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1、上海市上宝中学7BUnit9笔记U91. nature n. 大自然(前边不加冠词),天性the beauties of nature 大自然中美好的东西 natural a 自然的unnatural a. 不自然的the natural world 自然界 naturally adv. 自然地,顺理成章地After a while, we naturally started talking about the children.2. element n. 元素,要素 elementary a. 基本的,初级的 an elementary school 小学Sunshine is one of

2、 the most important naturalelementsof mankinds survival.阳光是人类赖以生存的最重要的自然要素之一。petition n 竞赛,比赛compete v. 竞争After graduation, wecango outinthe petitor n 竞争者,对手compete with 与竞争wehave tocompetewithstudentsfrom the US,AustraliaandBpete for 为而竞争compete for gold medalscompete against 与竞争Wecancompeteagainst

3、anybodyandwe pete in 参加比赛(竞赛) compete in a race 参加赛跑 competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的 比较级 more competitive 最高级 most competitive Firstofall,ifwewant tostaycompetitive,weneedto petitively adv. 有竞争力地;好竞争地competitiveness kmpettvnsn. 竞争力Wedontexcludethepossibilityofacquisitionsifitstrengthensour competitiv

4、eness.我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力4. wind n. a. windywindier-windiest Windless adj. 无风的;平稳的Turinisawindlesscity.都灵是一座无风的城市wind /wand/ 过去式wound 过去分词wound /waund/ vt. 缠绕;上发条,蜿蜒Wind the bandage around your finger.The river winds its way between two meadows.winding a 曲折的,弯曲的,蜿蜒的a long and winding road 一条漫长而

5、曲折的道路5. sun 前加定冠词sunny-sunniersunniestsunshine / sunrise /sunset /sunglasses /sunbath6. strong-stronger-strongestMr Sun is stronger than Mr wind.a strong-willed person 一位意志坚强的人strength n. 力量;力气;长处He pushed against the rock with all his strength.strengths and weaknesses 长处和短处,优点和缺点strengthen vt. 加强;巩

6、固The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.strongly adv. 强有力地;坚强地;激烈地Idisapprovedstronglyofhisproposal.i我强烈反对他的建议。7. blowblew-blown v 吹,刮,The wind blew all night.blow n. 打击,捶打give sb. a blowblow up 爆炸 ; 发脾气 ; 放大 ; 告吹blow down 吹倒 ; blow out 吹灭blow out the candle8. correct adj.正确的;

7、合适的;符合公认准则的;得体的v.改正;批改;指出错误incorrect 不正确的Thecorrectanswers can be found at the bottom of page 8He has criticized the government for inefficiency and delays incorrecting past mistakescorrectly adv. 正确地Did I pronounce your namecorrectly?.You have tocorrectly answer each question.correctness n. 正确性Ask

8、the investor to check thecorrectness of what he has written. correction n.修改;改纠正Thecorrectionof composition took a large amount of the teachers time.9. order n. 命令;顺序;规则;贸易 定单 (disorder n. 无序,混乱)v. 命令;整理;定购in order 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好out of order 有毛病,出故障Someone comesinevery day to check all isinorder.

9、每天都有人来检查是否一切都井然有序。The names are arranged in alphabetical order.姓名是按字母顺序排列的。His desk is always in order.他的书桌上总是整整齐齐的。His business affairs are in order.他的业务情况良好。The telephone wasoutoforder, but is functional now. in order to do sth. 为了做某事,目的是做某事In order to learn English well, he gets up very early eve

10、ry morning to read NCE.(so as to只能用于句子中间,不能放句首)He gets up early every morning so as to learn English well. ( in order to ) in order for sb. to do sth. 为了让某人做某事They left the door openinorderforme to hear the order that 为了I get up early in order that I can catch the early bus.Keep order 维持秩序Fo

11、r twenty minutes, the Speaker tried tokeeporder.order sth. 订货, 订购, 点(食物,饮料等)He ordered a beer and a sandwich.order sb. to do sth. 命令/要求某人做某事 order sb. not to do 命令/要求某人不做某事The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employee.Do sth. as ordered 按照要求做某事 order that sb. should do Miss Yang

12、 ordered that all the students hand in their homework on time.orderly a 整洁的,有秩序的,有条理的 Students stood in orderly rows. 10. the questions below= the following questions 以下问题the questions above 以上问题11. after reading the story =after you read the story介词后接名词或者动名词After disabling the alarm, the burglars b

13、roke into the building.When doing an English cloze, pay more attention to the context.12. keep sth. in mind=learn sth. by heart=memorizemake up ones mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事change ones mindmind (ones)doing 介意做某事never mind 别介意 (回答别人的道歉)13. in the end=at last=finallyP60.14. numbern.数字;数量;号码;编号v.标号;总计,N

14、umber 1/2 没有冠词同 large 或 small 连用,表示约数)数量,数目,修饰可数名词复数区分:A number of students are listening to the report.The number of students who are listening to the report is small.You should number the pages of your thesis. 你应该把论文的页码标好。numerous nju:mrsadj.很多的,许多的;数量庞大的数量庞大的;数不清的15. show off 炫耀,卖弄He likes to sho

15、w off how well he speaks French. show n/v show ab. Sth.=show sth. to sb.vt.& vi.给看;表现出;显露出;上演n.展览;显示;外观;表演be on show 在展示中Claireshowed us how to make a chocolate sb. around 领参观Before you start to work, Illshowyouaroundthe up 出现,露面We waited until five oclock, but he did notshowup

16、16. proudprouderproudestbe proud of=take pride inI feltproudof his efforts=I took pride in his efforts.proudly adv.自豪地;傲慢地;得意扬扬地Sheproudlydisplayed her prize.Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败17. all the time Please review time phrases by strong as each other倍数表达法Our school is three times

17、 as large as theirs.Our school is twice larger than theirs.Our school is three times the size of theirs.19. angry-anger-angrily-angrier-angriest be angry with angry at/about sth.20. Please review “ tight” yourselves.21.tired more tired-most tired 疲劳的,厌烦的be tired of 对感到厌倦I am tired of living in

18、 big cities.tireless adj. 不知疲倦的;不疲劳的tiredness n. 疲劳;疲倦avoid tiredness 避免劳累tire v 使疲倦;使厌烦Climbing to the top of the mountain tired us.tiring adj. 累人的;麻烦的;无聊的;引起疲劳的My job is tiring.22.Pay attention to “disappointed” and its relevant phrases.23.forward 往前,向前,向前的backward 向后 put forward, 建议put forward a

19、suggestion look forward to doing24. agree 同意,赞成agree to do 同意做某事agree on sth. 对取得一致意见 agree with 同意,和相一致= be in agreement withagreement n. disagreedisagreement25. brightly 阳光灿烂地,光线充足地,明亮地bright a. brighten v 使更明亮He brightened up at their words of encouragement. 听到他们鼓励的话,他高兴起来。brightness P6126. sweat

20、 v/n sweaty adj.27.stick n. 棍,棒v. 粘,贴,卡住-stuckstuckWe used glue to stick the photos onto the wall.stick to (doing) 坚持I find it difficult to stick to dieting.Sticky a. 黏的Sticker 贴纸,标签28. a reel of string 一卷线 shoestrings 鞋带a ball of string 线团29.coloured 有颜色的 colour v 给着色Colorless 没颜色的 colored chalk co

21、lorful-more colorful-most colorful 五颜六色的30. frame n./vn. 框架,边框v.构造,制定,拟定frame a plan/system31. a piece of colored paper five pieces of paper32. tail n. 尾部v. 跟踪tail sb. 跟踪某人tailor n, 裁缝33 tietied-tiedtyingv. 系,栓He tied the horse to a tree.n. 领带a striped silk tie34. Please review poet, poem, poetry, p

22、oetic, and poetessP6335. across prep. 穿过,横穿walk/go across the street=cross the streetcross v/n/adjn.十字架,十字形v.穿过,交叉adj. 交叉的,生气的Red Cross 红十字be cross with sb. 生某人的气crossing n 交叉路口at the crossingthrough 指从物体内部穿过walk through the forest/tunnel36. Please compare “rise” and “raise”rise-rose-risen vi/n 上升,增

23、长,升起,起立The sun rises in the east.The population of the city has risen to 500 million.He rose and left the room.The rise of the price made him worried.raise vt 举起,提高,募集(钱等) 饲养,抚养raise the price of some productsraise your handsraise a dograise money for the poorflag-raising ceremony37. dive dived-dive

24、d-diving v/n 潜水,跳水,急剧下降We dived into the river to cool off.go diving 去潜水diver 潜水员,跳水者,跳水运动员38.high-higher-highest a/adv. 高的,高(具体概念)jump high 跳得高high jump 跳高highly (抽象概念) 高度地think/speak highly of 高度赞扬,高度评价39.flap -flappedflappedflapping 拍打,振翅,摆动They flapped bath towels in the sun.40.lean v 倾斜,倚adj. 瘦

25、的lean against the wall 倚着墙lean meat 瘦肉lean on (depend on )依赖,依靠Dont lean on others; do it yourself.41. speed v. speed-sped-sped 急行,加速,超速speed up 加速,加快Can you try and speed things up?speed away 加速离开speeding n 超速行驶n. 速度at full speed 全速at a speed of 以的速度speedy adj 迅速的,快速的We wish you a speedy recovery.speedily adv42. bow v. bow-bowed-bowed-bowing 鞠躬,弯腰, 屈服bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬bow to fate 向命运屈服P6443. slide-slidslid v. 滑行,滑动,逐渐降低 We slid down the grassy slope.我们从草坡上滑了下来。n 滑行,滑梯,幻灯片44. hide-hid-hidden v 躲藏,躲避When the earthquake happened, they hid under the bed.hide-and-seek (u.n) 捉迷藏游戏

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