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1、世界无烟日英语作文带翻译4篇世界无烟日英语作文带翻译4篇01This years observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world. Moreover, that number could gr

2、ow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed.

3、This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries. Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion a

4、nd sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children. As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adul

5、ts who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use. Most of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 203

6、0.We must turn back the global tobacco epidemic. On World No Tobacco Day, I urge all Governments to address this public health threat. Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering. It is ugly and deadly.02World No Tobacco Day started from April 7th, 1988. In 1989, World Health Organization changed this

7、day into May 31. The essence of world no tobacco day is to broadcast the idea that smoking is bad for peoples health and make more people realize the harm of the tobacco. Every year there is a theme about this day, and the theme of this year is raising tobacco tax rates.世界无烟日始于1988年4月17日。在1989年,世界卫生

8、组织把世界无烟日改为每年的5月31日,其理念是为了宣传烟草对人们的身体造成的伤害危害以及让更多的人知道它的危害。每一年的无烟日都有一个主题,而今年的主题是“提高烟草税”。As we all know, tobacco is the raw material of cigarette. According to the least data, 1700 billion cigarettes are being produced in China last year, more than one million people die of smoking in 2013. Smoking has

9、a close relation with cancers. People who smoke for years are easier to have liver cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer than those not. Smoking is not only bad for peoples health, but also pollutes the air. Those who take in second-hand smoke will also suffer from breathing infections. On the surface,

10、 smoking seems to be a personal thing, it has nothing to do with the whole country, but actually, it will cost a lot of burden of the family, even the society.我们都知道,烟草是制造香烟的原材料。根据最新的调查数据显示,在2013年,中国一共生产了17000亿支香烟,超过一百万的人死于吸烟。吸烟与癌症有着很大的联系。那些吸烟多年的人比那些不吸烟的人更容易患上肝癌、肺癌和喉癌。吸烟不仅仅危害人们的身体健康,还污染空气。那些吸入二手烟的人也会

11、遭受呼吸方面的感染。表面上看,吸烟仅仅是个人行为,与国家无关。但是实际上,它会对家庭和社会造成很大的负担。The government should do something to make the public realize the harm of smoking. The places such as schools, cinemas, restaurants, railway stations must not be smoked. People should get rid the bad habit of smoke. This is not only for themselves

12、, but also for the whole world.政府应该做些事情让公众明白吸烟的危害。公共场所例如学校、餐厅、火车站不允许吸烟。人们应该戒烟。这不仅仅是为了他们自己,也是为了这个世界。03smoking cigarettes is very harmful to our health. studies show that smoking can cause cancer and other health problems. smoker should give up addition to health problem, there are other re

13、asons to give up smoking. first, cigarette is very expensive. it is estimated that a smoker will at least spend more than $400 a year. and ,smoking leaves an offensive odor. non-smoker dont like to be at around the smoker. further-more ,smoking is a source of pollution. these are all good reasons to

14、 give up smoking .of course ,it is not easy to give up smoking ,but it can be done. first ,a smoker may list the disadvantages of smoking ,which will be very helpful for him to give it up. then ,the smoker should get support form his relatives or close friends. last but not least ,the smoker should

15、habit ,such as fishing and reading ,which will take the smokers mind off smoking.04Smoking is harmfulSmoking cigarettes is very harmful to our health. Studies show that smoking can cause cancer and other health problems. Smoker should give up smoking.In addition to health problem, there are other re

16、asons to give up smoking. First, cigarette is very expensive. It is estimated that a smoker will at least spend more than $400 a year. And ,smoking leaves an offensive odor. Non-smoker dont like to be at around the smoker. Further-more ,smoking is a source of pollution. These are all good reasons to

17、 give up smoking .Of course ,it is not easy to give up smoking ,but it can be done. First ,a smoker may list the disadvantages of smoking ,which will be very helpful for him to give it up. Then ,the smoker should get support form his relatives or close friends. Last but not least ,the smoker should

18、habit ,such as fishing and reading ,which will take the smokers mind off smoking谢谢您的下载和关注祝您生活愉快国旗下演讲稿:2021新的起点,新的征程老师们、同学们,大家好。开学至今,已有一周的时间,同学们逐渐将自己的状态调整到学习模式,用更阳光、更自信、更沉着的心态面对新一学期的新的挑战。子曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”光阴似水,源远而流,花一般的青春更应用来更好的提升自己;学也如水,旧水将去,新水即来,浪也似比高,总是新学胜比旧学难。在此,学生会将会继续坚持良好开端月评比等活动,以激励全校师生更好地学习工作。检




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