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英语 白皮书 单元选择题.docx

1、英语 白皮书 单元选择题Test One1. Richards news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.理查德为此次会议写的新闻报道非常全面,没有任何遗漏. A) comprehensive B) integrated C) redundant D) productive 2. The work was almost complete when we received orders to _ no further with it.当我们接到命令时,工作几乎完成了,这是不可以的。( 进行

2、;前进; ) A) progress B) march C) proceed D) promote3. We _ complete equality between men and women.我们主张男女完全平等。 A) omit B)suggest C)advocate D) agree4. It was a long time before the cut on my hand _ completely.过了好长时间,我手上的伤口完全痊愈。 A) healed B) improved C) cured D) recovered5. At first, the _ of color pic

3、tures over a long distance seemed impossible, but with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality. 起初,彩色图片的传输似乎是不可能的,但经过艰苦的努力和巨大的牺牲它变成了现实. A) transaction B) transmission C) transformation D) transition6. The lighting of the Christmas tree was the _ of the evening.圣诞树的灯光是晚上的亮点。(强光部

4、份; 最重要的事情; 最精彩的部分) A) peak B) boom C) summit D) highlight7. As a(n) _ job, it requires much time and commitment and persistence. 作为一个要求很高的工作,它需要大量的时间和决心和毅力。 A) unwilling B) demanding C) embarrassing D) frustrating8. Most flowers will not _ without sunshine.没有阳光花不会茂盛。 A) cultivate B) boom C) sustain

5、D) thrive9. There have been some small _ in the past year, but by and large prices have remained stable.过去一年里有一些小的波动,但价格一直保持稳定。A) limitations B) demonstrations C) deductions D) fluctuations10. To ensure the security of the whole nation, every citizen should follow the _.为了保证整个国家的安全,每个公民都应该遵循宪法。 A) c

6、onsolation B) consultation C) construction D) constitution11. Jacks shirt was burned by _ from the fire.杰克的衬衫被大火中的火花烧掉了。 A) spots B) spills C) sparks D) sprays12. I have worked on three _ Saturdays.我已经连续工作了三个周六。 A) continuous B) consistent C) successive D) regularTest Two1. Novelists who win the Nob

7、el Prize for Literature are considered to be the ones of great _.赢得诺贝尔文学奖的小说家被认为是伟大的作家。 A) statue B) stature C) status D) statute 2. Its an opportunity to try things you wouldnt _ be able to do.这是一个尝试你通常不会做的事情的机会。 A) possibly B) probably C) likely D) normally3. The young man _ his accuser and conduc

8、ted his own defense in court.年轻人面对原告在法庭上为自己进行辩护。 A) opposed B) resisted C) confronted D) withstood4. We can _ the possibility of total loss from our calculations.我们可以在预测中把彻底失败的可能性排除在外。 A) exclude B) prevent C) excuse D) discard5. Not having good English can be a serious _ preventing you from achievi

9、ng your goals.没有好的英语可能是一个严重的障碍,阻止你实现你的目标。 A) obstacle B) fault C) offense D) distress6. The pop star wrote a/n _ at the age of 19, which many people thought very ridiculous.这位流行歌星在19岁时写了一本自传,许多人认为这是很可笑的。 A) geography B) biography C) autobiography D) biology7. His appearance is very _ as he is extrem

10、ely tall and has a long red beard. 他的外貌很惊人,因为他非常高,有一个长长的红胡子。(引人注目的; 容貌出众的; ) A) stroking B) striking C) strip D) stunning8. Ernest Hemingway was an _ who loved the outdoors and did many dangerous things.厄内斯特海明威是一个冒险家,喜欢户外活动,做了许多危险的事情。 A) sportsman B) buccaneer C) adventurer D) observer9. The _ of an

11、 audience as they watch a film is very different from the active minds of readers as they imagine the scenes in a novel. 当他们观看电影时,观众的活动是非常不同的,因为他们想象中的小说场景。 A) passivity B) activity C) capability D) stability10. We make use of a _ system to help us find books and papers on library shelves.我们利用一个分类系统来

12、帮助我们找到图书馆书架上的书籍和论文。 A) division B) classify C) classification D) sort11. To Americans, love is passion and we must express it loudly, strongly and _.对美国人而言,爱是激情,我们必须大声地表达它,强烈而强烈地。 A) intentional B) intensely C) intensively D) interactive12. It is generally thought that traveling abroad can _ ones kn

13、owledge. 一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。(充实; 丰富;) A) enclose B) enchant C) encounter D) enrichTest Three1. As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became _ to the climbers.随着云层的逐渐消失,甚至更高的峰变得可见。 A) visible B) obvious C) apparent D) plain2. For the currency to keep _, the government has to adopt some strong mea

14、sures.为了保持稳定,政府必须采取一些有力措施。 A) concrete B) fertile C) productive D)stable3. The manager _ the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in short hand.经理向他的秘书口授信件,写下来简而言之手。 A) passed B) copied C) dictated D) declared4. This movie has a _ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.这部电影有一个戏

15、剧性的结局。你无法想象谁会最终被杀。 A)dramatic B) original C) considerable D) temple 5. If you _ a magnet-needle, its two ends can point North and South, and so it can be used to determine directions.如果你挂了一个磁铁针,其两端可以指北和南,所以它可以用来确定方向。(悬浮) A) overtake B) fix C) highlight D) suspend6. He takes a 10% _ on all the sales

16、he makes: if he sells goods worth $100 he gets $10. 他需要10%的佣金,他所做的所有销售:如果他卖价值100美元的商品,他得到10美元。 A) portion B) proportion C) concession D) commission7. The soldiers life was saved after the doctor _ a bullet from his wound.医生从伤口中取出一颗子弹后,士兵的生命得救了。 A) exacted B) contracted C) extracted D) interacted8. A

17、 shower of rain _ our days outing.一场大雨破坏了我们一天的郊游。 A) damaged B) spoiled C) discouraged D) wasted9. How to dispose _ the nuclear waste is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians alike.如何处置核废料是科学家和政治家们的一个紧迫问题。 A) of B) with C) through D) behind10. We can _ the possibility of total loss from

18、our calculations.我们可以排除从我们的计算总损失的可能性。 A) exclude B) prevent C) excuse D) discard11. The _ personality in our firm was John Brown; he made all the decisions.占主导地位的性格在我们公司是约翰布朗,他所有的决定。 A) dominant B) elegant C) cautious D) prominent12. The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may

19、 lead to caner have been _.基本的原因是未知的,虽然已经确定了一定的条件,可能会导致癌症。 A) identified B) guaranteed C) notified D) conveyedTest Four1. It will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _ will be conducted by computer.在街上走路会更安全,因为人们不需要携带大量

20、的现金,几乎所有的金融交易都是由电脑来进行的。 A) transformations B) transmissions C) transitions D) transactions 2. The bar in the club is for the _ use of its members.俱乐部内的酒吧仅对会员开放。(独有的,独做的,独享的) A) extensive B) exclusive C) inclusive D) comprehensive3. A friendship may be _, casual, situational or deep and lasting. A) i

21、dentical B)original C) indefinite D) indispensable4. It is well known that knowledge is the _ condition for expansion of mind.众所周知,知识是开放性思维必不可少的条件。 A) incompatible B) incredible C) indefinite D) indispensable5. While both plans were perfectly sensible, only one seemed _ in Chinas particular situatio

22、n.虽然这两个计划都是完全合理的,但在中国的特殊情况下,只有一个似乎是可行的。 A) useful B) available C) feasible D) desirable 6. Be careful with those fireworks; they are _ to go off unexpectedly.小心那些烟火.他们很容易不经意间引爆.(有责任的; 有义务的; 有倾向的; 易的; ) A) easy B) probable C) available D) liable7. I will _ my lawyer to write out the agreement.我会通知我的律

23、师写下协议。 A) inform B) notify C) announce D) report 8. This new printer is _ with all leading software.这台新打印机兼容所有主要的软件。 A) compatible B) competitive C) cooperative D) comparable9. As so many overseas and domestic business people have come to invest and build new businesses, the place looks much more _

24、that it did a few years ago.随着许多海外和国内商业人士前来投资和建设新的业务,这一地方看起来更为繁荣,几年前就开始了。 A) appropriate B) prosperous C) tedious D)prospective10. After she became a lawyer, she decided to _ in contract law.她成为了一名律师,她决定专攻合同法。 A) study B) specialize C) specify D)contribute11. A window in the kitchen was _; there was

25、 rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.厨房的窗户被打碎了,到处都是垃圾,窗帘和地毯都被偷走了。 A) scattered B) scraped C) scratched D) smashed12. The cars were _ because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.汽车被抛弃,因为在大雾中不可能再继续下去了。 A) sacrificed B) transported C) abandoned D) removedTest Fiv

26、e1. The police have not yet found a possible _ for the attack on the man.警方尚未找到对该男子的攻击的可能动机。 A) example B) understanding C) motive D)principle2. In human friendship an important _ is “forgive and forget”.在人类的友谊中,一个重要的原则是“原谅和忘记”。 A) principal B) primary C) principle D) chiefly3. I could only _ that s

27、he didnt care how she looked.我只能_,她不在乎她怎么看。 A) assumed假设 B) presumed推测 C) resumed重新开始D) consumed消耗4. It is evident that children need more praise than criticism, which many experts say will _their confidence and self-respect. 明显的是,孩子们需要更多的赞美而不是批评,许多专家说这将破坏他们的信心和自尊。A) undercut B) undertake C) underch

28、arge D) undermine5. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward customers.经理给一个女售货员指责寻找她的敌对态度的顾客。 A) serious B)mild C) hostile D) plain6. After shed overcome her _ shyness, she became very comfortable and friendly.她克服了最初的羞怯,变得非常的舒适和友好。 A) preliminary B) previous

29、 C) crucial D) initial7. He was sincerely _ of their support.他对他们的支持表示衷心的感谢。 A) appreciate B)appreciated C) appreciation D) appreciative8. Louise was so _ by now that she seemed to have forgotten that mornings funeral.路易丝现在很生气,她似乎忘记了早晨的葬礼。 A) grave B) crazy C) animated D) annoyed9. If I were you, Id

30、 take the job. A salary like that is not to be _ at.如果我是你,我就把这工作。工资一样不可_ A) sniffed对.嗤之以鼻 B) sneeze C)selected D)seep10. There is no point in _over the past now, you did what you thought was right at the time.翻旧账是没有意义的,你做了你认为是正确的时候。(翻阅旧记录、文件以)搜寻事实等) A) ranking B) raking C) mentioning D)highlighting11. She presented an intriguing combination of feminine looks with a _ mind.她提出了一个有趣的女性看起来与一个男性思维的结合 A) manhood B) attractive C) tough D) masculine 12. Early

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