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Unit 5Rhythm重点单词短语句型及练习含答案.docx

1、Unit 5Rhythm重点单词短语句型及练习含答案Unit 5Rhythm分类记单词填准记牢快速掌握写作词汇写一写1award n奖,奖品2audience n. 听众,观众3throughout prep. 贯穿,遍及4treasure n. 财宝,财富5quit vt.& vi. 停止;辞职6talent n. 天才,才干7transform vt. 转换,转化8generation n. 代,一代9unique adj. 独特的,唯一的10identity n. 身份;特性11ordinary adj. 平常的;普通的12system n. 系统拓展词汇记一记1effect n效果,作

2、用effective adj.有效的,起作用的2disappoint vt.使失望disappointment n失望disappointed adj.失望的3base n基地,基础basic adj.基本的,基础的4extremely adv.极端地,非常extreme adj.非常,极度的5impress vt.使(人)印象深刻impression n印象impressive adj.印象深刻的6perform vt.&vi.表演;做performance n表演;演奏performer n表演者7creative adj.有创造力的,创造性的create vt.创造,创作8combine

3、 vt.(使)结合,(使)联合combination n结合,组合9general n将军 adj.一般的,总的,综合的generally adv.通常地,一般地10rediscover vt.重新发现discover vt.发现cover v遮盖;包含11reaction n反应react vi.&vt. 作出反应12represent vt.代表representative n代表13beauty n美,美貌,美人beauTIFul adj.美丽的14appearance n外貌,外观appear vi.出现,似乎,显得15responsible adj.有责任的,应负责任的respons

4、ibility n责任respond vi.回答;做出反应;承担责任16permission n允许,许可permit v允许,容许 语境应用用所给词的适当形式填空1To the teachers disappointment,the disappointing news that he failed the exam not only made him very disappointed but also disappointed all of us.(disappoint)2Hangzhou is such an impressive city that it often makes a

5、strong impression on visitors and its sights never fail to impress foreign tourists.(impress)3You are an adult now and you need to take responsibility for your actions.In my opinion,it is you rather than he that should be responsible for the accident.(responsible)4As we all know,a person who can cre

6、ate many new inventions is always considered to be creative.(creative)5People present at the concert sing high praise for Lang Langs performance;in other words,he is a good performer.(perform)联想背短语高效识记稳固根基高频短语写一写1be_used_to习惯于2pick_up 捡起,学会3in_other_words 换句话说4at_times 有时,不时5in_some_ways 在某些方面6refer

7、_to 指的是,参考,查阅7back_and_forth 往返,来回8dance_to_the_music 随着音乐跳舞9come_out 出版10be_impressed_by 留下印象11shave_off 刮掉12as_with 和一样13for_sure 确实,毫无疑问地14fit_in_with 与合得来,适应 语境应用练一练(选用以上短语填空)1Having lived in the countryside for two years,he has been_used_to this kind of simple and plain life.2Could you do me a

8、favour and pick_up Sam from school today?3In_some_ways,we failed to live up to one anothers expectations.4It was foolish of him to refer_to his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.5It was several weeks before the truth of the matter came_out.精彩写句式典句背诵夯基提能经典句式背一背1It was M

9、orissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.(It was.since.自从以来多久了)2He also feels that playing Chinese folk music on the piano can help bring it to the rest of the world.(v. ing作主语)3His mother couldnt buy him a piano until he w

10、as seven.(not.until.直到才)4This is why he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music.(This is why.这就是为什么,why引导表语从句)5Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music,he is a pioneer in music today.(whether.or.无论还是)6And every time you call,Ive waited there

11、as though you might not call at all.(every time每次,引导时间状语从句)句式仿写练一练1据我所知,他参军八年了。As far as I know,it_is_eight_years_since he joined the army.2上课专心听老师讲课有助于提高你的学习。Listening_to_the_teacher_carefully in class helps improve your study.3直到完成作业我才能去看电影。I cant_go_to_the_movies_until I finish my homework.4今天他生病

12、了。这就是为什么他今天早上上课迟到了。He is ill today.That_is_why_he_came_late for class this morning.5它到底是个好主意还是个坏主意,我们很快会见分晓。Whether_it_turns_out_to_be_a_good_idea_or_a_bad_one,well find out soon.6每次我听到那首英文歌,我就禁不住想起我在澳大利亚的那些日子。Every_time_I_hear the English song,I cant help thinking of the days when I was in Australi

13、a.第一板块重点单词effect n结果;效力(佳句诵读)Global warming is having a great effect on/upon hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.全球变暖正在对全球数以百计的动植物物种产生重大影响。(1)have an effect/influence on/upon 对产生影响come into effect 生效carry/put.into effect 使生效/起作用side effect 副作用(2)effective adj. 有效的;有影响的(3)affect vt.

14、 影响 Its reported that this regulation will come into effect from September 1,2018.据报道本章程自2018年9月1日起生效。 巧学巧练1(单句语法填空)(2014安徽卷写作)Go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective (effect) way to get rid of anger.An increasing number of experts believe that it will

15、have a positive effect on our environment.(2014江西卷写作) Besides,developing a good habit of learning can help you improve your learning effectively (effect)(高考小作文)(重庆卷书面表达)我写信告诉你中国长江江豚正面临灭绝,因为人类的活动对它们产生了不利的影响。I am writing to tell you that the finless porpoise is becoming extinct because_humans_activities_have_a_bad_effect_on_them.disappoint vt.使失望(2014浙江卷单选)Theres n

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