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1、外研版高一英语必修1全册同步练习汇总(外研版)高一英语必修 1 (全册)同步练习汇总式2Q21 访一关i告?习:1 1 Section I 句2G2旧高一英膏外讯版必作TS可:1.2S甘dkm L -I融21年鬲一英法外币版必修T习:1,壬ectisi皿 12。举年高-英语外币版切博 14ScctionIV直2。21年扃一至语而用修一习:? 1 Section I Ti 2021年鬲一其爵外币版凶F-ifT5: 2 2Section D -1 2CJ21年含一交造外前豚房修f 习:2.3Section m 2021年高-英语外研版必惚 称习:2 4Scction IV 息2口21年W一至诒外洲

2、S必修f A: M Section T ,到2G21坪高一装话外用版必博Tf可:3.SSectiun L -1 EG21年萼一至法外朋履密偿T1习:i.BSection m T 2。,年高-英语外币豌汇糖 A): 3 4ScctionIV 雪 20芝 1的一苒4 tertian T 工I 2G21算高一芸京外用版必修TfF: J,2Sectiun D -1 2CJ21年含一交造外前豚房修f 习:4.3Section m 口 2U21年昌-英语外研既必修 练习:4 4Section V 旦2泌年W一君的Mtf假必修TJ; 5 J Section L 币 2G21 坪奇一5,2Section n

3、-1 EG21年萼一至法外朋履密偿T1习:5.3Section m 勺2期1年离 英语外制版必惬 练习:5 4S史tionH 噌 2021 调一英版衣f 习二 6 J Section L 工1 2021坪高一芸京外用版必修TfF: 6.2Sectiun D -1 2021年有一美虑外正氐豺传毋习:bisection m 勺2瞠1年高 英语外利S必修 第习:6 4太神口日甘ntrodnrtiorResr! nq and /ocdbulary WordJtirgtlT.dqcGrdfHIDdl聊Old版含解析.dantegrating Skills Wordl&g-T.docCultural Co

4、rner Word版含解析 docntrodnrtiorReiir! nq and Vocabulary V/ordJttrgth-dDCGrdrrirridr Woid欣含.解析.dixntegrating Skills Word粗含岩杆dueCultural Corner Word版自解圻一出试ntrodnrtiorResr! nq and Vocabulary WorddocGrdrniridr Woid就自解析aJolntegrating Skills Wo rd docCultural Corner Word版官iff析 docnl r oduc tiarRpfirl inq and

5、 Vordbulflry Word版告蜜析-d二Grarnrryr Woid原含解析.dotntegrating Skills Word粗含岩杆dueCultural Corner Wwd版管解圻 docnlr oduc tiorRedd inq and Vocdbuldry 刊口rdK名学析-d口cGsmrryr Woid就含解析aJolntegrating Skills Wo rd docCultural Corner WcrdJtt合解圻 docnlr oduc tiorRedd inq and Vocabuldry W口rd版含解析-dotGraErryr他。1日版含解析常口匚nteg

6、rating Skills tVord次含隹柠,dueCultural Corner Word版自解析.docModule 1 My First Day at Senior HighSection I Introduction , Reading and Vocabulary姓名: 测试时间:45分钟 本卷总分:50分 自评或老师评分: 基础训练I .用所给词的适当形式填空1.After arriving in New York tomorrow, she(information) his mother of her arrival.2.She doesnt know much about t

7、he subject but she is very(enthusiasm) about it.3.Reading(comprehend) is the process of complicated mentality.4.The teachers pointed out my mistakes in my English exercises and I(correct) them so far.5.The sights of this city are more(impress) that those of that one.6.Last time Jim(misunderstand) my

8、 words so he was angry with me.7.He was praised for his good(behave).8.If you take the medicine according these(instruct), you will get well soon.答案:1. will inform 2.enthusiastic prehension4. have corrected 5.impressive 6.misunderstood7. behavior(s) 8. instructionsn .完成句子1.我在非洲期间有许多有趣的经历。I had a lot

9、 my stay Africa.2.这个箱子比那个箱子重三倍。This box is as that one.3.在我的假期期间,什么也比不上一本能够使我快乐的好书。 a good book that can entertains me during my holidays.答案:1.of interesting experiences during ; in2.three times as heavy3.There is nothing like出.单句改错1.Tom gave us a describe of his hometown in America and we were all

10、interested in it.2.Whats the authorities attitude of this discord?3.Im looking forward to write a description of the street where we live.4.The students stopped being shy eventual and began to introduce themselves in class.答案:1.describe f description2.offtowards 或 to3.writefwriting4.eventualfeventua

11、lly语篇提能 阅读理解ABill McIntosh and Royce Wedding had been best friends for 30 years. Now, living alone 12 miles east of the town, Bill earned his living by hunting foxes and rabbits.“Coming to the football match this afternoon ? ” Bill McIntosh asked 54-year-old Royce Wedding as they drank beer at the E

12、ureka Hotel. Royce shook his head, I promised Mom Id burn off the weeds in one of our fields. Ill give you a hand , Bill said.Driving slowly from the southern edge of the field, they worked their way upwind, leaving a line of burning weeds in their wake. Suddenly the fire was on them. Bill pushed op

13、en his door only to find himself thrown through the air, the gasoline tank exploded and the car jumped three feet off the ground. When it crashed back down Royce found himself unable to move. Bill lay where he fell. Royce! ” he cried, struggling to his feet and heading for the car. Pulling open the

14、door, he seized Royces arms through the smoke. Im stuck , Royce said, “Get yourself away ! ” The fire bit at Bills arms, face and legs, but he said, Im not leaving you here. Bill pulled as hard as he could. Suddenly he fell backward. Royce was free and outof the car.Whats the matter with that dog ?

15、” said Vicky Wedding, Royces mom. Shocked by noise behind her, she turned to see Bill leaning against the door.Six months after the fire, when Royce went out of hospital, he walked into the Eureka Hotel and bought Bill a beer.1.Bill and Royce became best friends when.A.Bill was in his thirtiesB.Bill

16、 was in his sixtiesC.Royce was a teenagerD.Royce was in his twenties2.Bill earned his living by.A.helping with the family farmB.hunting foxes and other wild regularly given by the governmentD.taking care of the Weddings3.The explosion of the gasoline tank.A.threw Royce from the carB.b

17、rought Bill to his sensesC.left Royce trappedD.blew open the car doors4.Why did Royce tell Bill to leave?A.It was dangerous for Bill to save Royce.B.Royce was injured badly.C.Royce hated Bill.D.Royce asked Bill to find rescuers.5.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Saying and doing are two differ

18、ent things.B.A great ship asks for deep waters.C.Actions speak louder than words.D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.答案:Bill McIntosh和Royce Wedding是好朋友,在 Bill帮助Royce烧掉田地中的杂草时,意 外发生了,关键时刻 Bill没有放弃朋友并最终救了他。1.解析:根据第一段第一句可知, Bill和Royce是三十年的好朋友,由第二段可知,Royce五十四岁。由此可知, Royce二十四岁的时候和 Bill成了好朋友,故选 D项。答案:D2

19、.解析:根据第一段中的 Bill earned his living by hunting foxes and rabbits ”可知答案。答案:B3.解析:根据语境尤其是第三段中的 Im stuck, Royce said. Get yourselfaway!可推知,油箱爆炸后 Royce被困住了。答案:C4.解析:根据第三段可知当时火势很大, Royce害怕Bill为了救他而陷入险境,故让Bill离开。答案:A5.解析:A项意为“说和做是迥然不同的两回事 ” ;B项意为“大船走深水” ;C项 意为“行动比语言更响亮” ;D项意为“患难见真情”。本文讲述了 Bill在危难关头,不顾 自己的安

20、危,舍命救朋友 Royce的故事,该故事诠释了友情的真谛。故应选 D项。答案:DBAmerican schools do not have separate classes for boys and girls. If boys want to cook or to sew, they can learn these things in classes that are no longer just for girls. If girls want to repair cars, they can now learn this in school. Most students like to

21、have boys and girls on the same baseball team.Many boys and girls dress alike in school. They wear blue jeans and sport shirts. Some have long hair and some have short hair. Sometimes a boy has longer hair than a girl.Even the language is different. Students learn to say fire fighter instead of fire

22、man, police officer instead of policeman, and letter carrier instead of mailman. A person does not need to be a man to fight a fire or to deliver the mail.Most people think that these changes are good. They give all people an equal chance to be happy and to do what they want to do with their lives.

23、Fathers like to tell their sons that they can grow up to be president. Today, mothers can tell the same things to their daughters.6. We may infer from the text that in the past in American schools.A . there were many differences between boys and girlsB.boys could do everything but girls couldntC.boy

24、s and girls were the same in everythingD.girls only learned how to sew and cook7. What does “mailman mean?A. Milkman. B. Postman.C. Writer. D. Reporter.8. The underlined word “ They in the last paragraph refers to.A.American schoolsB.these changesC.most peopleD.American students9. What do most peopl

25、e think of the changes in American schools?A . Surprising. B. Strange.C. Good. D. Bad.答案:6.解析:全文论述了今日美国学校男生与女生的平等, 同时也就暗示了昔日并非如此。第一段中的no longer,最后一段中的 changes”等词也是确定该题答案的重要依据。答案:A7.解析:根据前面的letter carrier”可推断出mailman意为邮递员。故选B。答案:B8.解析:根据语境可知 They”指上文中的these changes。答案:B9.解析:确定该题答案的信息为第四段首句 Most peopl

26、e think that these changes aregood.”。答案:CSection n Grammar姓名: 测试时间:45分钟 本卷总分:50分 自评或老师评分: 基础训练I .用所给词的适当形式填空1.Jack couldnt believe what he had seen and said in a(surprise) voice, “What have you done, Tom ?.2.Tom told us a lot of(amaze)stories.3.The TV program is so(interest) that all of us feel(inte

27、rest) in watching it.4.From their looks we can see that they were by the question.(puzzle)5.We listened to her(amaze) story with full attention.6.He was(bore) of the work that was not equal to his abilities.7.Its(embarrass)to do the difficult task.8.From his(disappoint)look , we know he has lost the

28、 watch.答案:1.surprised 2.amazing 3. interesting; interested 4.puzzled ; puzzled 5. amazing 6. bored 7.embarrassing 8.disappointedn .用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1.Here(come) the bus. Hurry up.2.We wont go to the beach if it(rain)this Sunday.3.Do you like the material?Yes, it(feel) very soft.4.I have to go to work

29、by taxi because my car(repair) at the garage now.5.Kathy usually(sit) in the front row in class, but now she(sit) in the last row.6.The teacher said to us that the earth(go)round the sun.答案:1. comes 2.rains 3.feels being repaired5. sits; is sitting 6. goes语篇提能I .完形填空My First DayI was still shy

30、in the presence of a crowd. And my first day at the new _1_ made me a laughing stock of the classroom. I was sent to the blackboard to write my _2 . I knew myname, and knew how to write it, but standing at the blackboard with the _3_ of so many pupils on my back made me _4_ inside and I was unable t

31、o write a single letter.“ Write your name ,“ the teacher asked me. I 5 the white chalk to the blackboard and, as I was about to write, my mind went blank( 突然一片空白 ); I could not remember my name, 6 the first letter. Somebody laughed and I became 7 .“Just forget us and write your name, “ the teacher said and walked to my side, _8_ atme to give me confidence.Whats your name? ” she asked.“ Richard, I 二9_.“Then write it. ”I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write, but then I was 10 again. I tried to _11_ my thoughts but I could r

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