们温暖的贴心服务。衷心感谢您对时代中心的支持,您的满意将是我们不断追求的目标,时代中心期待您的再次光临。再见!Good evening dear costumers,Night began to fall, and the business hours will soon be over. Thank you for your support

4、and hope you can enjoy the shopping time with good mood. At this spring night we hope you can feel our warm and good services. We are deeply grateful for your support. Your satisfaction is our everlasting aim. Welcome to Times Center again. Good-bye.(夏季)时代中心夏季开店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:早上好!欢迎光临时代中心,伴随着夏日快乐的气息,我

5、们迎来了崭新的一天。在这个激情四溢的早晨很高兴与您相聚在时代中心。当您漫步在时代中心的世界里,您将感受到我们绚丽绽放的美丽夏装以及舒适清凉的购物环境,时代中心,让您尽情享受夏日的浪漫,品味夏日的情调。在此,时代中心全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:购物愉快!Good morning dear costumers,Welcome to Times Center. Follow the spring happy air we are enter into a brand new day. We are deeply honored to be with you here at this brilliant

6、 morning. When you stroll along the world of Times Center you can feel our colorful summer clothes and comfortable environment. Please enjoy this summers romantic life to the full in Times Center and have a nice shopping time.时代中心夏季闭店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:晚上好!伴随着夏日夜幕的降临,我们的营业时间即将结束。感谢您对时代中心的支持,希望您在这里挑选的每一款商品

7、、享受的每一项服务都能为您带来一天的好心情,为您的生活增添更多的欢乐。在这个夏日清凉的夜晚希望您能感受到我们温暖的贴心服务。衷心感谢您对时代中心的支持,您的满意将是我们不断追求的目标,时代中心期待您的再次光临。再见!Good evening dear costumers,Night began to fall, and the business hours will soon be over. Thank you for your support and hope you can enjoy the shopping time with good mood. At this summer ni

8、ght we hope you can feel our warm and good services. We are deeply grateful for your support. Your satisfaction is our everlasting aim. Welcome to Times Center again. Good-bye.(秋季)时代中心秋季开店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:早上好!欢迎光临时代中心,秋天迈着无声的脚步,把一个收获的金秋送到了我们的身边。很高兴能与您相聚在这个绚丽多彩的早晨,时代中心将为您呈现更多丰富的精美商品以及优质的贴心服务,让您充分感受到宛如秋天般

9、成熟、明朗的购物心情。在此,时代中心全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:购物愉快!Good morning dear costumers,Welcome to Times Center. The golden full is coming, we are glad to be with you in this beautiful morning. We will show more fancy commodities and good services for you. Please enjoy this autumns happy life to the full inTimes Center and

10、 have a nice shopping time.时代中心秋季闭店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:晚上好!伴随着秋日夜幕的降临,我们的营业时间即将结束。感谢您对时代中心的支持,希望您在这里挑选的每一款商品、享受的每一项服务都能为您带来一天的好心情,为您的生活增添更多的欢乐。在这个浪漫美丽的秋夜希望您能感受到我们温暖的贴心服务。衷心感谢您对时代中心的支持,您的满意将是我们不断追求的目标,时代中心期待您的再次光临。再见!Good evening dear costumers,Night began to fall, and the business hours will soon be over.

11、Thank you for your support and hope you can enjoy the shopping time with good mood. At this autumn night we hope you can feel our warm and good services. We are deeply grateful for your support. Your satisfaction is our everlasting aim. Welcome to Times Center again. Good-bye.(冬季)时代中心冬季开店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋

12、友:早上好!欢迎光临时代中心,告别了绚丽多彩的秋天,我们迎来了快乐、和煦的暖冬。很高兴能与您相聚在这个自然宁静的早晨,时代中心将为您呈现更多丰富的精美商品以及冬日里温暖的贴心服务,让您充分感受到温暖冬日里快乐的购物心情。在此,时代中心全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:购物愉快!Good morning dear costumers,Welcome to Times Center. We are deeply honored to be with you here in this calm morning. We will show you much more fancy commodities and

13、 good services, makes you fully experience happy shopping mood in this green winter. Have a nice shopping time in Times Center.时代中心冬季闭店广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:晚上好!伴随着冬日夜幕的降临,我们的营业时间即将结束。感谢您对时代中心的支持,希望您在这里挑选的每一款商品、享受的每一项服务都能为您带来一天的好心情,为您的生活增添更多的欢乐。在这个纯净简单的冬季,希望您能感受到我们温暖热情的贴心服务。衷心感谢您对时代中心的支持,您的满意将是我们不断追求的目标,时代中心

14、期待您的再次光临。再见!Good evening dear costumers,Night began to fall, and the business hours will soon be over. Thank you for your support and hope you can enjoy the shopping time with good mood. At this winter night we hope you can feel our warm and good services. We are deeply grateful for your support. Yo

15、ur satisfaction is our everlasting aim. Welcome to Times Center again. Good-bye.这个录过不用录了21:45 第一次提醒 ()亲爱的来宾朋友们:晚上好!时代中心提示您,现在是北京时间21:45分,距离我们商场的闭店时间还有15分钟。祝愿您购物愉快!Good evening dear costumers,Its 9:45 PM now. Our mall will be closed within 15 minutes. We hope you enjoyed your shopping time in Times C

16、enter. Thank you.21:50 第二次提醒 ()亲爱的来宾朋友们:晚上好!现在是北京时间21:50分,还有10分钟我们将结束今天的营业,希望您在这里度过的是一段愉悦的购物时光!谢谢!Good evening dear costumers,Its 9:50 PM now. Our mall will be closed within 10 minutes. We hope you enjoyed your shopping time in Times Center. Thank you.21:55 第三次提醒 ()亲爱的来宾朋友们:晚上好!现在是北京时间21:55分。距离闭店时间只

17、有5分钟了,希望我们今天为您提供了一段快乐的购物时光,同时,我们的全体员工也将随时用饱满的热情期待着您下一次的光临,衷心祝愿您:购物愉快!Good evening dear costumers,Its 9:55 PM now. Our mall will be closed within 5 minutes. We hope you enjoyed your shopping time in Times Center and we will always serve you with high enthusiasm. Welcome to Times Center again. Have a

18、nice shopping time.播读要求: 商场内播放,整体轻松、舒缓,给人惬意 、悠闲、舒适的感觉。商场简介广播稿亲爱的各位来宾朋友:您好!Dear costumers,欢迎光临时代中心!本商场位于繁华的商业中心 ,永贞路1号,以新颖现代的外型及动感流畅的内部设计为您提供了一个 设施齐全的购物空间。时代中心聚购物、休闲、娱乐为一体,为追求生活质量、品味生活乐趣的您致力打造出一站式的新型时尚购物中心。Welcome to Times Center. Our mall located in the prosperous commercial centre, Yongzhen Road,No

19、.1 where is provide all-around shopping space that full of the newest modern building and the smoothness and interior design. Times Center put shopping, casual, entertainment together and will make the one-stop newest fashion shopping center for people who pursue the quality of life and taste happin

20、ess life.商场一楼主要经营品牌男装、鞋类、珠宝、化妆品,致力为您营造奢华时尚购物大道。On the first floor our mall deals mainly in mans apparel, shoes, Jewel, and cosmetic. The purpose is making a luxurious road of fashion.二楼主要经营时尚女装、箱包、高级饰品,为您诠释 卓尔不群的风尚潮流领地。On the Second floor our mall deals mainly in ladys fashion apparel, bag, advanced

21、 accessory to express you outstanding fashion field.三楼儿童主题馆,主要经营儿童服饰、母婴用品、玩具,更配有丰富的娱乐设施,给您及您的宝宝充分的时尚生活体验On the Third floor our mall deals mainly in childrens apparel, infant and mom product, toy, shopping center with abundant entertainment facility that will give you and your baby wonderful fashion

22、experience.时代中心,让您领略风尚购物体验,用个性的购物理念触动您跳动的心弦。在此,携时代中心的全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:购物愉快!Times Center making you have an extraordinary shopping experience that can be touch your heart with special shopping idea. Have a nice shopping time in our center. Thank you.借伞服务广播提示亲爱的各位来宾朋友:您好!欢迎光临时代中心,现在为您送上雨天温馨提示:由于天气变化无常,现在外

23、面正在下雨,请您在商场内稍作停留,以免淋湿,您可以在顾客休息区稍做休息。如果你需要借用雨伞,我们为您提供了借伞服务,您可以到我商场三楼总服务台办理相关业务。时代中心提示您:雨天降温,请关注自己的身体健康,以免受冻着凉。在此,携时代中心全体工作人员衷心的祝愿您:身体健康、购物愉快!Dear customers,Welcome to our Times Center. There is a note about the weather please attention. Now its raining outside please stop for a minute indoor and have

24、 a rest in the resting area of customers in order to avoid get wet in the rain. We provide service about lending umbrella if you need please contact with the main desk on the 3rd floor. And please be careful for lower the temperature in the rainy day. Have a nice shopping time in our center and good health.

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