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1、届高考英语三轮复习课本回归早读晚练32 2018届高考英语三轮复习课本回归早读晚练32早读:.词汇短语过关1desire v. 期望 n欲望,希望,请求desirable adj. 值得拥有的,可取的,有利的have no desire for sth. 对没有欲望have a strong desire to do sth.迫切想做某事do sth. at sb.s desire应的要求做某事satisfy ones desires 满足某人的欲望/愿望desire for sth. 渴望得到desire to do/sb. to do sth. 迫切希望做/某人做某事desirethat主

2、语(should)动词原形(虚拟语气)It is desirable that主语(should)动词原形是可取的。即学即练1(1)They _ to learn a second language.他们不想学另一种语言。(2)I _ to a famous university.我很想上一所名牌大学。have no desire , desire to go(3)Most people _ a lot of knowledge.大多数人渴求更多的知识。(4)The couple _ their son _ to a famous university.那对夫妻迫切地希望他们的儿子能上名牌大学

3、。desire for , desired , to go(5)The group leader desired that we _ it right away.那个组长迫切希望我们现在就开始做那件事。(should) do2alarm n警报;惊恐 vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动give/raise/sound the alarm发警报take(the) alarm at.对感到吃惊;因而惊恐be alarmed at/for.被吓一跳即学即练2(1)He _ when the robber came in.抢劫犯一进门他就报了警。(2)I hope you didnt _ the news.我

4、希望你没有因为听到那个消息而惊慌。sounded the alarm , take alarm at(3)The noise of the shot _ hundreds of birds.枪声惊动了千百只鸟。alarmed3sympathy n同情,同情心;赞同,支持have/feel sympathy for sb./sth.对某人/某物表示同情get sympathy from sb.获得某人的同情out of sympathy出于同情(have) sympathy with/for.赞同(支持)in sympathy with sb./sth.支持某人/某事即学即练3(1)It is

5、his own fault, so hell _ _ me.这是他自己的错,所以我不会去同情他。(2)We all _ the victims of the Wenchuan Earthquake.我们所有人对汶川大地震的遇难者都深表同情。get no , sympathy from , have great sympathy for(3)Do you _ his point of view?你同意他的观点吗?(4)Im _ you on that point.在那一点上,我同意你的看法。have any sympathy with , in sympathy with4favour (fav

6、or) n喜爱;恩惠,帮忙;优惠vt.喜爱;偏袒ask a favor of sb.求人帮一个忙,求人做某事do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙,给某人做件事be in(out of) favor(with)受宠(失宠),得到(不受)偏爱in favor of赞成,主张in ones favor对某人有利即学即练4(1)May I _ you?请您帮个忙行吗?(2)Was he _ the death penalty?他赞成死刑吗?(3)_ and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you?劳驾,我在打电话时把收音机的声

7、音调小点好吗?ask a favor of , in favor of , Do me a favor5accompany vt. 陪伴;伴奏accompany sth. with/by sth. 与同时存在或发生accompany sb. at/on sth. 用给某人伴奏accompany sb. to do sth. 陪某人去做某事accompany sb. to. 陪某人到be accompanied by.由伴奏即学即练5(1)Strong winds _ heavy rain.狂风夹着暴雨。(2)Children under 14 must _ an adult.14岁以下的儿童必

8、须有成人陪伴。(3)I will _ Professor Li _ the station.我要送李教授去车站。were accompanied by , be accompained by , accompany , to6declare v. 表明;声明;宣布;宣告;宣称declare sth. 宣布某事declare sb./sth. (to be)adj. 宣布某人/某物declare off 取消(约定等)declare for/against sb./sth.表示赞成/不赞成某人/某事declare oneself 表明态度;发表意见即学即练6(1)I _ this exhibit

9、ion _.我宣布展览会开幕。(2)The doctor finally _ the man was dead.医生最终宣布该男子死亡。(3)Police have now _ drug dealers in the area.警方已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。declare , open , declared that , declared war on(4)Paredes decided to _ federation.帕雷德斯决定声明支持联邦政府。declare for7test out试验;测试;检查turn out证明是;生产;出来put out熄灭;出版let out泄露;放出,发出

10、set out着手,开始find out找出try out试验figure out合计,计算出;想出即学即练7(1)They _ the new sports car.他们测试了那部新跑车。(2)Id better have my eyes _.我该去检查视力了。(3)Drugs should be _ animals.药品应先在动物身上做试验。tested out , tested , tested on(4)Guess the meaning of the words in the two boxes, then _ a few more words that you can add to

11、 each box.猜两个方框中单词的意思,并想出一些可以加入其中的单词。(5)All this may _ to be impossible.这一切也许会被证明是不可能的。figure out , turn out(6)He _ a cry of surprise.他惊讶地叫了一声。(7)They had _ the fire before we arrived there.我们到达之前,他们已扑灭了火。let out , put out8turn around 转向;回转turn away 走开,离开;把打发走turn down 拒绝,摒斥(提议、建议、提建议的人等)turn sb. in

12、 把某人交给警察,向警方交出某人turn sth. in 上缴,缴回;交出turn out 证明为;结果turn into 使成为;使变成;翻译成turn over 反复考虑,倒转turn to 转向;求救于,求助于turn up 找到,发现;出现,来到即学即练8用适当的介、副词填空(1)Turn _ and let me look at your back.(2)We were more than halfway up the mountain, so we didnt want to turn _.(3)Please turn the television _ a bit as our b

13、aby is sleeping.around , around , down(4)Nobody can turn _ the wheel of history.(5)The plan turned _ to be a failure.(6)We often turn _ this handbook for information on transistors.(7)Why did they suddenly turn you _?(8)As he had broken the rule of the factory, he was turned _.back , out , to , down

14、 , away(9)He promised to come, but hasnt turned _.up9leave.alone 不管;不要打扰;让一个人单独待着leave behind 留下;不带走;忘了带leave for 动身去leave off 停止;结束leave out 省略;忘掉;漏掉leave.aside 搁置一边;不予考虑leave it with me 把这事留给我吧leave sth. for sb. 把某物递交给某人即学即练9(1)Go away and _!走开,别打扰我!Ive told you before_!我告诉过你别碰我的东西!leave me alone

15、, leave my things alone提示:(1)leave/let sb./sth. alonelet sb./sth. be 别管;不打扰;不碰;顺其自然。(2)let alone 更不用说。如:There isnt enough room for us, let alone any guests.连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人们了。(2)用适当的介、副词填空I think we should leave _ now and have a cup of tea.Can you tell me the time? Ive left my watch _.She left _ a

16、n important detail in her account.Dont you think wed leave _ the concert now?A railway station is no place for a child to be left _ at , behind , out , for , alone10set aside 留出,拨出,把置于一旁lay aside 放在一边,积蓄put aside 积蓄,搁一搁set off 出发,起程,引爆set about 着手/开始做(后接名词、动名词)set out 出发,开始做(后接不定式)set down

17、 放下,记下set up 建立,树立,搭起set.back 使推迟,耽误set forth 出发,动身,起程,阐明,陈述即学即练10(1)Ive _ some money for the journey.我为那趟旅行存了一些钱。He _ all offers _.所有的提议他都置之不理。set aside , set , aside(2)用适当的介、副词填空Why dont you set your ideas _ on paper?They have set _ on a journey around the world.I set _ to knit a sweater but in th

18、e end it became a vest.A new government was set _ after the civil war.Do you know how to set _ going on this work?down , off/out , out , up , about易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考1.affair/thing/matter/business/event(1)affair 意为“事情”“事件”,含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事。复数 affairs 一般指商业事务及政府的日常事务,如财政事务、外交事务等。(2)thing 意为“事情”“事物”,不管大事还是

19、小事,好事还是坏事均可称为 thing;thing的复数形式 things 可作“形势”解。(3)matter 意为“事件”“事故”,系普通用词,常指需要考虑和处理的事情,而不强调行动,matter 作“物质”解时,是不可数名词。(4)business 作“商务”“买卖”解时,不能用复数形式,常常指所指派的任务、职责,有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动等。常用的短语有 in business “经商”;on business “有事,因公”等。(5)event 多指“大事件”,尤指重要、有意思或不寻常的事件。应用1(1)I cant say which wine is bestits a(

20、n) _ of personal taste.(2)Its none of your _.(3)What were the chief _ last year?(4)He thought she was having a(n)_matter , business , events , affair2. declare/announce(1)declare 指正式和明确地向公众“宣布”“宣告”“声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判某人有罪、宣布国家独立等,declare 后可跟复合宾语。(2)announce 指含有预告意味的“宣布”“宣告”或“发表”,指公开地或官方性质的“宣布”,

21、侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息,后如需接间接宾语时,要在间接宾语前加 to.应用2(1)It was _ that there would be a celebration on Sunday.据宣布,星期日要举行庆祝(活动)。(2)This powerful country _ war on that small country.这个大国向那个小国宣战。(3)The court _ the young man guilty.法庭宣布这位年轻人有罪。announced , declared , declared(4)The little girl _ that she

22、 would do an experiment on Friday.这个小女孩向大家宣布她要在星期五做个实验。announced3. have sb./sth. do/doing/done/to do/to be done的用法应用3(1)Youd better have your car _ slowly.你最好把车子开慢点。(2)I wont have you _ to your mother like that.我不允许你这样与你妈妈说话。running , talking(3)I have had Tom _ the housework again.我已让汤姆重新做了一遍家务。(4)H

23、e had his wallet _ the station.在车站他让人掏了钱包。(5)Im sorry I cant go to the movie with you. I have lots of letters _.(回信是主语的动作)对不起我不能与你一起看电影了,我有很多信要回。do , picked at , to answer(6)Dolla, you cant leave the office now. I have some letters _.多拉,你现在还不能走,我有些信需要打印。(打印不是主语的动作,是多拉做的事情)to be typed晚练: 自我测评技能备考.单词拼

24、写1He has a strong d_ for knowledge.2Can you do me the f_ to fetch some chalk?3The girl has a t_ for drawing and has won a national prize.4She is the e_ of the whole street.5She never expressed any s_ when he was injured.desire , favour , talent , envy , sympathy6The _ (全体员工) of our company is excell

25、ent.7The singer was _ (伴随) by the piano.8You must _ (服从) the order and do as I told you.9I _ (宣布) the meeting closed.10What an _ (荒唐的) suggestion!staff , accompanied , obey , declared , absurd .单项选择1(2010河北正定中学)Every year in China, _ day is set aside to honor and show respect to _ elders.A/; the Bth

26、e; the Ca; / Da; the答案:D解析:考查冠词。语意为“在中国,为了向老年人表示尊敬,每年有一天被定为敬老日”。day为可数名词,在此表示泛指,故其前用a修饰;elders前加the表示老年人。2Its unnatural for a mother to leave her child _ to enjoy herself.Aalone Bbehind Cout Doff答案:A解析:leave.alone表示“丢下不管”,是一个固定短语。3The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds _ by heavy

27、 rain.Aappeared Bhappened Caccompanied Dmixed答案:C解析:本题中过去分词短语accompanied by heavy rain做定语修饰winds, accompany意为“伴随、陪伴”,符合语境。4We are not ready to go into production yet. The new switch mechanism isnt fully _.Aworked out Bturned out Cleft out Dtested out答案:D解析:test out表示“试验”。句意为:我们还不准备投产,新开关系统装置还未完全调试好。只有test out符合语意要求。5Men and women should be treated equally according to the law, but _ there is great room for improvement.Ain reality Babove all Cafter all Din return答案:A解析:句意:根据法律男人和女人应该受到平等的对待。但事实上,这还有很大的改进空间。in reality事

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