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1、Unit4导学案 Unit 4 Do you want to go to a movie?导学案 第一课时 Section A 一 学习目标:1,学会谈论自己的爱好2,学会询问爱人的爱好3,能够表达自己爱好某一类电影的理由。4,根据自己的爱好制定周末或节假日的行动计划。二 重难点:重点词汇:action movie, romance, thriller, comedy, funny, exciting, sad句型:Do you want to go to a movie? Yes,I do./No,I dont. Does she want to go to a movie? Yes,she

2、 does./No,she doesnt. What kind of movies do you like?知识点:want 在一般现在时的用法 Want 在一般现在时的疑问句及否定,肯定回答 连词but 和 and 表示品质的形容词 What.like引导的特殊疑问句三 学习过程:A跟读磁带读准Unit4单词表里的单词。B讲下列单词的意思写在横线上。go_ movie_ go to a movie _action_ comedy_ documentary_thriller_ kind_ singular_plural_ opera_ Beijing Opera_find_ someone_

3、who_student_ C,翻译下列词组1.去看电影 _ 2.想看一部武打片 _3.一部非常成功的恐怖片_ 4.在周末 _5.京剧 _D.将下列名词变为复数形式。1Comedy_ 2.boy_3.thriller_ 4.watch_5.action movie_ 6.tomato_E.听录音完成1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2cWorks in groups or in pairs.(练习对话。)四 达标检测I.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Lucy _ to play tennis with you.(want) 2. I _ (not do) my homework at home. 3

4、._ your sister _ (like) hamburgers? 4. We _ (not like) documentaries. 5. The story is very _ (interest). 6. Let him _ (help) you. 7. Who_ (have) an eraser? 8._ your mother and father often _ (watch) TV?9. On weekends, Johnson often _ (go) to movies with his friend.10. My parents like romances, _ (an

5、d/but) they dont like action movies.II.单项选择。( )1.I like documentaries_my sister doesnt like them. A,and C.but D.or ( ) 2.Do you want to go to a movie? A.Yes,I dont B.No,Im not C.Yes,I do D.Yes,I want( ) 3.She _to see an active movie. want B.wants C.want D.does want( ) 4.What kind of_do you

6、 like? A.a movie movie C.the movie Dmovies( ) 5.I _sports on TV every day. A.see see watchIII.连词成句。1 Go, you,do ,to,want ,movie,a ,to_2. kind, you,like ,what,of ,do ,food_3. like,movies,I,comedies,and,action_4. he,want,doesnt,see,comedies,to_5. you,do,like,thrillers_IV.句型转换。1.

7、 She wants to go home.(改为一般疑问句)_she _to go home?2. Does Tom like romances?(作否定回答)_,_ _.3. He wants to see a comedy.(改为否定句)He _ _to see a comedy.4. He wants to go to a movie.(改为同义句)He wants to _a movie.5. His birthday is May 5th.(对划线部分提问)_ _his birthday?V.用合适的句子补全对话。A:Good evening!B:_1_A:Are you free

8、 this evening?B:Why?A:_2_Do you want to go with me?B:3_A:An action movie.B:Who starts it?A:Chow Yunfat.B:4_Lets go.A:_VI.阅读对话,将人名和其喜欢的电影连接起来。A.:Does Betty like action movies?B:No,she doesnt.But she likes Beijing Opera.A:What kind of movies does Tom like?B:Comedies.A:Does Mike want to see a thriller

9、movie?B:Yes,he does.A:Does Suan like action movies?B:Yes,she does.Tom Betty Mike SusanA.thriller movie B.comedies C.Beijing Opera D.action movie五 课后反思我的收获:我的不足: 第二课时 Section B 一 学习目标:1,谈论喜欢的电影,明星及理由 2,确定电影类型,让学生阅读部分新电影的广告词 3,陈述电影的演员,导演,情节等 二 重难点: 1.What kind of movies do you like? 2.I like action mo

10、vies and comedies ,I dont like thrillers. 3.We all like action movies because theyre interesting and exciting. 4.plan for the weekend. 三 学习过程一)课前预习:1.出下列单词的汉语意思Scary_ funny_ sad_Exciting_ really_ often_Think_ learn_ about_History_ with_ favorite_Actor_ new_ successful_Weekend_ too_2.英汉互译。一件有趣的事 _什么种

11、类 _动作片 _一个伟大的演员 _学到关于 _a new student _go to a movie_on weekends_with my friend_a very successful comedy_36.我喜欢纪录片,但不喜欢恐怖电影。_37.她经常和她的姐姐去看京剧。_38.我最喜欢的演员是Paul Jackson. _39.他想成为一名影星。_40.我认为它没有趣。_ 二)合作探究: 1. 听录音完成2a,2b2.阅读2c,3a,完成后面的习题。3.熟读课文,并背诵3a.四 达标检测:I.单项选择。( )1.JetLi is an actor.He is great actor.

12、A.a,a B.a,an,a,an( )2.We like thriller.But we like romances.A.arent B.dont C.doesnt D.isnt( )3.She wants to a movieA.goes B.go go D.going( )4.The moves is interesting and scary.A.excite B.excited C.exciting D.exciter( )5.Anna is a new movie.She is great.A.has B.have D.does( )6.-_

13、you want to play tennis?-_Yes,I_.A.Do, do B.Does,do C. Do, Does D.Does,does( )7.Lucy likes Beijing Opera and her brother likes it,_.A.too B.also C.very D.well( )8.-What kind of movies does she like?-She like _.A.a action movie action moviesC.the action movie D.action movies( )9.Li Ping isnt her

14、e.Lets go_find her.A./ B.but C.or D.and( )10.The woman is fifty,_she looks young(年轻)A.and B.but C.or D.tooII用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I want two_(tomato).2.There are two_(comedy)on now.3.The movie is very_(interesting).4.I think the new movie Spend is very _(success).5.Beijing Opera is _(real) fun!III.选择适当的单词或短

15、语,补全对话 No, want to go, thank you, dont like, an action, Lets go, a comedy, I dont know, to go, a movieAnn:Hey,Lin! Lets go to 4l.Lin:Hmm.I dont know.Ann:WellLets go to “Danger Zone”. Its 42 movie.Lin:Well,I really 43 action movies.I dont really want 44,but 45.Ann:OK,Wheres Tom? Does he want to go to

16、 a movie?Lin: 46.Ann:Hey,Tom. Do you 47 to the movies?Tom:Sure. Is it 48? I like comedies a11d romances.Ann:No,its an action movie.Tom:49,thank you. 50 to a comedy.课后反思: 我的收获:我的不足:第三课时 Self Check 一 学习目标1.能够表达自己爱好某一类电影的理由。2.根据自己的爱好制定周末或节假日的行动计划。 二 学习重难点 巩固和提高这个单元的知识掌握。三 学习过程一)预习及自测I.仿照例子用适当的词将A,B两栏连接

17、成句子。A BComedies are funny.The thriller _ scary.Bejing Qpera _ sad.Action movies _ exciting.Tom _ action movies.They _ thrillers.II.用but或and填空。1. Ben wants to go home _watch TV.2. I like thrillers _I dont like romances.3. Sally isnt a teacher _a student.4. Maria has a brother _a sister.5. I have a te

18、nnis,_I dont have a tennis racket.二)拓展创新I.补全对话。A:What kind of I _ do you like?B:I like chicken and vegetables.A:What kind of _?B:I like blue and white.A:_B:I like swimming and ping-pong.A:_.B:No,I dont like action movies.A:_B:I like cartoons and documentaries.II.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,没空填一词。1. 有些人认为京剧很无聊。Some

19、 _ _ Beijing Opera is boring.2.憨豆先生不是动作片。 Mr Brown isnt _ _movie.3.我们周末经常去看电影。We often _ _the movies on weekends.4. 麦克喜欢喜剧片但不喜欢恐怖片。 Mike likes comedies_ he _like thrillers.5. 我最喜欢的体育明星是刘翔。 My _sports _is Liu Xiang.III.根据所看到的电影海报完成下列对话。 Name:Are You There Kind:Comedy Place:Shool playground Date:May 4

20、 Time:7:00pmA:There is a _tonight.B:Really?_!_ _ _?A:Its name is _.B:_ _ _ _is it?A:Its a comedy.B:Oh.I like comedies _ _.A:Me ,too.Comedies are my_.B;_go to see the movie together.A:_.Lets go. 三)自主学习I.完形填空June 51 action movies, and she often goes 52 Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very 5

21、3. She thinks documentaries are boring, 54 she doesnt like 55. She thinks they are scary. She 56 likes Beijing Opera. Some 57 dont like it, but she thinks it very 58. She thinks she can 59 Chinese history. She with his friends 60 to see Beijing Opera.( )51.A.really reallyC.really likesD.l

22、ikes really( ) seeC.see D.sees( )53.A.excitingB.boringC.difficultD.sad( ) C.or D.and( )55.A.comediesB.thrillersC.action movies D.documentaries( )56.A.too B.eitherC.alsoD.often( )57.A.peopleB.peoplesC.English D.Chineses( )58.A.interestingB.boringC.scaryD.exciting( )59.A.thi

23、nks ofB.think of C.learns aboutD.learn about( )60.A.has B.go C.wantsD.findII.阅读理解判断正误,对的写T,错的写FA man goes to the optician (配镜技师) to have his eyes tested (测试). The optician sits him down and shows (展示给看) him a test chart.“Can you read that?” asks the optician. “No,” says the man. The optician moves i

24、t closer (更近些)“Now can you read it?” “No,” says the man. The optician moves the chart even closer, “Surely, you can read it now?”“No,” says the man. “I cant read.”( )6l.The mans eyes are not good.( )62.“have his eyes tested” means“检查视力”.( )63.“a test chart” means “一张视力表”.( )64.“Can you read that?” means “Do you know the letters in the test chart?”(

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