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1、高考英语二轮复习专题二完型填空第三节题组训练1记叙文2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习专题二完型填空第三节题组训练1记叙文(xx河西区一模)Adventure is in my blood.And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation.I didnt just want a small 1 in the backyard.I started thinking about doing a solo(独自的) 2 somewhere out of the ordinary.I t

2、ook out 3 and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be 4 from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden.When I 5 my plans with my dad,he 6 as I thought he would.Because I get my adventurous 7 from him,he was all for it.I had only been away from my 8 three days no

3、w,but there was an inner 9 going on inside of me.Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I 10 could make it.The other part of me was ready to 11 to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.On the road,I met another 12 who was quite a bit older than I was.He had started his journey 13 b

4、y bike at the southern part of Norway and had just finished.I could tell he had a great sense of 14 .It encouraged me not to 15 .As I listened to my 16 artists on my MP4 player,I pedaled(踩踏板) with my feet.There was 17 around me for miles. 18 ,that wasnt entirely true.There were mosquitoesmillions of

5、 them.My arms were so dotted with 19 that they looked like a topographical map(地形图)But,however 20 it would be,nothing could stop my advance towards the destination.As you know,adventure is in my blood.语篇解读本文为记叙文,题材为个人经历类。作者为了庆祝高中毕业,决定一个人骑自行车旅行。此举得到爸爸的全力支持。刚开始,作者怀疑自己能否成功。途中作者遇到了另外一个独自骑自行车旅行的人,他的成功给了作

6、者鼓励,让他坚定了信心。 BmeetingCconversation Dgame答案A解析作者不想仅仅在后院举行一个小聚会(party)来庆祝高中毕业。2A.flight BinterviewCperformance Dtrip答案D解析从设空处后面的句子“I took out and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden.”可知作者打算独自去旅行(trip)。3A.i

7、nstructions BmapsCmagazines Dnewspaper答案B解析由“drew the 1,500-mile route”可知作者是在地图(map)上画出路线。4A.walking BflyingCbiking Drunning答案C解析由下文中的“I pedaled(踩踏板) with my feet”可知,作者是骑自行车(bike)去旅行的。5Apared BsharedCprepared Dchanged答案B解析作者和父亲分享(share)自己的计划。6A.agreed BsighedCleft Dcried答案A解析从后面的“he was all for it”可

8、知父亲是赞同的。7A.stories BspiritsCskills Dhobbies答案B解析作者的冒险精神(spirit)来自父亲。8A.hotel BschoolChome Doffice答案C解析从后面的“Part of me was homesick”可知,作者离开家(home)三天了。9A.battle BactivityCrequest Ddiscussion答案A解析从后面的句子“Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I could make it.The other part of me was ready to to my

9、self and my family that I could do it by myself.”可知,作者的内心还在作斗争(battle)。10A.naturally BreallyCusually Dreasonably答案B解析从doubting可知,作者怀疑自己是否真的(really)能够成功。11A.turn BreplyCprove Dadapt答案C解析另一方面作者想向自己和家人证明(prove)他能行。12A.driver BjoggerCbicyclist Dpilot答案C解析由another及后面的句子“He had started his journey by bike

10、 at the southern part of Norway and had just finished.”可知,作者在路上遇到另外一个骑自行车的人(bicyclist)。13A.alone BslowlyCpatiently Dworriedly答案A解析从文章的内容可知这个人也是独自(alone)骑自行车旅行的。14A.humour BdirectionCbalance Dsatisfaction答案D解析从前面的“had just finished”可知,作者可以感觉到他有一种极大的满足感(a great sense of satisfaction)。15A.calm down Bbr

11、eak downCspeed up Dgive up答案D解析另外一个骑自行车旅行的人的成功鼓励作者不要放弃(give up)。16A.favourite BpersonalCprofessional Dsuccessful答案A解析作者用MP4播放器听自己最喜欢的(favourite)艺术家的歌。17A.nobody BeverybodyCanything Deverything答案A解析因为作者是一个人旅行的,所以有几英里没有一个人(nobody)。18A.Firstly BActuallyCEventually DFortunately答案B解析由后面一句话对这句话的解释可知,一路上有蚊

12、子相伴,他实际上(actually)并不是一个人。19A.wounds BcutsCbites Dburns答案C解析从前面的“There were mosquitoesmillions of them.”可知,作者胳膊上都是蚊子的叮伤(bite)。20A.boring BconfusingCplex Ddifficult答案D解析从后面的“nothing could stop my advance towards the destination”可知,不管有多难(difficult),没有什么能阻止作者朝目的地前进。2(xx南开区三模)Like any good mother,when Ka

13、ren found out that another baby was on the way,she did what she could to help her three-year-old son,Michael,prepare for a new baby.They found out that it was going to be a girl,and day after day,night after night,Michael 21 to his sister in Mommys tummy(肚子)He was building a bond of love with his li

14、ttle sister before he even met her.The pregnancy progressed 22 for Karen.In time,the labor pains came.Soon it was every five minutes.every minute.But something serious 23 during delivery.Finally,Michaels little sister was born.But she was in serious 24 .With siren(警报) howling in the night,the ambula

15、nce 25 the infant(婴儿) to the Neonatal(新生儿的) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at St.Marys Hospital in Knoxville,Tennessee.The 26 passed by.The little girl got worse.The doctors told the parents,“There is very little hope.” Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery(墓地) about a burial plot.They had 27

16、a special room in their home for the new babynow they planned a funeral.After two weeks in the ICU,it looked as if a funeral would e 28 the week was over.Michael kept begging his parents to let him see his sister.“I want to sing to her,” he said.Kids were never 29 in the ICU.But Karen made up her mi

17、nd to take Michael 30 they liked it or not.If he didnt see his sister now,he may never see her alive.She 31 him in an oversized suit and 32 him into the ICU.He looked like a walking laundry basket,but the head nurse 33 him as a child,“Get that kid out of here now!” The mother in Karen rose up strong

18、,and the usually 34 lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurses face,saying in a 35 tone of voice,“He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!”Karen towed(拖行) Michael to his sisters bedside.He gazed at the tiny baby 36 the battle to live.And he began to sing. 37 the pure-hearted voice of a

19、 3-year-old,Michael sang:“You are my sunshine,my only sunshine,you make me happy when skies are gray.” 38 the baby girl responded.The pulse rate began to 39 down and became steady.“Keep on singing,Michael,”encouraged Karen.“You never know,dear,how much I love you.Please dont take my sunshine away.”A

20、s Michael sang to his sister,the babys breath became as smooth as a kittens purr.“Keep on singing,Michael.”“The other night,dear,as I lay sleeping.”Michaels little sister relaxed as rest,healing rest,seemed to sweep over her.Funeral plans were 40 .The next daythe very next daythe little girl was wel

21、l enough to go home!The medical staff just called it a miracle.Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!21A.talked BsangCplayed Dwhispered答案B解析由下文Michael给病重的妹妹唱歌可知,此处表示“唱歌”。22A.quietly BpeacefullyChopefully Dnormally答案D解析由后面“But something serious ”可知,在这之前一切正常。23A.arose BraisedCrose Daroused答案A解析但在分娩过程

22、中出现了(arise)严重的问题。24A.situation BplaceCcondition Dposition答案C解析be in serious condition情况严重。25A.took BsentCcarried Drushed答案D解析rush将某人火速送往。26A.years BmonthsCweeks Ddays答案D解析由语境可知,此处表示“一天天过去了。小女孩的病情变得更糟”。27A.fixed up Bmade upCbuilt up Dset up答案A解析他们已在家里为新生儿布置(fix up)了一个特别的房间。28A.until BbeforeCaf

23、ter Dwhen答案B解析在重症监护室待了两个星期后,看情况好像葬礼会在这一周结束之前(before)到来。29A.asked BallowedCadmitted Dacquired答案B解析儿童是从不被允许进入重症监护室的。allow允许进入,符合语境。 matter Beven ifCwhether Das if答案C解析由后面的or not可知选C。whether在这里引导让步状语从句。31A.put BdressedCwore Dfit答案B解析dress sb.in衣服(给某人穿上衣服),符合语境。32A.marched BforcedChid Dfollowed答案A

24、解析march使同行,常构成march,符合此处语境。33A.required BrepliedCrecognized Dregarded答案C解析但护士长还是认出(recognize)他是一个孩子。34A.warm-hearted Bwell-managedCmild-mannered Dcold-blooded答案C解析由该空前的usually及空后的glared steel-eyed可知mild-mannered(温柔的,随和的)符合语境。35A.firm BstrongChard Dtough答案A解析卡伦用坚定的(firm)语气说:“在他给妹妹唱歌前他是不会离

25、开的!”36A.losing BwithdrawingCquitting Dexiting答案A解析他注视着这个正输掉(lose)这场求生斗争的小婴儿。37A.In BOnCAt DUnder答案A解析in.voice用的声音。38A.Finally BInstantlyCPatiently DInterestingly答案B解析婴儿立即(instantly)有了反应。39A.calm BquietCslow Ddie答案A解析她的脉搏频率开始缓和下来(calm down)并变得平稳。40A.delayed BbannedCabandoned Dabolished答案C解析由下文“就在第二天小

26、女孩就可以出院回家了”可知,葬礼计划被放弃(abandon)了。2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习专题二完型填空第三节题组训练2记叙文(xx南开区二模)My heart beat with that feeling,pumping it like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys.As the piece neared the end,I 1 up to take my final bow.For a second,the room was 2 .Yet,even in that one second,I ha

27、d enough time to 3 whether I had done perfectly.Then, 4 ,the applause came.“Thank much,” I said, 5 to the person standing on my other side.Olga,my piano teacher for six years,smiled back at me.“Youve been an 6 student all these years,” she said.“I hope that whatever you do,you never stop 7 .”

28、I leaned forward, 8 I would keep playing because I loved piano,and hugged her.It 9 to be that the promises werent as meaningful as Id hoped for them to be.Right after the 10 ,I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day. 11 ,it began slipping away from me.The reason I had stopped taking 12 was

29、because of my busy schedule with homework.Not long after,I stopped practicing altogether.It was 13 not to have to stress about piano anymore.But something was 14 inside of me.I was empty inside.One day I met Michelle,who had also taken piano lessons from Olga.“Are you 15 taking lessons from Olga?”sh

30、e asked.“Um,no!Actually I just quit a while ago,”I replied.“Thats a 16 ,” she responded.“You used to be so 17 .I remember your performance a year ago;it was breathtaking.”Two days 18 talking to Michelle,I subconsciously sat down on the bench and started playing.I wasnt even trying to make the notes sound musically correct.I was simply doing what I should have been this entire time:playing, 19 to be playing.As the music spread

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