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裕兴版新概念英语 第二册 第64课 lesson 64 详细笔记.docx

1、裕兴版新概念英语 第二册 第64课 lesson 64 详细笔记Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel海峡隧道First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。 1. tunneltnln.隧道2. portp:t, putn.港口3. ventilateventileitv.通风4. chimneytimnin.烟囱5. sea levellevl海平面6. doubledbladj.双的7. ventilation,ventileinn.通风8. fearfiv.害怕9. invasioninveinn.入侵,侵


3、以后,隧道实际已经开始建了。如果不是因为那时英国人害怕入侵,隧道早已建成了。世界不得不再等将近100年才看到海峡隧道竣工。它于1994年3月7日正式开通,将英国与欧洲大陆连到了一起。(标题生词讲解)channeltnlChannel:频道teaching channel教学频道 Can we change another channel?We cant get channel 4 on our television。我们的电视收不到4频道。The Channel Tunnel海峡隧道channel v传递She channel her information to me.她把她的信息传递给我【

4、生词讲解】1. tunneltnln.隧道The Channel Tunnel海峡隧道the train passed through several tunnels.火车要穿过好几个隧道。Light at the end of the tunnel。苦尽甘来tunnel v开,挖,隧道。The tunnel cuts through the mountain隧道穿山而过。2.portp:t, putn.港口passport护照enter a port进入一个港口make a portleave a port离开一个港口clear a porta free port自由港port wine葡萄

5、酒Eg:The typhoon stopped the ship from leaving the port.台风阻止船出港3.ventilateventileitv.通风well-ventilated adj通风良好的(只能做定语)our classroom is office is poorly-ventilated.我的办公室通风不好4.ventilation,ventileinn.通风put a problem to ventilation畅谈ventilator通风设备,通风口airing通风口5.chimneytimnin.烟囱sweep a

6、chimney=clean a chimney清扫烟囱a blocked chimney堵塞的烟囱factory chimney/chimneys工厂的烟囱 6.sea levellevl海平面sea大海level水平,海拔。water always seeks its own level.水性自平level n,高度altitude1)水平one thousand metres above sealevel海拔1000米water always seeks its own level水性自平2)n,高度,等级the level of the water水位high level高水平的,高级的

7、low level低级的,低水平的a higher level of civilization高度文明3)adj平的a level surface平坦的表面the road is level.路是平的4)adj相同程度的;势均力敌的a level race一场势均力敌的比赛in level tones一个调in a level voice平和的语气do ones level best =try ones best =do ones possible尽最大的努力7.doubledbladj.双的反义词singlea double room双人房间a double bed双人床double chi

8、n双下巴double negative双重否定double Dutch n.莫名其妙的话,语无伦次的话(Dutch treat各自付费的聚餐或娱乐活动=go Dutch)double standard双重标准double talk含糊其辞的话see double看成双影double check仔细检查double boiler双层的蒸锅double date两对人约会I d like to book a double double付两倍的钱double ones salary薪水加倍double fault两次发球失误double play双杀8.fearfiv.害怕=ter

9、ror1)n.害怕The soldier didnt show his fear.这个士兵没有显示出畏惧的神色。The child had no fear of water.这个孩子不怕水。a fear of heights恐高症the fear of God对上帝的敬畏have a great fear of sth极度害怕某物She has a great fear of fire.他很怕火。2)v.害怕=be afraid ofHe fears death.他怕死He fears illness.他怕生病never fear!别担心=dont worryShe feared to spe

10、ak in the public.她害怕在公共场合说话。fear doinghe feared staying alone in the dark.他害怕一个人呆在黑暗处。fear to do sth害怕做某事she feared to speak in the public.他害怕在公共场合说话。a fearful storm一场恐怖的暴风雨3)adj. fearful恐怖的be fearful of害怕The baby is fearful of dark.这个婴儿怕黑。派生词fearlessfilisadj.无畏的9.invasioninveinn.入侵,侵略invade vt入侵、蜂拥

11、invade a village入侵一个小村庄The tourists invade the city.游客蜂拥进这个城市。invade sbs rights侵犯某人的权利invader n入侵者the invision of Poland by Germany德国对波兰的入侵10.officiallyfiliadv.正式地office n办公室officer officialoffice办公室officer军官official adj.官方的an official decision官方的决定an official annoucement官方声明government officials政府官员

12、officially advannounce officially正式地公告11.connectknektv.连接Please contact me with New York.请给我接纽约。connection nConnection between A and B. connect with并列的连接connect to连接向 他把鼠标连到电脑上。A highway connects the two cities.这条公路把两座城市连接起来。12.European,jurpi:nadj.欧洲的词根Europejurp13.continentkntinntn.大陆the Continents

13、:(大陆)Asia亚洲North Africa北非South Africa南非North America北美洲South America南美洲Oceania大洋洲Europe欧洲【课文讲解】1.In1858,aFrenchengineer,AimeThomedeGamond,arrivedinEnglandwithaplanforatwenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel.1858年,一位名叫埃梅.托梅.德.干蒙的法国工程师带着建造一条长21英里、穿越英吉利海陕的隧道计划到了英国。1.a French engineer, Aime Tho

14、me de Gamond,同位语out teacher spider man,is a good teacher.twenty-one-mile形容词(只能做定语)plan to do sth计划做某事2. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel他说,可以在隧道中央建造一座平台.that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel.宾语从句in the centre只能指空间

15、上的中间platform平台、站台、月台3.This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.这座平台将用作码头和火车站。serve as起.作用,担任,充当=serve for.serve sb with用。招待xx served me with wine.某人用酒招待我。4.The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.如果再建些伸出海面的高大的烟囱状通风管,隧道就具备了良好的通风条件。The tunnel wo

16、uld be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.非真实条件句,对现在的假设。从句were built主句would be5. In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.1860年,一位名叫威廉.洛的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。put forward =put up建立词汇扩展backward adv.向后forward前进backward and forward来回走from this time forward从此

17、以后they have put forward their date of wedding.6.He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built.他提议建一条双轨隧道,a better plan was put forward by an Englishman.被动语态for原因状语从句7.This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw infresh air behind it这样就解决

18、了通风问题.因为如果有列火车开进隧道,它就把新鲜空气随之抽进了隧道。for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.非真实条件句,对现在事情的假设8.Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun.42年以后,隧道实际已经开始建了。was actually begun.被动语态42年以后, 10.The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel.世界不得不再

19、等将近100年才看到海峡隧道竣工。11.It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.它于1994年3月7日正式开通,将英国与欧洲大陆连到了一起。It was officially opened on March 7,1994,被动语态【Key Structure】非真实条件句1主句:would+do从句:一般过去时were对现在相反的假设If you went to the exhibition .you would enjoy it.如果你去那个展览,你会喜欢它的。I would act differently if I were in your position如果我出于你的那个位置,我会做得和你不一样。2主句would have done从句had doneIf I were in your position, I would act differently.如果我出于你的那个位置,我会做得和你不一样。 答案could have came译:你要是跟我们来的话,我们会很高兴的。(对过去的假设,其实你没有来)

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