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1、法律英语专用词汇Aacceptance /k septns/ n. 受理accusation / kju(:) zein/ n. 检举accused / kju:zd/ n. 被告acquit / kwit/ v. 宣告无罪acquittal / kwitl/n. 宣告无罪action / kn / n.诉讼adjourn / d:n/ v. (使)休庭agent / eidnt/ n. 代理人alibi / libai/ n. 不在现场证明allegation / li ein/ n. 声称amnesty / mnesti/ n. 大赦appeal / pi:l/ n. 上诉appearan

2、ce / pirns/ n. 投案appellant / pelnt/ n. 上诉人arbitration / :bi trein/ n. 仲裁assault / s:lt/ n. 殴打attachment / ttmnt/ n. 扣押Bbail /beil/ v.&n. 保释,保释金bailiff / beilif/ n. 法警bankruptcy / bkrpsi/ n. 破产bigamy / bimi/ n. 重婚binding / baindi/ a. 有约束力的bribery / braibri/ n. 贿赂Ccase /keis/ n. 案件charge /t:d/ v. 扺押ci

3、tizen / sitizn/ n. 公民collaborate /k lbreit/ v. 串通commit /k mit/ v. 犯罪confess /kn fes/ v. 承认,供认conspire /kn spai/ v. 合谋contract / kntrkt/ n. 合约conveyancing /kn veinsi/ n. 产权转让convict /kn vikt/ v.& n. 宣判有罪,犯人court /k:t/ n. 法院creditor / kredit/ n. 债权人crime /kraim/ n. 犯罪custody / kstdi/ n. 监护(权),关押Ddecr

4、ee /di kri:/ n. 法令deed /di:d/ n. 契据defamation / def mein/ n. 诽谤defendant /di fendnt/ n .被告defender /di fend/ n. 辩护人defense /di fens/ n. 辩护deposit /di pzit/ n. 定金determination /di t:mi nein/ n. 判决determine /dis t:d/ v. 解除discharge /dis t:d/ v. 清偿Eevidence / evidns/ n. 证据execution / eksi kju:n/ n. 依法处

5、决Fforthwith /f: wi/ ad. 立即freeze /fri:z/ v. 冻结Gguarantor / rn t:/ n. 担保人Hhearing / hiri/ n. 听证会Iidentification /ai dentifi kein/ n. 鉴定illegal /i li:l/ a. 非法indictment /in daitmnt/ n. 控告infringement /in frindmnt/ n. 侵犯权利instigate / instieit/ v. 教唆intention /in tenn/ n. 动机Jjaywalk / deiw:k/ v. 违规穿越马路j

6、udge /dd/ n. 法官judgement / ddmnt/ n. 判决juror / dur/ n. 陪审员jury / duri/ n. 陪审团Llapse /lps/ n. 失去时效lawsuit / l:sju:t/ n. 诉讼legitimate /li ditimit/ a. 合法的lien / li:n/ n. 留置权,扣押权litigant / litint/ n. 诉讼当事人litigate / litieit/ v. 提出诉讼litigation / liti ein/ n. 诉讼Mmaintenance / meintinns/ n. 扶养费mediate / mi

7、:dieit/ vi. 调解medicolegal / mediku li:l/ n. 法医misconduct / mis kndkt/ n. 失职行为mortgage / m:id/ n. 抵押借款motive / mutiv/ n. 动机Ooffender / fend/ n. 犯罪分子omission /u min/ n. 不作为order / :d/ n. 裁定overdraft / uvdr:ft/ n. 透支overrule / uv ru:l/ v. 推翻Ppardon / p:dn/ v. 赦免parole /p rul/ n. 假释party / p:ti/ n. 合约一方

8、patent / peitnt/ n. 专利,专利权perjury / p:dri/ n. 伪证plaintiff / pleintif/ n. 原告pledge /pled/ n. 抵押品procurator / prkjureit/ n. 检察官procuratorate / prkju reitrit/ n. 检察院property / prpti/ n. 产权prosecute / prsikju:t/ v. 起诉Qquantum/ kwntm/ n. 赔偿金额Rrecess /ri ses/ n. 休庭reconciliation / reknsili ein/ n. 和解reman

9、d /ri m:nd/ n.&v. 案件发回remorse /ri m:s/ n. 悔改reply /ri plai/ n. 批复report /ri p:t/ v. 举报restitution / resti tju:n/ n. 返还原主resume /ri zju:m/ v. 恢复ruling / ru:li/ n. 裁决Sseal/si:l/ n. 印章search /s:t/ n&v. 搜查seize /si:z/ v. 缴获sentence / sentns/ n. 判决service / s:vis/ v. 送达smuggle / sml/ v. 走私speeding / spi:

10、di/ n. 超速successor /sk ses/ n. 继承人sue /sju:/ v. 起诉summon / smn/ n.&v. 传票,传唤surveillance /s: veilns/ n. 监视Ttestify / testifai/ v. 做证trespass/ tresps/ v. 侵越trust/trst/ n. 信托Uunassisted / n sistid/ a. 不予支持的Vverify / verifai/ v. 核实victim / viktim/ n. 被害人violate / vaileit/ v. 触犯void /vid/ a. 不具有法律效力的Wwar

11、ranty / wrnti/ n. 保证will / wil/ n. 遗嘱withdrawal /wi dr:l/ n. 撤回2.词组:absolute discharge无条件释放accessory penalties附加刑act under the law法律行为actus reus犯罪行为administrative proceedings行政诉讼admitted evidence采信的证据affirm defence 积极的抗辩agency hearing 听证会agent ad litem诉讼代理人appear in court出庭approval of arrest批准逮捕arre

12、stable offence可逮捕的罪行assembly and association集会结社breach of contract不履行合同burden of proof举证责任capital punishment极刑chief judge of a tribunal法庭庭长chief justice首席大法官chief procurator首席检察官circumstantial evidence旁证civil action民事诉讼civil case民事案件civil tribunal民事审判庭clear up a criminal case破案collegial panel合议庭comm

13、it a crime犯罪common law普通法community property夫妻共同财产conclusion of a lawsuit诉讼终止concurren sentence合并判决confession of ones offence坦白confession to justice自首conspiratorial swindling合谋诈骗contempt of court 藐视法庭罪continental law大陆法court announcement法院公告court clerk书记员court debate法庭辩论court of final appeal终审法院crack

14、 down on counterfeit goods打假abducting and trafficking human beings拐卖人口concealing the murder包庇crime of dereliction of duty渎职罪disrupting the order of social administration妨害社会管理秩序drug trafficking贩卖毒品intentional homicide故意杀人intentional injury故意伤害interference with public administration妨害公务selling bogus

15、medicines贩卖假药unlawful detention非法拘禁criminal capacity刑事责任能力 criminal case刑事案件criminal detention刑事拘留criminal fine罚金criminal proceedings刑事诉讼criminal suspect犯罪嫌疑人cumulative punishment数罪并罚currency swap套汇de facto marriage事实婚姻death penalty死刑defense attorney辩护律师deprivation of political right剥夺政治权利deputy chi

16、ef procurator大检察官detention house拘留所dismiss a motion驳回请求domestic litigation国内诉讼driving while intoxicated酒醉后驾驶first offense初犯economic crimes经济犯罪economic law经济法economic tribunal经济审判庭employment contract雇佣合同ex parte单方execution of arrest执行逮捕exemption from criminal penalty免于刑事处分expert conclusion鉴定结论extort

17、bribe索取贿赂false imprisonment非法禁锢filing of a lawsuit起诉final award最后裁决书finding of guilty有罪判决fixed-term imprisonment有期徒刑foreman of jury 陪审团主席forfeiture of property没收财产fugitive criminal逃犯grave circumstances情节严重handle a case办案hit and run肇事后逃离现场illegal business违法经营illegal parking违规停车illegitimate child非婚生子女

18、impose a fine罚款incapacity for act无行为能力incidence of criminal cases发案率 incompetent for civil conduct无民事行为能力ineffective act 无效行为initiate legal proceeding打官司institute a public prosecution检控institute a public prosecution提起公诉intellectual property rights知识产权inter parte双方international litigation国际诉讼investig

19、ate and collect evidence调查取证joint offence共同犯罪joint property of the spouses夫妻共同所有财产justifiable right正当防卫juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪juvenile prison少管所law of contract合同法law office律师事务所lawyer fee律师费legal aid法律援助legal basis法律依据 legal consultants法律顾问legal consulting法律咨询legal guardian法定监护人legal opinions法律意见书

20、legal representative法人代表life imprisonment无期徒刑lighter punishment从轻处罚liquidated damages违约金litigation costs诉讼费litigation fee案件受理费losing party败诉方marriage law婚姻法marriage registration结婚登记material evidence物证mediation agreement调解书mode of court trial庭审方式natural child亲生子女nature of case案由negligent driving不小心驾驶

21、notarial certificate公证书notice of court session开庭通知open a court session开庭审理particulars of offense犯罪事实penal servitude拘役personal property个人财产personnel handling a case办案人员plead guilty认罪 plead not guilty不认罪police station派出所possessory title土地占有权power of attorney委托书preserve evidence证据保全presiding judge审判长pr

22、oclamation of a person as dead宣告死亡proclamation of a person as missing宣告失踪properties division财产分割property of ownerless无主财产property right in real estate房屋的产权property right财产所有权public hearing公开审理public order公共秩序 public security bureau公安局public security officers公安人员public surveillance管制publicsecurity or

23、gans公安机关pyramid selling传销reason for decision定案理由reckless driving鲁莽驾驶record of inquest勘验笔录record of interrogation讯问笔录record of investigation调查笔录reduced punishment减轻处罚reject an appeal驳回上诉report a case报案 rescind the original judgement 撤销原判 residential surveillance监视居住revoke a case placed on file撤销立案rig

24、ht in succession继承权right of disposing处分权roperty relations产权关系seal up查封security administration治安管理security regulations治安条例 severe punishment从重处罚special pardon特赦specific performance强制履行spousal relationship夫妻关系spousal support赡养spreading poison with intent故意投毒statement of case案情陈述书summon by force拘传suppl

25、ementary civil action附带民事诉讼suspended sentence缓刑suspension of a lawsuit诉讼中止suspension of execution缓期执行sustain the original judgement维持原判take an oath宣誓tax evasion 逃税term in custody羁押期限termination of contract解除合同territorial jurisdiction地区管辖the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving取保候审The

26、 Supreme Peoples Court最高人民法院The Supreme Peoples Procuratorate最高人民检察院time limit provided by law法定期限traffic violation交通违规trial in camera不公开审理trial in public公开审理trial of first instance一审trial of second instance二审unjust enrichment不当得利unjustifiable self-defense防卫过当 voluntary surrender to justice自动投案wanted for arrest通缉winning party胜诉方

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