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1、英语学习阅读材料A4打印版 1902182Quora精选:有哪些知识最毁三观?What Is The biggest Mindfuck Ever?哪些知识最毁三观?得票最多的回答 Henry Johnson1. Thecontinentslook entirely different than you think they do.大陆板块本来的样子跟你认为的完全不一样。The map youre used to is more Western-focused andstretchesout the size of continents near the poles. Africa and So

2、uth America are actually way bigger.你习以为常的这种地图更多地是以西方为中心,它拉伸了两极附近大陆的大小。非洲和南美洲实际上要大得多。Heres a more accurate representation of the world, according to the The Gall-Peters Projection map, created in 1885.这里有一个更精确的版本,是根据1885年创建的Gall-Peters投影地图:2. If you believe that youre truly one in a million, there a

3、re still approximately 7,184 more people out there just like you.如果你真的相信自己是百万里挑一,那还有大约7,184多个人和你差不多。Because there are over 7 billion people.因为世界上有超过70亿人。3. There are castles and even lighthouses that are less expensive than NYC apartments.有些城堡,甚至灯塔,都比纽约的公寓便宜。4. The United States hasnt even made it i

4、nto the Top 50 list of longest-lasting empires.美国甚至还没进入“史上最长命帝国50强”名单。5. 10 percent of the entire world population is still illiterate.世界人口的10仍然是文盲。6. You thoroughly enjoy celebrating some pretty dark holidays.你实际上在庆祝一些很黑暗的节日。For example Labor Day was created as a bandaid to coverup multiple massacr

5、es of American workers.例如,劳动节是为了掩盖针对美国工人的几场大屠杀而创建的。7. A whole ecosystem lives in your belly button.你的肚脐眼中存在着一整个生态系统。Scientists found 2,368 different species of bacteria living in belly buttons after swabbing the navels of just 60 people.科学家在仅仅从60个人的肚脐眼中取样后就发现里面生存这2,368不同种类的细菌。8. You cant see as many

6、 colors as a chicken. Youll also never see all the beautiful colors of a rainbow.你能看见的颜色比鸡少。你也看不到彩虹里所有美丽的颜色。9. We havent figured out the secret to immortality, but this jellyfish has.我们还不知道如何不朽,但这种水母知道。The Turritopsis nutricula can live forever by reverting back to its early stage of life after beco

7、ming sexually mature.灯塔水母可以通过在性成熟之后回复到其早期阶段来永久存活=惊呆了的新研究:有些超级吃货能帮助医生治病Everybodypoops, but some peoples excrement isobjectivelybetter. Somewhere in the crowd are a few people who pass peerless poops, powerful enough to potentially treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and type 2 diabetes.每个人都拉屎,但有些人

8、拉的屎从客观上讲要好一些。人类之中有一些人能拉出鹤立鸡群的屎,这种屎强大到可能可以治疗炎症性肠病和2型糖尿病。Amassive analysis of faecal transplant research has now driven these exceptional donors out of the cubicles and into the spotlight.学界对有关排泄物移植的研究进行了大量的分析,于是现在这些捐献者终于走出小隔间、走进聚光灯了。Trialafter trial, researchers from the University of Auckland were a

9、ble to pin the medal of remission on a single donor, whose stool was filled to the brim with all the best and most necessary bacteria.奥克兰大学的研究者们在一次又一次的尝试之后,找到了一个值得获得宽容勋章的捐献者,这位捐献者的便便中净是最好、最必要的有益细菌。Thepattern of success in these trials demonstrates the existence of super-donors, whose stool is partic

10、ularly likely to influence the host gut and to lead to clinical improvement, explains senior author Justin OSullivan, who studies how the microbiome can inform the treatment of complex disorders at the University of Auckland.研究的高级作者贾斯汀欧苏利文解释说:“这些实验的成功模式说明世界上存在超级捐献者,他们的便便极有可能可以影响宿主的肠道并且引起领床上的病情改观。”欧苏

11、利文在奥克兰大学研究的是如何用微生物群来改善复杂失调问题的治疗方法。Wesee transplants from super-donors achieve clinical remission rates of perhaps double the remaining average.“我们看到,超级捐献者提供的移植带来的病情缓解率差不多是其他样本的两倍。”Theidea of super poopers has long been suspected, but this is one of the first overarching studies to substantiate their

12、 existence.学界早就怀疑世界上有这种能拉超级便便的人,但这是第一次有全面的研究证实他们的存在。Pastresearch has shown that passing poop from one individual to another is a reliable treatment for serious, recurrent infections of the gut, no matter who the donor is.以前的研究发现,把一个人的便便移植给另一个人能够很可靠地治疗严重的、复发性的肠道感染,不管捐献者是谁都一样。Yetfor some reason, when

13、it comes to treating IBD and type 2 diabetes, faecal transplants appear to work less than a quarter of the time.不过,因为某些原因,普通的便便移植在治疗IBD和2型糖尿病时的成功率还不到25%。今日词汇objectively/bektivli/adv. 客观上不难看出,objectively 是 objective 的副词形式。objective 是和 subjective 相对的,subjective 表示“主观的”:Everyones opinion is bound to be

14、 subjective.每个人的意见都必定是主观的。objective 表示“客观的”:I find it difficult to be objective where hes concerned.我发现我在对待他的时候很难保持客观。另外,objective 也能作名词,表示“目标”:You must set realistic objectives for yourself.你必须给你自己设定些实际的目标=Quora精选:高效人士有哪些好的日常行为?What Are the Best Daily Routines of Highly Productive People?高效的人都有哪些好的

15、日常行为?获得389好评的回答Dean YeongPlan for the next day before bed.睡觉前计划好明天的一切。Wake up early.早起。Get enough sleep.睡足。Frame your emotional state in the morning before everything else.在早上一切还没开始之前,整理好情绪。Do nothing. Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day every morning to breath.什么都不做。每天早上花上10到15分钟呼吸训练。Make a to-do list wit

16、hmaximum6 tasks待办事项不超过六项。Take a nap. 中午小憩一会。Reflect the day in the evening.在晚上回想当天一切。获得72好评的回答Patrick HankinsonEmbrace the morning.拥抱早晨。Eat your breakfast.吃早餐。Exercise.做运动。获得158好评的回答Janis ButevicsHabit 1: They take breaks throughout the day.习惯一:一整天工作中,他们都会适当的休息。Habit 2: They work backwards from the

17、future.习惯二:他们的工作眼光长远。Habit 3: They create to-do list sub-deadlines the night before.习惯三:他们会在前一晚制定待办事项的最后期限。Habit 4: They leverage tools to prevent internaldistractions.习惯四:运用工具避免内部干扰。Habit 5: They keep a separate to-do list for daily distractions.习惯五:使待办事项避免日常干扰。Habit 6: They use email tools / syste

18、ms to optimize their inbox.习惯六:使用邮箱工具或者系统来优化他们的收信信箱。Habit 7: They build exercise and healthy eating into their daily routines to increase mental energy.习惯七:把锻炼、良好的饮食习惯放入它们的日常,来增加他们的精力。Habit 8: They optimize their computer skills for speed.习惯八:优化个人电脑技术以此提高速度。Habit 9: They view failure as learning opp

19、ortunities.习惯九:视失败为学习的机会。Habit 10: They say no (nicely).习惯十:友好地拒绝他人=飞机的窗户和座位,原来藏着这种心机There areroughly102,465 commercial flights each day which, over a year, equates to about four billion air passengers per year.世界上每天都有大概102,465个班次的商业航班,换算成一年,差不多就是40亿人次。Thats over half of the worlds population whoves

20、aton a flight, often for hours on end, and had time to think about planes and ask questions about them.这所有坐过飞机的人已经超过地球人口的一半了,而且他们通常一坐就是几小时,有充足的时间来思考飞机的方方面面并对它们提出问题。If youve ever stared out the window as your plane takes off, you will have seen a tiny hole in your window.如果你曾经在飞机起飞的时候盯着窗外看,你会发现窗子上是有小

21、洞的。At first, it may seem like a weird addition, especially in something thats carrying a lot of people at a great height, but theyre there for a very important reason: to stop the cabin from depressuring.乍看之下,这个细节很诡异,尤其是它还出现在一个载着这么多人、飞得这么高的东西上,但其实它是有重要作用的:防止机舱减压。As the plane gains altitude, the air

22、pressure outside drops compared to the regulated air pressure inside the cabin.随着飞机的飞行高度增加,飞机外面的气压会低于飞机内收到调控的气压。The difference between the two puts physical stress on the windows - made up of three panes of glass.两侧的气压差会对窗户造成物理压力。(飞机的窗子是由3层玻璃组成的)Theres a small air gap in between the middle and outer

23、 panes and the hole is actually in the middle pane.在中层玻璃和外层玻璃之间有一个空气层,而这些小洞实际上是位于中层玻璃上的。If you ever wondered what its called - its a breather or bleed hole - and it balances the pressure between the cabin and the air gap.你可能好奇过它们叫什么。它们被称为“呼吸孔”或者“出血孔”它们能平衡机舱与空气层之间的压力。The outer pane takes the pressure

24、, whereas the middle pane acts as a fail-safe just in case that trusty outer pane fails. Perish the thought.承受压力的是外层玻璃,而中层玻璃则是一层保险,以防那层可靠的外层玻璃突然时效了。不过你还是打消这个想法吧。So we now know the crucial function of those tiny holes in aeroplane windows which previously might have made you panic mildly.好,现在我们已经知道飞机

25、窗户上那些小洞有多么重要的作用了,而这玩意以前可能会给你带来点小恐慌。And if youve ever wondered why aeroplane seats arent always aligned with the windows, then theres an answer for that too.不过你可能还好奇过:为什么不是所有的飞机座位都和窗子对齐?这也是有答案的。Its nothing to do with safety either.这个其实和安全问题无关。While the entire design and engineering of planes is done

26、to ensure passenger safety, this does not extend to seat alignment.虽然整个飞机的外观设计和工程学设计都是为了保证乘客的安全,但这并不包括飞机座位的对齐方式。Some dont even have a window view.有些座位甚至看不到窗子。(面壁的)Airlines are essentially business who want to make money - and they make money by getting as many bums on seats as possible.航空公司基本都是做生意赚钱

27、的,而显然,坐到他们飞机上的屁股越多,他们就越赚钱=桌面乱?也许天才就是你!Likeeveryoneelse,geniusesneedaplacetowork.However,sinceeverygeniusisdifferent,theynaturallyhavedifferentideasoftheworkspacesthatwillmakethemproductive.像我们一样,天才需要一定的工作空间。然而由于每个天才都是独一无二的,对于工作环境也有独到的想法,从而让自己变得高效。This post shows the work areas belonging to seven of

28、the greatest geniuses of all time. Based on the appearance of your desk, which type of genius might you be?这篇文章像我们展示了七张不同时期的天才人士的桌子。看看桌子看看自己,你是哪种类型的人才呢?1. Creative clutter.1. 乱中有序。Your desk is covered with documents and notes because youre more interested in ideas than in making things tidy. Not to

29、worry, though. If you really need to find a particular scrap of paper, youre pretty sure where its lying in the stack. Your role model: Albert Einstein.如果你的桌子上布满了各类文件和笔记,那么说明比起整洁你更在乎的是创意。不过不必担心,如果你想找某一张纸,你是完全知道它是在哪里的。你的天才典范:爱因斯坦。2. Minimalist.2. 至简态度。Your desk is no-nonsense. Youve got the tools you

30、 need to get the job done, with no distractions. Why waste space with photos or doodads? Whats important is getting the job done, as quickly as possible. You dont have the time to daydream. Your role model: Marie Curie.你不允许自己的桌子职能低下。你喜欢在桌子上摆放必须要用的工具,不能有其他干扰工作的东西。为什么浪费空间摆一些照片或是小玩意呢?以最快的速度完成工作才是最要紧的。你

31、不想浪费时间遐想人生百态。你的天才典范:居里夫人。3. The game room.3. 游戏办公室。You tend to work in bursts of creativity followed by periods of relaxation where you collect your thoughts and ponder what to do next. Your work area has toys and games to occupy your time . and that of the many people who enjoy hanging out with you. Your role model: Mark Twain.你的工作需要你充满创意,所以定时的放松能让你灵感迸发,知道下一步该做什么。你需要玩具和游戏来占据你的时间,还需要和小伙伴们一起玩耍。你的天才典范:马克吐温。4. The organizer.4. 有条不紊。Your brain works best when you put everything into categories. Theres a place for everything, and nothing shou

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