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1、届高考英语模拟考试题金华十校含答案2017届高考英语4月模拟考试题(金华十校含答案) 第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共小题;每小题1分,满分7分)听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 here is the b ging t eet the girl?A At the afeB At the bus stp At the pl2 hat is the an ging t d?A D se tpingB plete her pa

2、per Have lunh3 H ill the an help the an?A B buing hi a bB B driving hi t the bstre B shing hi the a t the bstre4 h didnt the an bu the at?A It as expensiveB Her friend has the sae ne She anted t bu it n the Internet hat are the speaers ainl disussing?A A dtrB A lassate A untr第二节(共1小题;每小题1分,满分22分)听下面

3、段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6 hat is the relatinship beteen the speaers?A Intervieer and intervieeeB uster and salespersn -rers7 hat ill the speaers d this afternn?A D a surveB ae a fr eet the diretr听第7

4、段材料,回答第8至10题。8 hat d the lub ebers have t ear?A Glf shesB Glf trusers lub seaters9 H uh is a lessn fr hildren ne hur?A &pund; 2B &pund; 4 &pund; 810 hat d e n abut the estd Glf lub?A It has a siing plB lub ebers an eet guests there Teahers there ften give grup lessns听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11 hat ill Rahel

5、 d?A Hld a huse-aring partB Give birth t a bab Get arried12 hat des the an thin f the gift fr Bnnie?A SuitableB Useless Expensive13 hat des the an ean in the end?A She ant r ut the st f giftsB She ill bu se expensive gifts She ill spend uh n gifts听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14 hat is the iprveent f the ans ne

6、balln? A It an arr re fuel B It is easier t land It is lighter1 hat did the an find diffiult n his last flight?A He had t little sleepB He uldnt eat the fd His radi didnt r prperl16 hat ill the an leave behind this tie?A apsB Bs His sleeping bag17 hat des the an ant t d in the future?A Sail arund th

7、e rldB Fl a sall plane alne lib the seven highest untains听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18 H uh is the grup tiet t the astle?A $ 6B $ 3 $ 319 h shuld the students give ne t?A The speaerB rs Giffrd The shl seretar20 hat shuld the students tae?A Se lunhB A rsheet A pen第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分3分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分2分)阅读下列短,

8、从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThugh I n that I an d little t help the anials, I ften he dg rehing ebsites Ling thrugh page upn page f pitiful faes ling up, u ight be frgiven fr thining that the nl dgs t be abandned in this untr are fiere-ling r large and unrul dgsReentl, it sees there are se ne additi

9、ns in dg hes Dgs Trust the untrs largest dg elfare harit - sas that in the past ear ver 400 “t dgs” ere handed in, a 44% inrease n the ear befre“T dg” is the traditinal ter fr all little dgs, but in reent ears theve inreasingl been referred t as “handbag dgs” after the ridiulus anner in hih faus pep

10、le lie Paris Hiltn arr the arund in their $ 1,000 handbags, aing these dgs the st anted fr ipressinable teens As the ppularit f Hiltn has aned, hever, these dgs are being rudel tipped ut f the handbags and given up t haritIn spite f the sad ending that this trend brings fr se f these dgs, it an nl b

11、e a gd thing if peple bee aare that the t tpes are still dgs, nt dlls t be arried arund If u reall are prepared t sti ith the, a sall dg is ust as apable f bringing ithut the need t dress hi r her up A large dg nt sit n ur lap hile u read the papers r travel happil n the train ith u And a par full f

12、 pugs (哈巴狗) uld be a happier and safer plae than ne full f teenage bs and badl trained large dgs As Edith hartn said, “ little dg - a heartbeat at feet”21 hat is the authrs ne finding in the dg rehing ebsites?A re “handbag dgs” are given upB Se dgs in Dgs Trust are large dgs Teens are liel t pla ith

13、 their “t dgs”D The nuber f abandned dgs is inreasing22 hat des the underlined rd “aned” st prbabl ean?A GrnB eaened BegunD red23 hat des the authr see t suggest abut dgs in the last paragraph?A Large dgs and hildren ae a gd parB eeping sall dgs an bring s in a a “Handbag dgs” shuld be frbidden in p

14、ubli plaesD Ifs gd t dress dgs up befre arring the arundBA U-shaped bet,resebling a silver de (穹顶), is n under inspetin b Russian experts, after being seretl reved under ver f night fr the pssessin f villagers h fund itAfter disvering it n Sunda, lals fr the village f tradnesn had anaged t drag the

15、“UF fragent” fr the thi frest here it had fallen The laded it nt a tru and t it thrugh the sn t their village, here lal inspetrs then exained it befre reprting s authritiesIn an ffiial stateent, Serge Bbrv, h fund the bet, agreed t eep it safe But flling their seret reval f the 200-ilgra etal fragen

16、t (碎片), plie have it under lse guard n rders fr unnaed authritiesThe bet has nt had its rigin nfired et Hever, it des nt e fr a ret r issile r be in an a assiated ith earth spae tehnlg, it has been annuned “The bet fund is nt related t spae tehnlg A final nlusin an be ade after a detailed stud f the

17、 bet b experts,” said Rsss, the Russian spae agen Experts have als exained the bet t deterine hether it is dangerus “e easured the radiatin level near and inside the bet e fund n radiatin here,” said uri Brnav, h heads the resue servie departent f the ubshevs distrit in the Nvsibirs regin Part f the

18、 fragent is ade f ultra-strng titaniu (钛), said Valer Vasiliev, the head f the ubshevs Departent fr ivil Defene and Eergen SituatinsA guess that it had e fr a failed azahstan ret r satellite launh as als denied “u an see inside it All is pen Its ept N danger here e ere ased t tae and stre it e brugh

19、t it here And n e are ging t ait until the e t tae it if the need it,” said lal plie spesan Sergei Sulein24 The “UF fragent” as fund A in the sB in the field in the frestD in the sea2 e an infer fr the passage that A the “UF fragent” es fr uter spaeB the fragent uld be used t ae a ret the persn h fu

20、nd it ill get a reard fr sD the lal plie ill eep the “UF fragent” fr a hile26 hat des the passage ainl tal abut?A A fallen “UF fragent” in RussiaB A UF fund b Russian villagers An inspetin f a “UF fragent”D A reprt n a failed retStreet danes are dane stles that evlved (演变) utside f dane studis in an

21、 available pen spae The are ften iprvisatinal (即兴的) and sial in nature,enuraging interatin and ntat ith audienes and the ther daners These danes generall evlve ut f urban and suburban spaes and are a part f the native ulture f that gegraphial area Se exaples f street danes inlude B-bing, r breadanin

22、g, hih riginated in Ne r it, and elburne Shuffle hih riginated in elburne, AustraliaStreet danes are danes that evlve beteen peple in a sial envirnent,althugh it annt be alas deterined as t h the atuall d evlve beteen peple In ther, as ne persn es up ith a ve that ls gd t anther persn, that ther per

23、sn tries t p that ve Siilar t the gae f hinese hispers, the effet is that the ther persn annt abslutel perfr that ve the sae a as the ther persn, thus leading t the daner reating their n stle r entirel ne vesThere is a sall differene beteen entirel freestle dane and an abslute street dane hile frees

24、tle dane is rand and a persnal dane invented b a single persn (even if ifs based n sene elses dane stle), a full street dane is a lletin f the varius siilar dane ves and stles lleted int ne pratie and regarded as the sae dane Fr exaple, hen B-bing evlved ut f earl hip-hp ulture, peple ae up ith thei

25、r n ves, and ther peple iprved the Street danes nstantl evlve fr as lng as the are n and then pratied and regarded as the sae dane All the ves daned t breas in hip-hp ulture ere regarded as B-bingSeties it is pssible t trae ba street dane stles that ere stl pineered b speifi persns ne exaple is Ling

26、, hih is ften regarded as being started b Dn apbell, h as a 1970s pineer f Aerian street dane st f the tie it is ipssible t e street danes t speifi peple; sine the danes evlve utside f prfessinal dane envirnents, and there is n sial r legal rerd Street dane pineers als rarel have prfessinal degrees

27、in dane, thus distinguishing street dane fr ther dern dane frs27 Paragraph 1 is intended t tell us the f street danesA varietiesB hanges harateristisD distributins28 hat d e n abut street danes?A Daners perfr the in dane studisB The are develped b prfessinal daners The are lleted fr different ves an

28、d stlesD Daners reate ves based n ther peples ves29 hinese hispers are entined in Paragraph 2 t A stress a street daners n stleB sh the effet f hinese hispers intrdue a ppular hinese gaeD explain the harateristis f street danes30 The passage is prbabl taen fr A a travel urnalB a histr textb a ppular

29、 agazineD a useu brhure第二节(共小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短内容,从短后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ensuring that disabled peple have an eas life is ver iprtant, nt ust beause the are huan, lie all f us, but beause their dignit and sial ell-being shuld nt be ignred ust beause f a disabilit Disabilities an ur thrugh i

30、llness, aging, aidents and ther different auses that a happen t anne r affet us all at se stage in life 31e are all huan beings and s have the sae basi needs But e shuld reeber that there is a ide range f hat e all a disabilit, and hile the basi needs are all the sae fr everne, the different lifestl

31、e needs are entirel individual 32 It is best t find ut peples needs fr spending tie ith the33 Even the st attrative hes an feel lie a age, s it aes a huge differene t be able t g ut t a par r a shpping enter, r t plan a da trip suh as a pini r a trip t the beah Even if a trip an nl be rganized ne da

32、 a nth, it is re than nthing and des reall ae a differeneIf the are interested r able, pets an be great panins 34 Se a be able t tae are f a at r dg; se prefer gldfish r birds in a age Ver ften, peple h are ared fr dnt feel that the have the hane t are fr sene r sething else, s aring fr pets an iprve their nfidene and ental health, hih an tae their ind ff their n trublesD nt let pets be their nl panins B a regular appintent ith a sial rer t visit t

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