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选修七第五单元 教案.docx

1、选修七第五单元 教案选修七第五单元 教案适用学科高中英语适用年级高中二年级适用区域外研版区域课时时长(分钟)2课时知识点1.重点词汇:预习module5 所学词汇:ethnic,minority, ethnic, rainforest,diverse,diversify,native ,national,bright-colored, belt, varied, vary, variety,various, maze, cobbled,Inherit , property,customary, customer,customs, apron, hieroglyphic, hatch, pine

2、apple,bucket,splash,apparently, crop, opera,maize,script,ouch,hammer, lame,hop, tyre,firm,jungle,soul, distant,ox,spear,garment,sleeve,necklace,jewellery,arch,rigid,Framework,fasten,loose,fiber,rooster,spade,unfold,adjust,furnish furnished,mat,bare,waist, widow, nephew, garage,awkward,pierce,aborigi

3、ne2. 重点词组:in use, use up, make use of = take advantage of, of (no) use, bring /put sth. into use, come into use, seat belt = life belt = safety belt, have a population of , It is apparent that / clear /distinct /obvious /evident, in the distance, from the distance , keep ones distance, keep sb. at a

4、 distance , set off = set out = start out, be in a/ the minority, be in a /the majority, be diverse from = be different from, be native to,vary from to, vary with, a variety of = varieties of , run into, run after, run away, run out of, fasten and (together), fasten to, fasten on/ upon,adjust to sth

5、/ doing sth. = adjust oneself to , make an adjustment , be furnished with,3. 重点句型:The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. They sit in small circles in the square, with their babies on their backs, completely un

6、interested in the tourists! However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal. It is generally agreed that Native Americans came across from Asia, somewhere between 12,000 and 25,000 years ago.The people had thick straight black hair, dark eyes and brown skin.They were a

7、 hunting, fishing culture, but as they moved round, many kinds of society developed, speaking many languages. The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life.4. 重点语法:过去分词(短语)作状语;动词短语。教学目标1. 掌握重点单词短语和句型。2. 掌握重点语法。教学重点本模块以少数民族的文化为主题,介绍云南风貌及其少数民族。通过听、说等活动,复习和学

8、习一些描述少数民族风情、服装和地理位置等信息的词汇,获取文化信息,并正确运用询问信息的表达;通过Reading的学习,了解丽江古城、纳西族、白族的文化风情,并在阅读过程中根据文字表面意思对其深层含义作出正确合理的推断;通过Writing的练习,对收集到的有关某一个或几个少数民族的信息进行加工和组合,用自己的语言描述其文化风情;复习过去分词充当状语的用法,并复习come across,make up,fall for等动词短语。教学难点过去分词(短语)作状语和动词短语两个语法点的理解记忆。【教学建议】1、复习以往知识:可以从已学、已知的入手,与今天的教学进行对比。2、课前小测:可以针对学生学校近

9、期讲授的内容进行出题(以简单题和中档题为主,以10分钟左右为宜)进行测验,也可以针对基础知识进行复习提问,检查学生学校所学内容的掌握程度,进而展开教学。1. 词汇短语:1adj. 种族的;民族的 2n. 少数民族 3(短语)少数民族 4n. 热带雨林 5adj. 完全不同的;各不相同的 6v. 开发(新产品),使多样化 7n. 多样性 30. v. (液体)溅落;飞溅 31. adv. 看起来;显然 32. n. 庄稼,农作物 33. n. 歌剧 34. n. 玉米 35. v. 种植;养殖 36. n. (一种语言的)书写字母 37. interj. (突然感到疼痛时的叫声)哎呦 38. n

10、. 榔头,锤子 39. adj. 瘸的,跛的 40. v. 单足蹦跳 41. n. 轮胎 42. adj. 牢固的,稳固的 43. n. 热带丛林 44. n. (一个)人 45. adj. 遥远的 疏远的 46. n. (常用于干农活的)阉牛 47. n. 矛,梭镖,标枪 48. n. (一件)衣服 49. n. 袖子 50. n. 项链 51. n. 珠宝,首饰 52. n. 弓状物;拱形物 53.adj. 僵硬的;不动的;不能弯曲的 54. n. 构架,框架,结构 55. v. 系牢,缚紧 56. adj. 稀松的,疏松的 57. n. (植物的)纤维质 58. n. 公鸡 59. n.

11、 铲,铁锹 60. v. 展开,打开 61. v. 适应,使适应 62. v. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具 63. adj. 配有家具的 64. n. 地垫;地席;蒲席 65. adj. 赤裸的 66. n. 腰,腰部 67. n. 寡妇,遗孀 68. n. 侄子;外甥 69. n. 汽车修理厂 70. adj. 尴尬的,为难的 71. v. (声音、光、痛苦等)被突然听到(看到、感觉到) 72. n. (澳大利亚)土著居民 【答案】 1.ethnic 2. minority 3. ethnic minority 4. rainforest 5. diverse 6. diversify 7.

12、diversity 8. native 9. nation 10. national 11. bright-colored 12. belt 13. varied 14. vary 15. variety 16. various /varied 17. maze 18. cobbled 19. run 20. Inherit 21. property 22. customary 23. customer 24. customs 25. apron 26. hieroglyphic 27.hatch 28.pineapple 29.bucket 30.splash 31.apparently 3

13、2. crop 33.opera 34.maize 36.script 37.ouch 38.hammer 39. lame 40. hop 41. tyre 42. firm 43. jungle 44. soul 45. distant 46. ox 47. spear 48. garment 49. sleeve 50. necklace 51.jewellery 52.arch 53. rigid 54. framework55.fasten56.loose57.fibre58.rooster59.spade60.unfold61. adjust 62. furnish

14、 63. furnished 64. mat 65. bare 66. waist 67. widow 68. nephew 69. garage 70. awkward 71.pierce 72. aborigineethnicadj. 种族的;民族的minority n. 少数民族rainforestn. 热带雨林diverseadj. 完全不同的;各不相同的diversifyv.开发(新产品),使多样化diversity n. 多样性nativeadj. 出生地的;土生土长的nationaladj. 国家的,民族的bright-colouredadj. 颜色鲜艳的,鲜亮的variedad

15、j. 各种各样的;形形色色的varyv. 改变,变化varietyn.变化,多样性mazen. 迷宫;曲径cobbledadj. 铺鹅卵石的customs n. 海关,关税apronn. 围裙customer n. 顾客customary adj. 习惯的custom n. 风俗,习惯,传统runv. 控制;管理inheritv. 继承property n. 财产hieroglyphicadj. 象形文字的tyren. 轮胎hammern. 榔头,锤子ouchinterj. (突然感到疼痛时的叫声)哎呦scriptn.(一种语言的)书写字母farmv. 种植;养殖maizen. 玉米opera

16、n. 歌剧 cropn. 庄稼,农作物 apparentlyadv. 看起来;显然 splashv.(液体)溅落;飞溅hatchv. 孵化pineapplen. 菠萝,凤梨bucketn. 桶hopv. 单足蹦跳 lameadj. 瘸的,跛的jewelleryn. 珠宝,首饰necklacen. 项链sleeven. 袖子garmentn. (一件)衣服spearn. 矛,梭镖,标枪oxn. (常用于干农活的)阉牛distantadj. 遥远的 疏远的souln. (一个)人junglen. 热带丛林firmadj. 牢固的,稳固的archn. 弓状物;拱形物fastenv. 系牢,缚紧spa

17、den. 铲,铁锹cornn. 谷物looseadj. 稀松的,疏松的fibre n.(植物的)纤维质lengthenv.延长, 伸长deepen加深tightnessn.坚固,紧密)pierce pis v. (声音、光、痛苦等)被突然听到(看到、感觉到)rigidadj. 僵硬的;不动的;不能弯曲的frameworkn. 构架,框架,结构roostern. 公鸡unfoldv. 展开,打开awkwardadj. 尴尬的,为难的garagen. 汽车修理厂nephewn. 侄子;外甥widown. 寡妇,遗孀waistn. 腰,腰部bareadj. 赤裸的matn. 地垫;地席;蒲席furn

18、ituren. 家具furnishedadj. 配有家具的adjustv. 适应,使适应furnishv. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具rainbown. 彩虹,虹aboriginen.(澳大利亚)土著居民gathering集会,聚会gatherern.采集者,收集者 teapotn. 茶壶 ethnic minority少数民族has a population of 有人口in use在使用It is agreed that 人们认为in the distance 在远处come into use开始被使用seat belt = life belt = safety belt安全带It is a

19、pparent that / clear /distinct /obvious /evident 很明显be in a /the majority 占大部分/ 占多数be in a/ the minority占少数set off 动身,出发 = set out = start out 引起 使爆炸 使某人开始做keep sb. at a distance与某人保持相当距离, 对某人表示冷淡at a distance 隔开一段距离 at a distance of隔着距离in the distance在远处 from the distance从远处keep ones distance与某人保持距

20、离 不与接近 be native to原产于 be diverse from = be different from 和不同vary from to在到之间变动vary with随着而变化 adjust to sth/ doing sth. = adjust oneself to(使)适应fasten on/ upon 把(目光、注意力、思想)集中于fasten to把固定到 fasten and (together)把和 固定在一起put up建起,搭起 张贴,公布为提供食宿run after追赶追求 run into偶遇 a variety of = varieties of不同种类的ma

21、ke an adjustment 作出调整be furnished with装备有,安装有 furnish with 给提供, 用布置make use of = take advantage of利用 bring /put sth. into use开始使用某物For example例如die from死于take place举行;发生make up组成,构成pull out取出,摆脱一、过去分词(短语)作状语的功能 过去分词(短语)作状语,修饰谓语动词,进一步说明谓语动词的动作或状态,即动作发生时的背景或状况。1过去分词作状语表示被动和完成的动作。Written in a hurry, th

22、is article was not so good.因为写得匆忙,这篇文章写得不是很好。(written in a hurry是过去分词短语作状语,表示这篇文章是被写的,而且“被写”的动作已经发生)注意:过去分词(短语)作状语,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语,此时应注意人称的一致,且主语是过去分词动作的承受者,即过去分词与主语之间是动宾关系,即被动关系。Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.因为淋了一场大雨,他全身湿透了。2过去分词(短语)作状语都可以转化成相应的状语从句。(1)作时间状语,可转化为when, while或after等引导的时间状语从句。S

23、een from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful.When the park is seen from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful.从山顶上看,这座公园看起来更加漂亮。(2)作条件状语,可转化成if, once或unless等引导的条件状语从句。Given another hour, I can work out this problem.If I am given another hour, I can work out this problem.再

24、给我一个小时,我能解决这个问题。(3)作原因状语,可转化成as, because或since等引导的原因状语从句。Frightened by the noise in the night, the girl didnt dare to sleep in her room.Because she was frightened by the noise in the night, the girl didnt dare to sleep in her room.受到夜晚响声的惊吓,那姑娘不敢睡在她的房间(4)作伴随状语,可转化为并列结构。Aunt Wu came in, followed by h

25、er daughter.Aunt Wu came in, and she was followed by her daughter.吴大娘走过来,后面跟着她的女儿。(5)作让步状语,可转化为although, though或even if等引导的让步状语从句。Exhausted by our climb, we continued our journey.Although we were exhausted by our climb, we continued our journey.我们虽然爬得很累,但我们仍然继续我们的旅程。 注意:状语从句改为过去分词(短语)作状语时,有时还可保留连词,构

26、成“连词过去分词(短语)”结构作状语。二、两种易错的情况 1忽视分词作状语时其逻辑主语必须是主句的主语。 注意:如果分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不一致,则可以用下列方法来修正:给分词添加自己的主语,构成独立主格结构;给分词改变语态(现在分词与过去分词转换);用相应的状语从句来表达;用with复合结构。例如:完成作业后,孩子们出去踢球了。()Finished their homework, the children went out to play football.(分析句子可知主语children和动词finish之间为主动关系,故用过去分词形式作状语是错误的。)句子可改为:Their hom

27、ework finished, the children went out to play football.(独立主格结构)Having finished their homework, the children went out to play football.(改变了语态,用现在分词)After the children finished their homework, they went out to play football.(相应的状语从句)With their homework finished, the children went out to play football.

28、(with复合结构)2有些常见的分词结构属于固定结构,其逻辑主语不需要和主句主语一致,也就是说,他们的主句主语和句子的主语没有关系,如compared with, judging from/ by, generally/ exactly speaking, considering, seeing, including, supposing/ providing/ provided等。Judging from his appearance, he is a wealthy man.从外表看,他是一位富翁。Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more

29、 you get.一般来说,付出的越多,得到的就越多。动词短语指的是由动词副词,动词介词,动词副词介词或动词名词介词等构成的动词词组。1动词副词这类动词词组有些可以作及物动词,也有些用作不及物动词。若为及物动词,其宾语为代词时,一定要将代词置于动词和副词之间;若宾语为名词时,可将其置于动词与副词之间,也可置于副词之后。不及物动词词组:give in 屈服break out 爆发go down 下降break down (车等)坏掉及物动词词组:give up 放弃bring up 抚养,教育give away 出卖;捐赠carry out 执行A big fire broke out last

30、 night in that village.昨天晚上,在那个村里突然发生了一场大火。The old couple are too old to bring up their little grandson.这对老夫妇老得不能再抚养他们的小孙子了。2动词介词此类词组相当于及物动词,后跟名词、代词或动词ing形式作宾语。come across 偶然遇到care for 关心,喜欢deal with 处理result from 由造成When he read the book, he came across many new words.当他读这本书时遇到了很多生词。The exam is coming, so the students are busy

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