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1、八年级上学期期末综合检测英语试题2019-2020年八年级上学期期末综合检测英语试题 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷1至8页,第卷9至10页。共150分。考试时间120分钟。一、听力部分。(共20小题,计分20分,每小题1分)Section A: 听录音,选择图画。根据你所听到的内容,从A,B、C三个选项中,选择正确答案在答题卡上,把所选标号涂黑。每小题连读两遍。1. Which is Mikes favorite sport?2. How does Peter go to school today?3.What does the woman want to buy? 4

2、. How is the weather now?5.Which city is Ana going to for next holiday?Section B:情景反应,根据你所听到的内容和情景,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案,完成6-10小题,在答题卡上把所选标号涂黑,每小题读三遍。6. A. She wants the man to see a film. B. She wants the man to visit a museum.C. She wants the man to play basketball.7. A. Its behind the tall building.

3、B. Its over there on the left. C. Its over there on the right .8. A. Shes going camping. B. Shes going shopping .C. Shes doing some housework.9. A. 15 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 30 minutes10. A. Maybe she has a cold. B. Maybe she has a toothache.C. Maybe she has a fever. Section C : 听对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最

4、佳答案,回答问题,在答题卡上把所选标号涂黑。完成11-15小题,每小题连读3遍。11. A. study for the test B. Call on her friend C. Go on a picnic 12. A. Math B. English C. Chinese13. A. She has a headache B. She has a rest C. She has a bad cold 14. A. A reporter B. A writer C. A teacher15. A. He went there by air. B. He went to HongKong.

5、C. He stayed there for four days.Section D:听短文,短文后有5个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成16-20小题,在答题卡上把所选标号涂黑,短文读三遍。16. Mr and Mrs Green went to the country _.A. to spend their holiday B. to see the old man C. to visit the quiet place17.Mr and Mrs Green enjoyed the country because _.A. it was far from the c

6、ity B. it was quiet and clean C. it was a farm18. The old man said ,“Yes,I do ” “I do”here means “_”.A. I like to go out for a walk early in the morning.B. I like to spend my holiday. C. I like to live in this place.20. Did the old man like the people to come and visit him?A. Yes, he did B. No, he d

7、idnt C. Sometimes he did ,but sometimes he didnt .二、单项选择。(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分,从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,完成第21-50小题,在答题卡上把所选标号涂黑)。21. With my teachers help,Im _at English than before.A. good B.well C.better 22. I guess Tom and his sister Alice enjoyed _at the party.A. myself B. themselves C.herself 23. Is your

8、 school near your home?No, it usually _me 20 minutes to get there by bike.A.pays B.takes C.spends24. She always finishes her homework on time.She_leaves it for tomorrow.A.always B.never C.sometimes25. Would you like a bag of rice?Yes , I have _rice at home.A. some B. little C.a little26. oh,dear! Di

9、d you walk such a long way on such a hot day ? Sit down and have a rest . You _be tired and thirsty.A. must B. can C. may 27. _do you go to the movies?Once a week.A. How long B. How often C. How much28. Milk is good _our health.A.for B. to 29. Its easy _and its important to eat a _diet.A. to st

10、ay healthy ,balanced B. to stay healthy , balancing C. stay healthy , balanced30.He ate _ice cream. So he had a stomachache.A. too many B. too much C.much too31. Tom , _the TV. Its time for you to go to bed .A.turn off B. turn on C. turn down32. _will it take us to get there by bus? - About two hour

11、s.A. How soon B. How often C. How long33. Which is _,the sun , the moon or the earth?Of course ,the moon is.A.smaller B. smallest C. the smallest34 Who can _the baby_?A. to make ,stop to cry B. make , to stop crying C. make ,stop crying35. My brother often _the subway to get to his office.A. by B. t

12、akes C. rides36. Can you come to my birthday party on Wednesday afternoon?_.A. Sure , Id love to B.Sorry , I dont C. Sure , Id like37. Thanks for _us to your party.A. invite B.inviting C. invention38. There _some bread and apples in the fridge yesterday.A. are B. was C. were39. Mrs Brown is going to

13、 buy _for todays dinner.A. anything delicious B. something delicious C. delicious something40. We had worked for three hours. Now lets stop _a rest .A. had B. to have C.having41. The meat is too big . lets _.A. cut them up B. cut it up C. cut up it42. Were there any seals in the aquarium?_.A. Yes ,

14、there was . B. No , there werent . C.No, there were.43. Tina , what _did you do during the holiday?A. other B. more C. else44. She isnt _to carry the box. A. enough strong B. strong enough C. enough weak45. -Do you like English?-Yes, But I think its _subject of all .A. the easiest B. the most diffic

15、ult C. the most interesting46. Would you like _to eat? -No, thanks.A. something B. anything C. nothing47.They are going to the bikes B. on feet C. by bus48.Its dangerous for you _that tall tree.A. climb B. to climb C. climbing49.I have two sisters. One is a farmer and _is a teacher.A. ano

16、ther B. other C. the other50. This picture is _beautiful than that one.A. much B. much more C. very三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,完成第51-60小题。All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep 51 , happy and to live longer.People play differen

17、t 52 in winter and summer . 53 is good for swimming . And in winter people often go skating .Some sports are very 54 and people everywhere like them. For example , football is very popular. In China , most people ,men 55 , boys and girls , like to watch football games . They often talk about it . 56

18、 and jumping began long , long ago. But basketball and volleyball are rather(相当) 57 .People are 58 new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of 59 . People 60 different countries may not be able to understand each other , but after a game they often become friends. 51. A. health B. busy

19、C. healthy 52. B. games C. the game53. A. Winter B. Summer C. Autumn 54. A. boring B. expensive C. interesting 55. A. woman B. women C. old 56. A. Run B. Runs C. Running 57. A. new B. interesting C. popular 58. A. start B. play C. playing59. A. oldest B. newest C. the newest 60. A. in B. of C

20、. from 四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分,四篇短文)阅读A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。完成第61-80小题。AThere is nothing difficult for us to do in the world .That is to say ,if we do it ,the difficult thing will be easy; if we dont ,the easy thing will be difficult . Here is a story. Long long ago, there li

21、ved two monks(和尚) in Sichuan. One was poor and the other was rich. One day ,the poor monk said to the rich one ,“I want to go to Nanhai. What do you think of it ? ” “Go to Nanhai? I have been trying to go there for quite a few years but I couldnt . How can you get there without any money ?” “A bottl

22、e and a bowl are quite enough for me ,”answered the poor one. A year later , the poor monk returned from Nanhai and told his story to the rich monk . The rich monk s face turned red and had nothing to say . Its thousands of miles from Sichuan to Nanhai . The rich one didnt succeed but the poor one d

23、id .61. _wanted to go to Nanhai.A. All of the monks B. Both of the monk C. Only the poor monk62. It took the poor monk _to return from Nanhai .A. a year B. half a year C. two years63. The poor monk to Nanhai _.A. with a lot of money B.together with the rich monk C. with only a bottle and a bowl 64.

24、The rich monks face turned red because _.A. he felt very angry B. he didnt give the poor monk any money C. he felt great shame(惭愧)65. The story tells us that _.A. a bottle and a bowl are important B. nothing is difficult if you try to do it C. it is better to be poorB 66. How many invitations does N

25、ancy get ?A. Two B. Three C.Four 67. _will have a birthday party .A. Sam B. Sandy C. Lucy68. Nancy will go to New York on _.A. Tuesday B. Thurday C. Friday 69. What does Nancy have to do on Thurday ?A. Get her things ready for traveling. B. Cook fish for Lucy and lily.C. Play soccer with Sam.70. Whi

26、ch of the following sentences is TRUE?A.Nancy is coming to Lucys house for dinner B.Nancy invites Rose to come to her house for dinner.C. Lucy and Lily cant come to Nancys house . CHave you ever been ill ? When you are ill ,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot , and there are pains all

27、over your body . You dont want to work , you stay in bed ,feeling very sad . What makes us ill ? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere . They are very small and you cant find them with your eyes , but you can see them with a microscope . They are very very small and there could be hundreds of them o

28、n a very small thing .Germs are always found in dirty water . When we look at dirty water under the microscope , we shall see them in it . so your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water .Germs arent found only in water . They are found in air and dust . If you cut your finger , and if

29、some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut (割开处), some of the germs would go into your finger . Your finger would become big and red ,and you will have much pain in it . Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body ,and you would have pain everywhere. 71. Which of the following is true

30、? A. if things are very very small ,they are germs .B. if things cant be seen ,they must be germs.C.Germs are everywhere around us.72. What is a microscope used for ?A.Making very very small things look much bigger.B. Making very big things look much small .C. Helping you read some newspapers .73. Why dont your parents let you drink dirty water ?A.

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