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1、1单选专题单项选择( )1.Her names Alice. Im Lucy. Nice to meet you. . A. Hello! Im EricB. Im fine, thank youC. Good morning D. Nice to meet you, too ( )2. Hi, Tom. Whats your brothers name? name is Eric. A. MyB. YourC. HisD. Her( )3. Hello, Mike! A. Im Frank. B. Hi, Frank! C. How are you, Mike? D. Nice to mee

2、t you, Mike4. Her names Cindy. A. Is she Cindy? B. Whats her name? C. How old is Cindy? D. How are you, Cindy? 5. Helen. name is Frank. A. Im; My B. Youre; HerC. Hes; Her D. Shes; His6. Is he Mike? . Hes Jack. A. Hes Mike B. Yes, he isC. Hes not Mike D. No, he isnt7.I have a good friend. Her name is

3、 Gina Brown. Gina is hername, and Brown is hername. A. first; firstB. first; lastC. last; first D. last; last 8.My name is Mary Jefferson Black. My last name is. A. Mary B. JeffersonC. Black D. Jefferson Black 9. Hello! names Wu Dong. Whatsname? Mike. A. I; youB. I; yourC. My; yourD. My; you10. Is y

4、our telephone number 398-71456? Yes, . A. it isB. I amC. its D. Im11. Its 1883736519. A. What color is it? B. Is it your phone number? C. Whats your name? D. Whats your phone number? 12. Look! This is my good. His names Cindy. A. number B. nameC. friend D. school13. My last name is Wood, and my firs

5、t name is Paul. So my full (全) name is. A. Wood B. Paul WoodC. Paul D. Wood Paul14. IMark. you Jim? A. am; are B. am; AreC. is; is D. is; Are15. My name is Linda Green. My last name is. A. Linda B. Linda GreenC. Green D. Green Linda16. He is a boy. Whatsname? A. hisB. heC. sheD. her17. name is Mark

6、andname is Gina. A. My; he B. His; herC. his; Her D. Her; his18. My car number is 98765. It reads (读) A. nine eight six, seven fiveB. nine eight seven, six fiveC. eight nine seven six fiveD. nine-eight-seven, four-five19. Whats Bobs phone number? phone number is 2224528. A. MyB. YourC. HerD. His 20.

7、 is Mary. ID card number is 1005. A. She; Her B. Her; SheC. She; She D. Her; Her 21. name is Mike. Jane. A. My; Im B. Her; ShesC. His; Im D. His; Hes 22. Thisa map of China. A. am B. is C. are D. be 23. I have a good friend. name is Jack. A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her 24. Is she your mother or your sister

8、? . A. My sister B. Yes, she isC. No, she isnt 25. My names Tom Hanks. Tom is myname and Hanks is myname. A. first; last B. last; first C. last; family D. family; last 26. Is that Mary Green? No, its Gina Miller. Hername is Gina. A. one B. first C. last D. family 27. is my aunt, Mary. A. TheseB. Thi

9、sC. HeD. I28. my sisters. A. Those are B. This isC. These isD. This is29. Is Tom your friend? Yes, is. A. Tom B. theyC. he D. it30. Who is she? She is my. A. grandmaB. uncleC. grandpaD. dad31. Have a nice day, Tom. . A. Youre welcomeB. Im OKC. Fine, thanks D. You, too32. Those are my. A. parentB. gr

10、andparentC. sisterD. friends33. Is this your sister? . She is my friend. A. No, she isB. No, she isntC. Yes, she is D. Yes, she isnt34. ThisLucy and thoseher parents. A. is; is B. is; areC. are; isD. are; are35. is he? He is Toms father. A. WhatB. Who C. How D. What color36. Is Kobe a basketball pla

11、yer (运动员) ? Yes, is. A. sheB. it C. theyD. he37.Liu Mei is my cousin and her father is my. A. cousinB. fatherC. uncleD. parent 38.Which class (哪个班) are you in? Im in. A. Class three B. Class ThreeC. class three D. class Three 39. This isnt my brother and he is my. A. sisterB. motherC. cousinD. paren

12、t40. Is that your friend Tom? . A. Yes, that is B. No, hes my brotherC. Yes, she is D. No, shes my brother41. Im Tom and my father is Mike. Oh, youre Mikes. A. brother B. uncle C. cousin D. son42. Look at. These are my parents and this is my sister. A. picture 1 B. Picture 1 C. Picture two D. pictur

13、e two43. Hello! Are these your parents? . A. No, they are B. No, ImC. Yes, theyre D. Yes, they are44. I haveaunt anduncle. A. a; aB. an; aC. a; anD. an; an45. Herethree pencils and a pen. A. am B. is C. are D. isnt46. Are those your friends? . They are my cousins. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arentC

14、. Yes, those are D. No, those arent47. Is David your brother? . He is Bills brother. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isntC. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt48. Is this a photoyour mother? A. and B. of C. on D. to49. Herephotos of me. And herea picture of my family. A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. be; is50. Is thi

15、s a picture of your family? . A. Yes, itsB. Yes, it isC. No, it notD. Yes, its not51. these her friends? No, they. A. Is; isntB. Are; arentC. Are; isD. Are; are52. This isfamily photo. A. heB. sheC. herD. me53. My fathers mother is my. A. auntB. sisterC. uncle D. grandmother54. Whos the girl (女孩) ?

16、is my sister. A. HeB. SheC. TheyD. You55. Look at the two boys over there (那边) . Areyour friends? A. these B. he C. those D. she56. Are the girls your sisters? No, arent. A. they B. thoseC. these D. you57. Isyour mother? Yes, she is. A. theseB. that C. itD. he58. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet, too.

17、 A. they B. heC. youD. your59. ? Theyre fine, thank you. A. How are youB. What are theyC. How are your parents D. Whats it 60. she? Shes my sister, Tina. A. Who B. Whos C. Whose D. Whats 61. These are my. A. penB. parentC. pencilsD. grandparent 62. Hes Marys, her mothers brother. A. friends B. fathe

18、r C. cousin D. uncle 63. Herea photomy family. A. its; of B. are; for C. is; of D. is; at -Whatshername?-_ZhaoJunAHisnameisBMynameisCHernameis2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说:AIamChinaBIliveinchinaCIliveinChina3、-_everyoneheretoday?-Yes,weareallhereAAreBIsCAm4、-Whereisyoureraser?-_isinthepencil-boxAMyBYourCItDThat5



21、ny_?AshortsBskirtChatDdress15、Ilike_AthisskirtBskirtCblueskirtDsomeskirt16、Here_twoblackumbrellasAisBareChasDbe17、Ifyourfriend_happy,you_happyAare;areBfeel;areCis;areDfeel;feel18、How_youfeel?_youtiredtoday?Ado;isBare;AreCdo;DoDdo;Are19、PutyourrighthandinDont_outTake out your right handAtakeBtakeitCp



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