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高中英语必修一知识讲解 Unit 2语言点.docx

1、高中英语必修一知识讲解 Unit 2语言点Unit2 English around the world语言点目标认知重点词汇base, command, request, develop, identity, expect, recognize, straight,actually重点短语because of, come up, make use of, play a part in, a number of, even if, in the way, more than,at present, such as重点句型believe it or not一族插入语do you think知识讲解

2、重点词汇base【原句回放】English was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 当时的英语更多地以德语为基础,而我们今天说的不是。【点拨】base vt. 根据,基于 n基础;基地;基数常见搭配:base A on/upon B 把A 建立在B的基础上be based on 以为基础be based in 驻扎,设立;以为基地He based his hope on the good news we had yesterday.他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。The film is based on

3、 a true story. 这个电影是以一个真实的故事为基础的。They decided to base the new company in York. 他们决定新公司设在纽约。【拓展】basic adj. 基础的,基本的command【原句回放】Can you find the following command and request from Reading? 你能从阅读部分找出下列命令和请求吗?【点拨】command n. & v. 命令,指挥;把握,掌握;控制常用搭配:command sb to do sth. 命令某人干某事be at/by sbs command 听某人支配;

4、奉某人之命under ones command 由指挥have a good command of 精通,掌握 (be) in command of 指挥;掌握;控制He commanded silence. 他命令大家肃静。He commanded me to start at once. 他命令我立即动身。You must learn to command yourself 你必须学会控制自己.She has a good command of the French language. 她精通法语。【拓展】command接从句时,从句中谓语动词用“should 动词原形”,should 可

5、以省略。I command that he (should) go at once. 我命令他立即就去。request 【原句回放】Can you find the following command and request from Reading? 你能从阅读部分找出下列命令和请求吗?【点拨】request n. & vt. 请求,要求注意:request主要用于较正式的讲话和文字中,多用于被动语态。at ones request at the request of sb 应某人的请求be in (great) request (大量)需要,受欢迎request sb (not) to d

6、o sth 要求某人做/不做某事request sth from/of sb向某人要求某物She made a request for some water. 她请求给点水。I requested him to help me. 我请求他帮助我。Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the car. 乘客请勿在车厢内吸烟。She sang another song by request of the audience. 应观众的要求她又唱了一首歌。She is such a good dancer that she is in grea

7、t request. 她是一个非常好的舞蹈家,到处都请她跳舞。【拓展】request接从句或“It is requested that 从句”时,从句的谓语动词用“should 动词原形”,should 可以省略。I requested that he (should) leave the room as soon as possible. 我请求他尽快离开这个房间。【高清课堂:Unit 2词语精讲】develop【原句回放】Will Chinese English develop its own identity? 中式英语会发展出自己的特色吗?【点拨】develop最基本的含义为“发展,成

8、长”。Pneumonia(肺炎) can develop very quickly. 肺炎会迅速发展。(develop为不及物动词)The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills.这门课程是为帮助学生发展说话技能而设计的。(develop为及物动词)Weve developed the presentation from an original idea by the team leader.我们的展示是从组长的最初想法中发展起来的。The argument developed into a bitte

9、r quarrel. 争论发展为充满仇恨的争吵。翻译:这个地方由一个小渔村发展成为繁荣的(thriving)旅游中心。The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre.【拓展1】develop a film 冲洗胶卷develop the mind 启发思维 develop new products 开发新产品The site is being developed by a London property company. 开发(土地)这个地方正被房地产公司开发。【拓展2】development

10、 n. 发展identity【原句回放】1. Will Chinese English develop its own identity? 中式英语会发展出自己的特色吗?2. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者会给美式英语拼写一种单独的特征。【点拨】identity n. U & C当被形容词修饰时,为抽象名词具体化,可以加不定冠词a,但大部分情况下为不可数名词。The identity of the killer is still unknown. 杀手的身份不明。She applied f

11、or a teaching job under a false identity. 她用假的身份申请了一份教师工作。identity card (ID) 身份证Children need continuity, security, and a sense of identity. 孩子们需要连续感、安全感和自我认同感。Our strong sense of national identity has been shaped by our history. 我们强烈的民族认同感是由历史形成的。【拓展1】identification n. 身份证明;鉴定Bring some form of ide

12、ntification, preferably a passport. 带上你的身份证明,最好是护照。The identification of the accident victims took some time. 事故受害者的鉴定要花一些时间。【拓展2】identify v. 证明,鉴别Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能从这些伞中找出你的伞吗?expect【原句回放】This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were exp

13、ected to speak excellent English. 这是因为在早期的电台,这些播报新闻的人被期待着讲非常标准的英语。【点拨】expect 期待;预料,预期,预计The company expects to complete work in April. 公司预计在四月完成工作任务。I didnt expect him to stay so long. 我没有预期他待那么长时间。Theres the doorbell I expect itll be my mother. 门铃响了,我猜是妈妈。He didnt get his expected pay rise. 他没有得到预期

14、中的涨工资。 as expected 正如所期待的As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news. 正如预料,整个家庭被这个消息震惊了。The officer expects complete obedience from his troops. 这个军官认为军队应彻底服从。I cant expect her to be on time if Im late myself.如果我自己晚了,我不能指望她按时到。I cant finish this job by Friday. You expect too much of me. 我到周

15、五为止完不成这个工作,你对我要求太高了。【拓展1】be expecting (a baby/child) 怀孕 I hear Sallys expecting again. 我听说Sally又怀孕了。【拓展2】expectancy n. U 期望 a look of expectancy期待的表情expectant adj. 期望的 an expectant look 期待的表情recognize 【原句回放】Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects. 虽然许多美国人经常迁移,他们还是能够识别并且理解相互间的方言。【点拨】recognize vt. 识别出;辨认出;承认;公认常用结构:recognize ones voice/handwriting/sb 辨认出某人的声音/笔迹/某人recognize sb./sth. as/to be 承认某人 (物) 是be recognized as/to be 被大家承认/被普遍接受是I recognized her b

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