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Unit 8 Id like some noodles导学案.docx

1、Unit 8 Id like some noodles导学案Unit 8 Id like some noodles导学案课型:新授 执笔: 审核:七年级英语组Period 1 (Section A 1a2c)Class_ Name_一、学习目标1会读下列单词:would, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, 2理解下列词组:Id=I would, hed= he would3理解下列重点句子:What would you like? Id like some noodles. What kind of noodles would yo

2、u like? Beef and tomato noodles.4. 分辨可数名词和不可数名词二、课前预习1. 回忆我们学过的食品类的词汇,你能记得多少?写出下列词汇:蔬菜_ 胡萝卜_ 西红柿_ 土豆_ 卷心菜_ 沙拉_ 花椰菜_ 水果_ 苹果_ 梨_ 鱼 _香蕉_ 草莓_ 牛肉_ 羊肉_ 鸡肉_ 鸡蛋 _冰激淋_ 饮料_ 水 _ 甜点 橙子 汉堡包_ 炸马铃薯 _ 桃子_ 葡萄_ 猪肉_2. 预习关于食品的新单词面条 牛肉 羊肉 鸡肉 卷心菜 马铃薯 西红柿 3. 将上面的单词分类:Countable noun可数名词:_Uncountable noun不可数名词:_Countable an

3、d uncountable noun既是可数名词又是不可数名词:_4. 修饰可数名词和不可数名词的形容词有: a, an, many, few, a few, a number of , much, little, a little, a great deal of , some, any , a lot of, lots of, 请将它们按以下标准分类只修饰可数名词:_只修饰不可数名词:_既可以修饰可数名词,又可不可数名词:_三、课内导学Step 1 复习导入:闪现图片,说拼单词,加入新词汇。分辨可数名词和不可数名词Step 2 呈现新知:1. 完成1a,match the words wi

4、th the foods 2. 呈现句子, 根据图片回答: What would you like? Id like some _. 3. 完成1b, listen and check. 补充听力:listen and fill in the blanks. Boy: Hello, _some noodles.Waitress: _noodles would you like?Boy: _noodles, please.2a, listen and check.Step 3 合作与展示1. 操练句型,完成对话What kind of noodles / drink / food would y

5、ou like? Id likeStep 4. 巩固提高: 完成调查报告Make a survey: What kind of noodles would you like? Ask your friends what they like in their noodles. Fill in the form and give a report.Name What do you like in your noodles?Lily Tomatoes, eggs and beef Give a report like this: Lily would like tomatoes, eggs and

6、beef in her noodles. _Step 5. 知识拓展(1)would like 意为想要,愿意,相当于want,用于提出要求或建议;但语气比want委婉,一般有一下三种形式:would like sth. 想要某物 如:我想要些冰淇淋。I would like some ice cream.would like to do sth. 想要干某事 如:我想要和你一起去。I would like to go with you.would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 如:我想要她去接你。I would like her to meet you.注意:wou

7、ld like 中的would 在句中经常和前面的主语缩写成d, 如 Id = I would, Youd = You would, Hed = He would.注意:与would like 有关的各种句型:Would you like something? 你想要某东西吗? 这是日常生活中有礼貌、很客气、语气又很委婉地征求对方要求时的用语。这个问句的肯定答语是:Yes, please. / All right. / Yes. / OK.等。否定回答是:No, thanks.Would you like to do something? 你愿意干某事吗?这是日常生活中用来向对方有礼貌地提出建

8、议或邀请的句型。其肯定回答是:Yes, Id love to. 否定回答常常是用Sorry 或者Id love to, but等。句式一:陈述句变一般疑问句,把情态动词移到句首, I 变为you。 I would like some milk. Would you like some milk?注意:其中的some 没有变成 any 是因为句子表达的是“要求,请求,提供需要”的意思,在这种情况下,句中的some 不需要变成any句式二:陈述句变成否定句 I would like some milk. I would not like any milk? 变为否定句时,在情态动词后面加not,将

9、some变any.句式三:特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问)I would like some milk? What would you like? I would like to have a rest. What would you like to do?练一练我想要一支铅笔。 I a pencil.= I a pencil.我想休息一下。 I a rest.= I a rest.我想要你和我一起去买东西 I you shopping with me. = I you shopping with me.(2)What kind of noodles would you like? 你要哪种面条?

10、 kind为名词,意为“种类”,a kind of 为“一种”,all kinds of 为“各种各样的”,What kind of 为“哪一种”。练一练1. 熊猫是一种动物。A panda is animals.2. 这种花很漂亮。 flowers very beautiful.3. What _ _ fruit do you like? 你喜欢哪种水果?4. There are _ _ _ vegetables in the market. 市场上有各种各样的蔬菜。 为形容词,意为“好心的,友爱的,和蔼的”,如:My mother is _ _ everyone. 我母亲善待每一个人。 T

11、hats very _ _ you. 您真是太好了。kind of 有点,相当于 _四、学后反思练习一、单词拼写1. What w_ you like, sir? -Id like a cup of tea.2. Do you like to eat a large pizza or a m_ one?3. Im hungry. Lets see whats in the m_.4. He is very thirsty. He wants some d_.5. His mother is weak(体弱的). He is making some c_ soup for her.6. _(西红

12、柿) arent fruit but vegetables.7. Id like another three _(土豆).8. Id like some fruit salad, two pizzas and some orange _(果汁).9. Most of the Chinese people like _(水饺)very much. They are their traditional food.10. What _(特色菜) do you have in your restaurant?二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1. There are 50 _(woman) teachers in our school.2. Many _(America) come to

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