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本文(江苏省苏州高新区学年七年级第一学期上册期末测试英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏省苏州高新区学年七年级第一学期上册期末测试英语试题【区级联考】江苏省苏州高新区2020-2021学年七年级第一学期上册期末测试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1 Did you go to the USA for _ holiday? Yes. We had _ 8-day holiday for the National Day and Mid-autumn Festival.Aa; a Ba; an Cthe; the Da; 不填2_ everyone here today?Yes, we _.AIs; are all here BAre; are all here

2、 CIs; all are here DIs; are all here3_ does your father go to the fitness centre every week?He exercises there twice a week.AHow soon BHow often CHow long DHow many times4I dont _ junk food _ cakes and candy. They are not good for us.Alike; like Blikes; likes Clikes; like Dlike; likes5 _ is your unc

3、le? He is a teacher. He teaches history in a middle school.AHow BWhich CWhat DWho6 How do you usually come to school? I usually _ a bike. Sometimes I come _ my mothers car.Aby; by Bride; by Cby; in Dride; in7 Can you _ me well? Yes. Your idea _ great.Ahear; look Bhear; sounds Clisten to; is Dsee; lo

4、oks8Nobody likes John. He is _ borrowing money from others.Aalways Busually Coften Dseldom9The blouse is too large. I dont think it _ you.Amatches Bfits Cdresses Dchanges10 How many floors are there in the building? _, and I live on the _ floor.AThirty; twenty-two BThirty; twenty-secondCThirteen; tw

5、enty-second DThirteenth; twenty-two11These dresses are very beautiful. But the price is a little .Apurple cotton; high Bpurple cotton; expensiveCcotton purple; high Dcotton purple; expensive12Our school plans to have a parents meeting_ the afternoon_ January 27th.Ain; of Bon; in Con; of Din; at13Wha

6、t is your _ for not doing your homework?Sorry. I forgot about it.Areason Bidea Cdream Dhobby14You look pretty in the white dress._.AYour are right. BI don t think so. CReally? DThank you very much.二、完型填空I received a letter recently from a grandmother. She told me about her four-year-old granddaughte

7、r Skylar. When Skylar learned 15 Disneyland from TV, she began to save(存储) her pocket money in a piggy bank. She hoped to visit it someday. Her parents took her there when she was four years old, and didnt use her savings at all!When Skylar 16 from Disneyland, it was Christmas time. She decided to b

8、uy presents with her savings. But she also learned on TV about a local homeless centre called “The Road House”. She 17 her mother again and again 18 homeless meant and why those children needed toys and warm clothes. She couldnt seem to get the homeless 19 her mind(头脑).Her mother took her to the sho

9、p to buy presents. She didnt buy any presents for 20 or her family, however, she bought a girls 21 coat and a pair of socks for the centre. She was so 22 waiting for Christmas! She was thinking about going to the centre and 23 her carefully picked gifts to a homeless child.On Christmas Eve, she and

10、her family drove to the centre. Skylar gave her Christmas box to a thankful child. She was so filled with 24 at truly helping someone else, that her family decided to go to the homeless centre every year.15Afrom Bat Cin Dof16Acame in Bcame back Ccame on Dcame up17Atold Bshowed Casked Dtaught18Ahow B

11、what Cwhy Dwhen19Aon Boff Cup Ddown20Aherself Bhimself Cmyself Ditself21Abig Bold Cwarm Dsoft22Atired Bsurprised Cworried Dexcited23Abringing Bshowing Clending Dgiving24Ahappiness Bsadness Clove Dhope三、阅读单选EXPO open every day 10:00-23:00Milano 2015 From May 1 to October 31, 2015SEASON PASSIf you wan

12、t to enjoy Expo Milano 2015 throughout the whole six months, his is your choice(选择).FAMILY PACKAGEExpo Milano 2015 offers special packages for families with children. You can make a best plan for your visit and click(点击) on BUY NOW to make your Family Package.EVENING TICKETIf you love an evening of

13、fun and delicious food, then this specially- priced ticket is for you. An unforgettable journey waits for you, starting at 7 p.m.SPECIAL DISCOUNTAre you over 65? Do you have a child of 13 years or less? Are you a student under 26 years? Are youre a person with disability(残疾)? Then you can get the ti

14、ckets at a lower price.25Expo Milano 2015 lasts _ and is open for _ every day.Ahalf a year; 13 hours B5 months; 13 hoursCsix months; 10 hours D5 months; 23 hours26_ kinds of tickets are introduced here for Expo Milano.AThree BFour CFive DSix27SPECIAL DISCOUNT isnt suitable for _.Athe disabled Bchild

15、ren aged 13 or lessCstudents over 26 years Dold people aged over 65Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. Do you know it before? It says that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we should be healthy. We should also

16、be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of a young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who dont have enough sleep cant do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also need

17、s exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also keeps the blood(血液) moving around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to t

18、hink better!28If a child doesnt have 10 hours sleep every night, he .Awill become wise Bwont do well in his workCwill sleep in the daytime Dcant go to school in time29A person needs exercise because .Ait makes him healthy Bhe has a lot of homework to doCit doesnt need time Dit is fun to do exercise3

19、0Exercise makes the move quickly and smoothly.Abody Bblood Cfood DheadAre you an eating-lover? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program A Bite of China? Its a TV program on Chinese delicious food which has been produced by CCTV. Is there any holiday

20、 that isnt celebrated with special festival food? Here are several traditional Chinese foods:Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with its candles lit in many western countries. Since noodles mean long life,

21、People think it very unlucky to cut it off.Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on the plate, in China a whole fish means richness. In fact, at a party it is a tradition to serve the whole fish last, pointed towards the most important guest(客人). Fish also has a special m

22、eaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and people believe that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the year to come.A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty dish is made of rice dumplings with meat, peanu

23、ts or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to make us think of a great man, Qu Yuan in Chinese history.31A Bite of China is _.Aa magazine Ba newspaper Ca film Da TV program32The underlined word “plenty” may mean _ in Chinese.A充足 B浪费 C节约 D幸福33In traditional Chinese

24、culture, people will eat _ on their birthdays.Aeggs Bnoodles Cfish Dcakes34Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AFish has a special meaning in Chinese culture.BBirthday noodles mean long life in Chinese culture.CSome festivals are celebrated without special food.DZongzi is spe

25、cial food for Dragon Boat Festival.四、根据首字母填空根据汉语注释,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。35Would you like something to drink? My _ (招待).36Is there anything _ (特别的) in todays newspaper?37Look at the river. The water is as _ (平坦的) as glass.38What great fun I had _ (制作) model planes with my cousin this wee

26、kend!39Mum _ me up at 6:30 every morning.40Lily usually sleeps _ (少) than 6 hours every night.41In cold winter we wear gloves and _ (围巾) to keep warm.五、根据句意填空根据情景,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出一个语法上和语义上都正确的单词。每空一词。42 May I have a word with you? Sorry. Im _ with my homework at the moment.43What do you think of the

27、dress?It looks good, but I dont like its color. Would you please show me _ one?44Where is Eddie?Look! He is _ on the sofa, watching TV.六、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。45牛仔裤在年轻人中很受欢迎。_46我希望你努力学习来实现自己的梦想。_47我们需要买一些水果吗?_48Dandy将带那些英雄参观这个现代化的图书馆。_49两顿饭之间我很少吃甜食。_七、回答问题阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卷上标有题号

28、的横线上。One day, Lucys grandma broke her leg. So she had to sit in a chair all day.“Soon you will be able to walk around with a cane,” the doctor told her. “But for now, I want you to keep the weight off your legs.”Everyone in the family wanted to help Grandma. They thought and thought.Suddenly, Lucy h

29、ad an idea. She told her mother about her plan. Together, they went to the store and bought what they needed. Then they drove to Grandmas house.“We came to have a dumpling party with you!” Lucy told her grandma, “I know that dumplings are your favourite food. Today we are going to make many different kinds of dumplings.”Lucy and her mom worked hard for an hour and made lots of dumplings.Then, they boiled some water and cooked dumplings. Soon, everyone was enjoying a big bowl of steaming hot

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