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八下单元话题写作chento Han1.docx

1、八下单元话题写作chento Han1八下英语期末总复习 单元话题写作(五)- Unit 5 Unforgettable events 命题人:陈晓辉 2016/6/10话题分析:本单元以“讲述过去发生的事情”为话题,运用过去时和过去进行时介绍难忘的事件,在叙述事件发生过程的同时,也谈论它所带来的感触以及对你的影响。单元写作例题:(3b) Write a short article about the important event. 在你成长的过程中,一定发生过让你难以忘怀,并且非常重要的一件事情,请以“An Important Event That I Remember Well”为题写一

2、篇短文。词数不少于80词。审题思路:1.让你觉得重要的事件是什么? 2.事情的经过是怎样的? 3.它所带来的感触以及对你的影响是什么?思维导图:常用句型:1. An important event that I remember well was .2. Ithappenedin.(place)on.(date)in.(year) 3. WhenIheardthenewsofthisevent,Iwasshockedandfeltverysad.4. Myfriendsweredoingwhattheycoulddotohelpthepeople there. 5. Thiseventisve

3、ryimportanttomebecauseIlearnedthepoweroflove.6. Irememberthiseventwellbecauseitmademebecomemuchstronger.7. Whenthiseventhappened,Iwaswatchingmovies. 8. When it happened, myfriendswerereadingnewspapers.9. They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.10. Although the storm brok

4、e many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.11. As the old saying goes, “When difficulties arise in one place, aid comes from everywhere(一方有难,八方支援).”12. With everyones endless help, we finally overcame the nightmare(噩梦).13. A friend in need is a friend indeed.参考范文:An Impor

5、tant Event That I Remember Well(1) An important event that I remember well was the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami(海啸) that happened on December 26, 2004. The earthquake happened under the sea and caused a tsunami that killed many people and destroyed(破坏) many places in different countries. When

6、 I heard the news of the earthquake and tsunami, I was hanging out at my classmates house with my friends. My friends were eating snacks and playing computer games. I remember this event well because my mother was in Phuket(普吉岛), Thailand at the time for her job, and Phuket was one of the places aff

7、ected(受影响) by the tsunami. I was so worried and afraid for my mother that I cried. I went home immediately(立即) and waited for hours with my family before we received the news that my mother was alive and safe.(二)An important event that I remember well was a rainstorm a few days ago. In the morning,

8、the weather became very dark. The wind was strong , too. When the rainstorm came, I was having an interesting English class. It was still pouring when class was over. The ground was covered with water. With no umbrella, I was worried about how to get home. But when I ran out of my school, I saw my m

9、other waiting for me in the rain. I was so moved that I couldnt stop crying. Just at that moment, I realize parents love is the greatest. Whatever happens, our parents are always there to help us. Theyre the closest people in the world.命题拓展: (一)The Best Days In My Life The day I started school was o

10、ne of the best days in my life. It was a unique(独特的) experience that I really enjoyed, but it also meant much more for me and my future. On that day, I was very happy to meet all the people and see all the bright classrooms. Everything was new and exciting. The teachers were welcoming, and the stude

11、nts were nervous like me but also very friendly. We all got to know each other and became good friends later. Perhaps the most meaningful part of the experience was learning. In my new classes, we were taught English, math, Chinese, and other subjects. My favorite was English. Being in classes for t

12、he first time was interesting. I really liked it. Now that I am older, I know that knowledge is very useful. I can use it to help other people, and get a good job when I grow older. My first day of school was a key that opened new doors for me and gave me a lot of freedom(自由). It was one of the most

13、 important events in my life.(二)My unforgettable experience As we grow up, we may experience many things which make us happy or sad. Why do we always keep them in mind ? Because they are meaningful. (Id like to share one of my unforgettable experiences with you.) About one year and a half ago, I wen

14、t to Beijing to take an exam with my friend.When we got there, we felt so excited that we were almost awake the whole night. The next morning, both my friend and I got up late. When we reached the examination room, we had already been late for 25 minutes. Whats more, it was rules that the person who

15、 was late over 20 minutes could not take the exam. We were very anxious, begging(祈求) the teachers to let us in, at last the teachers agreed. How breathtaking(惊险的) it was! After the exam, I said thanks to the teacher, she said, “Be careful next time.”I learned a lot from this experience, and it would

16、 be kept in my mind forever in order to remind me to do everything carefully.八下英语期末总复习 单元话题写作(六)- Unit 4 Problems & Advice +After-school Classes 命题人:陈晓辉 2016/6/10话题分析:本单元以“询问、陈述自己或他人的困难和麻烦并提出解决办法和建议”为话题,让学生学会与他人合适的交流和沟通。同时也谈论了人们对待孩子参加课外活动和课外学习班的态度与做法,话题贴近学生生活,让学生有话可说,有据可写。(1) Problems & Advice审题思路:1

17、. What is the problem and what causes the problem?(问题及原因) 2. How to deal with the problem? / Whats the advice?(解决办法) 3. What is your hope?(提出希望)单元写作例题:随着年龄的增长,不少青少年发现越来越难以与父母沟通和交流,各方面的分歧使两代人之间的关系日益紧张。请围绕该话题用英语谈谈你的看法。要求:(1)内容包括分析这种现象产生的主要原因; 提出解决该问题的具体建议。 (2)字数:80词左右。思维导图:参考范文:(1)As we are growing up

18、, we find it difficult to communicate with our parents. Whats more, we usually argue with them over small things. I think the important reason is that different aged people have different ideas about the world. So there are some disagreements between them. In my opinion, its better to learn to under

19、stand each other. Children should often ask parents for help when theyre in trouble. Besides, they can make a compromise(妥协) with each other. Only in this way can we get along well with our parents. (2)With the age growing, many young people find it quite difficult to communicate with their parents.

20、 Their relationship gets worse and more stressful. In my opinion, one main reason is that there is no common language between them, so it is hard for them to understand each other. If we want to solve this problem, we need to share our happiness and sadness with our parents. And also, we should lear

21、n how to communicate with our parents properly. Only in this way can we get on well with one another.命题拓展:一位好友Tom向你求助,他和父母关系紧张,不能友好相处,请你写一封80词左右的回信,给他一些建议。 参考范文:Dear Tom, Ive known your problem. As a teenager, you find it hard to well communicate with your parents. I think it is because both you and

22、 your parents are so busy that you dont have enough time to talk with each other. How to communicate with your parents? Here are some suggestions. First, you should spend more time with your parents. Second, try to talk to your parents politely, or they will not feel like talking to you. Third, its

23、best to think about your parents more, and you can understand them better. I hope my advice can help you. If you follow these suggestions, you can get on well with your parents.Your friend,Tony(二) After-School Classes 审题思路:1.Whats the topic? 2.Whats your opinion and why do you think so? 3.Whats your

24、 hope or advice?单元写作例题:(3b) Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. 向杂志社写一封信,表达你对课后班的看法。思维导图:参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam, I dont really agree with what parents are saying about after-school classes because they only seem to think about getting their c

25、hildren into good schools or having successful children. Although some parents are right about the importance of learning form a young age, I think children should be allowed to be children and have a carefree childhood. In my opinion, it is important for parents not to push their children too hard.

26、 I believe it is better if parents try to really understand their childrens interests and abilities first so that they will not make their children take classes that are not suitable for them. Perhaps parents could let their children decide for themselves if they want to have any after-school classe

27、s. If children are allowed to take the classes they choose for themselves, they will benefit more from these classes. They will grow up to be not only successful in their own way but happy too.Yours truly,Weisong命题拓展:(一) Talk about your opinions on after-school classes.参考范文:My Opinions On After-scho

28、ol Classes Recently, many parents are crazy about sending their children to different kinds of after-school classes. But everyone has their own opinions on this topic. A few people think its necessary for children to get into a good university. Others disagree with them because kids have already had

29、 too much pressure and they should have time to relax. In my opinion, if we have problems in learning, we should take the after-school classes to solve them. It can improve our grades in order that our parents will get a strong feeling of satisfaction. I think we should use most of the time to devel

30、op ourselves. For example, we can take art classes to train the ability to dance or draw. All in all, its up to you to decide. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.(天才只不过是劳动和勤奋。)(二)现在,社会上补习机构火爆,在各种媒体上,我们经常可以看到“名师名校”、“个性化教学”、“终极押题”、“秒杀中考”等广告词。你相信这样的宣传吗?为此,你所在的学习小组针对这一社会现象,围绕“课余时间我们应该更多地去做什么才能够得到

31、全面的发展”展开了讨论,最终大家形成了以下的观点: 请你根据同学们的上述观点,并结合自己的亲身体验,就此问题陈述自己的看法,内容必须包含以下要点: 1. Would you like to take after-school classes? Why or why not? (Please give 3 reasons.) 2. What would you like to do in your spare time? 3. Please tell us one of your stories of this kind of experience. 要求: 1. 词数80词左右; 2. 文中不

32、得出现真实的人名与校名。参考范文:It seems that many students go to take after-school classes, but it is just a waste of time and money. I used to go to different kinds of these classes, too. But later I realized I couldnt do that any more. I began to spend more time reading, doing sports and taking some social activities. Meanwhile, I didnt fall be

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