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人教版九年级英语 Unit14 测试试题 部分答案.docx

1、人教版九年级英语 Unit14 测试试题 部分答案九年级上Unit 14 测试题1、单选1. I remember _to Beijing when I was young and I still remember what I saw there.A. go go C. going2. Li Hua, along with her classmates ,_going to the museum tomorrow.A. is B. was C. are3. I dont know_to deal with the problem. Can you give me some advi

2、ce?A. what B. how C. where4. Our class _a parent-teacher meeting in three day.A. had . B. will have C. have had5. I remember_the film years ago, but I cants remember anything about it now.A. see B. seeing C. to see6. The problem is a little difficult. Can you _.A. work out it B. work it out C. work

3、it on 7. _ difficult they are, we can work hard to solve it. A. No matter what B. No matter how C. Whenever 8. The price of the book has risen. It _.A. doubles B. doubled C. is doubled9.I tried several jackets on, but _ of them looked good.A. neither B. either C. none 10. This is the best film _I ha

4、ve ever seen.A. that B. who C. when11. The number of cars in our town _since five years ago.A. increased B. has increased C. have increased12. My mother still went to work _she is very ill that B. even though C. in case13. I have _much work to do that I cant go out with you,A. too B. such

5、 C. so14. The letter I had been looking forward to _at last. A. came B. comes C. coming15. Tom _finish his homework by himself and you _help him.A. should; neednt B. should; mustnt C. shouldnt; can16. The students_ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book that she_in the office.A. had written; left

6、 B. were writing; had left C. had written; had left17. We lost the way in the forest, and we didnt know_.A. where we get back B. when did we get backC. how we could get back18. Tony, please_ the big apples_ the small ones.A. separate; from B. divide; into C. cut; into19.Mary has bought a ticket to N

7、ew York. She will _for New York tomorrow.A. set up B. set out C. set off20- Could I watch TV for a while, mom?-_.But just for an hour.A. Of course not B. Yes, go ahead C. Its a pity二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I want to thank you for _me, as your advice is really _to me. (help) 2. He likes _with others and he a

8、lways wins the _( compete )3. I _Jim this morning when he was on his way to attend an important _( meet)4. We are about _so we plan to hold a party to celebrate for _from high school. ( graduate )5. My daughter is a very _girl and its her habit _much about our neighbors. They like her very much. ( c

9、are)6. The boss _Jim to finish the job, but Jim still needed more detail _.( instruction )7. The _had spent 5 years on the _mystery but still failed to find aexplanation for it. ( science )8. Tom _while others were sleeping, and nobody understood the reason for his _.( disappear)9. I have been to _o

10、nly once, but I fell in love with delicious_ food, and all _I met were very friendly. ( Italy)10. People around him didnt _how talented he was until he made the great _.( discover )11. She was upset because she _her math test, but she shouldnt be beaten by this _.Its no big deal. (fail)12. He _in th

11、e factory for ten years and now he is the best _here.( work)13. Jack used _by plane, but now he likes to go for his _by high-speed train. ( travel)14. Linda _of being a policewoman when she was a lite girl, and she made everyeffort to achieve this _( dream)15. Cindy Smith _a big factory and she does

12、 it well because she is good at _.( manage)16. We may be in _cities years later , but our friendship wont _by anything. ( separate )17. Her spirit of never giving up _me a lot, and I always got the _of writing from her life experiences. ( inspire)三、完形填空。One day, the students of a junior high school

13、in St. Louis returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a _1_on the front door. It said “Yesterday, the person who had stood in your way to _2_ passed away. We invite you to join the funeral(葬礼) in the gym.”At first, everyone was _3_to hear that one of their schoolmates had died, but afte

14、r a while, they started _4_who this person might be.The _5_grew as they arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone thought, “Who is this person in my way? Well, _6_hes no longer here !”One by one, the students got closer to the coffin (棺材). When they looked inside it, they were _7_. The

15、y stood over the coffin ,_8_and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their hearts.There was a _9_ inside the coffin. There was also a sentence next to it that said, “There is only one person who can stop yourself from succeeding: it is YOU.”You are the only person who can change

16、 your life.You are the only person whocan influence your happiness and your success. You are the only person who canhelp yourself. Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss changes, and when your school changes.Your life changes when YOU change, whe

17、n you realize that you are the only one _10_for it.1. A. picture B. sign C. bell2. A. happiness B. education C.success 3. A. sad B. worried C.angry4. A. discussing B. searching C. wondering5. A. excitement B. friendship C. pride 6. A. as long as B. at least C. by accident7. A. hopeless B. speechless

18、 C. sleepless8. A. disappointed B. embarrassed C. shocked9. A. paper B. mirror C. blackboard10. A. suitable B. ready C. responsible四、阅读并判断正误(正确的填A,错误的填B)。It seems that young people in China are more optimistic(乐观的) than those in other countries.Varkey Foundation, a UK organization did a survey betwe

19、en last September and October. It asked 20 ,000 young people in 20 countries including China, the United States and the United Kingdom how they think and feel about the world. The survey found that 53 percent of those questioned people in China think the world is becoming a better place, the highest

20、 percentage among the countries surveyed.When asked why they felt hopeful for the future ,93 percent of Chinese young people think its because of the improvements in technology. Medicine, new energy and computing( 计算机应用) may make life in the future easier. 64 percent of Chinese young people also thi

21、nk China is a good place to live. The biggest reason( 29 percent) is that China is“a country in which anyone is able to fit in if they work hard The survey also found young people in developing countries are more hopeful about the future than those in developed countries. Following China, Indian you

22、ngpeople were the second most optimistic ( 49 percent ). Those in ”France, Italy and Turkey are the most pessimistic (悲观的). The rise of public safety accidents worries them most.However, Chinese young people seem to worry about something else. As much as 82 percent of them worry about pollution. Chi

23、na is the only country out of the 20 in which pollution was the biggest cause of fear for the future.Vikas Pota of the Varkey Foundation took this as a good thing. Chinese young people are more serious than anyone about how bad the pollution problem is and will be leading for change, he told the Sou

24、th China Morning Post.1. In the survey, about 53% of the people surveyed feel hopeful about the world.2. Less than half of the Chinese young people believe in the progress on technology.3. Only one country has over 50% of its young people surveyed that believe the world is getting better.4. The poll

25、ution problem worries Italian people the most.5. About 80 percent of Chinese young people cared most about jobs. BAccording to CNN, “women still experience pay inequality (不平等)everywhere, whether youre Hollywoods top talent or you work in a retail store (零售店).” Gender equality has improved in some a

26、reas like education. However, when females enter the workplace, they may find things are still difficult. Of the 145 countries and regions surveyed in a WEF (世界经济论坛) report, 97 have more female students than male students in universities. But only four of those countries and regions have a majority

27、(多数) of female leaders in the workplace. “Women tend to (往往会) be viewed on the basis of their performance, while men are often promoted (升职) for their potential (潜力),” The Washington Post wrote. Old thinking about men and women is still influencing womens careers, according to Saadia Zahidi, a WEF o

28、fficial. For example, many people believe boys are better at science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). And even today, women make up only a third of the students in these fields worldwide. Girls and women need to master the skills and training that are needed for the jobs of tomorrow, especi

29、ally in the STEM fields, said Zahidi. The gender gap (性别差距) in the workplace is not just about less pay for women. Its also about women making sure their pay shows their value. Actress Sandra Bullock once said, “Once we start changing how we think about women, the pay gap will take care of itself.”1

30、. According to the story, gender equality has improved in _.A. workplace B. health C. education D. income2. According to Paragraph 2, in order to get a promotion, women have to _.A. have potential B. perform well C. look beautiful D. receive training3. About _ of the students in STEM subjects worldw

31、ide are women.A. 97 percent B. 45 percent C. 20 percent D. 30 percent4. What do we know from the story?A. Female Hollywood stars dont experience pay inequality.B. Women have difficulty finding jobs in more than 97 countries.C. Women should focus on improving themselves to show their value.D. To achieve pay eq

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