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本文(安徽省合肥市包河区学年九年级下学期教学质量监测二英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、安徽省合肥市包河区学年九年级下学期教学质量监测二英语试题安徽省合肥市包河区2020-2021学年九年级下学期教学质量监测(二)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Heres your change._.ANo problem BThank you CDont mention it DWith pleasure2James took the magazines off the little table to make _ for the television.Aarea Bposition Cfield Droom3The doctor thought _ would be gr

2、eat for her to have a vacation.Ait Bthat Cone Dthis4Lucy, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?Im not sure. It _ be a dress.Aneed Bmust Ccould Dwill5After dealing with the problems of classmates, our teacher turned her _ back to work again.Aattention Bmemory Cmanner Dprogress6The dress is what she wa

3、nts, but she doesnt have enough money _ her.Aby Bfor Cin Dwith7I hear Mary is away on vacation in New Zealand.Really? Do you know when she _?Aleaves Bleft Chas left Dis leaving8The students in Grade 9 are going to _ in less than a month.How time flies!Asucceed Bcelebrate Cgraduate Dimprove9We havent

4、 discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Dthat10What do you think of the hottest film the Wandering Earth?Its _. I have never seen a better one before.Aawful Bfantastic Cboring Dnoisy11A new airport _ here. The local government hopes to finish it next year.Ais bui

5、lt Bwas built Chas been built Dwill be built12Did you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. In fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly.Ago by Bgo away Cgo out Dgo over13The basketball match was really exciting, _ when Lin Shuhao scored in the last second.Aprobably Bespecially

6、Cexactly Dmostly14Im really proud of my group _ we won the match by working together.How important the teamwork is!Abut Bso Cbecause Dor15Do you think you could do without help?_. This is not the first time for.ATake care BDont worry CNot exactly DHurry up二、完型填空 Every morning at eleven oclock, an ex

7、pensive car drove through Central Park in New York City. 16 the car sat a rich man.Each time the rich man noticed a poorly-dressed man sitting on the same 17 and looking at the hotel where he lived. One day the rich man was so 18 that he went there, and asked the poor man why he sat there looking at

8、 the hotel every 19 .“Sir,” said the poor man. “Im a loser. I have no job, no family and no home. I sleep on the grass, and every night I dream that one day I will sleep in that 20 .”Hearing this, the rich man decided to 21 for the best room in that hotel for the poor man. And the poor man could sta

9、y there for a 22 . However, two days later, the rich man was 23 to find that the poor man had moved out of the hotel, back to his grass.When the rich man asked why, the poor man answered, “You see, when Im down here 24 on the grass, I always dream Im up there in the hotel. It is a 25 dream. When I w

10、as up there sleeping in the hotel, I dreamed I was back here on the grass. It was a terrible dream and I could not get any sleep at all!”16AInside BOutside CBeside DOpposite17Achair Bgrass Cground Dfield18Aangry Bsatisfied Crelaxed Dinterested19Anight Bnoon Cmorning Dafternoon20Ahotel Bstation Coffi

11、ce Dgarden21Alook Bask Cpay Dleave22Aday Bweek Cnight Dmorning23Asurprised Bpleased Cexcited Dquiet24Athinking Bsleeping Cplaying Dwalking25Aterrible Bdeep Clight Dsweet Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more 26 than they can eat. Others often forget to 27 the lights

12、when they leave the classroom. Many modern students usually buy new clothes though their old ones are not really “old”. They say they can 28 these things. But I dont agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is 29 in some resources (资源), we are short of others, for example, f

13、resh water. In some poor areas, people even have no 30 water to meet their daily need, It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to 31 in 100 years either. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move?Think about it. What will our earth be like in t

14、he near future? Its time to say no to the students who 32 things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.In our everyday life, we can do many things to 33 waste, for example, turn off the water taps (水龙头) when we 34 washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom and so on. Little by little, everything will be 35 . Waste can be stopped one day if we do our best.26Apaper Bfood Cdrink Dmoney27Aturn down Bturn on Cturn off Dturn up28Aafford Bwash Cfind Dprepare29Apoor Brich Cbeautiful Dpopular30Ahot Bcold Cdirty Dclean31Ause Bcreate Cproduce Dinvent

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