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1、K12教育学习资料高考英语词汇串串连及词以群分知识精讲词汇串串连 (1)1. benefit vt.& vi. 对有益;受益 n. C & U 益处;津贴;义演、善举【地道表达】benefit from / by 从中获益unemployment benefits 失业救济金illness benefit患病津贴a benefit concert for the Childrens Hospital为筹建儿童医院举行的义演音乐会I benefit greatly from / by my fathers advice. 我从父亲的忠告中获益很多。This medicine will benef

2、it you.这种药对你有好处。I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language. 从学习外语中,我受益匪浅。She had the benefit of a first-class education. 她得益于良好的教育。2. take advantage of 对加以利用(其后接人时,表示不公正地对待某人,尤指利用某人的处境、弱点等以达到自己的目的,也可译为“欺骗;占的便宜”)【地道表达】He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk. 他趁着天气好, 出去散散步。

3、He has always been taking advantage of me. 他老是占我的便宜。【近义链接】use sth to do sth (利)用某物做某事;make use of 利用 (尤其是利用已经存在的情形来为自己获取优势)make the most of 充分利用play on 利用(某人的恐惧/贪心/同情心/偏见等为自己获取优势)3. relative adj. 比较而言的,比较的;相对的;与有关的(其后多接to)【地道表达】Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. 相对于它的面积,这座城市人口极为稀少

4、。He asked me some questions relative to the subject. 他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。She is living in relative poverty. 她过着较为贫困的生活【触类旁通】relatively adv. 相比较而言地。例如:Relatively speaking, he is getting well. 相对而言,他在慢慢地好起来。It is relatively cold today. 今天比较冷。relative n. 亲戚,亲属 例如:My aunt is my only immediate relative. 我姑母是

5、我唯一的至亲。relativity n. 相关性;相对性;【物】相对论 4. pure adj. 纯的,纯净的;纯洁的;纯粹的;纯正的;完全的,十足的【地道表达】pure cold / silver纯金 / 银pure science / math 纯科学 / 数学pure drinking water纯净的饮用水a pure young girl一位纯洁的姑娘100% pure百分之百地纯by pure chance / luck / coincidence完全是碰巧 / 纯属运气/巧合pure and simple完全是The sweater is made of pure wool /

6、silk / cotton.这件运动衫是纯毛/丝/棉制的。5. float vi.& vt.(使)漂浮【触类旁通】floating adj. 不固定的a floating population 流动人口floating exchange rates 浮动汇率floating voter 游离选民6. absorb vt. 吸收;理解、掌握【地道表达】Black cloth absorbs light. 黑布吸光。The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 这种乳霜容易被皮肤吸收。be absorbed in sth 全神贯注于。例如:I was ab

7、sorbed in a book and didnt hear you call. 我(当时)正专心地读一本书,没有听见你叫我。 be absorbed into sth被并入;(被)融入。We were soon absorbed into local village life. 我们很快就融入到当地的乡村生活中了absorbing 非常吸引人的;引人入胜的an absorbing book一本很吸引人的书 7. stable adj. 稳定的;稳固的;稳重的【地道表达】The ladder doesnt seem very stable. 这架梯子好像不太稳。The patients co

8、ndition is stable. 患者病情稳定。a stable character稳重的性格【触类旁通】stably adv. 稳定地;稳固地;平稳地stability n. 稳定性stabilize v. 使稳定stable n. 马厩;养马厂;(属于同一主人或驯马师的)一群赛马stable vt. 把拴入马厩词汇串串连 (2)1. fiction U 小说 C 虚构的事【触类旁通】fiction 小说 (不可数) novel 中长篇小说(可数)short story 短篇小说 2. league C 里格(旧时长度单位);联盟;联合会,社团【触类旁通】League of Nation

9、s 国际联盟Baseball League 棒球联合会the Arab League 阿拉伯联盟3. apply vt. 应用;运用;vi. 申请;请求【地道表达】apply for a job / post / passport 申请工作 / 职位 / 护照apply to a university 向大学提出入学申请The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶条例适用于每个人。【触类旁通】application n. 申请application form 申请表applied art 实用美术applicable adj.适用的;合适的

10、applicant n. 申请人4. make a living 谋生【触类旁通】earn / gain / get / make ones living 谋生make a living by doing sth. 靠为生make a living on sth. 以为生5. collision n.(车、船的)碰撞;(利益,意见的)冲突【地道表达】collision at sea 海上碰撞a collision between two trains 两列火车相撞come into collision with 和相撞 / 冲突 / 抵触 in collision with 和相撞/冲突6.

11、overboard adv.自船上落下,在船外【地道表达】throw sb. / sth. overboard丢在船外/丢在水中;抛弃;扔掉fall overboard 从船上落入、跳入水中;A man overboard! 有人落水!go overboard for / about沉迷于;狂热地追求7. permanent adj. 永久的,不变的,耐久的;常设的,常任的【触类旁通】temporary 反义 everlasting 同义【地道表达】permanent / temporary staff 正式(临时)职员permanent address 固定地址permanent tooth

12、 恒齿permanent assets 固定资产a permanent job 固定工作a permanent office 常驻办事处8. aboard adv. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车); prep.在(船、飞机、车)上【地道表达】take these goods aboard带这些货物上车go aboard the ship上船the people aboard the plane 乘坐飞机的人All aboard! 请大家上车(或船等)!Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐!9. marble U 大理石;大理石制品 C 玻璃球【地道表达】of marble大理石的

13、made of marble大理石做/制的marble-hearted 无情的as cold as marble 冷如冰a marble statue 大理石雕像 lose ones marbles 失去理智10. labor U 劳动;劳力;努力;vi. 努力;苦干【地道表达】eight-hour labor 八小时工作hard labor 辛苦劳动manual labor 体力劳动labor cost 劳动成本labor camp 劳改cheap labor 廉价劳动力International Labor Day 国际劳动节Labor Party 工党labor for a better

14、 future为更加美好的未来而努力labor to do 努力去做labor the point 细说;罗嗦地说labor under sth. 为所蒙蔽11. hesitate vi. 踌躇;迟疑;犹豫【地道表达】hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做hesitate about / over / at (doing )sth. 对犹豫He who hesitates is lost. 当断不断,必受其患。In case you need something, please dont hesitate to ask me. 如果你需要什么东西,请尽管对我说。She is still

15、 hesitating about sending her son to college. 她对于要不要送儿子进大学一事仍然犹豫不决。She hesitated over the choice between the two blouses for her daughter. 她拿不定主意应该挑这两件短衫中的哪一件给她女儿。12. curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;(舞台上的)幕【地道表达】curtain call 谢幕behind the curtain 在幕后 / 秘密drop the curtain 闭幕/演出终止(itll) be curtains for sb. / sth. 完蛋b

16、ring down the curtain on sth. 结束;标志的终结The curtain falls. 闭幕。The curtain rises. 幕启词汇串串连 (3)1. solar adj. 太阳的;日光的 (lunar 月亮的) 【触类旁通】a solar spot 太阳黑子solar battery 太阳能电池solar energy 太阳能solar eclipse 日食lunar eclipse 月食the solar calendar 阳历the lunar calendar 阴历the solar year 阳历年the lunar year 阴历年2mankind

17、 U 人类(总称,不可数)【触类旁通】man 人类(总称,不可数)a human being(human beings) 人类(可数) people 人们(集合名词)3daily adj. 每日的 adv. 每天 C 日报【触类旁通】weeklyadj. 每周的 adv. 每周 C 周报、周刊 monthly adj. 每月的 adv. 每月 C 月刊4. achieve vt. 实现;完成【地道表达】achieve goals 实现目标achieve ones purpose 达到目的achieve success 获得成功achieve victory 取得胜利achieve modern

18、ization 实现现代化academic achievements学业成绩;学术成就5. technological adj. 技术(学)的;工艺(学)的【触类旁通】technology n. 科学技术,工业技术technical adj. 技术的,技术上的technically adv. 专门地;技术上地technician C 专家;技术人员technique U 技巧,技艺technologist C 科学技术人员6. master C 硕士;(男)主人;能手Master of Arts / Sciences 文学(理学)硕士obey ones master听主人的话【触类旁通】mas

19、terful adj. 专横的,控制别人的masterfully adv. 专横地masterly adj. 熟练的;名家的mastermind C 有大才智的人masterhand n. 能手;高超的技艺masterpiece C 名作;杰出的事mastership U 控制,支配7. rely vi. 依赖;依靠;指望【触类旁通】reliable adj.可靠的reliably adv. 可靠地reliability U 可靠性【地道表达】rely on / upon sth. / sb. 信赖某人或某事You may not rely on the weather report.天气预报

20、不足为信。You can rely on him.你可以信任他。rely on sb. doing / to do 指望或依赖某人做某事I rely on her to pay back the money(= I rely on her paying back the money).我相信她会还钱。rely on it that . 放心You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.你放心好了,他会来接你的。8. element C 元素;要素;组成部分【地道表达】the periodic table of the elements 元素周

21、期表chief elements of success 成功的主要要素out of ones element 如鱼离水,不得其所in ones element 在如意的环境中,如鱼得水 【触类旁通】elementary adj. 基础的,初级的 elementary school 小学(= primary school)9. economic adj. 经济上的;有利可图的【触类旁通】economy n. 经济economics n. 经济学economist adj. 经济学家 economical adj. 省钱的,经济的,节约的 【地道表达】The government began to

22、 introduce its economic policy.政府开始推行它的经济政策。He left school for economic reason. 他因经济问题而辍学。She is economical with her use of salt when cooking.做饭时她用盐很节省10. base C基础,底座,基地,根据地vt. 把建立在,以为基础adj.卑鄙的,恶劣的【触类旁通】basis n. (理论,信念的)依据或基础bases base与basis的复数 basic adj. 基本的 basics n. 基本原理baseless adj. 毫无根据的basical

23、ly adv. 基本上(说来),从根本上词以“群”分 (1)“用法”各异used to; be used to; get used to1. Computers _ do many things for people now.2. She _ work in a small factory before she came here. 3. The boss is glad that the new workers _ hard work now.4. He asked if I _ driving on the left while I was traveling in England. 5.

24、 They _ play golf, didnt they?Key: 1. are used to 2. used to 3. are / get used to 4. was / got used to 5. used to解析:used to意为“过去常常”,后接动词原形;常用来表示今昔对比,暗含不那样做了(如2和5)。be used to接动词原形, 表示“被用来做某事”(如1);而be / get used to后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,表示“习惯于;适应”(如3和4)。“能力”有别ability; capacity; potential 1. The health cente

25、r serves all patients, regardless of their _ to pay. 2. One of their children has the _ to be a brilliant scientist.3. The children were born without the _ to walk. 4. Children have a remarkable _ to learn language.5. The company has the _ to build 1,500 trucks a year.6. My son has acting _, but he

26、needs a lot of training. 7. The hall has a seating _ of 2, 000 persons.Key: 1. ability 2. potential 3. ability 4. capacity / ability 5. capacity 6. potential 7. capacity解析:ability既指天赋的“能力”(如3),也指培养造就而获得的“本领;才能”或已经表现出来的实际“能力”(如1和4)。capacity 用于物时,指“(容纳接受的)能力”(如7);生产能力(如5),有时可翻译为“容量;容积”;用于人时,一般不指体力,多指才

27、智、道德等方面,尤其指接受能力等(如4)。potential表示“潜在的能力;可能性”(如2和6)。词以“群”分 (2)refuse; reject 1. Judge Gifford _ the defenses request.2. All apples with soft spots _, even in the Christmas Rush.3. The horse _ the apple.4. Gibson _ the idea as “absurd”.5. How can he _ to obey the order as a soldier? 6. Tom _ by the arm

28、y because of his bad eyesight.7. Under the law, doctors cannot _ patients access to their own medical records. 8. My brother asked her to marry him, but she _. Key: 1. rejected / refused 2. were rejected 3. refused / rejected 4. rejected 5. refuse6. was rejected 7. refuse 8. refuse解析:两者都作“拒绝”讲,指不去做别

29、人要求你做的事或不接受别人提供的某物(如1和3)。但refuse更常接表示“邀请、许可”等意义的词;且既可作不及物动词(如8),也可作及物动词,并可接双宾语(如7)或接to do sth.(如5);而reject常作及物动词,并且态度上更坚定、更具权威性、更正式(如1);更常接表示“建议、提议、报价、理论”等意义的词(如4);还可表示“(在就业、入学等方面)拒绝、不选中(某人)”(如6)或“因无用或不好而丢弃(产品)”(如2)。allow; allow for 1. We do not _ eating in the classroom.2. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, _ traffic delays. 3. Passengers _ one item of hand luggage each.4. _ this train being late, we should be back by 10:30.5. Sometimes a loophole (漏洞) in the law _ someone to escape being punished.6. Our new system will _ more efficient use of resources

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