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本文(版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 22 Environmental Protection教师用书 北师大版选修8.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 22 Environmental Protection教师用书 北师大版选修8.docx

1、版高三英语一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识解读 Unit 22 Environmental Protection教师用书 北师大版选修8Unit 22Environmental Protection(对应学生用书第151页)单词拼写应用.考纲单词会拼写、要识记1trap vt. 使困住2principle n. 原则,道德准则3beyond prep. 超出4relevant adj. 有关的5coincidence n. 巧合6condemn vt. 迫使(某人)陷于不幸的境地;宣判7advocate vt. 主张,提倡8recycle vt. 回收利用9substitute n. 代替品,代用

2、品10seize vt. 依法没收;(用武力)夺取11means n. 方式,方法;手段12potential n. 可能性,潜在性13botanical adj. 植物(的)14corrupt adj. 贪污受贿的,腐败的15conservation n. 保护16consensus n. 一致的意见17sacrifice vt.& vi. 牺牲,献出18catastrophe n. 巨大的灾难19negative adj. 消极的,负面的20fragile adj. 脆弱的;易毁的21valid adj. 有充分理由的22evolution n. (生物)进化.派生单词能辨别1adopt

3、vt. 采用 adoption n. 收养;采用2reserve vt. 保留;预约 n. 保护区 reserved adj. 预订的;保留的 reservation n. 保护3agriculture n. 农业 agricultural adj. 农业的4threat n. 威胁 threaten vt. 威胁5change v&n. 变化 changeable adj. 多变的6separate v. 分开 adj. 分开的 separation n. 分离,分开7construct vt. 建造 construction n. 建造8finance n. 资金 financial ad

4、j. 财政的;金融的9allocate vt. 分配,配给 allocation n. 分配,配给10politics n. 政治(活动) political adj. 政治的 politician n. 政治家11sharp adj. 锋利的 sharpen vt.& vi. 削尖 sharpener n. 卷笔刀12consider v. 思考;认为 considerate adj. 想得周到的,体贴的 consideration n. 考虑;思考 considering prep. 考虑到;鉴于13calculate vt. 计算,算出 calculation n. 计算 calcula

5、tor n. 计算器.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1We supported each other financially(finance) and by showing up at events.(2017全国卷)2Agricultural(agriculture) development simply must precede economic development.3Some members of the committee expressed reservations(reserve) about the proposal.4The incident threatened(th

6、reat) to ruin his chances in the election.5Market is an effective means in allocation (allocate) of resources.6My calculation(calculate) is based on notional figures,since the actual figures are not yet available.7Considering his young age,it is quite considerate of him to consider other people befo

7、re making decisions.(consider)8After a long separation,they both lived a separate life and in the end they separated peacefully.(separate)9A new bridge is being constructed over the river and its construction will be finished next year.(construct)10It is not safe to let the child sharpen his pencil

8、using the sharp sharpener(sharp)拓展联想各大“产业”名词个个清agriculture 农业industry 工业business 商业forestry 林业fishing 渔业planting industry 种植业“环境”相关词全扫描species n 物种reserve n. 保护区atmosphere n. 大气层conservation n. 保护resource n. 资源recycle v. 回收利用“相似词”小结dessert甜点desert舍弃tissue组织issue问题,发行affect影响effect影响principle原则princi

9、pal校长borrow借sorrow悲痛wander漫步wonder想知道短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1a number of 一些2beyond ones control 超出的控制,不受的控制3in turn 依次;反过来4lead to 引起,导致5ahead of 在前面6apart from 除以外7answer for (对已产生的不良后果)负责任8call for an end to sth. 要求结束9on ones behalf 代表10carry off 掠去,夺走11all in all 总的来说12earn ones living 谋生13as a matter of

10、fact 实际上14break away from 摆脱,脱离(某种思想体系、团体、组织)15look ahead 展望未来,向前看16take action 采取行动.语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1It was his carelessness that led to his failure in the exam.2Language is the carrier of culture and in turn its influenced by culture.3Nowadays many teenagers want to break away from their parents

11、 and live a life free from being controlled.4If you drive this car without a licence,youll have to answer for the consequences.5I thought wed be late for the concert,but we ended up getting there ahead of time.6The young man made a promise to his parents that he would try to earn his living after gr

12、aduation.7As a matter of fact,Ive never been there before.8Mr Knight cannot be here,so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf9Thieves carried off the farmers sheep during the night.10His idea is to look ahead and make a good plan.11A number of students were absent from the meeting for various

13、reasons.12Its beyond my control to fall in love with you.拓展联想说说“引起,导致”短语bring about lead toresult in/from contribute to“负责”短语全接触answer for be responsible forbe responsible to in (the) charge of句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.含蓄条件句的虚拟Without these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would bounce back into

14、space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.1.没有你的帮助,我是不可能通过考试的。Without your help,I wouldnt have passed the test.2.given用作介词或连词,表示“鉴于;考虑到;倘若”Given this data,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.2.考虑到目前的条件,我认为叶诗文已做得相当出色。

15、Given the present conditions,I think Ye Shiwen has done rather well.3.拟人修辞手法The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are predicting far worse to come.3.过去30年见证了中国的快速发展。The last 30 years have witnessed/seen the rapid development of China.(对应学生用书第153页)精讲6个考纲单词

16、trap v使困住;诱捕;诱骗;使陷入困境n陷阱;圈套;捕捉器教材原句Because of the greenhouse effect,the Earth is warmed by gases trapped in the atmosphere.因为温室效应,困在大气层中的气体使得地球气温上升。(1)trap sb. into (doing) sth. 使某人陷入(做)某事的圈套;使中计be/get trapped in 被困在中(2)fall into the trap of doing sth. 落入做某事的圈套set/lay a trap for. 为设圈套Dont fall into

17、the trap of investing all your money in one place.不要把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方,那样做不明智。She was trapped (trap) in the burning house at that moment.那时她被困在燃烧着的房子里。I was trapped into admitting (admit) I had done something wrong.我被诱骗承认我做错了事。 reserve v贮存;保留;预订nC储备;贮藏;保护区教材原句Breweries are often built in nature reserves

18、.酿酒厂经常建在自然保护区。(1)reserve sth. for 为保留某物reserve the right to do sth. 保留做某事的权利(2)in reserve 备用with/without reserve 有/没有保留地(3)reservation n. C自然保护区;CU保留; C预订(房间、座位等)make reservations/a reservation at/in. 在预订(房间、座位等)(4)reserved adj. 预订的,保留的,缄默的Id like to reserve a table for three at eight oclock.我想预订八点钟

19、供三人用餐的桌位。Margaret made a reservation(reserve) at/in her favorite hotel in Singapore.玛格丽特订了她在新加坡最喜欢的饭店。It is advisable to keep some food reserved (reserve) in case of emergency.储备一些食物以防万一是明智的。 链接写作 【导学号:33220079】你需要提前订票吗?Do you have to reserve tickets in advance? (reserve)Do you have to make a reserv

20、ation of tickets in advance? (reservation) advocate vt.主张,提倡 n提倡者,拥护者经典例句The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.(牛津词典)报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。(1)advocate (doing) sth. 提倡/拥护/支持(做)某事advocate that. 主张从句谓语动词用(should)动词原形(2)be an advocate of/for 的提倡者/拥护者We advocated that every

21、one in our school should donate some money to the earthquakestricken area.我们提倡在学校里的每个人都为地震灾区捐些钱。Many experts advocate rewarding (reward) your child for good behaviour.很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。She has always been an advocate of/for changes to English spelling,to make it easier to learn.她一贯主张对英语的拼写进行改革,使之更易

22、于学习。 substitute vt.&vi.(用)替代;取代n代替品,代用品高考佳句Unfortunately,you must carry the necessary equipment with you,since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes.(2017全国卷)不幸地是,你必须携带必要的设备,因为你不可能找到天然的替代品。(1)a substitute for sb./sth. 某人/某物的代替品(2)substitute A for Bsubstitute B with/by A 用A代替Bsubstitute

23、for 代替substitute as 代替做工作She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。We substitute the red balls for the blue ones,to see if the baby would notice.We substitute the blue balls with/by the red ones,to see if the baby would notice.我们用红色球代替蓝色球,

24、看是否能够引起宝宝的注意。 means n方式,方法;手段高考佳句But he is providing a few years during which the farmers will, perhaps, be able to find other means of adapting.(2017江苏高考)但他将提供几年的时间让农民在此期间有可能找到其他的适应办法。means of (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法、途径by means of 借助的手段by all means 可以,当然行;尽一切办法,务必by this means 用这种方法by no means 决不,一点也

25、不(置于句首,其后倒装)It is by no means clear what the president can do to end the strike.总统能做什么来结束罢工,这点完全不清楚。Only by this means is it possible to persuade him.只有用这种方法才能说服他。By no means can teaching in school be separated from practice.学校教学决不能脱离实践。As is known to us all,Ye Shiwen succeeded by means of hard work

26、ing.众所周知,叶诗文依靠刻苦训练而获得成功。名师点津means“方法、方式、手段”,其单复数同形,当means作主语且有every,each等表示单数意义的词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,few等表示复数意义的词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 链接写作 【导学号:33220080】如果不了解唐朝的历史,你是绝不会理解唐诗的。(2017全国卷)(普通句式)If you dont know something about the history of the Tang Dynasty,you cant understand Tang Peoms.(高级句式)If yo

27、u dont know something about the history of the Tang Dynasty,by no means can you understand Tang Peoms. threaten vt.威胁;恐吓经典例句They threatened to close our credit lines if we dont reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce.如果我们不降低二氧化碳的排放数量,他们威胁说将取消我们的信用额度。(1)threaten sb. with. 用威胁某人threaten to do.

28、威胁做(2)threat n. 威胁,恐吓a threat to sb./sth. 对某人或某事的威胁make a threat 威胁,恐吓The terrorists are threatening to blow(blow)up the hijacked airliner.恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。Will a rising China become a threat to western interests?崛起的中国会对西方利益有威胁吗?adopt vt.采用,采纳;收养经典例句All three teams adopted different approaches to the

29、problem.(牛津词典)三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。(1)adopt an approach/a strategy/a policy 采用一种方法/战略/政策(2)adoption n. U采纳;CU收养adopted adj. 被收养的;被采纳的adoptive adj. 采用的;有收养关系的The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.那位参议员极力反对采取这项措施。He is my adopted son and Im his adoptive father.(adopt)他是我的养子,我是他的养父。名师点津adop

30、t与adapt词形相近,但意思不同:adopt“采纳;采用;收养”;adapt“适应;改编;改写”,常用搭配是adapt (oneself) to,表示“适应”。He couldnt adapt his way of life to the company.他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求。 链接写作(普通表达)After he adopted a new way,the problem was solved.(高级表达)With a new way adopted,the problem was solved. (with复合宾语)(高级表达)Having adopted a new way,he solved the problem. (现在分词短语作状语)诠释2个核心短语 refer to涉及;谈到;参考;查阅;关于;提及经典例句We agreed never to refer to the matter again.(朗文辞典)我们同意永远不再提这件事。(1)r

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