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1、英语四六级复习之CET高频词汇英语四六级复习之CET高频词汇1. Pledge n. 保证, 誓言, 抵押, 抵押品 vt. 保证, 使发誓, 抵押, 典当, 举杯祝.健康 Premier Wen jiabao has pledged more help for quake and tsunami-hit Indonesia and other nations after flying to Jakarta to attend a summit today. 今天,温家宝总理在飞往雅格达参加各国首脑会议后承诺中国将给受海啸和地震袭击的印度尼西亚和其他国家给予更多的帮助。2. Deliver v

2、t. 递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表(一篇演说等), 交付, 引渡, 瞄准, 给予(打击) In a meeting with Indonesian President late yesterday ,Premier wen jiabao said China would continue to deliver aid .昨天傍晚,温家宝总理在和印度尼西亚总统会晤时说:“中国政府将继续提供援助。 3 .Proposal n.提议, 建议 Premier wen jiabao said the Chinese Government will put forward its own proposal

3、s at todays summit.温家宝总理说:“中国政府将在今天的首脑会议上提出自己的建议。 4. Survive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还 Although theres been no information ,I still believe that Wang Ting had a chance to survive. 尽管没有任何消息,我依然相信王婷还有机会活着。 5. Donate v.捐赠, 赠予A local woman has given her nine-month baby a second life by donating part of her liver on

4、 Sunday. 星期天,一位当地妇女通过捐赠自己的部分肝脏给了她九个月大的宝宝第二次生命。 6 .Senator n. 参议员, (大学的)评议员, (古罗马的)元老院议员 Ernest Hollings ,senior senator from South Carolina ,said today he will not seek an eighth term next year. 来自南卡罗来纳州的资深参议员欧?斯特.霍林斯今天说,他明年将不会谋求第八届任期。 7. Condemn vt.判刑, 处刑, 声讨, 谴责 The White House condemned the attac

5、k as an act of terrorism that no cause whatsoever can justify.白宫谴责此次袭击是一次没有任何正当理由的恐怖主义行径。 8. Statement n. 声明, 陈述, 综述 The coach ,who was involved in a * scandal ,declined to make a statement. 那个卷入性丑闻的教练拒绝发表声明。 9. Involve vt. 包括, 笼罩, 潜心于, 使陷于 The mayor was involving in a bribery scandal .市长正被卷入一宗贿赂丑闻中

6、。10. Issue n. 出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出vi. 发行, 流出, 造成.结果, 进行辩护, 传下 vt. 使流出, 放出, 发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等)发给 律子女, 后嗣 The Taiwan issue is headache problem . 台湾问题是个令人头疼的问题。 The criminal issued a statement that he was guilty. 那罪犯发表声明说他是有罪的。11. Council n. 政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子

7、 The council reviewing Japans space program is expected to present a new plan this summer .委员会评论到日本的太空计划有望在今年夏天提出新的计划。 12. Decade n. 十年, 十 People want to know what China wants to be and what Asia might become in the decades ahead .人们想知道在未来几十年,中国想成为什么样子,而亚洲又将变成什么样子。13. Combat n. 战斗, 格斗 v. 战斗, 搏斗, 抗击

8、With some 80 U.S. troops killed in Iraq since the President declared major combat over.自从总统宣布(在伊拉克)的主要战斗结束以来,大约有80名美军士兵被打死。 14. Administration n. 管理, 经营, 行政部门 More than 60 percent of people said the Bush Administration underestimated the number of troops needed in Iraq . 百分之六十以上的民众说,布什政府低估了伊拉克战场所需要的

9、军队数量。 15. Community n. 公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落 The military community still said the administration should send more troops to Iraq. 军界仍然认为政府应该向伊拉克派遣更多的军队。 16. Confirm v. 确认, (基督教中)给.行按手礼 About 19 people were confirmed dead in the dormitory fire . 大约有十九人被证实在宿舍楼那场火灾中死亡。 17. Estimate

10、v. 估计, 估价, 评估 n. 估计, 估价, 评估 An estimated 2,000 people died in the 23-24 May floods that hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic.5月23 至24 日,海地和多米尼加共和国遭遇洪水袭击,估计约有2000人在洪水中丧生。 18. Investigate v. 调查, 研究 The police will thoroughly investigate the cause of accident .警方将彻底调查这起事故的原因。 19. Residentn. 居民 adj. 居住的

11、, 常驻的 According to early estimates ,the real number of residents may be much higher . 根据初步估计,居民的真实人数可能更多。 20. Cabinet n. (有抽屉或格子的)橱柜, 内阁 adj. 内阁的, 小巧的 Sharon fired cabinet minister and a deputy minister who voted against the plan . 沙龙解职了内阁部长和那个投票反对这个计划的副部长。 21. Forge v. 稳步前进, 铸造, 伪造,形成 The interim p

12、resident may step down unless he forges a new coalition government . 临时总统除非组建一个新的联合政府,不然就可能下台。 22. Coach n. 四轮大马车, 长途汽车, 教练 v. 训练, 指导 They employed a coach to improve their sons knowledge of English .他们雇了一名家教以提高他们儿子的英语水平。 23. Rival n. 竞争者, 对手 v. 竞争, 对抗, 相匹敌 Bushs strongest rival ,John Kerry ,will re

13、main in the senate ,although failed in the election .布什的强劲对手约翰克里,尽管在大选中失利,但将仍然留在参议院。 24. Pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫 Private donations may alleviate pressure on the U.S. government . 私人的捐助可能会减轻美国政府的压力。25. Cite vt. 引用, 引证, 提名表扬 The minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need fo

14、r more police . 部长引用最近的犯罪数据来说明社会需要更多的警察。 26. Committee n. 委员会 Hu jintao ,general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally invited People First Party Chairman James Soong to visit the mainland .中共中央总书记胡锦涛正式邀请亲民党主席宋楚瑜访问大陆。 27. Personnel n. 人员, 职员 The director of the

15、Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee hoped the PFP would send personnel to the mainland to arrange Soongs visit .中共中央台湾办事处主任希望亲民党能派人员来大陆安排宋楚瑜的访问。 28. Promote vt. 促进, 发扬, 提升, 提拔, 晋升为We believe that Chairman Soongs visit will help promote cross-Straits exchanges .我们相信宋楚瑜主席的访问将有助于促进海峡两岸间的交流。

16、 29. Baggage n. 行李, 军 辎重 We took six pieces of baggage with us onto the train . 我们带着六件行李上了火车。 30. Significant adj. 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的 Of course ,he will continue to play a significant role in his country .当然他将继续在他的国家发挥重要的作用。31. Ambassador n. 大使 U.N. Ambassador John Danforth submitted his resignation aft

17、er holding the job for less than six months . 美国大使约翰丹福斯,在上任不到六个月就提交了自己的辞呈。 32. Candidate n. 候选人, 投考者 Rice had been mentioned as a candidate for secretary of state . 赖斯已被提名为国务卿候选人。 33. Trap n. 圈套, 陷阱, 诡计, 活板门, 存水弯, 汽水闸, (双轮)轻便马车 vi. 设圈套, 设陷阱 vt. 诱捕, 诱骗, 计捉, 设陷, 坑害, 使受限制 All 166 miners trapped undergr

18、ound in a coal mine gas blast ,were confirmed dead yesterday . 由于瓦斯爆炸而身陷煤矿底下的166名矿工昨天被证实已全部死亡 1. Relief n. (痛苦等的)减轻, (债务等的)免除, 救济, 调剂, 安慰, 浮雕, 地貌 The Chinese government and the Red Cross Society of China are considering providing emergency relief materials to the victims . 中国政府和中国红十字会正考虑给受害者提供紧急救济物资

19、。 2. Occur vi. 发生, 出现 President Hu jintao sent messages to leaders of seven Asian nations affected by the tsunami to offer condolences to the victims right after the disaster occurred . 灾难发生后 , 胡锦涛主席就向七个受海啸影响的亚洲国家领导人表示了对遇难者的哀悼。 3. Rescue vt. 援救, 营救 n. 援救, 营救 In addition , China also sent two interna

20、tional rescue teams , four medical teams and one DNA testing group to the tsunami-hit countries . 另外 ,中国还向受海啸袭击的国家派遣了两个国际救援组 ,四个医疗小组和一个DNA检测组。4. Virus n. 微病毒, 滤过性微生物, 毒害, 恶毒 A new United Nations report says the AIDS virus is spreading across Eastern Europe and Central Asia .联合国一项新的研究报告称 ,艾滋病病毒正在东欧和中

21、亚地区蔓延。 5. Infect vt. 医 传染, 感染 n. infection The report also says AIDS infection rates are rising so fast in Asia ,that AIDS could become a more serious problem in Asia than in Africa . 6. Compete vi. 比赛, 竞争 The Vermont governor is competing against seven other candidates seeking the Democratic Party

22、nomination for president . 佛蒙特州州长与另外七名候选人一同在角逐民主党内总统候选人的提名。 7. Campaign n. 军战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动 vi. 参加活动, 从事活动, 作战The former Vice Presidents support is expected to greatly help Mr. Deans campaign . 前副总统的支持预计会对迪安的竞选有很大帮助。 8. Crash n. 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 v. 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 At least 16

23、3 people are reported dead after two boats crashed in the western part of the Democratic Republic of Congo .据报道, 两艘轮船在刚果民主共和国西部相撞 ,造成至少163人死亡。 9. Delegation n. 代表团, 授权, 委托 A government delegation is to begin an investigation into the cause of the crash later Thursday .一个政府代表团将在周四晚些时候对这次相撞事件的起因展开调查。

24、10. Create vt. 创造, 创作, 引起, 造成 Some African leaders have proposed creating a program so rich nations can provide computers to poor countries .一些非洲领导人还提议制定一个能让富国向穷国提供电脑的方案。 四级大纲高频词汇(11-15次)previous a.先的,前的,以前的例句They worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to be

25、 overweight than smokers and people who had never smoked .(2008年12月快速阅读)译文他们知道前十年已经戒烟的人比吸烟的人和从不吸烟的人更容易超重。辨析previous,preceding, prior, precedent, antecedent, forgoing这是一组含有“先前的”之意的形容词。 previous先前的,以前的(时间,书的章节以及事件)。preceding在前的,多指书或文章的前部或前页,也可指时间在前的;e.g. in the chapter在上一章; in the year, 在上一年。prior较早的,

26、指一个行为先于另一个行为,后接介词to。precedent 多指某一事情先于另一事情发生。antecedent “前期的”多指在历史中一个时期先于另一个时期。forgoing 同preceding和prior。slash vt.砍;大幅度削减n.砍,砍痕;斜线号例句Spending about 100,000 on these and other improvements, he slashed his 90,000 fuel and power bill by 60,000. (2007年12月快速阅读)译文为这些和其他改进花费约为十万英镑,他将其九万英镑燃料和电力账单削减了六万英镑。sou

27、r a.酸味的;馊的;脾气坏的v.使变酸;使变得乖戾(或暴躁)例句Some peoples breath turns sour every time they go on a job interview. (1998年1月阅读3)译文每次去面试,一些人就会变得没好气的。academic a.学术的;学院的;纯理论的,不切实际的n.大学教师例句It was Page who, at Stanford in 1996, initiated the academic project that eventually became Googles search engine. (2007年6月阅读A)译

28、文佩吉于1996年在斯坦福大学发起的学术项目最终成为谷歌搜索引擎。advantage n.优点,优势,好处例句A trademark prevents others from using the identical or a similar word, name, or symbol to take advantage of the recognition and popularity of the brand or to create confusion in the marketplace. (2008年12月完形)译文商标阻止他人使用相同或类似的词、名称或符号,来利用得到大众认知且广受欢

29、迎的品牌的知名度或在市场上制造混乱。community n.社区,社会;团体,界;(动植物的)群落例句Large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and underachievement (2008年12月阅读2)译文社会的很大部分可能陷入贫困和成就不好的状态。conclude vt.推断出,推论出;缔结,议定vi.结束,终了例句The report concluded that at a ticket price of $50,000, there could be 500,000 passengers flying into space each year. (2006年1月快速阅读)译文报告的结论是:如果票价为5万美元 ,每年可能会有50万名乘客太空旅行。describe vt. 形容,描写;画出(图形等)例句One should create a solid statement in a

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