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1、英国战争对英语习语的影响毕业论文题目:英国战争对英语习语的影响Title: The Influence of British Wars on English Idioms2009 年5 月20 日AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, my appreciation goes to my affectionate parents, and the rest of my family. Throughout the development of this paper, they have been there always giving me continuous

2、 support, encouragement and understanding. Their love and support encourage me to pursue progress all the time.I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years. I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectu

3、res but also from their constant encouragement.Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Lu Li. It is for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, her great care and precious advice and suggestions that this paper appears in the present form.AbstractThe origin of Engli

4、sh idioms goes back to ancient times. It has a strong expressiveness and reflects vivid national character. A right use of them in speech and writing will add much to variety, strength and vividness of the language. With the increasing cross-cultural communication, approaches to the comprehension an

5、d translation of English idioms are urgently needed. An appropriate translation of English idioms plays a significant role in the more frequent cross-cultural communication. Through expounding the origins, characteristics, translation principles and methods of English idioms, the thesis aims to help

6、 English learners have a better understanding of British War and develop their abilities of English idioms translation by listing many lively examples. This article mainly discusses the influences of the history of British war on English idioms. People can have a deep understanding of English idioms

7、 through the study of the development of the history of British Wars.Key Words:English idioms; origin; British wars; influence; idiom translation 摘 要英语习语源远流长,有很强的表现力和鲜明的民族色彩。恰当地使用习语能够丰富语言,增添其形象性和表达力。随着跨文化交际的增多,迫切需要对英语习语理解和翻译的方法进行探索。恰如其分的习语翻译对日益频繁的跨文化交际起着重要作用。英语中有相当一部分习语来源于英国的战争,与此相关的文化背景对理解和翻译英语习语有着

8、重要意义。本文通过对英语习语来源,特征及翻译的原则和方法的详述,结合大量生动的例子,探讨了与英国战争历史有关的习语。通过对英语习语的相关战争背景的研究,旨在帮助英语学习者更好地了解英国战争,提高他们翻译有关英国战争英语历史的习语的能力。关键词:英语习语; 来源;英国战争; 影响; 习语翻译ContentsIntroduction 1I. The concept of idioms 3 1.1 Definition of idioms 31.2 Military background of English idioms 7 II. Military Words Used in English I

9、dioms. 8III. English idioms related to British wars 9 3.1 The English idioms derived from conquests and invasions in Britain 9 3.2The Influences of the Two World Wars on English Idioms 15IV. The translation of English idioms concerning military background 17 4.1 Literal translation 194.2 Free transl

10、ation 204.3 Eclectic translation 22Conclusion 23Bibliography 26IntroductionLanguage is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways. The idioms world is a prime example of the use of la

11、nguage to extreme imagination. No discussion about idioms in second language acquisition is complete without some treatment of the relationship between cultures and idioms. Culture can cause big differences on the expression of idioms. The one thing about English is that it is filled with these kind

12、s of words and phrases. While their sources are as diverse as English culture itself. Idioms derived from the culture of the nation and from day-to-day life. Idiomatic expressions pervade English with a peculiar flavor and give it astounding variety, bright character and color. They help language le

13、arners understand English culture, penetrate into customs and lifestyle of English people, and make a deeper insight into English history. Idioms form an essential component part of the general vocabulary of the English language, which is particularly rich in idiomatic and figurative expressions. Id

14、iom is the crystallization of human collective wisdom and also the cream of all kinds of languages in the world. Although the linguistic forms of expression may vary greatly, however, the content of ideology is quite similar to each other, Thus it can be seen that different races will arrive at a sa

15、me conclusion when they recognize the objective world in different areas.Idioms are heavily embedded with cultural implications from their origins. But with the development of society and flashing of time, some of them have faded their original meaning. However, geography influences idiom formation,

16、 and the language would be different in terms of the clime, the climate and the environment etc. U.K is an island country, and England is the first largest island in Europe. He has a winded seacoast, and the total length is 11.450km. The position of U.K., an island, has a vital meaning for its own development, and has a huge influence on forming idiom. The article mainly discusses the influences of the history

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