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1、成都嘉祥外国语学校学年七上期末试题嘉祥外国语学校 2018-2019 年七上期末试题A卷(共 100 分)第一部分听力 (共 30小题;计 30分)一.听句子,选择正确答案,每小题读两遍 . (共 5小题,每小题 1 分:计 5分)( )1. A.1 have two keys,( )2. A. Five dollars.( )3. A. Blue.( )4. A. No, I dont.( )5. A. Theyre yellow.B. They are not mine.B. At five oclock.B. Art.B. Its under my desk.B. Twenty doll

2、ars.、听句子,选择图片。每小题读两遍,C. On the sofa.C. In August.C. A red dress.C. Yes, she is.C. On January lst每小题 1 分:计 5 分 )三、听对话,选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。 (共10小题,每小题 1分:计 10分)( )11. A. Jack.B. Dale.C. Green.( )12. A. Mr. Bush.B. Mr. Green.C. Mr. John.( )13. A. On Monday.B. On Friday.C. On weekends.( )14. A.093-7517.B. 083

3、-7514.C.092-8517.( )15. A. Apples.B. Oranges.C. Pears.( )16. A. The boys mother.B. The boys father.C. A teacher.( )17. A. Read a book.B. In his room.C. In the park.( )18. A. English.B. Chinese,C. French.( )19. A. 90 yuan.B.80 yuan.C.45 yuan.( )20. A. P. E.B. Math.C. English.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。

4、 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分 :计 5 分)( )21.Jack is a .A.teacher B. short man C. fun and healthy man( )22. Jack likes clothes B. to buy cool things for young people C. to do sports( )23. They sell at very good prices rackets B. trousers C. ping pong bats( )24. Which is RIGHT?A.Jack works at a

5、school.B.He has three ping pong bats and two ping pong balls,C.His basketballs are under the bed.( )25. Lucy wants to buy 3 pairs of socks. How much does she need to pa支y(付 )? A. Ten yuan. B. Sixteen yuan. C. Eighteen yuan.五、听短文 ,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息。短文读三遍。 (共 5小题 ,每小 题 1分;计 5 分)NamesAgesThings 26Tony12H

6、e likes watching TV.He 27 on TV every day.He likes_ 28_ food.Kevin29He likes computer games.He likes French fries ice cream and _30._第二部分笔试部分 (计 70 分)选择填空。 (本题共 15分,A部分共 10小题,计 10分。B部分其 5小题,计 10 分)A.从以下各题的 A.B.C 三个选项中选择正确答案。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1分:计 10分)( )31.一 Helen. apple on the table is for you.- Thank

7、you, Mum. We all know apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. an; the B. the; an C. the; the( )32. My uncle comes back from America. Do you know ?A. he B. his C. him( )33. - Mum. my trousers are old.一 Dont worry. Lets go and buy a new this week.A. trousers B. pair C. it( )34. Can you my math book to sc

8、hool? I am at school.A. bring B. take C. have( )35. Betty has a cold and the doctor asks her more water.A. drinks B. drinking C. to drink( )36. We have trousers white and blue only $ 15.A. in; for B. at; in C. for; in( )37.一 Where are my CDs? - .A. Sorry, I dont know. B. Its on the desk. C. Theyre k

9、eys.( )38.一 What about playing tennis?一 No, its .A. easy B. interesting C. boring( )39. Frank is tidy, his brothers things are everywhere.A. and B. but C. or( )40.一 Hello, what can I do for you? . He likes a red hat.C. No, thanks. I want the giftB.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当选项补全对话。 (共 5 小 题,每小题 2分:计 10分)A:

10、 _41_B:Im fine. Dont you have any classes this afternoon?A:_ 42_ And 1 want to go to buy some flowers.B: What a big birthday cake! _43_.A:No. today is my mothers birthday. Ill tell her that 1 love her very much.B:Thats very nice. Mothers do so much for us._ 44 A: When is it. do you know?B:_45 A. Is

11、it your birthday?B.How is your day?C.Mothers Day is a time for us to show our love, too.D.Its on the second Sunday of May.E.No. I dont have classes.二、完形填空阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A.B.C 三个选项中选出可 以填入空白处的正确答案。 (共15小题:计20分。A篇:每小题 2分.计 10分;B篇: 每小题 1 分,计 10分)Do you know there is one language used in every countr

12、y in the world? People, young or old, short or tall, use it very often. It is everybody s _46_ language. It is very easy to understand. but you _47_hear it. It is a sign language.When you wave(挥手 ) to a friend on the street, you are using a sign language. When you put up your hand in class, you are

13、saying, Please _48 me. I think Iknow the answer. or I have some questions to ask. When you smile at someone, you mean to be friendly to him. When you put your forefinger(食 指) in front of your _49_,you mean, Be quiet( 安静的 ),please.”When a policeman wants to stop cars or buses. he raises his right arm

14、. The sign language is very useful in quietplaces or places full of noise(噪音 ). It _50_ the body language.()47. AcanB. cantC. could()48. A.askB. findC. give()49. A.headB. handC. mouth()50. difficult forB. is different fromC. is OK withBMark becomes a middle school student. He takes a te测st(验 )

15、in a class _51_the first month. He finishes the _52_very easily. But he _53_the las最t( 后的 )one, What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?Of course, this question is a little special特( 别的 ). Mark sees that woman_54 times(次数 ). She is tall and her hair is brown, _55_Mark doesnt talkwi

16、th her and doesnt know her first name. Mark gives his paper to the teacher when the class is over. He doesnt _56_the last question. One _57_ asks the teacher, Is the last question _58_in this test?“Of course, says thet eacher. “In our liwfee. will _59_many people.Everyone is important. You should ca

17、re about them. You can only smile or _60_ them. ”Mark never forgets that question. He also learns that the womans first name isGreen.()51. A. inB. onC. at()52. A. booksB. questionsC. games()53. A. spellsB. writesC. reads()54. A. noB. anyC. some()55. A. andB. butC. or()56. A. answerB. tellC. see()57.

18、 A. friendB. studentC. teacher()58. A. difficultB. importantC. fun()59. A. haveB. likeC. meet()60. A. say hello toB. ask help fromC. play games with第三部分阅读理解 (共 15小题:计 30分)三、阅读短文 .根据内容判断正误,正确的写 A ,错误的写“ B”。 (共 5 小题, 每小题 2分;计 10分)Its 14:00. The house is quiet安( 静的 ),Tom? Mom says. No one answers.Mom c

19、omes to Toms room. He is not on the bed. But his model plane is on the desk. He is not in his room, and he is nor in the yard, Mom thinks. Then Mom comes to his brothers room. Tom likes to play with brothers computer game. But he is not there.Mom looks for him everywhere. But where is Tom? Mom is wo

20、rried. She wants to call Dad. She comes to the living room to get the phone.Whats that? Mom sees something white under the sofa. Oh, its Paul, Toms dog. It loves sleeping there. But what is next to Paul?Its Tom!( )61. Six people are in Toms family.( )62. Toms model plane is on his bed.( )63. Toms br

21、other has a computer game.( )64. Toms dad knows where Tom is.( )65. Tom sleeps under the sofa in the afternoon.四、阅读短文 ,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 (共 10小题,每小题 2 分;计 20分)ALinda is a high school student. Here is a schedule for Lindas weekdays.( )66. Linda gets up at on Thursday.( )67. On Tuesday afternoon. Linda .A

22、. plays football B. plays tennis C. plays basketball( )68. Linda has bread for lunch on .A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday( )69. On Friday ,Linda in the evening.A. does homework B. reads books C. watches TV( )70. What can we know about Linda from the passage短( 文 )?A. She doesnt like rice. B. She always

23、 goes to bed after 10 p. m.C.She likes playing sports.BMy daughter Eyen is ten years old. She is in Grade Three in a primary school. She is a cute girl though虽( 然) she has some strange ideas sometimes.One day she asks me, Mum, what is your favorite subject?I think for a while and answer, It is diffi

24、cult to tell. I love singing, so music is my favorite. And my English is very good. My history teacher also says I am excellent. Well, I can say I dont like science. But science is important for us, you know. So you must do well in it. What is your favorite subject, Eyen? Tell me something about you

25、r subjects ,dear.“I like Chinese. It is easy. I like English because my English teacher likes me very much. I cant stand(忍 受) math. It is serious(严肃的 ) and sad. ”“ Do you mean your math teacher is serious and sad?“No, it is math itself, not the math teacher.“ Why do you think so? ”Because math has s

26、o many problems! Isnt it sad all day?( )71. The mother doesnt like though it is important.A. math B. science C. music( )72. What does the underlined word“ excellent mean?A. Very sad. B. Very bad. C. Very good.( )73. Who likes Eyen very much?A. The math teacher. B. Her English teacher. C. Her mothers

27、 history teacher.( )74. The girl thinks is serious and sad.A. her math teacher B. math C. her favorite subject( )75. Why doesnt the girl like math?A. Because it is difficult to learn. B. Because it is too easy.C. Because there arent many problems in it.B卷(共 50 分)一、 首字母填空 根据给出的首字母 ,将单词完整地写在相应位置。 (共 5

28、 小题, 每小题 1分;计 5 分)1.My parents are busy and they always work eight h a day.2.The Spring Festival is in F this year.3.This clothes store s clothes for boys and girls at very good prices.4.It is r to listen to beautiful music on the sofa.5. The teacher needs my p phone numbers, but I only know my fath

29、ers.二、完成对话在空格中填 上适当的单词。一空一词 (含缩写词)。(共 10小题, 每小题 1分;计 10分)A:Hi,David. Why dont you play sports after school this term?B: Thats because our school _1_at 5:30 p. m. Its late and I need to go home to do my homework.A:But sports are good for your 2 .I think you should do sports every day.B:You are 3_.Ill

30、 do if I find some free time.A:The life in middle school is very busy. What 4_do you have now?B: We have Chinese math. English, history. music. art and p. E A:Do you like them?B: Yes. I like all of them. And English is my _5_one.A: I also like it a lot. I is not easy to learn English well but it is very important and _6_.B: Thats for sure. People in different countries use it to work and travel around the world. My father buys

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