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1、高中英语教案范文全英高中英语教案范文全英精品文档 高中英语教案范文全英 I. Teaching focus 1.Realize the damage caused to the world and figure out the reasons. 2.Find ways to stop the earth from being polluted by discussing in groups. II.Teaching approaches Elicitation, Mutual Interaction III.Teaching aid Interactive multimedia teachin

2、g IV.Teaching process Step 1Revision 1. Check note-making Earth: not enough rain, too many cattle, cutting down trees, strong winds Air: smoke from factories, power stations, cars, chemical rain, accidents at power stations and factories Water: waste from factories and cities Step Presentation 1( Pr

3、esent a series of images depicting the natural beauty of the earth, then the pollution. 1 / 24 精品文档 Highlight the sharp contrast between them. Guide the students to the conclusion: The earth used to be much more beautiful than now; the earth is in danger due to the increasing pollution. 2( Study the

4、 map on the textbook, then scan the passages to figure out where on the world atlas the damage has happened. Encourage the students to give out their point of view toward the pollution issue. Step Audiovisual Learning The students watch a video on the text, then do the following true or false questi

5、ons. 1.Many parts of the world with large population and plenty of crops have become deserts.T 2. Land may become poor if farmers do not limit the numbers of their cattle.T 3. Good soil is gradually lost these days as trees are being cut down. T 4. Air pollution and water pollution are the two cause

6、s of the problem that many parts of the world have become deserts.F 5. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling 2 / 24 精品文档 down to the ground in the rain. F 6. After a bad accident at a nuclear power station,0% of the trees in Germany were d

7、amaged. F 7. The writer to explain how water is polluted uses the examples of the accidents in both India and Russian.F 8. Once oceans are polluted, they are not able to clean themselves. F Step Intensive Reading Read the passages again for some detailed information 1. To say something about the dam

8、age that is caused to the world by pollution, using the information from the text. Try to present possible ways to help solve the problems. Phenomena Causes Suggestions EARTH The area of desert is growing every year. Cattle eat grass. Limit the number of the cattle. 3 / 24 精品文档 Good soil is graduall

9、y lost. Trees being cut down; strong winds blowing the valuable soil away. Plant more trees and try to protect them. AIR Air is being polluted. Factories, power stations and cars produce a lot of waste. A lot of things have to be done to reduce pollution. New laws should be passed and people should

10、realize how serious the problem is. A lot of people died from polluted air in both Russia and India. There were serious accidents that polluted the air. Trees in the forest are destroyed and fish in the lakes are killed. Chemical rain. WATER In some places its no longer safe for swimming, nor is it

11、safe to eat the fish. Factories and cities produce a lot of waste. 4 / 24 精品文档 Same as above. Lake Baikal, which used to be cleanest I the world, s now polluted. Waste produced from a chemical factory. summarize the text by giving the main idea of each passage. Earth: The area of desert is grow

12、ing and good soil is gradually lost. Air: Chemicals in the smoke cause a lot of damage and serious accidents took place from time to time. Water: Water pollution is caused by mans waste. The waters of this great lake have been dirtied and800 square km of ocean were polluted by oil. Step Discussion A

13、ppoint one student to host the discussion. The rest of the class fall into groups of, changing ideas on the following question. What kind of pollution can you think of? 5 / 24 精品文档 Why trees are important? What are the causes of water pollution? What can be done to stop land from becoming into deser

14、t? What else do we know about the problems that the earth is facing? What steps should we take to save the earth? Step6Role play The students take turns to play the role of a newspaper reporter, making interviews with heads of factories which are seriously polluting air and/or water. Record the inte

15、rviews and compose a report. Step Assignment Read the additional materials about pollution and do the reading comprehension exercises. Finish the report. Thanks for attending this class! _-_ 资料 我国环境污染现状令人担忧 据专家估计,中国每年因环境污染造成的损失达到6 / 24 精品文档 二千八百三十亿元人民币,其中,仅水污染一项,估计一年造成经济损失约五百亿元。 据香港东方日报报导,自六十年代至今,中国

16、有环境监测的四百三十二条大小河流 中,八成受到不同程度的水体污染,其中大江河经过城镇河段的占二成,支流受污染的占六成,全中国二千八百多个湖泊,凡能接纳城镇污水的,大多出现水体负氧化现象。由于地下水过度开采,京津沪大面积出现土地沉降一点五公尺至二公尺,桂林溶岩区三十米地下水重金属超标十至二十倍。 大气污染造成的经济损失约为二百亿元,由于城市燃煤、工厂排放废气及汽车死气污染,大气中二氧化硫、一氧化碳等有毒悬浮微粒弥漫在城市上空,空气污染导致许多城市肺癌死亡率增至万分之二,全国酸雨覆盖面积已达百分之三十,所有这些损失加起来也等于二百亿元。而生态环境破坏和自然灾害造成的损失估计高达二千亿元,森林覆盖率

17、由四九年的三成左右,现已下降至不足一成四,草原的严重退化,水土流失面积达一百五十五万平方公里,占国土面积的百分之十六。 同时,城镇建设却仍以每年侵占一百五十万公顷土地的速度发展,破坏自然生态平衡,加上自然灾害带来的损失,每年至少损失二百亿元。 7 / 24 精品文档 其他污染如固体废物排放、噪音污染等造成的损失也高达一百三十亿元。 专家分析表示,造成环境污染引起的经济损失原因众多,但国家工业规划布局失误,调控措施不力和公民环保意识不强是主要原因。 我的体会; 学习了该教案后,我总结体会两点。 一、该教案在教学设计上非常注重学生能力的培养,充分利用教材和多媒体手段逐步引导学生理解课文,并能进一步

18、升华课文的主题,使学生受到心灵的启迪和道德的震撼。一切都水到渠成。 二、教案所附资料可在课堂中充分被学生利用,使他们的讨论言之有据,会使他们更乐于知识的学习和掌握。这点可以作为我今后很好的借鉴 Introduce a Place From ModuleUnitCommunication WorkshopI. Teaching aims At the end of this lesson, students will 1. be very interested in writing an article to introduce a place. 2. be able to use suitab

19、le person, tense, layout, sentence structures and linking words to introduce a 8 / 24 精品文档 place . 3. be proud of our capital Beijing and our hometown Jiaozuo and love them. II. Teaching key points and difficult points 1. Teacher leads students to understand and master the layout, sentence structure

20、s and linking words effectively. 2. Teacher leads students to master the way to use advanced and various sentence structures. III. Teaching and learning methods Process-focused writing approach, Group work, Cooperative learning. IV. Teaching procedure 1. Teacher arouses students interests by showing

21、 some photos of some famous cities in the world, and singing the song, “Welcome to Beijing”. 2. Teacher shows the sample article of Beijing to students. This article serves as language input before writing. 3. Teacher asks students questions to lead them to understand and master the layout, sentence

22、 structures and linking words effectively. e.g. “How many paragraphs are there in the 9 / 24 精品文档 article?” Answer: “What factors are included in the first paragraph?” Answer: . “Can you find and circle the beautiful and advanced sentences in the article?” Answer: 4. Students work in groups and coop

23、erate with each other to answer these questions. 5. Teacher introduces the writing task “write an article to introduce Jiaozuo. 6. Teacher divides students into groups of six and arouses them to express the photos of Jiaozuo in best possible ways according to the sentence structures in the article o

24、f Beijing. Meanwhile, teacher encourages students to join simple sentences together with linking words, relative pronouns, present participles, etc. to form more advanced and more various sentence structures. 7. Students write the first drafts by themselves. 8. Teacher stimulates students to check a

25、nd correct their own drafts; meanwhile, teacher provides 10 / 24 精品文档 the standards of checking and correcting. For example, the content, the layout, the language, the linking words, the handwriting, the tense and person, the grammar and the spelling. 9. Teacher divides students into groups of six a

26、nd arouses them to check and correct their partners articles. Teacher provides the standards of checking and correcting again. 10. Teacher chooses two typical articles to examine before class; students learn how to check fully and effectively. 10. Teacher help the students to summarize some typical

27、and common mistakes among students articles, and correct and analyze them. 12. Homework. Polish the first draft and rewrite it. V. After-class reflection. By studying of this unit, well enable students to know_ and develop the interest in_. At the same time, let the students learn how to_ . From thi

28、s lesson, it starts_. 11 / 24 精品文档 Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Part Teaching Aims According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus , and after studying the teachin

29、g material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions. The Ss can use the _ in the proper situation. The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about _ and get their own idea about _. 2.Ability objects To d

30、evelop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. To improve the students reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability. 12 / 24 精品文档 To train the Ss abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating. 3.Emotion or moral objects By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in _and set up self-confidence in _. Teach the Ss_, put the moral education in the language study. Part the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus. The important points are_ such as _

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