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2、资源短缺的情况下,水污染更给人类和其他生物造成了威胁。绝大多数的水污染都是由人类的活动引起的。17、细胞学说的建立被誉为19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一。答:放大镜的中间厚,边缘薄,光线在透过放大镜时会产生折射,因此会把物图像放大。在铁制品表面涂上油漆或菜油,用完铁制品后擦干放在干燥的地方等。11-A-121. Its _ good idea to visit our old teachers on _ Teachers Day.A. a; theB. a; / C. /; / D. /; the22. David, is this your sisters bike? No, its not

3、_. Its my brothers.A. yours B. his C. hers D. mine23. They paid _ money for the machine than I had expected.A. much B. fewer C. many D. more24. My aunt often drops by my house _ Sunday afternoonsbecause I am free then.A. at B. in C. on D. of25. How much did the company donate to build the school lib

4、rary? About three _ yuanA. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of26. Two Xiaogan Evening Papers, please! Sorry, sir. Only one left. Would you like to have _?A. this B. that C. it D. one27. If you have finished most of the work, you _ start working so early tomorrow.A. cant B. mustnt C. cou

5、ldnt D. neednt28. The e-m ail he sent to me _ that he knew nothing about the earthquake happened in Japan.A. spoke B. suggested C. told D. found29. Can you cook eggs with tomatoes ? Yes, of course. _ can do it ,because it is easy, I think.A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one D. None of us30. Could you ple

6、ase do some shopping for me, Mary? Sorry, I _ my homework. A. do B. am doing C. have done D. was doing21B 22C23D24C25A 26C27D28B29A30B11-A-231. Are two students enough to help you carry the desk? No, the desk is too heavy. I need _ two.A. other B. anotherC. the otherD. others32. _ Lily _Lucy may go

7、out for a walk with youbecause one of them must do the dishes at home.A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; andD. Either; or33. _ is it from your home to the cinema? It is about ten minutes ride.A. How farB. How longC. How soonD. How often34. If your mother were here, she _ allow you to sur

8、f the Internet for so long.A. wont B. doesnt C. didnt D. wouldnt35. You look tired. Youd better _ up late.A. stayB. not stayC. to not stayD. not to stay36. _ is Tobys opinion about the milk shake made by myself? Delicious.A. What B. Why C. How D. Where37. Little Tom decided to _ the bad habit of sle

9、eping in class.A. make up B. call up C. look up D. give up38. _ kind girl Nancy is! Yes, she is always ready to help othersA. How a B. How C. What a D. What39. I want to know _ for the class yesterday morning.A. why did you come late B. why you came lateC. why do you come late D. why you come late40

10、. When I was young, I liked playing with toy animals. _.A. So I was B. So was I C. So did ID. So I did31B32D33A34D35B 36A37D38C39B40C12-A-121.Tina,areyougoingtoplay_chessonSchoolDay?Yes,andIllalsoplayviolinthatafternoon.A.the;theB.the;/C./;theD./;/22.ThetwokidspracticespokenEnglish_joiningtheEnglish



13、C.iswaitingD.waswaiting29.ThepeacefulmusicintheCDmadethestudents_relaxed.A.feelB.feelsC.feltD.tofeel30.Tony_totakepartinthetalkshowonCCTV-3thedaybeforeyesterday.A.invitesB.invitedC.isinvitedD.wasinvited21【答案】C 22【答案】A 23【答案】D 24【答案】B 25【答案】A26【答案】C 27【答案】D 28【答案】C 29【答案】A 30【答案】D12-A-231.Shesneversp




17、sit39.Hisparentsfoundtotellhimeverythingthathadhappened.A.itnecessaryB.thatnecessaryC.itisnecessaryB.necessary40.Ithinksixteen-year-oldsshouldbeallowedtodrive.Theyarentseriousenough.A.IagreeB.IdisagreeC.IthinksoD.Thatsright31【答案】B 32【答案】C 33【答案】B 34【答案】B 35【答案】C36【答案】A 37【答案】B 38【答案】D 39【答案】A 40【答案】

18、B【13-A-1】21.LinShuhaois_goodbasketballplayerintheNBA.A./B.aC.anD.the22.Myfamilyhastwodogs.Oneiswhite,_isblack.A.otherB.anotherC.theotherD.others23.Studentsshouldntgotoschool_breakfast.Itsbadfortheirhealth.A.with B.withoutC.forD.by24.AftertheAsianGames,_peoplecametoGuangzhouforavisitduringholidays.A.

19、thousandB.thousandsC.thousandofD.thousandsof25.WhatcanyougivemeonlearningEnglish?IthinkyoucouldjoinanEnglishclub.A.advice B.newsC.messagesD.information26._haveyoubeenmarried?Fortwentyyears.A.HowfarB.HowoftenC.Howlong D.Howsoon27.Wecantbesuccessful_wekeepworkinghard.Iagreewithyou.A.ifB.unlessC.becaus

20、eD.when28.Whyareyousotiredthesedays?Well,Ihave_homeworktodo.A.toomuchB.toomany C.muchtoo D.manytoo29.Myhostfamilytriedtocook_formewhenIstudiedinNewZealand.A.differentsomething B.differentanything C.somethingdifferent D.anythingdifferent30.Lookattheyoungladyinred.IsitMrs.King?No,It_beher.Sheiswearing

21、awhitedresstoday.A.canB.mayC.mustD.cantBCBDA CBACD 【13-A-2】31.Mike,youlooksoexcited.Yeah!There_atennisgameplayedbyLiNathisevening.A.willhaveB.isgoingtobeC.isgoingtohaveD.aregoingtobe32._yoursunglasses,Sally.Thesunissobright.A.PutdownB.PutupC.PutawayD.Puton33.Whataheavyrain!Soitis.Iprefer_ratherthan_

22、onsucharainyday.A.togoout;stayathome B.tostayathome;goout C.goingout;stayathome D.stayingathome;goout34._?IhaveaheadacheandIdontfeellikeeatinganything.A.HowareyouB.WhatcanIdoforyouC.WhatsthematterwithyouD.Howdoyoulikeit35.Teenagerslikereadingthebooks_arewrittenbyGuoJingming.A.whoB.whatC.whose D.that

23、36.IdlikeyoutotellmesomethingaboutShenNongjia.Imsorry,butneitherJacknorI_there.A.havebeenB.hasbeenC.havegoneD.hasgone37.Dinnerisready.Helpyourself!Wow!It_delicious.Youarereallygoodatcooking.A.looksB.soundsC.tastesD.feels38.Manytrees_alongthestreetseveryyear.Sotheairisveryfreshnow.A.plant B.areplante

24、dC.planted D.wereplanted39.Dad,whymustIstop_computergames?Foryourhealth,myboy.A.playB.toplayC.toplayingD.playing40.Excuseme.Canyoutellme_?Atabout8oclock,sir.A.whattimetheplanewillreachBeijingB.whattimewilltheplanearriveinBeijingC.whattimetheplanewillarriveBeijingD.whattimewilltheplanegettoBeijing BDBCD ACBDA【14-A-1】【14-A-1】【14-A-2】【14-A-2】【11-B-1】66. There are twelve months in a year, and May is the _ month of the year.67. People are not allowed to drive if they drink _.68. I _ t o b

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