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1、考研英语语法考研英语语法突破:阅读难句语法解析(否定句)【难句】1. Its not every day that you get to witness the birth of a new social system. But General MotorsJune 1 bankruptcy, and the companys likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury, does suggest the arrival of a novel relationshipat least for the United

2、 Statesbetween the citizen and his government。(Weekly Standard Jun. 15, 2009 )【结构分析】 本句使用了强调句型的否定式It is notthat,在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。every day是所强调的内容,并使用了not直接否定。But后的句子又使用了借助助动词do强调句子谓语的强调词结构,句中表现为用does强调suggest即does suggest整句话还包含一个较长的分隔结构and the companys likely reorganization under the owner

3、ship of the U.S. Treasury,对主语General MotorsJune 1 bankruptcy起补充说明的作用。【参考译文】不是每天人们都可以见证一个新社会体系的诞生。但是通用6月1日宣告破产,它将在美国财政部的掌控下进行可能的重组,这一事件正是暗示了一种新关系的到来至少是在美国公民与政府之间的新型关系。【难句】2. Best known as a destination for honeymooners in search of perfect white beaches and swaying palms, the Seychelles islands rarel

4、y make any sort of headlines. Few tourists would even have noticed the presidential election on July 30th, in which James Michel, leader of the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot. (The Eonomist Aug. 10, 2006)【结构分析】 本段出现了两处否定。前一句中,使用了否定副词rarely体现否定,译为“几乎不”,Best

5、known as作该句状语。后一分句中,使用否定代词few体现否定,译为“很少”,其中包含了which引导的定语从句in which James Michel,leader of do the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot, which指代先行词election, 并与in一起在从句中作状语,且该从句的谓语使用了被动语态;leader of the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front为分隔结构,补充说明James Michel此人的身份。【

6、参考译文】说起塞舌尔群岛,许多人只知道它是度蜜月者找寻美丽的白色沙滩和摇曳的棕榈树的目的地之一。除此之外,几乎没有媒体对其进行报道,就连游客们也很少有人注意到7月30日该国举行的总统选举。在这次选举中,塞舌尔人民进步阵线领导人詹姆斯米歇尔获得了54%的选票。考研英语语法突破:阅读难句语法解析(并列平行结构)【难句】1. In each case the pattern is the same: young people adopt a new form of entertainment, older people are spooked by its unfamiliarity and con

7、demn it, but eventually the young grow up and the new medium becomes acceptedat which point another example appears and the cycle begins again. (The Economist Jun. 18, 2006)【结构分析】 以but为切入点,得到并列结构“,butand”即young people, older people, but eventually the youngand其中第二个并列结构older people are spooked by its

8、 unfamiliarity and condemn it中又由连词and并列两个谓语。句末使用了介词提前的定语从句,其中which指代上文的一整句the new medium becomes accepted,与at一起作从句的时间状语,其中从句中又由and并列两个分句another example appears和 the cycle begins again。【参考译文】上述每一个实例都有着相同的模式:年轻人接受了一种新的娱乐形式,年长的人因陌生而受惊,于是对其批评指责。最终,年轻人长大成人,于是新媒体被社会承认此时,另一种娱乐形式出现,循环模式再次开始。【难句】2. If you ar

9、e a person, as I am, who is perfectly delighted for the thick people to go happily about their thick peoples business, but who also believes in elitesnot only believes in them, but thinks they ought to be cherished, that the Today programme and Newsnight, as it were, are more worthy of our licence f

10、ee than thick peoples television, regardless of audience figuresthen the whole subject becomes complicated. (The Sunday Times Nov. 4, 2007)【结构分析】 本句主干为then the whole subject becomes complicated。句首部分为if引导的条件状语从句,其中包含两个并列平行的定语从句,分别为who is perfectly delighted for以及but who also believes in在第二个定语从句中,破折号之

11、间的部分为对它的补充说明,这里又出现了not onlybut表现的并列平行结构,but引导的第二个并列分句中,谓语动词thinks后有they ought to be cherished及that两个并列的宾语从句,还包含一处比较级。【参考译文】假如你是像我一样的人,为普通人快乐地追求普通人自己的生活而高兴,但也相信精英不仅相信他们,而且也认为他们应该受到珍视,甚至认为不管收视率如何,“今日”节目和“晚间新闻”在某种程度上比普通人看的电视节目更有花钱收看的价值那么整件事就变得复杂了。【难句】3. Call me incredulous but I find that very difficul

12、t to believe, which means we are back to the wrongheaded kind of political correctness that mulishly refuses to identify excellence in some children and in doing so damages them and robs them of any chance to better themselves or feel any pride in their achievementsall in the name of head teachers “

13、ideology”. (The Sunday Times Nov. 4, 2007)【结构分析】 以连词but为切入点,主句由两个并列分句构成。第一个分句Call me incredulous是祈使句,第二个并列分句中包含一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句which means,关系代词which在从句中作主语。在此从句中,又包含一个定语从句that mulishly refuses to identify excellence in some children and in doing so damages them and robs them of any chance to bett

14、er themselves or feel any pride in their achievements修饰先行词the wrongheaded kind of political correctness。去掉枝叶,我们看到that从句中,谓语动词refuses,damages和robs由and并列。句末破折号后是对前文的补充说明。【参考译文】你可以说我多疑,但我还是觉得难以让人相信,这意味着我们返回到政治正确性的错误判断类别:固执地拒绝承认某些孩子的优秀品质,这样做的结果伤害了他们,剥夺了他们提升自己、或为自己取得的成绩感到骄傲的机会所有这一切就是校长们所谓的“思想观念”。考研英语语法突破

15、:阅读难句语法解析(倒装语序)【难句】1. Not only does a green thing look different from a red thing, remind us of other green things and inspire us to say, “Thats green”, but it also actually looks green: it produces an experience of sheer greenness that isnt reducible to anything else. (Time Jan. 19, 2007)【结构分析】 该句子

16、中,逗号前表示否定的词not only放在句首,使用了部分倒装。正常语序为:a green thing looks not only different from a red thing,reminds us of other green things and inspires us to say, “Thats green”。这是并列了三个谓语(look different,remind usand inspire us)。but之后为递进部分,but it also actually looks green,其中冒号后为具体的解释说明,并且这里包含一个定语从句that isnt reduc

17、ible to anything else,关系代词that指代先行词sheer greenness,在从句中作主语。【参考译文】一件绿色的东西不仅仅看起来与红色的东西不同,使我们想起其他绿色的东西并刺激我们说:“那是绿色”,而且它确实看起来是绿色的:它产生了一个完全的绿色的经验,那不能简化成任何其他事情。【难句】2. Clever though this is, it is just a stepping stone towards the direct incorporation of fuel cells into portable devices and, in particular,

18、 laptopsthe application that remains the industrys Holy Grail. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)【结构分析】 本句体现了典型的将表语部分提前构成的让步状语从句倒装,还原后应为though this is clever。主句为it is just a stepping stone towards the direct incorporation of fuel cells into portable devices and, in particular, laptopsthe application that

19、remains the industrys Holy Grail,其中包含incorporationinto的结构,portable devices和laptops作介词into的宾语。句末的名词短语the application that remains the industrys Holy Grail作上文的补充说明,其中包含that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词appplication。【参考译文】 虽然这很聪明,但它只能算是通往直接将燃料电池与便携设备整合的道路上的垫脚石,特别是对笔记本电脑而言这一设备现在仍是工业界的圣杯。考研英语语法突破:阅读难句语法解析(否定句)【难句】1. Its

20、not every day that you get to witness the birth of a new social system. But General MotorsJune 1 bankruptcy, and the companys likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury, does suggest the arrival of a novel relationshipat least for the United Statesbetween the citizen and his gove

21、rnment。(Weekly Standard Jun. 15, 2009 )【结构分析】 本句使用了强调句型的否定式It is notthat,在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。every day是所强调的内容,并使用了not直接否定。But后的句子又使用了借助助动词do强调句子谓语的强调词结构,句中表现为用does强调suggest即does suggest整句话还包含一个较长的分隔结构and the companys likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury,对主语General Mo

22、torsJune 1 bankruptcy起补充说明的作用。【参考译文】不是每天人们都可以见证一个新社会体系的诞生。但是通用6月1日宣告破产,它将在美国财政部的掌控下进行可能的重组,这一事件正是暗示了一种新关系的到来至少是在美国公民与政府之间的新型关系。【难句】2. Best known as a destination for honeymooners in search of perfect white beaches and swaying palms, the Seychelles islands rarely make any sort of headlines. Few touri

23、sts would even have noticed the presidential election on July 30th, in which James Michel, leader of the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot. (The Eonomist Aug. 10, 2006)【结构分析】 本段出现了两处否定。前一句中,使用了否定副词rarely体现否定,译为“几乎不”,Best known as作该句状语。后一分句中,使用否定代词few体现否定,译为“很少

24、”,其中包含了which引导的定语从句in which James Michel,leader of do the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot, which指代先行词election, 并与in一起在从句中作状语,且该从句的谓语使用了被动语态;leader of the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front为分隔结构,补充说明James Michel此人的身份。【参考译文】说起塞舌尔群岛,许多人只知道它是度蜜月者找寻美丽的白色沙滩和摇曳的棕

25、榈树的目的地之一。除此之外,几乎没有媒体对其进行报道,就连游客们也很少有人注意到7月30日该国举行的总统选举。在这次选举中,塞舌尔人民进步阵线领导人詹姆斯米歇尔获得了54%的选票考研英语语法突破:阅读难句语法解析(状语从句1)【难句】 The engines would have variable nozzles, which would be fully opened on take-off and landing, so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet, and narrowed when the aircraft w

26、as cruising, providing the necessary speed. (The Economist Nov. 9, 2006)【结构分析】 本句是主从复合句。主句为The engines would have variable nozzles。其后的定语从句比较复杂,以逗号后and为切入点,得到which would be fully openedand narrowed,关系代词which指代先行词nozzles在从句中作主语。其中so that引导的结果状语从句so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet说明

27、(nozzles)would be fully opened on take off and landing情况发生时所产生的结果,句末的现在分词结构providing the necessary speed 作(nozzles)would be narrowed when the aircraft was cruising情况发生时的伴随结果,其中when引导的从句作时间状语。【参考译文】 引擎将配有各种各样的尾喷管,在起飞和降落时这些尾喷管会全部打开,这样喷气速度会下降,噪音也会更小;而在飞机巡航过程中,尾喷管将变小以保证必要的飞行速度。【难句】 If it decides in favo

28、ur, the whole industry will feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)【结构分析】 以连词for为切入点,得到两个并列结构,分别为If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact和for it will affect not just European ai

29、rlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU。前一分句中,if引导从句If it decides in favour作条件状语;后一分句中,谓语affect的宾语部分使用了not justbut结构,句末的定语从句that fly into and out of the EU修饰先行词those。【参考译文】 如果意见是肯定的,那么整个民航业将受到影响,因为这个方案不仅影响欧洲的航线,同样也对到达欧洲和飞离欧洲的航线产生作用。【难句】 The business director concentrates on planning and

30、 practicality, whether its deciding how to change a companys business strategy or ensuring that everyone attending a meeting can see the overhead projector. (The Sunday Times Jan. 11, 2006)【结构分析】 本句的主句在逗号前The business director concentrates on planning and practicality,后面的让步状语从句由whether引导。在从句中,由or并列了

31、两个谓语be deciding 和ensuring。decide的宾语由how to do的形式充当,ensure的宾语由that引导的名词性that everyone attending a meeting can see the overhead projector构成,注意everyone的后置定语是一个现在分词结构,我们可以还原成一个定语从句,who is attending【参考译文】 商业导演集中于计划和实施,不管是决定怎样改变一个公司的商业战略,还是保证每位参加会议的人都能看到头顶的放映机。考研英语语法突破:阅读难句语法解析(状语从句2)【难句】 Some jobs requir

32、e specific qualifications but most top employers will take any degree discipline provided youve got a first or an upper second from a decent university. (Times Online Jan. 11, 2007)【结构分析】 以but为切入点,定位本句为两个并列分句Some jobs require specific qualifications but most top employers will take any degree discipline句末部分的provided引导条件状语从句provided youve got a first or an upper second from a decent university,翻译为“假如”。【参考译文】 有些工作需要特别的资格,但大多数的一流雇主会采取

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