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1、教学计划格式教学计划格式应提供中英文华南理工大学核工程与核技术Nuclear Engineering and Technology专业代码:082201学 制: 4年Program Code:082201Duration:4 years培养目标:培养热爱祖国,坚持走社会主义道路,适应经济、科技、社会发展需要,德智体全面发展,具有扎实的数学和物理、化学方面的基础理论知识,具备核工程与核技术专业理论基础,系统掌握核反应堆工程与核技术的专业知识,获得核工程方面的实践训练,具有较强的计算机和外语应用能力,同时具有较强的自学能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质,能从事核工程与技术领域相关的科学研究、技术开发、

2、工程设计及运行管理等工作的高级应用型科技人才。Educational Objectives:Cultivate the advanced applied science and technology talents with love for the motherland, adhering to the road of socialism, adapting to the needs of economy, science and technology and social development, having combined development in moral, intellec

3、tual and physical education and with excellent basic theory in mathematics, physics and chemistry, with a broad theoretical foundation for nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, and with a systematic knowledge of nuclear engineering and technology. Have practical training in nuclear technology

4、and nuclear engineering and good computer and foreign language skills, together with strong self-learning ability, innovative consciousness and good comprehensive quality. And be able to engage in scientific research, technical development, engineering design and operation management in the field of

5、 nuclear engineering and technology.毕业要求:Student Outcomes:1. 工程知识:能将数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识用于解决核工程与核技术领域的复杂工程问题。1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in the fi

6、eld of nuclear engineering and technology.2. 问题分析:能应用数学、自然科学和工程科学的基本原理,识别、表达、并通过文献研究分析核工程与核技术领域的复杂工程问题,以获得有效结论。2. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems in the field of nuclear engineering and technology, reaching to substantiated conclusions usi

7、ng basic principles of mathematics, science, and engineering.3. 设计/开发解决方案:能设计针对核工程与核技术问题的解决方案,设计满足特定需求的系统、单元(部件)或工艺流程,并能在设计环节中体现创新意识,考虑社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素。3. Design / Development Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems in the field of nuclear engineering and tech

8、nology, and innovatively design systems, components or process that meet specific needs with societal, public health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental considerations.4. 研究:能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法对核工程与核技术领域中的复杂工程问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论,能够创造性地利用核工程与核技术基本原理解决实践和工业需求问题。4. Research: An ab

9、ility to conduct investigations of complex engineering problems in the field of nuclear engineering and technology based on scientific theories and adopting scientific methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusio

10、ns, can creatively use the basic principles of nuclear engineering and technology to solve the practice and industrial demand problems.5. 使用现代工具:能针对核工程与核技术领域的复杂工程问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,包括对复杂工程问题的预测与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。5.Applying Modern Tools: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate te

11、chniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering activities in the field of nuclear engineering and technology, with an understanding of the limitations.6. 工程与社会:能基于工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价专业工程实践和复杂工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。6.

12、Engineering and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.7. 环境和可持续发展:能理解和评价针对核工程与核技术领域的工程实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。7. Environment and

13、Sustainable Development: An ability to understand and evaluate the impact of professional nuclear engineering and technology fields engineering solutions in environmental and societal contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.8. 职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在工程实践中理解并遵守工程职

14、业道德和规范,履行责任。8. Professional Standards: An understanding of humanity science and social responsibility, being able to understand and abide by professional ethics and standards responsibly in engineering practice.9. 个人和团队:能在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。9. Individual and Teams: An ability to function ef

15、fectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.10. 沟通:能就核工程与核技术领域的复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在全球化的跨文化背景和环境里保持清晰意识,能有效沟通和交流,有竞争力地、负责任地行使自己的职责。10. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively on c

16、omplex engineering problems in the field of nuclear engineering and technology with the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, give and receive clear instructions, and Have a cer

17、tain international perspective, be able to maintain a clear sense in a global cross-cultural background and environment and effective communication, competitively and responsibly exercise their duties.11. 项目管理:理解并掌握核工程与核技术领域中工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。11. Project Management: Demonstrate knowledge and

18、 understanding of engineering management principles and methods of economic decision-making in the field of nuclear engineering and technology, to function in multidisciplinary environments. 12. 终身学习:能够胜任相关单位从事研究、规划、及技术改进、设计、施工和运行管理工作,具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。12. Lifelong Learning: Able to work

19、for the relevant units engaged in research, planning, and technical improvement, design, construction and operation management, with independent learning and lifelong learning awareness, have the ability to continue to learn and adapt to development.专业简介: 本专业是我校的新兴专业,自2008年开办以来,是我校的重点发展学科,并建有广东省能源高效

20、清洁利用重点实验室以及核电仿真实验室,被评为广东省特色专业和国家特色专业。该专业立足华南,面向全国,与用人单位对接,可为中国广核集团订单式培养适合现代核工程与核技术发展需求的应用型高级专业人才。为突出学生的实践能力和应用能力,我校在中国广核集团设立了专业实习平台。为竭力打造华南地区核电强校,我校对该专业实施卓越工程师人才培养模式,采取中小班教学,理论教学与实践紧密结合,培养学生的理论实践和创新设计能力。毕业生除了具有计算机、电子、机械、英语等方面的基本技能外,能够熟练掌握核工程与核技术在工程领域的应用技能。毕业生就业领域涉及国防、能源、环保、医疗等政府机关及企事业单位。Program Prof

21、ile:Since this programs inceptionin 2008, it has been our universitys emerging professional and key developing discipline with Guangdong province energy efficiency clean utilization key laboratory and nuclear power simulation laboratory. This program is based in south China and oriented to all over

22、the country, docked with the employer, aimed to training senior engineering professionals adapted to the development requirements of modern nuclear engineering and technology for the orders of China Guangdong nuclear power group, and in order to highlight the students practical and application abili

23、ty, we set up a professional practice station in the China Guangdong nuclear power group. With the aim of being the best university of south China in nuclear engineering and technology, we adopts the training mode of excellent engineers with small or middle class size in the correlated form of theor

24、y teaching and practice, and aims to cultivate students theoretical practice and the ability of creative design. Graduates will not only have the basic skills of computer, electronics, machinery and English, but also have good proficiency in the engineering application of nuclear engineering and tec

25、hnology. Graduates can be fit to the positions in the field of national defense, energy, environmental protection, health care and other government agencies and enterprises专业特色: 本专业依托广东作为核电强省的产业优势,结合我校浓厚的工科文化背景,实行产学研一体化人才培养模式,培养具有宽广的基础理论、深厚的专业知识、博雅的人文精神、以及开阔的国际视野的核能高级专业人才。Program Features:This progr

26、am relies on the industry advantage of Guangdong as a major nuclear power industry, combines with our strong engineering background, and implements the training mode of integration of industry, university and research. Training students to be nuclear energy senior professionals with broad basic theo

27、ry, profound professional knowledge, humanistic spirit of liberal arts and broad international vision.授予学位:工学学士学位Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering主干课程:原子核物理学、核反应堆物理分析、核反应堆热工水力分析、核电站系统设备与运行、核反应堆控制、核电厂安全、工程热力学、流体力学、传热学。Core Courses: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reactor Physics Analysis, Nuclear Re

28、actor Thermal Hydraulics Analysis, Nuclear Power Plant Systems And Equipment, Control of Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer.特色课程: 双语教学课程:流体力学、工程热力学、热工过程自动调节、核电站系统设备与运行研究型课程:核反应堆物理分析、核反应堆热工水力分析、核电厂安全、核反应堆控制、核电站系统设备与运行新生研讨课:反应堆热工水力技术研

29、讨专题设计课:压水堆中子物理课程设计、压水堆热工水力课程设计创业教育课:节能减排产业模式与创业Featured Courses:Bilingual Courses: Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Dynamic Engineering, Automatic Control for Thermal Processes, Equipment and Operation of Nuclear Power Systems.Research Courses: Nuclear Reactor Physics Analysis, Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydra

30、ulic Analysis, Safety of Nuclear Power Plant, Control of Nuclear Reactor, Equipment and Operation of Nuclear Power Systems.Freshmen Seminars: Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Seminar. Special Designs: Curriculum Design of Neutron Physics for PWR, Curriculum Design of Thermal Hydraulics for PWR.一、教学计划总体安排表(General Teaching Schedule)学年学期教学进度安排(周)理论教学考试入学教育军训课程设计大作业工程训练电子实习综合实验社会实践生产实习毕业实习其它实习中外合作项目毕业设计就业安排机动假期小计1234567891011121314151617181920ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR一1CAAAAAAAAAAAAAABDDD14113192AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBBJ1621120二3GGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB1622204HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABKK1512220三5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB

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