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1、主语从句表语从句和宾语从句考点七 | 主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句主语从句.单句语法填空1(2020全国卷)It is said _ about 20% of 2534yearolds live with their parents, compared with 16% in 1991.答案:that此处是一个主语从句,且主语从句中不缺少成分,故填that。2(2020江苏高考)It is not a problem _ we can win the battle; its just a matter of time.答案:whether句意:我们能否打赢这场战斗不是难题;这只是时间问题。此处

2、为it作形式主语引导的主语从句,根据句意,故填whether。3(2019北京高考)With her talent and determination, it appears _ the sky could be the limit for Alice Moore.答案:that此处为主语从句,it是形式主语,从句中不缺少任何成分,故填that。4(2020山东省枣庄二调高三模拟考试)But _ really makes the system stand out is the bright colour code.答案:what句意:但真正让该系统脱颖而出的是其明亮的色彩代码。结合句意,此处是

3、主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,故填what。5(2020湖南省邵阳市高三第三次模拟考试)_ is believed that by helping each other we will make the society better place.答案:It此处是it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that引导的主语从句,故填It。6(2019天津高考)It doesnt matter what hes doing or _ he is, he will always stop what hes doing to take care of a child if that child is havin

4、g a bad day.答案:where此处是一个主语从句,it是形式主语;且从句中缺少地点状语。故填where。7_ the book will sell depends on its author. And I think itll sell well.答案:How句意:这本书的销量取决于作者,我想它会卖得很好。结合句意,此处为主语从句,且从句中缺少方式状语,故填How引导主语从句。8_ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.答案:What句意:这家商店的不同之处在于它提供更多的个人服务。结合句

5、意,此处为主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,表示“什么”,故用What。9It remains to be seen _ the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice.答案:whether此处it是形式主语,真正的主语从句是whether引导的从句,表示“是否”的意义,故填whether。10Some people believe _ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.答案:whatever句意:一些人认为之前发生的

6、或现在正在发生的任何事情在将来都会重复发生。whatever has happened before or is happening now是一个主语从句,whatever既引导起这个主语从句,也在before or is happening now是一个主语从句,whatever既引导起这个主语从句, whoever, that, what, it, why, whether, who, where1(2020江苏省盐城市高三年级第三次模拟考试)_ stops learning is old and stays learning is young, whether at twenty or

7、eighty.句中作主语。.选词填空(一词多选) whoever, that, what, it, why, whether, who, where1(2020江苏省盐城市高三年级第三次模拟考试)_ stops learning is old and stays learning is young, whether at twenty or eighty.答案:Whoever句意:无论谁,停止学习就是落后,继续学习就是先进,不管是二十还是八十。主语从句部分缺主语且指人,故用Whoever。2Its a tradition _, at the wedding ceremony, the hand

8、s of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently.答案:that句意:这是一个传统,在婚礼上,新娘和新郎的手会用一根丝带系在一起,象征他们的生活永远地绑在一起。此处为it作形式主语引导的主语从句,从句中不缺少成分,故用that。3_ is estimated that 5G devices will be mature for commercial applications

9、 in China in 2020 with the issue of 5G licenses.答案:It句意:据估计,随着5G牌照的发放,到2020年,5G设备在中国的商业应用将趋于成熟。本句是主语从句的句型“it is过去分词that从句”结构。故用It。4The hostages were taken into Sudan and later to Libya, though it remains unclear _ they were finally released.答案:where本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语从句是由where引导,在从句中作地点状语。故填where。5(202

10、0天津市河西区第二学期高三英语模拟试卷(一)_ I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.答案:What句意:我想告诉你的是我深爱我的父母并很尊重他们。结合句意,此处为主语从句,且在主语从句中缺少主语,故填What。6However, it is a mystery _ he never mentioned either the Great Wall of China or the use of tea, which was still unknown in the West.答案:why此处为i

11、t作形式主语的主语从句,引导词在从句中作原因状语,故填why。7It is required in the regulations _ you shouldnt tell other people the password of your email account.答案:that句意:根据规定,你不应该告诉别人你电子邮件账户的密码。此处为固定句式:It is required that . “据要求,根据规定”,it在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面that 引导的主语从句。8_ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general

12、 reader.答案:What句意:他文章中提到的一般读者不知道。结合句意,此处为主语从句,且从句中缺少宾语,故填What。9In the past, it didnt make much of a difference to your success _ you had a good family background.答案:whether句意:在过去,是否有良好的家庭背景对你的成功并没有太大的影响。结合句意,此处为主语从句,句中缺少“是否”的含义,故用whether。10It hasnt been decided _ will be sent to work at the mountain

13、ous village.答案:who此处为it作形式主语的主语从句,引导词在从句中充当主语,指人,故填who。.单句写作1(2020全国卷)_ (据报道) 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work.答案:Its been reported that2(2020山东省枣庄二调高三模拟考试)It does not matter _ (不管你是富人、穷人、老人还是年轻人), everyone can throw coloured paint powder at each other.答案:wh

14、ether you are rich, poor, old or young3_ (一个国家的道路是否是正确的路) is a matter to be decided by its people.答案:Whether the path of a country is the right one4_ (太阳而不是地球是我们行星系统的中心) was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.答案:That the sun and not the earth is the centre of our planetary system5With your help, there is no doubt that _ (我们的计划意图将顺利完成)答案:what our plan is meant for will work out successfully6While some behaviors may seem strange to you, remember that _ (你认为正常的) probably seems just as unusual to

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