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1、深圳牛津版英语八年级上册知识要点复习docx深圳牛津版英语八年级上册知识要点复习知识要点solid 固体(sold )cover 覆盖(discover; over ) tap 龙头(tape; cap; map; top ) PUmP用泵输送(jump) sou nd 听起来;似乎(round; found) obey服从;顺从(disobey违反) total总数;合计works工厂;著作;作品PiPe管子SeWage (下水道的)污水VaIUabIe有价值的;宝贵的(value v.) 光亮的(Shine n.)ordinary普通的bath 洗澡;沐浴(path; both )sour

2、 酸;(hour; your; our )平原)、短语(词组)1.go back to = return to 回至U 2.give sb.sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物3.two thirds 三分之二 think about = ConSider 考虑;思考4.from to 从 至UIay eggs 下蛋5.a few = nOt many不多;几乎没有 a little = not much 不多;几乎没有6.Shake One S he摇头 nod one S head点头7.dropinto把扔进 Carryto把送到8.On the right/left

3、 在右边 /左边 come out of 从 出来9.agree With sb.同意某人意见 agree to do sth.同意做某事 least最少;至少 at most最多11.brush the teeth 刷牙 in fact 事实上e / be from 来自 clean . UP = make . clean 打扫干净 angry With sb.生某人的气 be angry about/at sth.因某事生气 the first place = at first 首先;起初in the end = at last = fin ally 最后;最

4、终15.turn .off/on关闭/打开(电器等)turn . UP / down调高/调低(声音/音量)三、句型结构1.USe sth. to do sth. = do sth. With sth.用某物去做某事 one S best(to do Sth尽某人最大努力去做某事We should do our best to learn En glish well. 我们应该尽力学好英语。3.It S adj. for sb. to do St对于某人来说,做某事是 Its very important for us to learn English well. 对我们来说,学好英语

5、很重要。 = To learn English well is very important for us.4.remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 ( 未做 ) remember doing sth. 记得做了某事 ( 已做 )5.not.until before . = .after 直至U 才Kate didnt go to bed until/ before she finished her homework yesterday.= Kate went to bed after she finished her homework spen

6、d sm. on sth. = sb. pay sm.for sth. = sb. buy sth. for sm.= sth. cost sb. sm. 某人花钱买某物Mary spent 500 yuan on the new bike last week. 上个星期 Kate 花 500 圆买这辆新自行车= Mary paid 500 yuan for the new bike last week.= Mary bought the new bike for 500 yuan last week.= The new bike cost Mary 500 yuan last week.7.

7、pay attention to ( doing sth.) 注意(做某事 )8.too much + 不可数名词 太多 too much rain sandtoo many + 可数名词复数 太多 too many apples dogsmuch too + adj. adv. ( 原级 ) 过于 太 much too fat dirty9.系动词 + adj. 系动词通常包括 be 动词 ( am is are was were ) 和 感官动词 ( look 看起来 ;sound 听起来 ;smell 闻起来 ;taste 品尝起来 ;feel 感觉起来 )等The girl looke

8、d very happy today. The food smells very sad.10.adj.adv.(原级)+ enOUgh足够enOUgh修饰形容词和副词的原级,通常放在被修 饰词(形容词/副词)的后面。tall enough足够高important enough足够重要11.a lot of = lots of + 可数名词复数 不可数名词 通常用于肯定句, 改为否定句或疑问 句时常改为 many 或 mUch.、单词:1.local 当地的 ;本地的 (location)2.pUblish 出版 ;发行3.briefly 简要地4.experience 经验 ;经历5.sec

9、retary 秘书 (secret adj.)6.absent 不在场的 ;缺勤的7.form 排列成 ;形式 ;年级8.deserve 应受 ;应得 (serve)9.consider 考虑 (= think aboUt) 设计 ( designer sign)11.match 竞赛 ;比赛 (=game; watch)mittee 委员会term 学期 (team) sUggest 建议 (sUggestion n.=advice) conclUde 结束 (= finish end ) vote 投票 ;选举 ( voter n. note ) section 文件、书

10、等的 )节 ;项;段 Shame 遗憾的事;可惜(share; Same) mayor 市长 (may) march 齐步走 ;行进 (March; match) stall 摊位 ;货摊 (still; tall; small) jar 罐子 (bar car; star; far) teenage 十三岁至十九岁的 edition ( 书、报等 )版次 (editor)Chapter 2 知识要点13.pleased 高兴的 ;满足的 ;满意的 ( pleasUre n. pleasant adj. )14.hold 举行 ( 过去式 :held; cold; sold; told )15

11、.featUre (报纸、电视等中 )特写或专题节目 ;羽毛 ( leather 皮革 )16.praise 表扬 ( raise; pride; proUd )17.elect 选举 (= choose election; elector = voter; electricity 电;电子 ) 免费的 ;自由的 ; 空闲的 ( freedom n. freeze )二、短语 (词组 ):1.take Charge Of = be in Charge Of = be responSible for 负责;管理;对 负责 . over 商量;讨论 = discuss =

12、 talk for = spend on 付款 ask for 要求;请求4.make mistakes 犯错 write . down 写下 ;记下5.sit down = have a seat 坐下 ;就坐 finish doing sth. 完成做某事 pleased with 对 感到满意 have / hold a meeting 举行会议7.take notes 记笔记 ought to = should 应当 ;应该8.take part in = join in 参加 ;加入(+ 活动 ) one week ms eti = in one

13、 week 一周后 ( 指将来时间 )10.all over the world = in the world 全世界11.take Care of = look after = Care for 照顾 ;照看take Care = look out = watCh out = be Careful 小心 ;注意12.think about = Consider 考虑 make a deCision = deCide 决定13.find out 查明 ; 弄清楚 look for 寻找 find 找到14.more than = over 超过;多于 on OCtober 1st 在十月一日1

14、5.keep healthy 保持健康 /卫生 after sChool 放学后 good at = do well in 擅长于 .;在.方面好be good for 对.有好处 be bad for 对.有害17.hundreds of years later = after hundreds of years 数百年后18.Come to the end of sth. 结束某事 = ConClude sth.三、句型结构 :1.would like to do sth. = want to do sth. = feel like doing sth. 想要做某事2.lend

15、sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物 ( 类似有: send show give pass ) interested in = be keen on = be fond of 对 感兴趣4.tell sb.(not) to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事5.something interesting 有趣的东西 不定代词 + adj. ( 形容词修饰不 定代词,形容词放在不定代词的后面。 ) something important 重要的东西 /事情6.either . or 不是.就是. (连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用就近原则 )neither

16、. nor 不.也不.;.和.(两者 )都不Either I or Tom is going to play basketball. 不是我就是 Tom 将参加打篮球。Neither Kate nor Mary does well in Chinese. Kate 和 Mary 两个都不擅长于语文 /中文。 . best 最喜欢 .I like playing basketball best. = My favourite sport is playing basketball.8.agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人意见9.deCi

17、de to do sth. = make a deCision to do sth.= make up ones mind to do sth. 决定做某事 make a deCision about sth. 对某事作出决定10.arrange to do sth. 安排做某事11.suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 suggest sb. To do sth. 建议某人做某事四、语法: 感叹句What (a / an) adj. + n. + ( 主语 + 谓语 )! How + adj./adv.+ ( 主语 + 谓语 )!What a beautiful girl Kat

18、e is ! = How beautiful Kate is !What important work it is! = How important the work is!词组 (短语 ):1.Work as = be 从事 工作2.break into 闯入3.steal. from 从 偷来4.make mistakes 犯错5.arrive at/in = get to = reach 到达6.Wait for 等待 instead of 代替7.find out 找到 look for 寻找8.belong to 属于 the end = at last = finally

19、最后 / on the Wall 在墙上 /里 in/ on the hand 在手里 /中11.let/ make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事knock at/on the door 敲门 bump into 撞击see the film 看电影behind bars 坐牢ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 betWeen.and. 在.和.之间 (两者)What happy children they are! = How happy the children are!Chapter 3 知识要点、单词:1.

20、 innocent 无辜的 ;无罪的detective 侦探 (active)2. guiIty 犯罪的 ;有罪的recent 最近的 ;近来的3. CaSe 案件(cage; cave; care; cake; base)aIone 独自;单独 (aIong)4. Iock 锁;锁上 (cock; rock; sock)safe 保险箱 ; 安全的 (save)5. cIue 线索 (bIue cIub)earring 耳环 (ear ring)6. question 提问 ;质问 ;问题neckIace 项链 (neck)7. proof 证据 (roof)ruby 红宝石 ( rugby

21、 )8. suspect 嫌疑犯 ; 可疑对象admit 承认9. oWn 自己的 ;本人的 ;拥有 (oWner) insurance保险10.jaiI 监狱 (taiI; faiI; saiI)braceIet 手镯 (brace Iet)11.emeraId 绿宝石diamond 钻石12.piece (尤指一套中的 )一件 ;块;条separateIy 单独地 ; 分别地13.crime 犯罪行为beIt 皮带( beII )14.frightened 受惊吓的 ; 害怕的 (frighten v.)doorWay 门口 (door Way)15.string 线;绳子(= rope)

22、 (strong)carpet 地毯 (car pet)( pass/ give/ send/ lend)be SimiIar to 与相似be different from 与.不同关闭forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事12.shoW sth. to sb. = shoW sb. sth. 给某人看某物 once = right aWay = in no time 马上 ;立刻 the same as 与.相同 first = in the first place = first of all 首先 Well as 也 ;又 = also

23、 / as Well / too17.turn . on 打开 (电器 ;电;煤气等 ) turn . off turn .up 调高/调大 turn . doWn 调低 /调小三、句型结构 Ion ger = not any Ion ger/mor不 再2.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 buy sth. for sm.=sb. pay/spend sm. for/on sth.=sth. cost sb. sm. 某人花钱买某物4.find it adj. to do sth. 发现做某事 . find sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事5.

24、finish./practice doing sth. 完成 /练习做某事 afraid of 害怕 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事7.hope/ want to do sth. 希望 /想要做某事8.notice sb. doing sth. 注意 /通知某人做某事四、语法: (动词不定式、动名词 )动词不定式:分为 带 to 的动词不定式 (to + 动词原形 ) 和 不带 to 的动词不定式常和动词不定式(to do)连用的动词有:1.decide/ hope/ plan/ want/ arrange/ learn/ agree/ refuse( 拒绝 )

25、to do sth.2.suggest/ ask/ tell/ teach/ want/ wish/ encourage( 鼓励 ) sb. to do sth.3.keep/see/ watch/ hear/ notice sb. doing sth. 看见 /听到某人正在做某事 (正在进行 常和动名词(doing)连用的动词有:suggest/ admit/ deny/ enjoy/ finish/ mind/ keep/ practice( 练习 ) doing sth. 后可接动词不定式也可接动名词的动词,但两种形式所表达的意思有所不同: remember forget stoprem

26、ember to do sth.记住去做某事(未做)remember doing sth.记起来做一某事(已做) forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 (未做 ) forget doing sth. 忘记已做某事 (已做) stop to doing sth. 停下来去做某事 (未做 ) stop doing sth. 停止做某事 (正在做 ) 其宾语后可接动名词也可接不带 to的动词不定式的动词有: See WatCh hearsee/ watch/ hear/ notice sb. do sth. 看见 /听到某人做了某事 (已做)see/ watch/ hear/ notic

27、e sb. doing sth. 看见 /听到某人正在做某事 (正在进行 )其宾语后只可接不带的动词不定式的动词有: make let have(使得)make/ let sb. do sth. 让 /使某人做某事 have sb. do sth. 使得某人做某事Chapter 4 知识要点 驱动器;驾驶(drove; driven)2.speaker 扬声器 ;喇叭 (speak; speech)3.print 打印 (point; paint; printer)4.control 控制5.tiny 极小的 ;微小的 (= very small) judgemonitor (

28、计算器 )显示器 ;班长 keyboard 键盘( key board ) mouse 鼠标 (pl: mice; house) hide 藏;隐藏 (hid; hidden)法官 ;审判员、单词; 类型distance 距离 (dance; distant) raise 提出 (问题等 )(praise) opinion 意见 ;看法 medium 中等的 ;中号的 modern 现代的 hot 辣的 ;热的 (heat)6.realize 察觉到;意识到 (=be aware of) company 公司7.rarely 很少 ;不常 (= seldom) type 打字 ;8.refer

29、ence 标识9.railway 铁路 ( rail ) 供应 ;提供 (offer; provide)11.price 价格 (rice ;piece)12.quantity 数量13.disagree 不同意 ( agree )14.smooth 柔和的 (= soft) speed 速度( at the speed of )15.operate 操作 ;使运行 ( operation; operator )16.order订单;命令;顺序(in order Of以顺序;In order to do Sth为了做某事)二、短语 / 词组1.hardly ever 难得;几

30、乎不= Seldom for the time being 暂时2.write.down 写下 So many/ much 如此多 ;很多 made of 由 构成 think about = ConSider 考虑4.Such aS 例如 in my opinion = I think 我认为 the Same time 同时 communicate With 与 沟通 the future 在未来 eaCh other = one another 互相 ;彼此 the world = all over the world 全世界 the mome

31、nt = now = at preSent 现在9.the anSwer to thiS queStion 这个问题的答案 unaware of = not know about 不知道 ;未察觉 able to = Can 会;能;可以 be good at = do WeIl in 擅长于 dependent on = depend on 依赖于 Short of = not enough 缺少的;不够的 be Short for 缩写;简称三、 句型结构:1.Send Sth. to Sb. = Send Sb. Sth. 送给某人某物 Sb. do Sth. 帮助某人做某事 help Sb. With Sth. 在某方面帮助某人help on eself to +

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