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1、英语语法一 代词的基本用法 用来代替名词的词称代词 (pronoun)。代词在句中和名词一样,可以作主语、宾语和表语,有些代词和形容词一样,可以作定语。 例如:We have to be cautious under such circumstances. (作主语) 在这样的情况下,我们得特别小心。If I were her, I would take the advice. (作表语) 我要是她就接受这个意见。Paul and Linda helped each other. (作宾语) 波尔和琳达互相帮助。We must get to know these tricks of their

2、s. (作定语) 我们必须懂得他们这套鬼花招。代词通常可分为以下几类:人称代词 (Personal Pronouns)、物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns)、指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)、反身代词 (Reflexive/Self Pronouns)、疑问代词 (Interrogative Pronouns)、不定代词 (Indefinite Pronouns)、关系代词 (Relative Pronouns)、相互代词 (Reciprocal Pronouns)代词可以表示人数、人称、性和格。(一)人称代词数 单 数 复 数人称 一 二 三 一 二

3、 三主格 I you he she it we you they宾格 me you him her it us you them1. 人称代词主格的用法人称代词主格在句中作主语。例如:She promised to take care of her little sister. 她答应照顾她的小妹妹。He has great concern for them. 他很关心他们。2. 人称代词宾格的用法作及物动词的宾语,例如:The actress showed us her photos. 那位女演员给我们看她的照片。Our monitor is always ready to help us.

4、 我们的班长总是乐于帮助我们。作介词宾语,例如:I must learn from you。我必须向你学习。He goes to school with her every morning. 他每天早上和她一起上学。作表语,例如: “Who is knocking at the door?” “Its me.” “谁在敲门?” “是我。”3. 注意事项 we, you 两词有时可用来泛指一般人;they 可用来泛指某一些人。例如:We You should keep calm even when we you are in danger. 即使在危急时刻也要保持冷静。They dont all

5、ow us to smoke here. 这儿不让抽烟。在并列主语中,I 置于最后。例如:He and I study in the same college. 他和我在同一所大学念书。 she 可用来表示国家、城市、船舶、飞机、大地、月亮等,以表示亲切和爱抚。例如:The “Esterance” is due in tomorrow, isnt she? 伊斯特朗卡号轮船明天进港,是吗? it 可用来指一个未知的人或婴儿、小孩;表示天气、时间和度量;作形式主语或形式宾 语;用于强调句型;代替整个句子。例如:Someone was moving stealthily about the roo

6、m; it was a burglar. 有一个人在房间里鬼鬼祟祟地摸索着,那是一个盗贼。Its raining heavily outside. 外面下着大雨。 What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了?It is fifteen miles to London. 到伦敦去有十五英里。 It is foolish of you to be still worrying about it. 你真傻,还在为这事着急。 I took it for granted that you would stay with us. 我满以为你会和我们住在一起。 Its man

7、 that counts. 起作用的是人。You have saved my life; I shall never forget it. 你救了我的命,我将终生不忘。(二)物主代词 物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,也可称为代词所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和 名词性物主代词,并有一、二、三人称和单、复数之分。数 单 数 复 数形容词性 my youre his her its our youre their名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs1. 形容词性物主代词在句中作定语。例如:In its own way, mathematic

8、s can be as creative and exciting as poetry. 就其本身的规律而言,数学能像诗歌一样富有创造力和激情。 He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold. 他走进屋来,大衣上尽是雪,鼻子冻得通红。2. 名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语和表语。例如:Our room is on the first floor, and theirs is on the second. 我们的房间在一层,他们的在二层。Mine is a conservative family.

9、 我的家庭是一个守旧的家庭。Lets clean their room first, and then clean ours. 我们先打扫他们的房间,然后再打扫我们的(房间)。He took the bone from his dog and gave it to hers. 他把骨头从他那只狗的嘴里取下来,给她的狗吃。This umbrella is yours and that one is hers. 这把伞是你的,那把是她的。These tools are ours. 这些工具是我们的。3. “of + 物主代词”构成“双重所有格”(the “Double Possessive”)。例

10、如:It was no fault of yours that we mistook the way. 我们走错了路丝毫也不是你的过错。This stand of ours is beyond reproach. 我们的这个立场是无可非议的。指示代词 指示代词 this, that, these, those 可起名词作用,也可起形容词作用,在句中可作主语 、宾语、表语和定语。1. 作主语This is what I want to emphasize. 这是我想强调的。 Are those your sisters? 那些是你的姐妹吗?2. 作宾语Of all the picture boo

11、ks, I like this best. 所有这些图画书本,我最喜欢这一本。William the Conqueror built the Tower of London to protect himself from those he had conquered.征服者威廉修建伦敦塔以保护自己遭他所征服的人民对他的袭击。3. 作表语My idea is this. 我的意见是这样的。 The photos I meant are these here. 我说的照片就是这儿的这些。4. 作定语For these reasons weve decided to cancel the trip.

12、 由于这些原因我们决定取消这次旅行。I dont like to read those books. 我不喜欢看那些书。在用法上,this (these) 一般用来表示在时间或空间上较近的事物或人,that (those) 则指时间或空间上较远的事物或人;this 和 these 指下面将要讲到的事情,that 和 those则指前面讲到过的事情;有时为避免重复提到过的名词,常可用 that 或 those 替代。例 如:This is my textbook and that is my dictionary. 这是我的课本,那是我的字典。This should interest you,

13、if you are keen on boxing. The world heavy weight championship is going to be held here next June. 如果你对拳出很关心,下面的消息可能使你感兴趣。世界重量级冠军赛六月份将在这里举行 。We have no time to do it. Thats our trouble. 我们没有时间做这事。这就是我们的问题。These machines are better than those we turned out last year. 这些机器比我们去年生产的好。The bread my mother

14、 makes is much better than that which you can buy at a store.我妈妈做的面包要比你在店里能买到的面包好得多。(四)反身代词 反身代词指的是表示反射(指一个动作回射到该动作执行者本身)或强调的代词,它是由物主 代词 my, her, our, your 及人称代词的宾格 it, him, them 后面加-self或-selves构成。人称 一 二 三单数 myself yourself himself herself itself复数 ourselves yourselves themselves1. 反身代词在句中可作宾语、表语、主

15、语或宾语的同位词。例如:He shaves himself every morning. 他每天早晨刮胡子。Its a pity we cant see ourselves as others see us. 遗憾的是,我们不能用其他人的眼光看待我们自己。If he has a holiday at the seaside he will soon be himself . 如果他有机会到海滨度假,他很快就会恢复健康的。That poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。 If you have any question, you may ask the teache

16、r himself. 如果你有问题,可去问教师本人。 They themselves are to blame. 这得怪他们自己。2. 反身代词可用于某些成语之中,例如: by oneself 自己(不要别人帮忙),一个人干 This is a machine that works by itself. 这是一种自动化的机器。The little girl travelled from London to New York by herself. 那个小女孩独自一个人从伦敦旅行到纽约。 for oneself 替自己,为自己You have a right to decide for your

17、self.你有权自己决定.She made no complaint for herself.她没有替自己抱怨。 in oneself 本身 She is a clever girl in herself. 她本身是个聪明的女孩。The idea is good in itself. 这个主意本身不错。 to oneself 供自己用 She hopes to have a room to herself. 她希望自己住一间房。 I want a little time to myself. 我想有一点自己支配的时间。 among themselves他们相互之间 They were busy

18、 arguing among themselves. 他们相互之间吵得不亦乐乎。They had a heated discussion among themselves. 他们之间进行了热烈的讨论。 between ourselves 私下说的话 (不可告诉别人) All this is between ourselves. 这些都不能告诉别人。Between ourselves, he is a selfish man. 咱们私下里说,他这人很自私。(五)疑问代词 疑问代词 who (whom, whose),what 和 which 都是用来构成特殊疑问句的。Who (whom, who

19、se) 用来指人,what 用来指物,而 which 用来表选择。疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中一般都放在句首,并在句中作某一成分。例如:What would you like to study in next years literature course? (what 作宾语) 明年的文学课你想学什么?Who would like to come for a game of football? (who 作主语) 谁愿意参加足球赛?Whose car is that? (whose 作定语) 那是谁的车? Which train will you take? (which 作定语)你搭哪一班火车

20、?(六)不定代词 英语中的不定代词有:all, each, both, either, neither, none, one, every, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no 以及由 some, any, no, every 构成 的合成代词。不定代词大多能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但 none 和由 some, any, no, every 构成的合成代词只能作主语、宾语、表语,而 every 和 no 只能作定语。1. 不定代词作主语,例如: Everything goes well with us. 我们一切进行

21、顺利。 Each may come at a different time. 各人可以在不同时间来。 None of them knew how to read and write in those days. 那时他们都不识字。2. 不定代词作宾语,例如: You cant please everybody. 使人人都高兴是办不到的。 You may take either with you. 两个中间你随便带哪一个去都行。 He gave his all to the cause. 他把一切献给了这项事业。3. 不定代词作表语,例如: Is that all you want to kno

22、w? 你想知道的就是这些吗? Money isnt everything. 金钱不是一切。Its too much. 太多了。4. 不定代词作定语,例如: You may take either road. 两条路你走哪条都行。 At the moment he was all energy. 这时他浑身是劲。 She tried to put by a little each month. 她设法每月存一点钱。(七)关系代词 关系代词 who (whom, whose),which 和 that 引导定语从句。当先行词为人或人格化的动 物时,用 who, whom, whose; 当先行词为

23、无生命的东西时,用 which; that 适用于两种情 况。关系代词的格取决于它在从句中的语法作用;关系代词如果在从句中作主语、表语,则用主格;如果作宾语则用宾格。当定语从句所修饰的先行词被 all, any, no, only, little, much 修饰时,或先行词本身为 all, any, little, much, anything, nothing 等不定 代词时,通常要用关系代词 that。He told me all that he knew. 他把所知道的一切都告诉了我。If you had told us earlier who he was, we could hav

24、e introduced him at the meeting.如果我早一点告诉我们他是谁,我们就能在会上把他介绍给大家。This is the athlete who everybody says will win the gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games.这就是那位人人都说会在冬季奥林匹克运动会上获得金牌的运动员。The picture which has a house and flowers is the one I like best. 那张有房子和花的图画我最喜欢。相互代词相互代词 one another 和 each other 表示相

25、互关系,在句中可作宾语,其所有格形式可 作定语。1. 作宾语For years the two sisters looked after each other. 多年来,两姊妹都相互照顾。We are all willing to learn from one another. 我们都乐意向彼此学习。2. 作定语We often correct each others mistakes in our exercises in class. 我们常常在课堂上相互改正练习中的错误。They have great concern for one anothers work. 他们很关心彼此的工作。代

26、词的基本用法(一)人称代词1. Ill tell my brother you called when _. 我兄弟回家后我会告诉他你打过电话。(A) my brother comes home (B) he comes home (C) he will come home (D) my brother will come home【讲析】选(B)。代词是一种能用以代替名词词组的词类。人称代词是代词的一种。此句中主句用了 brother,分句则可用人称代词第三人称 he 代替,以避免重复。2. If a person wants to operate this sophisticated ma

27、chine, _ direction first.如果有人想操纵这台复杂机器,他首先必须阅读说明书。(A) you have to read (B) youll have to read (C) he has to read (D) he must to read【讲析】选(C)。此句中条件句的 a person 是单数第三人称,主句应用 he 作对应,以保持人称上的一致。3. When Sally first saw Catherine, _ .莎莉第一次见到凯瑟琳时凯瑟琳是牛津大学学生。she was a student of Oxford University (B) Catherine

28、 was a student of Oxford University(C) She is a student of Oxford University (D) Catherine has been a student of Oxford University【讲析】选(B)。 Sally 和 Catherine 均为女子,主句若用 she 代替,指代不明引起歧义,不知所代何人。4. We do not believe the murder to be _. 我们不相信凶手是他。 (A) he (B) his (C) him (D) somebody【讲析】选(C)。该句中的“to be”是宾

29、语“the murderer”的补语,人称代词必须在格上保持一致,用宾格。5. He cannot run as fast as _. 他跑得没我快。 (A) me (B) I (C) myself (D) him【讲析】选(B)。在比较句里,as 或 than 前面的动词是不及物动词,它后面的代词应用主格。整个句子相当于“He can not run as fast as I run.”又如:I run faster than he (=he does) 我跑得比他快。6. He likes Lucy better than _. (A) I (B) me (C) she (D) her【讲

30、析】这是一个比较句。根据其表达意思的不同可有两种不同的选择。(1)当该句表达的意思是“他比我更喜欢露茜”时,句中的 like 是及物动词,then 后面的代词显然作主语,应用主格,选择(A)。句子的完整意思时:“He likes Lucy better than I like Lucy.”(2)如果该句表达的意思是:他“喜欢露茜甚于喜欢我”,此时句中 like 为及物动词,than 后面的代词作宾语,应用宾格,选择(B)。句子的完整意思是:“He likes Lucy better than he likes me.”7. _ went to see the dean yesterday. 我

31、和杰克、汤姆昨天去看系主任。(A) Jack, Tom and I (B) Jack, Tom and me (C) I, Jack and Tom (D) Me, Jack and Tom【讲析】选(A)。当说话者提及自己和他人时,习惯把自己放在最后讲,以示谦虚或礼貌 。又如:John, Gathering and I did the best in the final exam. 约翰、凯瑟琳和我期未考试考得最好。8. _ will be punished for being late for class. 我、乔治和辛普森者因上课迟到而受罚。 (A) George, Simpson an

32、d I (B) George, Simpson and me (C) I, George and Simpson (D) Me, George and Simpson【讲析】选(C)。在表示不祥之事、承认错误或自我批评时,说话者一般把自己放在他之前讲。又如:I and John are to blame. 该责备的是我和约翰。(二)物主代词1. Metals have found _ great use in industry. 金属在工业方面得到了很广泛的应用。(A) them (B) their (C) its (D) they【讲析】选(B)。物主代词有名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词两种。句中的 use 是名词,必须用形容词性物主代词their

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